I have dokku running laravel5, I am challenged to analyze the logs since I can't use the log config daily. It must be configured as syslog.
Is there a tool like papertail that works for dokku
I want to analyze issues, the way I do it now is downloading the logs and analyze them manually
Looking for a better approach
You can configure a logging driver using the docker-options plugin to ship to papertrail or similar. Some of our users have success using the dokku-logspout plugin to ship to papertrail.
Don't use laravel, it's a horrid framework, CakePHP FTW! jk
So, I am almost done with my website. I created it using ruby on rails on the Cloud9 IDE. Is there a way to publish it? To go on it, a user has to be signed on Cloud9 and then I need to run the code on the terminal...
rails server -b $IP -p $PORT
How would I be able to publish my website? I am very new to rails and I have no idea.
To publish your website you need to host it somewhere.
There are multiple ways to do this. For instance you can use Heroku. They provide PaaS (Platform as a service), which means they will handle the installation of the app for you and the maintenance of the virtual machine it resides (updates and whatnot).
Heroku also gives you a very nice admin view for the status of your app, online log display and some other goodies.
Another alternative would be Amazon Web Services, DigitalOcean or Linode (among many others!). They provide IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service). They only give you a virtual machine with your choice of operating system, you will have to manually publish your app and provide manual maintenance of the VM and pretty much anything including the database itself.
Using Heroku would be your best choice for the moment as they are very straightforward with the publishing part. Once you get the grip you can go to the other platforms for customization.
You will also need some deployment tools such as capistrano or mina.
If you're going to host your app in heroku, it's much easier to deploy. As simple as pushing your codes with git.
I am creating a Ruby on Rails website deployed on AWS. I am running into configuration issues and I can't seem to find docs/tutorials that cover configuration of the various tools mentioned and how to set them up BOTH for ease of use in development (on localhost) and while deploying.
Right now I have a Rails app set up and I am using Bundler for all my Ruby gems.
I have two major goals.
Ease of development - Ideally somebody should just have to clone the repo and run 'rails server' and should be good to go. All other stuff like Redis servers, Resque workers, Mongo DB databases, should automatically be started/created.
Ease of deployment - Given some configuration file (like YAML files), I should be easily able to deploy to various stages by simply running 'cap production deploy' or something similar. It should automatically run all the rspec tests, and prevent deploying if something goes wrong. Once deployed it should also handle all other aspects like restarting Apache/Nginx, handling DB migrations, restarting Resque workers, etc. I know how to do this all manually, but again I am looking for a solution that will let a novice (i.e. unexperienced with my app's deployment process, not novice in general) easily be able to deploy.
I have looked at various tools/gems like Foreman, God, etc. but I am not clear on how to use them correctly and how they work in different environments like development and production.
I am looking for either docs/tutorials on how to do this or even Github repo's of Rails app that have solved these problems (preferably smaller repo's so that I don't have to wade through application specific stuff to get the information I looking for).
I am also looking for a way to monitor my Rails app. As what kind of errors are happening? how frequently are they happening? Is Splunk a good tool to do so?
Note : I am not tied down to use any of the tools mentioned above, since I am only starting to develop my website.
This is pretty comprehensive if you want to deploy to a small EC2 instance using Capistrano and Apache.
For monitoring I'd suggest New Relic or just checking your logfiles.
However, you're going to have to be more specific about your technology questions. You're covering a lot of breadth here and going deeper into answering this would require a lengthy essay and possibly a consulting fee.
Today I was converting a web application that use Grails 1.3 to 2.0 when I notice longer and longer response times trying to compile and run. An hour later, after deleting the local ivy cache and some files related with the IDE, came to the conclusion that the problem was an Amazon EC2 outage affecting several sites including Grails' repositories. Every time I write a simple command as grails compile or even grails help, the framework try to connect to EC2. We have a Nexus repository where we store our projects and dependencies. There is something we can configure in order to avoid this behavior and use the local Nexus instead? Thanks in advance.
Glen Smith wrote a great article about this: http://blogs.bytecode.com.au/glen/2012/06/04/seriously-offline-grails-going-totally-sans-internet-with-nexus.html
let's say that RoR development environment is set up and working
does the developer need shell access to develop the RoR application?
would ftp be good enough?
why? I don't want to give my future developers ssh access to my linux box. Or can I set up their file permission so they can read only their project directory?
the whole idea is to have below running on my VPS linux hosting
code repository
production environment
test environment
maybe development environment
few projects
that are looked after by different people
so I want the developers to be able to do their job and only be able to access their project files and maybe only I would be able do to deployment into production from test environment
As Tom mentioned, it makes life a lot easier on Rails developers if they have ssh access to the machine so they can migrate the database, run bundle install, check the logs, or just jump into console.
There are ways to segregate users though, through file/directory permissions, chroot, or but making your linux machine a bunch of virtual machines and giving them their own
You can take a look at how Heroku's client works for possible ideas, since Rails developers are able to deploy, migrate, check logs, and even get into the console without direct shell access. Deployment is all done via git hooks and then their client gives access to particular commands. This is not trivial to set up/get working, though.
Well it does not REQUIRE shell access, but it sure makes it easier.
Without it how can you migrate a db? You would have to manually create controllers, models, etc.
Short answer, you CAN develop without shell access, it is just awkward and more tedious.
This is a common situation - for instance, Network Solutions allows you to do the basic RoR install but only gives ssh access if you step up and pay extra for a VM hosting package. My suggestion is to create the app on a local machine, of course using shell commands, then FTP mirror the files up, then use mysqldump to export the local database. NSI allows you a database console whereby you can then import your database dump file. You will probably have to edit config/database.yml since the host database server is unlikely to be localhost. If the necessary gems aren't present, you will have to plead with your hosting customer service.
It is the first time I have ever launched live a website (with Grails web framework under Amazon EC2 platform and Cloud Foundry) and I realized quickly that I am not ready for monitoring and maintening correctly my application in production mode (fortunately the website is accessible to a very limited number of users) .
The issues I have faced so far are:
Cannot change my views. I need to redeploy my application
I have no monitoring. I don't know who is connected, when do they sign in / sign out...
Redploying my application (upload WAR + deploy) takes at least 30 minutes.
I don't know how to restart my Tomcat server without a redeploy through Cloud Foundry !
So, my question is very simple:
What tools (including grails plugins) and methods can you recommend me for taking me out from my current blindness?
I am not sure how much this will help, however I use the JavaMelody Grails Plugin(http://www.grails.org/plugin/grails-melody) I use it to see if the site is being used before I pull down the service.
Hope that helps.
I tried Cloud Foundry in it's early days and found it a little rough. Sounds like that's still the case with 30+ minute deploys and the inability to restart your tomcat server. Half of your problems could be solved if you just created your own EC2 instance, installed tomcat and managed your own deployments. That'll let you bounce tomcat through shell access:
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
and redeploy your app
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6/stop
cp my.war /to/tomcat/dir
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start
or else you could do it through the tomcat admin console, but I find it to be flaky.
Regarding monitoring, there are a couple of ways you can do that. The easiest is to add CloudWatch monitoring to your system. That'll give you more insight into the performance of the application.
For more detailed monitoring regarding who's connecting to your app, I'd suggest looking at Google Analytics or Mint. If you need to get beyond that (with per user monitoring), you'll likely have to roll your own logging/tracking for what meets your needs. There are also other paid packages out there along the lines of Google Analytics and Mint that you can integrate with, but what fits your needs best, I can't say.
For actual monitoring of deployed system you can also use Hiperic HQ. It's a monitoring solution from Spring Source, who also are owners of Grails Framework.
It can manage, at your case:
tomcat server
btw redeploying app with changes is ok. it's a very bad practice to modify running app, on the production server.
I don't know if JMX and JConsole can help, but that might be a good way to see what the status of JMX-enabled POJOs is. Spring makes this easy to do.
Yes, you need to re-deploy your app when you change stuff in it, there's no way around that.
Deploy/re-deploy time has been cut significantly recently if using the grails plugin (btw, what version of the plugin do you use?) In some cases the upload time is as short as 15 seconds. Add 2-3 minutes for Amazon to spin up the instances and the deploy time is still pretty manageable. For re-deploy the instances don't have to be started, so it's even less than that.
To restart Tomcat login into your CloudFoundry account, click on the Deployment details, click on the instance that's running your Tomcat, and there will be a button "Restart service" that will do just that - restart Tomcat service.
You don't have to start your own EC2 instances in order to get a shell access. Copy the public DNS name of the instance from DeploymentDetails, and SSH into it using the private key you entered when registering for Cloudfoundry. Example:
ssh -i /path/to/gsg-keypair.pem root#your_instance_DNS_name