Evernote Cloud SDK for iOS New Version - ios

Apple was Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking.
Because the current SDK version is using the NSURLConnection, it does not support the IPv6-only network.
Therefore, the application will be rejected that are using the current SDK version.
Evernote need to develop a new version of the SDK that supports IPv6 using NSURLSession or CFNetwork APIs.
Posted in evernote web site of the forum, but there is no answer from the evernote.
We want to resolve to evernote in a hurry this important issue.
What should I do to hasten a solution to evernote?


Required iPv6 compatibility - iOS app rejected by Apple-AFNetworking

After June 1, I submit my ionic app to iTunes connect and I got the message from apple.
Apps are reviewed on an IPv6 network. Please ensure that your app supports IPv6 networks, as IPv6 compatibility is required.
I have used AFNetworking version 3.0 for API call.
and I am not using the hard coded IP Address in my app to call API. I have used http://www.xxxx.com/API/login.php
So now, what I have to change on mobile side and server side?
Please help me to find out the solution for the same.

Flex blazeDS remoting : Apple rejected build reason IPv6 network only

I am a new to flex programming. Recently apple has change policy and from 1 June 2016 any app in appstore must supports IPv6 network only as per new policy. So when i test my new version of an application in IPhone it could not able to communicate with webservice. however previous version were working fine.
In my Application I am using mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject.RemoteObject and URLMonitor.
My web services is created in BlazeDS
I am using flex 4.6 AIR 22.
Is mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject.RemoteObject can handle IPv6? I am not using any hardcode IP like "".
Please suggest me any ANE for URLMonitor also
Zalak L.
I have the same problem, and after more than 4 code modifications and submissions to Apple review, I think the problem is about AMF protocol. It's not compatible with ipv6. The call to the server is not fired.
Now I'm modifing my service facade tu use URLLoader instead of RemoteObjects.

Quickblox ipv6 support

We have an live app on App Store using quickblox ios sdk v2.1.1.
We are trying to upload a new version of the app. (Apple has rejected the latest build as quickblox login fails in ipv6 network)
But as per Apple's announcement of transitioning to IPv6-only network services in iOS 9. Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking.
And, quickblox added the support of ipv6 in
Is there a way of fixing ipv6 support without migrating to updated sdk?
please check - iOS-QuickBlox-SDK-2.1.1-ipv6
Change log:
QBChat with IPv6 support

Xamarin Form, iOS Supporting IPv6-only Networks

I've just submitted my app to Appstore and got this error:
At WWDC 2015 we announced the transition to IPv6-only network services
in iOS 9. Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store
must support IPv6-only networking. Most apps will not require any
changes because IPv6 is already supported by NSURLSession and
CFNetwork APIs.
If your app uses IPv4-specific APIs or hard-coded IP addresses, you
will need to make some changes. Learn how to ensure compatibility by
reading Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks and watch Your App and
Next Generation Network
I also searched about IPv6 in Xamarin and found same error at: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/66732/does-xamarin-support-ios-ipv6-only-networks
Anyone had experience about supporting IPv6 by using Xamarin, please advice.
I've just found the solution, library Xam.Plugin.Connectivity does not support IPv6. I removed the library and get approved!

My iPhone app is using Facebook SDK for iOS v2.0. Will my app become broken in June 2013?

My app on facebook has this alert:
This app uses an outdated version of the Facebook SDK for iOS. Please
download the latest version: iOS SDK 3.2.1.
Learn how the latest version makes it easier and faster to build great
mobile apps.
We also provide upgrade guides to make the process as easy as
possible. Upgrade from SDK 2 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.
Facebook will also stop supporting v2.0 of the SDK in June 2013, so
you are advised to upgrade to the new SDK as soon as possible.
Does this mean that v2.0 of the Facebook SDK for iOS will stop working in June 2013? Or, does it merely mean that Facebook will stop providing technical support and enhancements for it?
My app uses v2.0 SDK for the following:
Login with Facebook
Get list of friends
Send App Request to selected friends
Due to time and budget, I will not be able to have my iPhone app upgraded to version 3 until probably the end of this year. So, does this mean my iPhone app is going to be broken in June?
First, it is recommended for you to read Facebook SDK release notes. In short, API changed & Login mechanism ( especially token management ) changed . That means your app will have chance to be broken in June.
However, stop supporting is not equal to stop service . You can ask Facebook when to stop 2.0 API service . The 2nd link should provide most programming information you require.
Sidenote: I upgrade my app from Facebook iOS SDK 2.0 to 3.1 in few hours. Just curious, why take you so long to perform the changes ?
Hope it helps.
Reference :
Facebook iOS SDK Release Notes
Upgrading from 2.0 to 3.x
If you have access to the code for your app, you can check the class reference here for the latest version and see the whether the methods etc. used in your code is listed here, and whether there are any changes in how they behave / should be used.
If the classes and methods are all there, you don't need to worry. In all probability, your app should run just fine and not break.
