I am willing to create a new model i.e a new table for my application. I have already a table existing for my application and I want to create a new one. But I am facing problem when running rake db:migrate command after executing the following command for creating a new table.
rails g model information age:string name:string
while running rake db:migrate command the system is showing the following error message:
don't know how to build task db:migrate
And no table is created ultimately. I am using Postgresql.
A migration is generated as :
class CreateInformation < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :information do |t|
t.string :age
t.string :name
t.timestamps null: false
And no change in the schema.rb file .
I Don't think the command you are using matches any rails command generator
rails g information age:string name:string
if you are generating model it should be
rails g model Information age:string name:string
I should be capital(read Rails Conventions)
and if you are trying to create a migration then it should be
rails g migration information age:string name:string
and then you run rake db:migrate to make it run.
To create a model, you need to write model after rails g.
Make sure you're inside your rails app folder. If you have an existing table with the same name you might want to get rid of it first by dropping it.. Then create again.
rails g model Information age name
#age and name will be string by default, so you can omit writing string
Are you running rails5? You error is this:
don't know how to build task db:migrate
For rails 5 there is no rake tasks (changed to rails) You should do
bin/rails db:migrate
I use this command to create an avatar column in my postgresql database.
rails g migration add_avatar_to_users avatar:string
rake db:migrate
I have an image column i would like to get rid of in the same database. I don't know the command to do so. I dont need the data and that column anymore.
I tried
rails destroy migration add_image_to_users image:string
rake db:migrate
But it did not fix the problem =/
rails g migration remove_image_from_users
That will generate a new migration, and then inside the change method you can write:
remove_column :users, :image
I'm very new to ruby on rails, been trying to play around with it in the past few days.
Basically trying to: Create a empty table, with fixed columns - Ruby on Rails
I've created a model like so:
rails g model table
rails g migration table
my tables.rb files looks like this:
class Tables < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :table, :firstname, :string
add_column :table, :lastname, :string
(hopefully I created the columns okay)
I then run:
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
but seem to get an error no such table: table (but I thought I created it ? )
Also what is a good view I can use to see my table on localhost:3000, in a html.erb file?
What you are displaying as your tables.rb file is a migration file, not a model. Models are stored in app/models. Migrations are in db/migrate and have a name that is a datetime stamp followed by the migration name.
Your migration is performing add_column. You can't add_column until you create_table. That migration should have been built using "rails g model table". Please show all migrations with the entire filename.
Check the document that dax provided. The rails generate command uses a stylized command line. Many standard migration functions, such as creating tables and adding columns, can be automatically generated by using the correct migration name. For example:
rails g migration add_url_to_feed url:string
This will create a migration that adds a string column called url to the feed table.
Generally, migrations should do what you need. However there is another command, rake, that you will need. The reference is here. For example:
rake db:create # Create the database from config/database.yml for the current Rails.env
can create the database for you.
I'm getting an error:
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: ideas.list_id:
SELECT "ideas".* FROM "ideas"
WHERE "ideas"."list_id" = 2
But I added
t.integer :list_id
to my db migration file:
class CreateIdeas < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :ideas do |t|
t.string :name
t.text :description
t.string :picture
add_foreign_key :ideas, :lists
which gave me this:
class CreateIdeas < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :ideas do |t|
t.string :name
t.text :description
t.string :picture
t.integer :list_id
add_foreign_key :ideas, :lists
and then I typed
rake db:migrate
Any idea why I would be getting an error saying there's no column? I'm still new to RoRs. Do I have to add a column some other way?
As Speransky suggested, you should never modify old migration files. Rather you should create a new migration that adds the desired column. For instance, in this case you would run the following command in your app to create the new migration:
rails generate migration AddListIdColumnToIdeas list_id:integer
And Rails would generate the migration file automatically and the only thing left to do is run rake db:migrate.
If you insist on modifying the old migration file, you can add the column as you did and run the following:
rake db:drop
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Which will destroy your current database, create a new one and run all the migrations (which will include your new column).
If you want to add a new column to an exist database, you should use rails generate migration. So you can try rails generate migration add_list_id_to_ideas list_id:integer and then use rake db:migrate to commit this change.
You should not add new rows to old migrations. Migration is a step of building database. And number of last executed migration is stored in schema, and it will not be run or redone if you use will use rake db:migrate. If you run the migration with creating the table before, then you should create new migration where you may use add_column method.
migration file name has the datetime encoded in its name so rails run this migration one and do not run it again unless you do a rollback
and here come the magic of migration to build you db with small steps so no need to update a migration after run rake db:migrate , you should make a new migration to do the change you want to your db schema
and remember to
remove the added line form the old migration file as it might raise errors if you decided to rollback this migration
Rails 4.0 easy way to add single or multiple column
You can also do this ..
rails g migration add_column_to_users list_id:string
then rake db:migrate
also add :list_id attribute in your user controller ;
for more detail check out http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_migrations.html
If you already have files in your migrate folder, you could just add column you want there(just type the code), delete development.sqlite or whatever represents your db file, and run rake db:migrate.
It will then create a new sqlite file with new column in table, and you can check it in schema.rb
So, basically, everything you did seems good, except you didn't delete your database file.
Doing this seems the easiest for me, all though you will lose all the files in your database. If you're just testing and developing Rails app, this works.
Can anyone comment if there is something wrong with this approach, besides what i wrote?
Edit: I actually found an answer about that here
Editing Existing Rails Migrations is a good idea?
rails g model Rating user_id:integer message:string value:integer
How can I completely remove this model? Thanks
When you generate a model, it creates a database migration. If you run 'destroy' on that model, it will delete the migration file, but not the database table. So before run
bundle exec rails db:rollback
rails destroy model <model_name>
For rails versions before 5.0 and higher use rake instead of rails
bundle exec rake db:rollback
rails destroy model <model_name>
Try this
rails destroy model Rating
It will remove model, migration, tests and fixtures
For future questioners: If you can't drop the tables from the console, try to create a migration that drops the tables for you. You should create a migration and then in the file note tables you want dropped like this:
class DropTables < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
drop_table :table_you_dont_want
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
To remove migration (if you already migrated the migration)
rake db:migrate:down VERSION="20130417185845" #Your migration version
To remove Model
rails d model name #name => Your model name
Here's a different implementation of Jenny Lang's answer that works for Rails 5.
First create the migration file:
bundle exec be rails g migration DropEpisodes
Then populate the migration file as follows:
class DropEpisodes < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
drop_table :episodes
Running rails db:migrate will drop the table. If you run rails db:rollback, Rails will throw a ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration error.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to update the files (adding/removing/updating an attribute) produced by using the scaffold generator in ruby on rails.
For example:
scaffold student name:string lastname:string
so this will create a the associate files (controller,view,etc) with name and lastname as string attributes. When you db:migrate the project, it'll create the table in the database. However, say I want to update whether it be update it with an addition attribue (ex. studenId:integer) or if its removing or updating an attribute, how do you do that?
I tired just updating the generated files, but when I do that db:migrate it still sets the schema that is generated to what is in the table. Is there a built in script in rails that will update the table?
Any advise appreciated?
Full command in this example:
$ rails generate migration add_studentid_to_student
You need new migration file for new attributes, from console:
$ script/gnerate migration add_sudentid_to_sudent
it will generate your_app/db/migrate/8293898391_add_sudentid_to_sudent.rb, spicify in this file your new attributes:
def self.up
add_column :sudents, :studentId, :integer
def self.down
remove_column :students, :studentsId
after that, back to console:
$ rake db:migrate
and than you can edit your views, model, controller files and use new attribute
Hi Try ruby script/destroy scaffold student and then ruby script/generate scaffold student
also try reading up on rails migrations, for dropping/updating table columns.