Ignoring Dynamic Text Setting In iOS - ios

I have done a bit of googling around and I am looking for a simple solution to completely ignore the users dynamic text settings in iOS and display them use what I have set in my app itself. My app is a react-native iOS/Android app.
Thank you for any assistance.

Disallow font-scaling
The Text Component supports the prop allowFontScaling.
Specifies should fonts scale to respect Text Size accessibility
setting on iOS.
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>Hello World!</Text>


How to get text content from iOS screen?

How to get the text content of screen? Both from a WebView and a Native App.
For example, from the following image, I would like to get/extract/retrieve the title and the first two paragraphs.
On Android this is possible using the accessibility tools. But so far I haven't found how to do something like that on iOS.
I would like to know how to do this natively using Swift / Xcode. But if is possible with EXPO or React Native it would also help a lot. Thank you.
I think that what you are asking is the accessibility identifier.
Under the identity inspector you can find the Accessibility section and there you have a text field for an identifier.
Alternatively you can set this via code
for example:
submitButton.accessibilityIdentifier = "submitButton"

Customising the keyboard system wide for new language in iOS 8

From iOS 8 it is possible to add custom keyboard from our application which can be used system wide.
I need to create such a keyboard which can be used to input custom characters(a new language). I have these characters as images.
How can I use these images to input as characters from the keyboard into a textfield?
Please suggest any tips, link, methods etc..
Thanks in advance
You cannot put custom images in text fields because they are used to input text, not images.
The only possibility is custom font with images, but it will not be available system-wide and text fields are under control of the host app. For the available methods to insert characters see this documentation page
Try to follow this guide. Actually I've found plenty of similar guides using google.
Also Apple's custom keyboard guidelines might be helpful

In App settings tableview from Settings bundle

I want to create a TableView which is automatically generated from the Settings.bundle. There used to be a framework InAppSettings but this isn't working with iOS 7 and up. Is there any other code/tutorial for this?
I have been searching around and couldn't find a boilerplate solution so created my own code for doing this. It supports the setting types Title, Group, Text Field, Multi Value and Toggle Switch.
It does NOT SUPPORT Slider.
This solution does support portrait AND landscape mode and can also handle changing over device orientations.
I have published the code and readme on my GIT.

iOS 5 Reading Text Programmatically with Accessibility

Does anyone know if there is a way to programmatically enable and read text in-app using the underlying Accessibility features available in iOS 5+?
To be clear, I am talking about the following feature (but of course doing this programmatically).
I am open to alternatives, but would prefer an Apple approved way to use this particular iOS 5 feature.
Unfortunately it's not possible currently. The "Speak Selection" is only available to users that enable it in Accessibility settings and only for highlighted text in apps.
For programmatic Text-to-Speech you can check out iphone-tts. It works pretty well, though one caveat is that it only supports the voices it comes with, it doesn't use the "Siri voice". You can tweak the pitch and speed to your liking, but you won't be able to match the built in voice for iOS.

iphone os custom keyboard

I've read a lot of topics about developing a custom keyboard for iOS and it's clear that it is impossible to build a system-wide alternative keyboard.
But I still try to understand how Emoji keyboard(the emoticons additional layer) could make it possible and it is an official app on AppStore (that means it passes Apple approval!).
Note that their keyboard, once installed, can be added in Keyboard section in Settings!
Thanks for help
Emoji apps enable a by-default-disabled keyboard built into iOS. If I recall correctly, it's enabled by default in certain regions (Japan) but disabled in most places. So they aren't adding a new keyboard, just revealing one that's already there.
edit: ... and here's how they do it
The Emoji Icons are a stored in the private use area of unicode. They won't look any good on a different device than an iPhone/iPad, this is Apple specific.
The app is just to enable the keyboard. You can do it yourself: Making An Emoji Enabeling App.
Have a look at The truth about iPhone Emoji, which sheds some light on the whole topic.
