conditional DI with the help of config file - dependency-injection

How can we achieve conditional Dependency Injection with the help of Unity Application block config file ? Below is my piece of code.
namespace DependencyInjection
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IUnityContainer objContainer = new UnityContainer();
objContainer.LoadConfiguration(); //loads from app
Customer obj = objContainer.Resolve<Customer>();
obj.CustomerName = "test1";
public class Customer
private IDAL Odal;
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public Customer(IDAL iobj)
Odal = iobj;
public void Add()
public interface IDAL
void Add();
public class SQLServerDAL:IDAL
public void Add()
Console.WriteLine("SQL Server inserted");
public class OracleDAL:IDAL
public void Add()
Console.WriteLine("Oracle inserted");
And my config file is like below:
<unity xmlns="">
<register type="DependencyInjection.IDAL, DependencyInjection"
How can I achieve the following :
Customer object should resolve to SQLServerDal
Customer object should resolve to OracleDal
Is it possible ? If yes, how ?


When querying SQL with EF6 from a WebJob, query fails because it's trying to get a pluralized version of the table

My code looks like this:
public static void DoSomething(TextWriter log)
log.WriteLine("Hey man! I'm running!");
using (MyDBContext context = new MyDBContext())
MemberMaster mm = context.MemberMaster.SingleOrDefault(m => m.MemberMasterId == 1);
if (mm != null)
log.WriteLine(string.Format("MemberMasterId = {0}, Username = {1}", mm.MemberMasterId, mm.UserName));
log.WriteLine("Could not find Member with MembermasterId = 1");
catch (Exception ex)
MyDBContext.cs looks like this:
public class MyDBContext : DbContext
public MyDBContext() : this("MyDb")
public MyDBContext(string connectionName) : base(connectionName) { }
public DbSet<MemberMaster> MemberMaster { get; set; }
I've tried to add a modelBuilder to remove Pluralizing names but that simply results in an error about the DB Context having changed....use code first...etc..etc...
Is there a better way to do this? The WebJob is being deployed via AZure with a .ZIP file and resides in the same AppService as my Website.
I turn off plurallizing on Sets and Tables by overriding the OnModelCreating, to keep both named the same, and have had no problem:
public class MyDBContext : DbContext
static MyDBContext()
public MyDBContext() : this("MyDb")
public MyDBContext(string connectionName) : base(connectionName) { }
public DbSet<MemberMaster> MemberMaster { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

No parameterless constructor defined for this object with Dependency Resolver

I'm currently following "Dependancy Injection on asp net mvc 5 tutorial" in youtube.
I follow as he said but I'm having this error.
No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
My Controller is UnityDemoController
public class UnityDemoController : Controller
private readonly ILocalWeaherServiceProvider _localWeaherServiceProvider;
public UnityDemoController(ILocalWeaherServiceProvider localWeaherServiceProvider)
_localWeaherServiceProvider = localWeaherServiceProvider;
// GET: /UnityDemo/
public ActionResult Index()
string currentWeatherInMyArea = _localWeaherServiceProvider.GetLocalWeatherByZipCode("0006");
return View();
IocConfiguration.cs This Configuration is under App_Start folder
public static class IocConfiguration
public static void ConfigureIocUnityContaioner()
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new MyUnityDependancyResolver(container));
private static void RegisterServices(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<ILocalWeaherServiceProvider, LocalWeatherServiceProvider>(); // This means when somebody call/need ILocalWeaherServiceProvider then provide new Instance of the LocalWeatherServiceProvider
public class MyUnityDependancyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private IUnityContainer _unityContainer;
public MyUnityDependancyResolver(IUnityContainer unityContainer)
_unityContainer = unityContainer;
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return _unityContainer.Resolve(serviceType);
catch (Exception)
return null;
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return _unityContainer.ResolveAll(serviceType);
catch (Exception)
return new List<object>();
Interface ILocalWeaherServiceProvider
public interface ILocalWeaherServiceProvider
string GetLocalWeatherByZipCode(string zipcode);
Service Class LocalWeatherServiceProvider
public class LocalWeatherServiceProvider : ILocalWeaherServiceProvider
public string GetLocalWeatherByZipCode(string zipcode)
return "Its is snowing right now in your Area : " + zipcode;
I have added Unity.
Can anyone tell me what went wrong here?
And avoid these kinds of error what are the things that I should look into these coding level?
I found out the solution by referring to below link.
Change the UnityDemoController class as below.
public class UnityDemoController : Controller
private readonly ILocalWeaherServiceProvider _localWeaherServiceProvider;
public UnityDemoController() : this(new LocalWeatherServiceProvider())
public UnityDemoController(ILocalWeaherServiceProvider localWeaherServiceProvider)
_localWeaherServiceProvider = localWeaherServiceProvider;
// GET: /UnityDemo/
public ActionResult Index()
string currentWeatherInMyArea = _localWeaherServiceProvider.GetLocalWeatherByZipCode("0006");
return View();

AutoMapper+xUnit: Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping

I cannot figure this one out. I have a N-Tier ASP.MVC application and I am writing my first Unit Test and it seems to fail on my AutoMapper configuration. I have used AutoMapper a million times and never had any problems using it.
I'm sure I am missing something simple, but I have been staring at this for 24 hours now.
Class Library: APP.DOMAIN
public class User : IEntity<int>
public int Id { get; set; }
[StringLength(20), Required]
public string UserName { get; set; }
Class Library: APP.SERVICE
References App.Domain
public class UserViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
I have my AutoMapper bootstrapper in the service layer.
public static class AutoMapperBootstrapper
public static void RegisterMappings()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserViewModel>();
public class UserService : IUserService
private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
_userRepository = userRepository;
public List<UserViewModel> GetUsers()
var users = _userRepository.GetAll();
if (users == null)
throw new Exception("No users found.");
return Mapper.Map<List<UserViewModel>>(users); // FAILS ON AUTOMAPPER
References App.Service
private void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Register AutoMapper
// Code that runs on application startup
Unit Test Layer:
public class TestUserRepository :IUserRepository
public IEnumerable<User> GetAll()
var users = new List<User>()
new User { Id = 1, UserName = "Mary"},
new User { Id = 2, UserName = "Joe"}
return users;
public class UserServiceTest
private IUserService _userService;
private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
public UserServiceTest()
_userRepository = new TestUserRepository();
public void GetUsers_Should_Return_Correct_Number_Of_Users()
// Arrange
_userService = new UserService(_userRepository);
// Act
var result = _userService.GetUsers(); // FAILS ON AUTOMAPPER
// Assert
Assert.True(result.Any(u => u.UserName == "Mary"));
Failing Test Message:
*** Failures ***
AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException: AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException : Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.
Mapping types:
User -> UserViewModel
App.Data.Model.User -> App.Service.ViewModels.UserViewModel
Destination path:
Source value:
at App.Service.Services.UserService.GetUsers() in D:\Repositories\App\App.Service\Services\UserService.cs:line 36
at App.Tests.Service.Tests.UserServiceTest.GetUsers_Should_Return_Correct_Number_Of_Users() in D:\Repositories\App\App.Tests\Service.Tests\UserServiceTest.cs:line 34
A little late to the party but have you tried setting the mapping before running the test?
public class UserServiceTest
public UserServiceTest()
// register the mappings before running the test
What we would need to do is Inject Custom Mapper Mock as given below. Add all those custom profiles that you have used for that particular class that you are unit testing and inject ConfigureMapper() in the Constructor of that class which is expecting IMapper Object
public IMapper ConfigureMapper()
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
return config.CreateMapper();
Hope this solves the issue.
I'm not sure what the problem is, it's been a while since I've last used AutoMapper, but I'm quite sure that the following will work:
return users.Select(Mapper.Map<UserViewModel>);
I have a problem with this line:
var authorDTO = mapper.Map<AuthorCreationDTO>(AuthorinsideDB);
So I change the version of Autormapper
<PackageReference Include="AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection" Version="7.0.0" />
and it worked.

Register singleton that implements two interfaces

What is the correct way to configure an object in structuremap that implements two interface but is a singleton.
For example class Main implements both iMainFrmService and iActiveJobService.
Here is what I've tried, but I'm not sure if it's correct.
As mentioned in the answer linked to from the comment above, x.Forward< , >() does give the singleton for both the interfaces.
Please check out this dotnetfiddle for a working sample. Here is snippet that is posted there:
using System;
using StructureMap;
namespace StructureMapSingleton {
public class Program {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
var mainService = Bootstrapper.GetInstance<IMainService>();
var secondaryService = Bootstrapper.GetInstance<ISecondaryService>();
public interface IMainService {
void MainMethod();
public interface ISecondaryService {
void SecondMethod();
public class MainService : IMainService, ISecondaryService {
private int _invokeCount;
public void MainMethod() {
Console.WriteLine("In MainService: MainMethod ({0})", this._invokeCount);
public void SecondMethod() {
Console.WriteLine("In MainService: SecondMethod ({0})", this._invokeCount);
public class Bootstrapper {
private static Container _container;
public static void Initialize() {
_container = new Container(x => {
x.Forward<IMainService, ISecondaryService>();
public static T GetInstance<T>() {
return _container.GetInstance<T>();

Structuremap No parameterless constructor defined for this object

I'm a newbie to StructureMap, and I've been trying to fix that error for some time now.
Just can't figure out how to fix it and where am I doing wrong.
I even set up a template MVC4 site, with nothing in it and still getting that error.
Can someone please help me out ?
public static class IoC {
public static IContainer Initialize() {
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.Scan(scan =>
x.For<IDbSession>().Use(() => MvcApplication.DbSession);
return ObjectFactory.Container;
public class HomeController : Controller
protected readonly IDbService _dbService;
public HomeController(IDbService dbService)
_dbService = dbService;
public interface IDbSession : IDisposable
void Commit();
void Rollback();
public interface IDbService
StudentsService Students { get; }
CoursesService Courses { get; }
public class DbService : IDbService
private readonly IDbSession _dbSession;
public StudentsService Students { get; }
public CoursesService Courses { get; }
public DbService(IDbSession dbSession)
_dbSession = dbSession;
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
private static readonly string _connectionString;
private static readonly IDbSessionFactory _dbSessionFactory;
public static IDbSession DbSession
get { return (IDbSession)HttpContext.Current.Items["Current.DbSession"]; }
private set { HttpContext.Current.Items["Current.DbSession"] = value; }
static MvcApplication()
_connectionString= ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
_dbSessionFactory = new DbSessionFactory(_connectionString);
protected MvcApplication()
BeginRequest += delegate
DbSession = _dbSessionFactory.Create();
EndRequest += delegate
if (DbSession != null)
protected void Application_Start()
You must configure the dependency resolver to handle parameters in a Controller's constructor. You can find out here how:
