BI PUBLISHER url file after installation - bi-publisher

I installed bi publisher but didnt save url file of enterprise manager etc. thats why i cant login to bi. my question is. where the url file saves in BI publisher installed location?

If you have installed using default settings, the default port would be 9704. The url should be


How to use Google OAuth2.0 without out-of-band (OOB)

I have created new OAuth 2.0 Client IDs (application type = Desktop app). Then downloaded the OAuth client JSON file. Put the file into the folder where my code is looking. When I run the code locally on my PC it`s try to open following URL:{my_client_id}&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2F&scope={my_scope}&access_type=offline&response_type=code
and that is what I expect. Since the downloaded OAuth client has the parameter "redirect_uris":["http://localhost"]. So I expected the same thing when I ran this same code on the ubuntu server, but nope. The URL it proposes me visit is{my_client_id}&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope={my_scope}&access_type=offline&response_type=code
And here is the problem, I don't understand what I have to do to make my server pass this authorization.
I already tried to manually change this parameter of redirect_uris before visiting the destination to the same one I had on my local computer - to http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2F, but I got this error in the browser:
Who can help me? What should I do?
Developers using installed applications need to stitch to using IP flow.
Loopback IP address (macOS, Linux, Windows desktop)
A key point on that page is
To receive the authorization code using this URL, your application must be listening on the local web server.
So as directed you would use or http://[::1]:port The fact that you are getting a page not found is working as intended as you just have not set up the local web server as directed in the documetnation.
The authorization code needed for authorization can still be found in the URL browser. Currently this is the only information we have from Google and there is no other solution.

IBM BPM process portal page not loading properly

After installing BPM 8.5.5, I could see process portal page loading the below way:
enter image description here
Tried both the http and https protocol. Need suggestions...
Use FQDN (fully qualified domain name) instead of "localhost" in the URL and it should work. E.g. use the hostname of the BPM server that was used during the IBM BPM installation.
If not, then perform verification of Process Portal using the instructions from this link and post screenshot(s) of what you see -

How to open file in edit mode uploaded to google drive using google api service account

I have google api service account.I successfully upload the file on the drive, open the file on browser.But i am not able to get the edit mode.How can i open a particular file in edit mode.And the changes will reflect to original files.
Currently i open the file using link "" this does not support the edit mode. When the current user sign in on the above link page then i see the edit option but it saves to the current user logged in account and not reflect the original file.
You can try the above link its working now.
I am developing the application in MVC and using google api v2
One approach is to share the files to the users (depending on type in your use case). Once the file has been uploaded (thru Service Account), additional settings will be required to share the file. Set the role as writer and you'll be good to go (by calling the File's selfLink)

Excel 2010 interop issues

Right, this is driving me insane. This works fine locally with Excel 2013, but when the website is published to a remote server with Excel 2010 it fails. From what I can see the DCOM configuration is the same locally as remote.
After fighting with Excel 2010 and DCOM permissions for over an hour now the best I have got is this exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070BBC): Office has detected a problem with this file. To help protect your computer this file cannot be opened.
This is the result of a web application trying to open a *.xls file from a location it has just uploaded to. The application pool is running under ApplicationPoolIdentity and I have set the permissions for this specific app pool under mmc -32 on Launch and Activation Permissions so there's no problem running Excel. What I think I'm facing here is protected mode issues as the file is definitely not corrupt.
I've gone into Excel and Trust Centre settings and have added the location where the *.xls file is uploaded to (and subsequently opened) as a trusted location. If I open the file on the hosting server (under my domain account) I don't get the protected view block on the file - however, the Identity on the DCOM configuration is set to the launching user. So, what does this mean from the following (or something I haven't listed):
I need to add this location as trusted at a group policy level because the account launching the actual application doesn't have this configuration in its profile?
I need to create an actual account on the server and use this account as the Identity for running the application?
... ?
Just to clarify I've already been down the DCOM Security config route and RIDICULOUS issues with C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop and C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop. The configuration is:
.NET 4.5 (classic pipeline) app pool running under ApplicationPoolIdentity
DCOM Config > Security > Launch and Activation Permissions all set for this specific identity (Access Permissions and Configuration Permissions all set to Use Default)
File is uploaded correctly and appears in destination, opening on the server itself (under my domain account) respects the Trusted Location and doesn't give protected mode warning
Process to parse fails with the above exception.
Here is a screenshot of the Interop assembly I'm using if this is pertinent.
Ok... for anyone stumbling on this issue I have bitten the bullet and had to do the following:
Create a local account (AutomatedOffice in my instance) and set DCOM config to run Excel under this account
Log in as above account and change Excel settings to add folder in application root to trusted location and disable protected mode messages
Allow "Network Service" to invoke DCOM processes locally (through server DCOM config and not CLSID config)
Add NTFS permissions for this account on C:\Windows[System32|SYSWOW64]\config\systemprofile\Desktop paths
What was weird, after creating the account I was getting the following exception Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. which was resolved by adding HOST\Users and HOST\NetworkServices group to DCOM security (local only!!!) settings.
You need to add in trust center, security locations the folder where your website is published, for examplo if your website reads a file from c:\temporal\ you must put on excel, security locations that folder name

How to configure Roambi Upload Utility?

Im trying to configure Roambi Upload Utility for Windows. I created the API client through the admin panel, but when i try to set up the API i get the error "Configuration validate failed" and i have no idea why.
Im using this post at Roambi-Support as a reference (thereĀ“s almost nooo documentation).
The fields that goes on the utilty are User - Password Client ID (Provided by the Admin Panel) Client secret (Provided by the Admin Panel) Redirect URI (i put Local Sync Folder (the local folder to sync)
If anyone has use the API before i appreciate your help!
You may want to try this as well:
Delete the API client from Roambi Business and create a new one.
Reinstall the Windows Upload Utility and ensure the consumer key and secret are copied exactly from the new API Client.
For the Redirect URI use the following: about:blank
Create a new sync folder and try adding the Excel file again.
If you are a registered Roambi user, please go here for more information and instruction on how to use the Roambi Upload Utility:
Please make sure you are logged in as an admin when installing the utility in Windows..
