Automatically run command inside docker container after starting up + volume mount - docker

I have created my simple own image from .
FROM python:2.7.11
RUN mkdir /extra/later/ \
&& mkdir /yyy
Now I'm able to perform the following steps:
docker run -d -v xxx:/yyy myimage:latest
So now my volume is mounted inside the container. I'm going to access and I'm able to perform commands on that mounted volume inside my container:
docker exec -it container_id bash
bash# tar -cvpzf /mybackup.tar -C /yyy/ .
Is there a way to automate this steps in your Dockerfile or describing the commands in your docker run command?

The commands executed in the Dockerfile build the image, and the volume is attached to a running container, so you will not be able to run your commands inside of the Dockerfile itself and affect the volume.
Instead, you should create a startup script that is the command run by your container (via CMD or ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile). Place the logic inside of your startup script to detect that it needs to initialize the volume, and it will run when the container is launched. If you run the script with CMD you will be able to override running that script with any command you pass to docker run which may or may not be a good thing depending on your situation.

Try using the CMD option in the Dockerfile to run the tar command
CMD tar -cvpzf /mybackup.tar -C /yyy/ .
CMD ["tar", "-cvpzf", "/mybackup.tar", "-C", "/yyy/", "."]


Run a command line when starting a docker container

As far as I'm concerned you can run a command line when building an image with RUN or when running a container with CMD. Is there anyway to do so when starting a docker container?
My goal is to run the gcloud datastore automatically just after typing docker start my_container_name.
If this is possible, which changes should I apply to my Dockerfile?
(I have already installed all the packages required and I can run that command after docker run --name my_container_name -i -t my_image_name but I want it to be run also when starting the container)
Docker execute RUN command when you build the image.
Docker execute ENTRYPOINT command when you start the container. CMD goes as arguments to ENTRYPOINT. Both of these can be overridden when you create a container from an image. Their purpose in Dockerfile is to provide defaults for future when you or someone else will be creating containers from this image.
Consider the example:
FROM debian:buster
RUN apt update && apt install procps
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/ps"]
CMD ["aux"]
The RUN command adds ps command to the image, ENTRYPOINT and CMD are not executed but they will be when you run the container:
# create a container named 'ps' using default CMD and ENTRYPOINT
docker run --name ps my_image
# equivalent to /usr/bin/ps aux
# start the existing container 'ps'
docker start ps
# equivalent to /usr/bin/ps aux
# override CMD
docker run my_image au
# equivalent to /usr/bin/ps au
# override both CMD and ENTRYPOINT
docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash my_image -c 'echo "Hello, world!"'
# will print Hello, world! instead of using ps aux
docker run --entrypoint="" my_image /bin/bash -c 'echo "Hello, world!"'
# the output is the same as above
Each time you use docker run you create a container. The used ENTRYPOINT and CMD are saved as container properties and executed each time you start the container.

Run commands in Docker during run process

I want to be able to run a docker run... command for my custom Ubuntu command where the docker will run two commands as if they were typed once the docker begins running. I have my docker mounted to a local folder and have a custom code within the mounted folder, I want running the docker to also run cd Project and ./a.out within the docker but I am not sure how to do that in one long command.
I have tried docker run --mount type=bind,source="/home/ec2-user/environment/Project",target="Project" myubuntu cd Project && ./a.out but I get an OCI runtime create failed.
I have also tried docker run --mount type=bind,source="/home/ec2-user/environment/Project",target="Project" myubuntu -c 'cd Project && ./a.out' but get the same error.
Ultimately, it would be nice to have my mounted directory, cd Project, ./a.out, and exit command in my Dockerfile so that the docker container opens, runs the compiled code within a.out, and then exits with a simple docker run myubuntu command but I know that mounting within the Dockerfile requires the image be rebuilt every time that local folder changes. So that leaves me with being able to open the docker container, run my two commands, and exit the container with 1 docker run command line.
I think you want to start a shell that runs your two commands:
docker run --mount ... myubuntu /bin/bash -c 'cd somewhere && do something'

I want to run a script during container run based on env variable that I pass

I want to run a script during run time and not during image build.
The script runs based on env variable that I pass during container run.
touch $env
Docker file
FROM busybox
ENV env parm
RUN chmod 777
CMD sh
when I try to run: docker container run -it -e env=test.txt sh
the script is not running
I am just getting the sh terminal. If I remove it the the container is not alive.. Please help me how to achieve it
Your docker run starts sh which overrides your CMD in Dockerfile. To get around this, you need to replicate the original CMD via the command line.
$ docker run -it -e env=test.txt <image:tag> sh -c "./; sh"
Remember that a Docker container runs a single command, and then exits. If you docker run your image without overriding the command, the only thing the container will do is touch a file inside the isolated container filesystem, and then it will promptly exit.
If you need to do some startup-time setup, a useful pattern is to write it into an entrypoint script. When a container starts up, Docker runs whatever you have named as the ENTRYPOINT, passing the CMD as additional parameters (or it just runs CMD if there is no ENTRYPOINT). You can use the special shell command exec "$#" to run the command. So revisiting your script as an entrypoint script:
# ^^ busybox image doesn't have bash (nor does alpine)
# Do the first-time setup
touch "$env"
# Launch the main container process
exec "$#"
In your Dockerfile set this script to be the ENTRYPOINT, and then whatever long-running command you actually want the container to do to be the CMD.
FROM busybox
WORKDIR /PRATHAP # Also creates the directory
COPY . # Generally prefer COPY to ADD
RUN chmod 0755 # Not world-writable
ENV env parm
ENTRYPOINT ["./"] # Must be JSON-array syntax
# Do not need to name interpreter, since
# it is executable with #! line
CMD sh # Or whatever the container actually does

Printing output of shell script running inside a docker container

I have a Dockerfile in which I have specified an ENTRYPOINT "".In,I am exe.cuting a CURL command.When the docker image with this Dockerfile is built.How should I run it so that output of will be printed on my host.
Dockerfile -
FROM my-company-repo-java-base-image
ADD /root
ENTRYPOINT bash "/root/
echo "Hello My Script"
curl -x POST "some_api_which_returns_json"
I have built the image using command
docker build
I want to run this image and see output of on my dockerhost.
Given a Docker image whose tag is $DOCKER_IMAGE:
docker container run -it --rm $DOCKER_IMAGE
-i keeps STDIN open
-t allocates a pseudo-TTY
--rm automatically removes the container when it exits
See docker container run for all the options.
Of course you can see the output of shell script. Make sure you delete the old image before building new one when you change the script. Else, your container will keep using the old script over and over. Here's an example
FROM alpine:3.7
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/"]
COPY /usr/bin/
#!/usr/bin/env sh
echo "Hello there"
commands to run:
docker image rm testdocker
docker build --tag testdocker .
docker run testdocker
You should see the line Hello there appears on the terminal

docker: Only execute command in when container is running

I want to create a backup of a mount volume in my docker container.
This is the command in my dockerfile:
RUN tar -cvpzf test.tar -C /test/ .
But the problem is that it can only be executed after the mount of my volume. (because my volume will be mounted to /test/
So this command needs to be executed after starting the docker container and not when I'm creating the image. How do I have to perform this?
Once your container is running, assuming the container has tar, you can do exactly what you want with:
docker exec nameofcontainer [options] tar -cvpzf test.tar -C /test/ .
You can get the names of running containers using docker ps. For options, you may want to use -ti so that you can see the output.
You could also build the container with a custom ENTRYPOINT or CMD which will both start whatever the primary job of the container is going to be and run your backup script, as well as any other tasks that need performing.
The official mysql container does something like this, with the script.
