How Do I Keep Bar Width the Same Across Multiple Charts? - spreadsheetgear

Suppose I want to create two charts with horizontal bars. The names of the objects are listed on the y-axis and the horizontal bars represents some quantity. The first chart has 100 items and the second chart has 5 items.
When I create the charts the horizontal bars have different widths. I'd like the bars to be the same width across all of my charts.
I know I can try different values for the height parameter to the AddShape function. But that seems time-consuming and unreliable since the number of items can change. I'd like to do something like:
Chart.BarWidth = 10

The "thickness" of each bar will be primarily determined by the number of data points that need to be plotted. The more data points to plot, the thinner the bars will be. There are some options to further tweak them, such as IChartGroup.GapWidth, and you're welcome to try to adjust this so that both charts match. But I suspect that it will be very difficult to do this reliably, particularly if the number of plotted points is expected to change over time.
To maintain the same bar thickness for multiple charts, I think your best option will be to ensure both charts' series refer to the same size range. So if your first chart refers to 100 cells, have your second chart refer to 100 cells, even if only 5 are populated with values. The empty cells should not plot but will still take up space and therefore maintain consistent bar thicknesses between your two charts.


How to align multiple charts with different data

I have three pie charts displayed in a row. Two have two segments, one has five. All three have vertical legends.
Given that, the chart with five segments displays the pie slightly smaller, due to the extra height of the legend. It also has a slight negative vertical offset.
Is there any way I can set all three charts to render the chart in the same position? I've tried setting the center to 50%,50% in plotOptions, didn't help.
You have to set the marginBottom-Value of the chart to a value that is equal an all charts. Highcharts is trying to display the pie as big as possible, therefore it will use more space if the legend is not as big.
By setting the marginBottom you force the chart to ignore the actual legend size.
The center: ['50%','50%'] setting will only take into account the actual plot area. So if this area is decreased because of a taller legend it has no effect.
I made a jsfiddle where you can explore this settings:

Labels on Grid lines in HighchartsJS

I'm using highcharts and trying to add labels to the grid lines of a polar chart, however, I can only add labels to the first axis (which is the y-axis in the cartesian coordinate system).
Polar charts are not well covered (as well as labels on grids) in the highcharts docs. My current approach is placing the labels manually on the correct positions, which will get cumbersome due to dynamic number of categories and sizes of my chart. Additionally, exporting the chart will not support labels anymore.
Background: Let's assume I am selling tickets for clubbing from Monday to Friday (no weekends, bad choice) for the clubs Green, Black, and Blue. Now, I want to know which club performed best on each day, and also how many tickets are sold in total. Therefore, I'd like to apply different scalings to each axis as attached (manually manipulated). I'm currently normalizing the ticket sales for each day to 0…1 which does the job for comparing each single day, but I can't apply the different labels to the axis.
One way might be to add more panes (with startAngle correction) and yAxes with different scales, so dataLabels are showing as in your image.
Problem - each yAxis can have only a single pane, each series can have only a single yAxis, so there is one scale for a series - no matter what category.
Another way could be to do the same, but have all yAxes linked to each other, so scale is the same for all. Next it is possible to change axis labels and tooltip display, to match your image.

Core Plot: How do you centre the axis labels beneath bars / horizontally offset them?

I am making a column chart in Core Plot, and I want the x-labels to appear beneath the columns, rather than on the left and right. Having trouble finding solutions through searches; either outdated or not related. Feel like plenty of people have had this problem before, I'm just using the wrong keywords.
Screenshot of how it looks right now:
The bars are centered at the bar location returned from the datasource, plus or minus any barOffset. For a stacked plot like this, use the default barOffset of zero (0) and make sure the bar locations match the tick locations on the axis.

Highcharts :: Need to split y-axis from primary body of chart. Can I display this axis separately from the Highchart?

I have a situation where I need to remove all margins from a highchart and remove the x/y axis so it fills a series of columns in a table completely.
I did that, no problem. Chart goes to the extremes as needed.
What I need now is that pesky yaxis I already removed...but displayed in a table cell outside of the existing highcharts object.
It would seem easy, as though I could just set the overflow property of yaxis to 'visible' and play with the offset...which would work however this would only work if I wanted to re-position the axis within the boundaries of the highchart object. I want him in a different cell entirely.
Is there anyone who has had experience in this situation? Is it going to require me to have a secondary highchart with only a y-axis?
Best answer gets a green check.
EDIT :: I now have dispersed each 'day' into their own column (more bars coming per day [scheduled,actual,etc...]). In order to keep the scales lined up, I manipulate the yAxis:max property and set them all to a derived value.
In the open column (currently w/ text Hourly Trends) is where I would put an additional highchart module with no series data but with the same min/max/tickInterval.
The next big leap will be to see the data is alive and changes w/ schedule. May have to start another thread for that one, no?
Create a new HC object with no data but only the yAxis (making sure it is the right scale, etc). Perhaps add the same series of data to it but hide the series? Add it to the location you want. This seems kludge and not very good practice. Each business use is different but why would you want this?
EDIT based on comment of business rules:
Why not come at this from a different direction and have the individual chart elements (the bars/points/etc) be a single point chart. This way you have one chart per column. You can then set up the yAxis to be text and not worry about the position. If we could see an example of the page layout and the desired result that would help.

How to set the bar width to a fixed value in Shinobi Charts?

I am trying to get used to Shinobi charts developed for iOS. I've downloaded trial version on same and trying to plot some sample charts using it. The charts look pretty good in demo apps. But one thing I noticed that while using class SChartColumnSeries to plot bar chart, the width of the bars is adjusted according to the frame available to plot the chart. I want it to be fixed (say 20 pixels) regardless of number of bars present and if the width required is more than what is assigned (while assigning frame to the chart) then only some part of the chart will be visible and user can scroll the chart to view remaining bars (This is possible in Core Plot). How can I achieve this using Shinobi charts?
This is possible with Shinobi, but it's not a simple case of setting a fixed width property I'm afraid. I've just tried to do this though and its isn't too complicated!
My advice would be to set up the chart like this:
chart = [[ShinobiChart alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[chart setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth];
[chart setDatasource:d];
[chart setXAxis:[SChartNumberAxis new]];
[chart setYAxis:[SChartNumberAxis new]];
[[chart xAxis] setEnableGesturePanning:YES];
[[chart xAxis] setEnableGestureZooming:NO];
[chart.xAxis setDefaultRange:[[SChartNumberRange alloc] initWithMinimum:#5 andMaximum:#10]];
The most important part is the last 3 lines. By turning zooming off you allow your charts to have a fixed zoom level, meaning the bars stay the same width. You can turn the panning on to allow users to scroll to see different bars.
The last line sets the default range. Here, i've just set it to values between 5 and 10. That means that the chart displays values between 5 and 10 along the x-axis.
By doing the above, this means that your columns will have a fixed width! You might have to do some tweaking and / or calculation depending on how many data points you have, in order to find out what you have to set your default range to. If they are variable for example, you will need to take into account the number of data points, the padding between the columns and inter column padding and the number of pixels you have available).
I realise this is quite a simplified answer but it should give you a good starting point!
