How can I analyze console output data from a triggered jenkins job? - jenkins

I have 2 jobs 'job1' and 'job2'. I will be triggering 'job2' from 'job1'. I need to get the console output of the 'job1' build which triggered 'job2' and want to process it in 'job2'.

The difficult part is to find out the build number of the upstream job (job1) that triggered the downstream job (job2). Once you have it, you can access the console log, e.g. via ${BUILD_URL}consoleOutput, as pointed out by ivoruJavaBoy.
How can a downstream build determine by what job and build number it has been triggered? This is surprisingly difficult in Jenkins:
Solution A ("explicit" approach): use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to "manually" pass a build number parameter from job1 to job2. Apart from the administrational overhead, there is one bigger drawback with that approach: job1 and job2 will no longer run asynchronously; there will be exactly one run of job2 for each run of job1. If job2 is slower than job1, then you need to plan your resources to avoid builds of job2 piling up in the queue.
So, some solution "B" will be better, where you extract the implicit upstream information from Jenkins' internal data. You can use Groovy for that; a simpler approch may be to use the Job Exporter Plugin in job2. That plugin will create a "properties" (text) file in the workspace of a job2 build. That file contains two entries that contain exactly the information that you're looking for:
build.upstream.number Number of upstream job that triggered this job. Only filled if the build was triggered by an upstream project.
build.upstream.project Upstream project that triggered this job.
Read that file, then use the information to read the console log via the URL above.

You can use the Post Build Task plugin, then you can get the console output with a wget command:
wget -O console-output.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleOutput


Custom metrics for jenkins job

My jenkins job "Build" configuration has
3 Execute shell - build tasks
2 Post build action
Is there any way to get the runtime of each buildtask and postbuild action ?
Not directly, which is why:
I use a Jenkins plugin timestamper to add the timestamps in the logs, giving me the opportunity to extract each task duration.
there are plugins like additional-metrics-plugin or build-metrics which collect job duration (but not necessarily task or post-build task duration): they could be good starting point for making a custom plugin which would collect what you need.

JMeter & Jenkins - passing jmeter parameters to downstream build

The Setup - A jenkins job using jenkins parameters testApp and testEnv. The Execution Batch looks like this:
C:\jmeter\apache-jmeter-3.2\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t
C:\JMeter\Scripts\API_scripts\%testApp%.jmx -Jtestenv=%testEnv% -JtestApp=%testApp% -JtestBrowser=NA -l
Post-build Actions
Console output (build lob) parsing with a global rule so that the Failures that are logged in the Jenkins Console window will consider the JMeter script failing. (discussed Jenkins shows JMeter script failure even though the script actually passed)
Triggered parameterized build - this is a separate jmeter script that updates a wiki page with either PASS/FAIL and uploads the JMeter report.
The Issue - How do I get the downstream Triggered build to use the parameters from the upstream script? I set the Parameter = Current build parameters but it's not applying those. Also, I wont know the value of the testResult parameter until the upstream build finishes. I tried adding %testResult%=PASS to the 'Predefined parameters' box
As per Parameterized Trigger Plugin page:
The parameters section can contain a combination of one or more of the following:
a set of predefined properties
properties from a properties file read from the workspace of the triggering build
the parameters of the current build
Subversion revision: makes sure the triggered projects are built with the same revision(s) of the triggering build. You still have to make sure those projects are actually configured to checkout the right Subversion URLs.
Restrict matrix execution to a subset: allows you to specify the same combination filter expression as you use in the matrix project configuration and further restricts the subset of the downstream matrix builds to be run.
So you basically need to copy over the parameters you would like to have in the "downstream" job from the current one.
As a workaround to current performance plugin limitations you can consider running JMeter using Taurus tool as a wrapper, it has flexible and powerful pass/fail criteria subsystem which will basically return to Jenkins non-zero exit code triggering build failure in case of issue in the test. If everything goes well Taurus exit code will be 0 which is considered successful by Jenkins. Check out How to Run Taurus with the Jenkins Performance Plugin article for more details.

Downstream Jenkins project gets wrong upstream run parameter

I'm having a problem with a Jenkins build pipeline. All jobs after the first one are parameterized with the "Run Parameter" of the first job. By default, this should reference the most recent stable build of the first job. Each subsequent job uses the "Run Parameter" of the first job to access saved artifacts from the first job. Each subsequent job triggers the next job of the pipeline as a parameterized build and passes the aforementioned "Run Parameter". The first job of the pipeline triggers the second job as a simple (i.e., not parameterized) build.
Here's a screenshot of the relevant configuration of a downstream job:
My problem is that the job number in the "Run Parameter" isn't the job number of the first job of the pipeline. Instead, it's the job number of the first job of the previous pipeline. Thus, if the first job is on build #11, then all subsequent job of that pipeline will access the archive of build #10 of the first job.
How can I get the subsequent jobs of the pipeline to access the archive directory of the first job of the pipeline?
I discovered the answer. Apparently, the reason the downstream job was using the artifacts from the upstream job of the previous pipeline was because I had set the "Run Parameter" filter in the configuration of the downstream job to "Stable Builds Only". Setting this filter to "All Builds" results in correct behavior.
It's as if Jenkins doesn't consider an upstream job to be stable when it's starting another build in its post-build section.
Quote: "By default, this should reference the most recent stable build of the first job."
Do you mean the last successful build of the Top job. Since in that case there might be a case where the last successful build of the top job was #7 and current build is #11. So you want the downstream jobs to look for #7 and not #10.
If that is the case then I will suggest putting a groovy build step. Install the groovy plugin for that. But before that test the script.
Open: YourJenkinsServerURL/script
Run this script.
def tmp = hudson.model.Hudson.instance
def myJobName="YourTopJobName";
tmp.getItems(hudson.model.Job).each {job ->
if(job.displayName == myJobName)
In groovy you can access and set an environment variable (injected via envInject plugin maybe) to this last successful build number and then pass on this variable to downstream job.
If that is not the case then I will suggest use Nant Script.
Use "int::parse()" to convert the string format build number to integer. Decrement the value and then pass on the value to the downstream job.

Jenkins Parallel Trigger and Wait

I have 4 jobs which needs to be executed in the following sequence
|------> JOB B
|------> JOB C
|------> JOB D
In the above
A should trigger B & C parallely and C inturn triggers D.
A should hold the job as running till all 3 of them completed.
I tried the following plugins and couldn't achieve what I am looking for
Join Plugin
Multijob Plugin
Multi-Configuration Project
Paramterized Trigger Plugin
Is there any plugin which I haven't tried would help me in resolving this. Or is this can be achieved in a different way. Please advise.
Use DSL Script with Build Flow plugin.
try this Example for your execution:
build("job A")
{build("job B")}
{build("job C")}
build("job D")
Try the Locks and Latches plugin.
This may not be optimal way, but it should work. Use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin. To Job A, add a build step (NOT a Post Build Action) to start both Jobs B and C in the same build step AND block until they finish. In Job C, add a build step (NOT a Post Build Action) that starts Job D AND blocks until it is finished. That should keep Job A running for the full duration.
This isn't really optimal though: Job A is held open waiting for B and C to finish. Then C is held open until D is finished.
Is there some reason that Job A needs to remain running for the duration? Another possibility is to have Job A terminate after B and C are started, but have a Promotion on Job A that will execute your final actions after jobs B, C and D are successful.
I am trying to build a same system. I am building a certification pipeline where I need to run packager/build/deploy jobs and and corresponding test jobs. When all of them are successful, I want to aggregate the test results and trigger the release job that can do an automated maven release.
I selected Build pipeline plugin for visualization of the system. Initially tried with Parameterized trigger Plugin with blocking builds. I could not setup archiving the artifacts/fingerprinting and downstream build relationship this way since archiving the artifacts works only in postbuild. Then I put the Parameterized trigger in Post build activity. This way I was able to setup downstream builds, fingerprinting, aggregate test results but the build failures were not bubbling to upstream job chain and upstream jobs were non blocking
I was finally able to achieve this using these plugins-
Build Pipeline
MultiJob Plugin
FingerPrint Plugin
Copy Artifacts Plugin
Join Plugin
I'm using Jenkins 1.514
System looks like this
Trigger Job --> build (and deploy) Job (1..n) ---> Test Job (1..n)
Trigger Job -
Create as MultiJob and create a fingerprint file in shell exec
echo date +%s > fingerprint.txt
Trick is that file needs to be archived during the build, to do that execute this script-
cp fingerprint.txt $ARCHIVEDIR
Create MultiJob Phase consisting of build/deploy job.
Build/deploy job is itself a multijob
follow the same steps for creating build/deploy job as above relative
to fingerprinting.
Copy the fingerprint.txt artifact from upstream job
Setup MultiJob phase in deploy job that triggers the test job
create a new fingerprint file and force archive it similar to above step
Collect Junit results in the final test job.
In the trigger Job, use Join Plugin to execute the Release Job by choosing 'Run Post Build Actions at join' and execute the release project only on stable build of Trigger Job.
This way all the steps are showing up in Build Pipeline view and Trigger job is blocking for all downstream builds to finish and sets its status as the worst downstream build to give a decision point for release job.
Multijob Plugin
If you'd like to stop the mess with downstream / upstream jobs chains definitions. Or when you want to add a full hierarchy of Jenkins jobs that will be executed in sequence or in parallel. Add context to your buildflow implementing parameter inheritance from the MultiJob to all its Phases and Jobs. Phases are sequential while jobs inside each Phase are parallel.

How do I make a Jenkins job start after multiple simultaneous upstream jobs succeed?

In order to get the fastest feedback possible, we occasionally want Jenkins jobs to run in Parallel. Jenkins has the ability to start multiple downstream jobs (or 'fork' the pipeline) when a job finishes. However, Jenkins doesn't seem to have any way of making a downstream job only start of all branches of that fork succeed (or 'joining' the fork back together).
Jenkins has a "Build after other projects are built" button, but I interpret that as "start this job when any upstream job finishes" (not "start this job when all upstream jobs succeed").
Here is a visualization of what I'm talking about. Does anyone know if a plugin exists to do what I'm after?
When I originally posted this question in 2012, Jason's answer (the Join and Promoted Build plugins) was the best, and the solution I went with.
However, dnozay's answer (The Build Flow plugin) was made popular a year or so after this question, which is a much better answer. For what it's worth, if people ask me this question today, I now recommend that instead.
Pipeline plugin
You can use the Pipeline Plugin (formerly workflow-plugin).
It comes with many examples, and you can follow this tutorial.
// build
stage 'build'
// deploy
stage 'deploy'
// run tests in parallel
stage 'test'
parallel 'functional': {
}, 'performance': {
// promote artifacts
stage 'promote'
Build flow plugin
You can also use the Build Flow Plugin. It is simply awesome - but it is deprecated (development frozen).
Setting up the jobs
Create jobs for:
performance tests
functional tests
Setting up the upstream
in the upstream (here build) create a unique artifact, e.g.:
echo ${BUILD_TAG} > build.tag
archive the build.tag artifact.
record fingerprints to track file usage; if any job copies the same build.tag file and records fingerprints, you will be able to track the parent.
Configure to get promoted when promotion job is successful.
Setting up the downstream jobs
Copy the artifacts from upstream build job using the Copy Artifact Plugin
Project name = ${PARENT_JOB_NAME}
Which build = ${PARENT_BUILD_NUMBER}
Artifacts to copy = build.tag
Record fingerprints; that's crucial.
Setting up the downstream promotion job
Do the same as the above, to establish upstream-downstream relationship.
It does not need any build step. You can perform additional post-build actions like "hey QA, it's your turn".
Create a build flow job
// start with the build
parent = build("build")
parent_job_name = parent.environment["JOB_NAME"]
parent_build_number = parent.environment["BUILD_NUMBER"]
// then deploy
// then your qualifying tests
parallel (
{ build("functional tests",
PARENT_BUILD_NUMBER: parent_build_number,
PARENT_JOB_NAME: parent_job_name) },
{ build("performance tests",
PARENT_BUILD_NUMBER: parent_build_number,
PARENT_JOB_NAME: parent_job_name) }
// if nothing failed till now...
PARENT_BUILD_NUMBER: parent_build_number,
PARENT_JOB_NAME: parent_job_name)
// knock yourself out...
build("more expensive QA tests",
PARENT_BUILD_NUMBER: parent_build_number,
PARENT_JOB_NAME: parent_job_name)
good luck.
There are two solutions that I have used for this scenario in the past:
Use the Join Plugin on your "deploy" job and specify "promote" as the targeted job. You would have to specify "Functional Tests" and "Performance Tests" as the joined jobs and start them via in some fashion, post build. The Parameterized Trigger Plugin is good for this.
Use the Promoted Builds Plugin on your "deploy" job, specify a promotion that works when downstream jobs are completed and specify Functional and Performance test jobs. As part of the promotion action, trigger the "promote" job. You still have to start the two test jobs from "deploy"
There is a CRITICAL aspect to both of these solutions: fingerprints must be correctly used. Here is what I found:
The "build" job must ORIGINATE a new fingerprinted file. In other words, it has to fingerprint some file that Jenkins thinks was originated by the initial job. Double check the "See Fingerprints" link of the job to verify this.
All downstream linked jobs (in this case, "deploy", "Functional Tests" and "Performance tests") need to obtain and fingerprint this same file. The Copy Artifacts plugin is great for this sort of thing.
Keep in mind that some plugins allow you change the order of fingerprinting and downstream job starting; in this case, the fingerprinting MUST occur before a downstream job fingerprints the same file to ensure the ORIGIN of the fingerprint is properly set.
The Multijob plugin works beautifully for that scenario. It also comes in handy if you want a single "parent" job to kick off multiple "child" jobs but still be able to execute each of the children manually, by themselves. This works by creating "phases", to which you add 1 to n jobs. The build only continues when the entire phase is done, so if a phase as multiple jobs they all must complete before the rest are executed. Naturally, it is configurable whether the build continues if there is a failure within the phase.
Jenkins recently announced first class support for workflow.
I believe the Workflow Plugin is now called the Pipeline Plugin and is the (current) preferred solution to the original question, inspired by the Build Flow Plugin. There is also a Getting Started Tutorial in GitHub.
Answers by jason & dnozay are good enough. But in case someone is looking for easy way just use JobFanIn plugin.
This diamond dependency build pipeline could be configured with
the DepBuilder plugin. DepBuilder is using its own domain
specific language, that would in this case look like:
// define the maximum duration of the build (4 hours)
maxDuration: 04:00
// define the build order of the existing Jenkins jobs
Build -> Deploy
Deploy -> "Functional Tests" -> Promote
Deploy -> "Performance Tests" -> Promote
After building the project, the build visualization will be shown on the project dashboard page:
If any of the upstream jobs didn't succeed, the build will be automatically aborted. Abort behavior could be tweaked on a per job basis, for more info see the DepBuilder documentation.
