How to set border for a highcharts pie? - highcharts

I want to set a border for a pie,but when there is no data the pie become this
How to realize it?

You can catch the load event, check length and if its empty, then use renderer to add empty circle.
chart: {
plotBackgroundColor: null,
plotBorderWidth: null,
plotShadow: false,
type: 'pie',
load: function() {
var chart = this,
series = chart.series[0],
center =;
if( === 0) {[0],center[1],100)
stroke: 'red',
'stroke-width': 1

Pie with default border stroke will show up in the newest versions. I guess it is just the versioning issue here.
Please update the highcharts to latest version here :


Highcharts, set halo on select in pie chart

I try to create a pie chart with the halo effect. This works on hover but not on select. Is this possible?
Because we want to keep our selected item visible without slicing it out... So we want to show our selected slice with the halo effect but can't find if this is possible
Highcharts doesn't provide such a functionality out of the box. However, you can achieve it by adding your custom code in point click event callback. There you can render a halo effect using Highcharts renderer.path() method. Check the demo and code posted below and do not hesitate to ask me any question if something is unclear for you.
chart: {
plotBackgroundColor: null,
plotBorderWidth: null,
plotShadow: false,
type: 'pie',
events: {
load: function() {
var chart = this;
chart.customHalo = {
graphic: null,
index: null
series: [{
point: {
events: {
click: function() {
var point = this,
chart = point.series.chart,
shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
size = 10,
opacity = 0.5,
path = chart.renderer
shapeArgs.x + chart.plotLeft,
shapeArgs.y + chart.plotTop,
shapeArgs.r + size,
shapeArgs.r + size, {
innerR: shapeArgs.r - 1,
start: shapeArgs.start,
end: shapeArgs.end
drawNewGraphic = false,
drawNewGraphic = (chart.customHalo.index !== point.index) ? true : false;
if (!drawNewGraphic && chart.customHalo.graphic) {
chart.customHalo.index = null;
chart.customHalo.graphic = null;
} else if (chart.customHalo.graphic) {
if (drawNewGraphic) {
arc = chart.renderer
fill: point.color,
opacity: opacity
chart.customHalo = {
index: point.index,
graphic: arc
chart.customHalo.index = point.index;
API reference:

Highcharts heatmap chart labels render extremely slow

I'm using Highcharts to generate a heatmap grid with around 10k grid cells. The heatmap renders in under a second without dataLabels. However if I enable dataLabels, which are necessary for my project, the same heatmap takes 10 seconds to render. I tried setting useHTML to true, and that renders in 30+ seconds. I'm not doing any work within the dataLabel rendering. Is there any way to speed this up?
The example with 10k cells in the heatmap with enabled data labels is here.
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'heatmap'
xAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 99
series: [{
data: data,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true
No-opt rendering time: 33.5 s
From the profiler I can say thet there are two good candidates for optimization.
Rendering with overlapping labels: 10.4 s
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
allowOverlap: true
No textOutline: 8.56 s
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
allowOverlap: true,
shadow: false,
style: {
textOutline: null,
color: 'black'
The other candidate is about setting zIndex for the data labels, I cannot see how to optimize it without changing internal Highcharts method responsible for drawing data labels. You can wrap drawDataLabels method and remove the part for setting label's zIndex.
Without zIndex: 1.62 s
attr = {
//align: align,
fill: options.backgroundColor,
stroke: options.borderColor,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth,
r: options.borderRadius || 0,
rotation: rotation,
padding: options.padding
// zIndex: 1 /* commenting this part gives a few good seconds */
full example:
I commented only one line in the function but you can remove additional features if you don't need them - e.g. if you don't need labels, you can render text only.
if (!dataLabel) {
dataLabel = point.dataLabel = renderer['text']
Text instead of labels: 0.864 s

Updating a highchart line using a button

I'd like to update the red dashed line on this highchart plot using the text box and button below it. I'm stuck on how to get it to work. Right now I'm just trying to get the button press to move the line up slightly just so I can see if it's working.
This is the function I'm trying to use to update it.
$("#setPtButton").click(function() {
yAxis: {
plotLines: [{
value : 68.1,
color : 'red',
dashStyle : 'longdash',
width : 2
You should be using a combination of addPlotLine and removePlotLine.
$("#setPtButton").click(function() {
var chart = Highcharts.charts[0];
value: $('#setPoint').val(),
color: 'red',
width: 2,
id: 'setline',
dashStyle : 'longdash'
Updated fiddle.

D3.js tooltips not displaying correctlty when generated with Highcharts

I want to make some tooltips visible in my d3 map. The tooltips are column charts generated by Highcharts regarding the chosen city. The trick is that everything is displaying correctly (axis, labels ...) except that the columns are not visible!
Here my d3 code (only the relevant parts):
var tooltip ="body")
.style("position", "absolute")
.style("visibility", "hidden");
cities.on("mouseover", function(d, i) {'fill', '#95a5a6');
return"visibility", "visible")})
.on("mousemove", function(d, i){
return"top", (d3.event.pageY - 130) + "px").style("left",(d3.event.pageX - 120) + "px");
The function zoomCityComm is HighCharts (example of data: [5,10]):
function zoomCityComm(d) {
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart : {
renderTo: 'tooltip',
type: 'column',
plotBackgroundColor: '#FCFFC5',
zoomType: 'xy'
title: {
text: "TOTO"
legend: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
categories: ['In','Out']
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Sum',
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
labels: {
style: {
color: '#4572A7'
series:[{color: '#4572A7',data: res}]
return document.getElementById("tooltip").innerHTML;
When the graph is displayed in a "normal" div within the document, it appears correctly.
Sorry if my explanations are not clear but ask me for some details if needed.
You're setting the HTML content of the div twice, as highcharts renders it itself. In your mouseover handler function, it is enough to do
instead of
For the interested, here's what's happening. Setting the HTML of the tooltip div from the return value of the function captures the first animation frame that highchart uses to grow the bars. As it is the first frame, the height of the bars is still 0 -- that is, the bars are there, but not visible because they have essentially no height. Replacing the HTML of the div means that the animation won't work anymore, as the elements that would be animated have been replaced.

Highcharts - Data label cut off

I took a sample jsfiddle and modified it here just to show a sample of what I experienced:
Here is what my actual datalabel code looks like:
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'left',
verticalAlign: 'top',
style: {
color: 'black'
formatter: function () {
if (this.x == 19) {
return this.y + '<br>units left';
What I am having on my area chart is that the last data label is cut off. Is there a way to increase the width of the container or add some type of padding so that the full label shows?
Just changing the x and y position of the label will not work for my area chart. I have my chart customized so that only the last point of the chart has a data label and i want it aligned to the right of the last point and not within the chart.
But if we can get the above sample fiddle to work then the same solution should work for me.
You can add marginRight to chart like this:
chart: {
renderTo: container,
width: 550,
marginRight: 35
This is not a direct solution, but I suggest you to put the label at the yAxis:
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Units left'
And remove the other attributes, leaving just enabled: true:
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true
See the fiddle
You can set spacingRight and add correct value.
