What is/how do I get the Device Tree Compiler? - zynq

I am trying to program a Xilinx zc706 board, which involves building a Linux kernel and setting up the bootloader. I am following the workflow given here.
The first step after downloading stuff involves making the device tree compiler, which I need to get UBoot, which I need to start up linux. I obtained the source for DTC off github, but when I went into the SDK shell, moved to the directory, and entered "MAKE", I got an error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `''
-x was unexpected at this time.
" " LEX convert-dtsv0-lexer.lex.c
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL,flex -oconvert-dtsv0-lexer.lex.c convert-dtsv0-lexer.1, ...) failed.
and then followed with some other stuff saying files could not be found, presumably because this first thing failed.
I have no idea how to read this error, it's gibberish to me. Can someone explain either what's wrong with this build, or how I can get either the DTC or UBoot I would need to run a Zynq chip?

It looks like you're making things much harder on yourself by doing manually what PetaLinux will do automatically for you. Unless you're a die-hard Linux purist and want to build your embedded Linux system from scratch, you should stop reading after the first paragraph of the link you posted and head to the PetaLinux wiki page.
Follow the steps in the PetaLinux Tools Reference Guide to get your project up and running. It will handle building u-boot, rootfs, linux kernel, and device tree compiler for you (petalinux-* commands) and you can focus on developing your application.


How to build an embedded Atmelstudio project on Debian through commandline

So, I am working on an embedded project for a cortex m7 microcontroller (ATSAME70Q21). The code is written in Atmel Studio 7, but I want to build it in a Debian environment through Docker (gcc docker image is Debian-buster based if I'm not mistaken) so that I can work in a Continuous Integration workflow.
At the moment I am trying to manually construct a Makefile, based on the generated makefile by the IDE, but that seems like the wrong way to handle this problem. Maybe I am too tunnel-visioned to notice different solutions. So I would like some help from folks who maybe have struggled with this problem before.
Thanks in advance.
I solved this problem the following way by mimicking the output of Atmelstudio into a CMakeLists file.
First I analyzed the generated makefile from the debug build to discover what files were built, what compiler flags were used and what programs were called.
Then I compared the generated makefile from the release build with the debug build to discover the differences.
With this information, I made a CMake file. For now, I GLOB_RECURSE all my source files, but I could crawl the Atmelstudio *.cproj file to find out what files are required.
This might not be the ideal answer, but it solves my problem.

AWS Appium Project Package

I see below error while packaging appium project for AWS.
Unknown lifecycle phase --DskipTests=true. You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format
Executing packaging command on mac terminal
Tried both --DskipTests=true & -DskipTests=true (see same error for both)
Looking forward for some help. Thanks!
I work for the AWS Device Farm team.
I have seen this error when users copy-paste the command from the documentation.
We are working on updating this as there seems to be some unknown characters that get introduced.
Users have got this to work by deleting -DskipTests=true and typing it instead of copy pasting it.
Since you are on a Mac terminal you will need to use a single dash '-' for the parameter.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hope this helps.

Any ZMQ bindings for Erlang on Windows?

Is it possible to use Erlang with ZMQ on Windows? I have tried to use erlzmq2, but rebar fails to compile it with cryptic linker errors. Of course i can invest some time and investigate makefiles, but maybe other way exists?
Whose who are interested in compilation errors can download latest erlang for windows and try to build erlzmq2 (Visual Studio 2012 compiler, msys sh and make). Error looks like:
cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/Wl,-DLL,-IMPLIB:.libs
Makefile:541: recipe for target 'libzmq.la' failed
make[3]: *** [libzmq.la] Error 2
Please note that other erlang libs are compiling with this setup without any problems.
Your problem lies in compiling ZeroMQ for Windows. You haven't actually gotten to any Erlang yet. Here are some of the clues that tell you this:
Makefile:541: recipe for target 'libzmq.la' failed
This line says there's a problem on line 541 of the Makefile. But in erlzmq2, you can see that neither the main Makefile nor the c_src Makefile (which is what would build libzmq.la) has anything close to that many lines.
make3: * [libzmq.la] Error 2
The [3] means that you're 3 invocations deep into Make. Specifically, you started at the top-level Makefile, which called Rebar, which ran make -C c_src, which downloads ZeroMQ version 3.2.2 and tries to do a ./configure && make
To fix this Unix-style, go into the deps directory of erlzmq2 and figure out how to correctly compile ZeroMQ. Hopefully, you will just need to pass some arguments to configure. Then you can edit c_src/Makefile and set ZMQ_FLAGS to whatever you had to do for configure, clean, and make.
To fix it more Windows-style, follow the Windows build instructions for ZeroMQ. Put the compiled libzmq under deps and just edit the c_src Makefile to a no-op.
Finally, if you don't actually need to run this code on Windows, but are just using Windows as your development environment, I think you'll have the easiest time by running the build inside a Linux VM (not a hard thing at all with tools like Vagrant). Sorry, but Unix is the real system for this stuff; Windows support is an afterthought.

Resolving Address Space is already occupied error using Cygwin and Ruby

I keep getting the same type of error messages and I have really done all I can to get rid of them. The message is as follows, only the module can vary at times:
ruby 5740 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by 'date_core.so' (0x600000) is already occupied
These messages occur at various times when trying to run Rails, such as “rails console”.
I am running the following environment:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Cygwin Net using setup 2.774 (installed from Internet mirrors)
Ruby 1.9.3p392
Rails 3.2.11
I have taken the following steps attempting to fix this:
Deleted all BLODA and restarted, including Norton 360 and Malwarebytes. (BLODA is Big List of Dodgy Apps.)
Deleted and reinstalled Cygwin.
Executed “rvm implode” and rebuilt the RVM and Ruby on Rails environment.
Used CMD & ASH to run “peflagsall” & “rebaseall”. Ran “rubyrebase”. Restarted.
Used FIND to build a file of all *.so & *.dll files. Ran “rebase -T”. Restarted. This has also been done using the “-b 0x77000000” switch.
Used same file to create “to_peflags” script issuing peflags against each individual file. Restarted.
All repair attempts have been futile. At times, “rebase -si |grep ‘*’” would be clean. Any attempt to run “rails console” or similar commands results in Address Space Occupied messages. Subsequent “rebase -si” would then again show conflicts.
I have been trying to run “peflags” against the Ruby modules, but I only get “skipped because could not open” error messages there. File permissions and ACL both show correct permissions. The same error occurs whether or not Administrator is used.
This is pretty frustrating. I would like to fix my current environment, but I am considering moving to MSYS or SFU, but I don’t know if either of those are decent options. I am also considering going native UNIX, but I’ll leap off the cliff when I get to it.
For now, does anyone have a fix for this specific error for me? Thanks…
I have used procexp to monitor "rails console" execution. Bash is calling cmd.exe to run the rails.bat file. Cmd.exe runs in ASLR mode. Used Microsoft EMET 3.0 to turn off mandatory ASLR and bottom up ASLR for both bash and cmd. Cmd.exe still runs in ASLR mode. It must be compiled that way.
Updated registry to set HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages to 0, -1 then 1. 0 caused system problems. -1 had no effect. 1, which was supposed to be the default, helped somewhat as long as EMET changes were in place. But, it was unreliable as Address Space Occupied would eventually recur.
Decided to attempt to install a command processor that either didn’t require ASLR or allowed me to disable it using PE flags. I installed TCC/LE and attempted to get Cygwin Bash to use it to process .bat files. I tried using the path variable, the COMSPEC variable and changes to batfile and cmdfile in the registry all to no effect. Cygwin Bash must either have it hard coded or some nonobvious control.
My fix is to replace my environment. I know I will eventually migrate to some Unix, but for now I am converting to MinGW/MSYS and RubyStack. All I want to do is to get a stable RoR (Ruby on Rails) environment running for today. I don’t see that happening using Cygwin with Windows 7 Ultimate. I keep running into too many problems and this one is a very, very tough nut to crack. Thanks…

Delphi 2009 command line compiler using dcc32.cfg?

In Delphi 2009, how can I build a project using command line. I tried using the command line compiler and supplying -a -u -i -r in dcc32.cfg file. But compiler is not recognizing the paths and throwing the error required package xyzPack is not found.
and on command line i execute the command :
dcc32 "C:\MyProj\MyProject.dpr" -B -E"c:\MyProj\Output\EXE"
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks & Regards,
Instead of invoking the compiler directly, consider using MSBuild on your .dproj, since that's what the IDE uses. Delphi MSBuild Build Configurations From Command Line might help you with that.
From the related answer (as shown below) ie:
Compiling with Delphi 2009 from a command line under Windows Vista 64-bit
I notice that you should be able to build a single package from the command line this way. I have used batch files (buildall.cmd) to launch dcc32, and have not yet used msbuild.
I have ultimately found both approaches frustrating, and have instead decided to opt for building a little GUI shell (a lite version of Final Builder, if you like) that basically works as a semi-graphical semi-command-line way of automating my builds and filtering the compiler output to produce results. I would be highly interested in anyone else's experiences with "tinder box" (daily or even continuous build) operations with Delphi.
You may end up where I'm heading... just buy Final Builder. :-)
