Xamarin-IOS BTLE WroteCharacteristicValue not fired - ios

I have the following code for my IOS implementation, the problem is that the WroteCharacteristicValue event is never fired. Is is being fired on the android side when I connect to the same module. Any ideas what to do?
public void StartUpdates ()
// TODO: should be bool RequestValue? compare iOS API for commonality
bool successful = false;
if(CanRead) {
Console.WriteLine ("** Characteristic.RequestValue, PropertyType = Read, requesting read");
_parentDevice.UpdatedCharacterteristicValue += UpdatedRead;
_parentDevice.ReadValue (_nativeCharacteristic);
successful = true;
if (CanUpdate) {
Console.WriteLine ("** Characteristic.RequestValue, PropertyType = Notify, requesting updates");
_parentDevice.UpdatedCharacterteristicValue += UpdatedNotify;
_parentDevice.WroteCharacteristicValue += Wrote; // -DP here??
_parentDevice.SetNotifyValue (true, _nativeCharacteristic);
successful = true;
Console.WriteLine ("** RequestValue, Succesful: " + successful.ToString());
void Wrote(object sender, CBCharacteristicEventArgs e) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Characteristic Write Complete!");
this.WriteComplete (this, new CharacteristicReadEventArgs () {
Characteristic = new Characteristic(e.Characteristic, _parentDevice)

The WroteCharacteristic will only fire if the characteristic writes with response.
You can check it with:
var prop = _nativeCharacteristic.Properties;
// Event can be used
else if(prop.HasFlag(CBCharacteristicProperties.WriteWithoutResponse))
// Event will not fire if WriteWithoutResponse
Btw: we provide a plugin for BLE, so you don't have to care about platform sepcific stuff ;) http://smstuebe.de/2016/05/13/blev1.0/


Dart Socket one at a time

Hi i am building a blockchain and am trying to sync a list of connected peers,
but if the following code is called twice from different nodes the first call is still busy while the second call kicks in does anyone know how i could wait for the first message to be complete
class Peer {
{required this.us,
required this.peers,
required this.allPeers,
required this.myPeers});
String us;
Map<String, int> peers;
Map<String, List<Online>> allPeers;
Map<String, List<Online>> myPeers;
List<String>? keep;
Map<String, List<NewNodePeerMessage>> nnpms = {};
//listen should never trigger a response to connect we will give the address / ip
// so your ndoe two will only sync when a thrid node joins the network
Future listen() async {
ServerSocket ss =
await ServerSocket.bind(us.split(':')[0], int.parse(us.split(':')[1]));
print('listening on ${us.split(':')[1]}');
// List<ReceivePort> lrp = [];
ss.listen((client) {
// ReceivePort rp = ReceivePort();
utf8.decoder.bind(client).listen((data) async {
final PeerMessage pm =
PeerMessage.fromJson(json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>);
print('recieved msg from ${pm.from}');
switch (pm.type) {
case 'new-node':
// rp.listen((_) async {
final NewNodePeerMessage nnpm = NewNodePeerMessage.fromJson(
json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>);
peers[pm.code] ??= 3;
allPeers[pm.code] ??= [];
final List<Online> news = [];
print('apl ${allPeers[pm.code]!.length}');
// ,maby a list would let me know
// maby we should have a simple check to the loop bool that it doesnt start looping when it is adjusting the peers
'allpeers before looping ${allPeers[pm.code]!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList()}');
for (Online one in allPeers[pm.code]!.where((element) =>
element.address != pm.from &&
element.address != us &&
!nnpm.recieved.contains(element.address))) {
'i am still loopin current one ${one.toJson()} current from ${pm.from}');
try {
final Socket ones = await Socket.connect(
// if we would only move ones out of the for loop maby the program wont work at the same point in time
// we could have a bool that keeeps track of the msg is working on printstatement you inside off the msg
// so 8787 trigger 5442 because it has him in the list
// mabe a bool can be added to list if you is inished with listening
// isbusy knows iff its stuck in the loop if we write from here we are
// if we write ffrom connect we arent or this write could know if it is busy
// is busy shoudl be from down
// because if we wirte from here or we write from you is busy is true and false
// so if we write from below can isbusy stop us
// is isusy is true herewe can go into listen but on you we can not
isBusy: false,
max: peers[pm.code]!,
peer: nnpm.peer,
type: 'new-node',
from: us,
code: pm.code,
recieved: nnpm.recieved)
print('propablywrote ${one.toJson()} from ${nnpm.from}');
ones.listen((ppmru) async {
print('listentedtoppmru ${one.toJson()}');
final PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr =
'abouttoaddnewonlines ${ppmr.onlines.map((e) => e.toJson())} and from ${ppmr.from}');
// news.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
await ones.close();
} catch (err) {
one.online = false;
// break;
print('abouttoloopagain ${one.toJson()} from ${nnpm.from}');
print('gothereagainactuallydonelooping ${pm.from}');
// its actually that new node only should write to the client again only if its the first time maby
allPeers[pm.code]!.removeWhere((element) => !element.online);
print(allPeers[pm.code]!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList());
/// the problem occurs because of client clients response will shut down base or we could wrap it inside o try an catch
/// we need to know if this message will send the code up here or down to printstatement you to ones.listen or to s that listen
/// one global bool could say like will go down maby even when it goes up herte to printstatement abouttoaddnewonlines
/// how do we know here below that it will go to the you printstatement or down
/// so we need a message from up
allPeers[pm.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: nnpm.peer));
// print('abouttowriteto ${client.address.address} ${client.port}');
print('abouttorespondto ${pm.from}');
isBusy: true,
peer: nnpm.peer,
onlines: allPeers[pm.code]!
.where((element) => element.address != pm.from)
code: pm.code,
from: us)
// await client.close();
// rp.sendPort.send(null);
// });
case 'new-node-through':
case 'is-online':
case 'is-test':
// client.destroy();
}, onDone: () {});
bool loop = false;
// Future connect(List<dynamic> args) async {
// is busy shoudl bee ffrom down
Future connect(String bootnode, String code) async {
final Socket s = await Socket.connect(
"${bootnode.split(':')[0]}", int.parse(bootnode.split(':')[1]));
print('connected to ${bootnode}');
isBusy: true,
max: 3,
peer: us,
type: 'new-node',
code: code,
from: us,
recieved: []).toJson()));
s.listen((pmmru) async {
print('whatwas first');
PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr = peersPeerMessageResponse(pmmru);
allPeers[ppmr.code] ??= [];
allPeers[ppmr.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
await s.close();
}, onDone: () {
//because off up being triggered ffrom this msg we know it will go down because off client that write
// and client that write is up their and it m
// final somekindloop;
//if we would just never listen here would it relay on up might solve problem because up might be busy we could also ssst the isolate
// s.listen((ppmru) async {
// loop = true;
// // whenever we recieve here the ppmru could have the isbusy instead
// // print('you');
// // isBusy
// // while (!loop) {}
// PeersPeerMessageResponse ppmr = peersPeerMessageResponse(ppmru);
// print(ppmr.toJson());
// allPeers[ppmr.code] ??= [];
// allPeers[ppmr.code]!.addAll(ppmr.onlines);
// allPeers[ppmr.code]!.add(Online(online: true, address: ppmr.from));
// print(allPeers);
// await s.close();
// });
PeersPeerMessageResponse peersPeerMessageResponse(Uint8List resp) {
final PeersPeerMessageResponse ppm = PeersPeerMessageResponse.fromJson(
json.decode(String.fromCharCodes(resp).trim()) as Map<String, dynamic>);
return ppm;
// Future isOnline(String code) async {
// for (Online p in allPeers[code] ??= []) {
// try {
// final Socket peer = await Socket.connect(
// p.address.split(':')[0], int.parse(p.address.split(':')[1]));
// await peer.close();
// } catch (err) {
// p.ischis = false;
// }
// }
// }
its about the new node function inside of the switch statement while the first call is inside off the for loop the second call does not loop but increments the allPeers with new peers which because off the first call evolves into
Unhandled exception:
Concurrent modification during iteration: Instance(length:3) of '_GrowableList'.
#0 ListIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:336:7)
#1 WhereIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:438:22)
#2 Peer.listen.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:gov/peer/peer.dart:180:53)
<asynchronous suspension>
how can is use the on done event to wait or the first call to be complete?

How to properly update Android BillingFlowParams sku() to setSkuDetails()

here is the code can anyone tell how can I setSkuDetails()
as I was using vision one now I update it to 4
However, setSku and setType seem to be deprecated in the BillingFlowParams.Builder class. Instead, we should be using setSkuDetails(SkuDetails).
private void BillingFunction() {
mSharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
// Establish connection to billing client
mBillingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(MainActivity.this).setListener(MainActivity.this).build();
mBillingClient.startConnection(new BillingClientStateListener() {
public void onBillingSetupFinished(#NonNull BillingResult billingResult) {
if (billingResult.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) {
// The billing client is ready. You can query purchases here.
public void onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
//TODO implement your own retry policy
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, getResources().getString(R.string.billing_connection_failure), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
// Try to restart the connection on the next request to
// Google Play by calling the startConnection() method.
continue_button.setOnClickListener(view -> {
if (select_radio_one.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
BillingFlowParams flowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()
BillingResult responseCode = mBillingClient.launchBillingFlow(MainActivity.this, flowParams);
} else if (select_radio_two.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
BillingFlowParams flowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()
BillingResult responseCode = mBillingClient.launchBillingFlow(MainActivity.this, flowParams);
} else if (select_radio_three.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
BillingFlowParams flowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()
BillingResult responseCode = mBillingClient.launchBillingFlow(MainActivity.this, flowParams);
} else {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Nothing selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// queryPrefPurchases();
You should send the object skuDetail.
To do so you need to retrieve it by calling querySkuDetailsAsync().
fun querySkuDetails() {
val skuList = ArrayList<String>()
val params = SkuDetailsParams.newBuilder()
// leverage querySkuDetails Kotlin extension function
val skuDetailsResult = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// Process the result.

can I know when a StreamSubscription is cancelled?

is there anything like onCancel for a StreamSubscription?
var subscription = someStream.listen((item) => null);
subscription.cancel(); // does this trigger any event?
I ended up creating a _StreamSubscriptionDelegate that delegates all methods and so I can put some logic when the subscription is cancelled, however, maybe there is an easier solution to it.
If the stream comes from a StreamController, then the controller is notified of the cancel. The listener is expected to keep track of their own subscription, so if one part of the client code needs to know that another part has cancelled the stream, then wrapping the subscription in something which records that you cancelled it, is a perfectly good approach.
Another approach could be to wrap the stream before listening to it:
Stream<T> onCancel<T>(Stream<T> source, void onCancel()) async* {
bool isCancelled = true;
try {
await for (var event in source) {
yield event; // exits if cancelled.
isCancelled = false;
} finally {
if (isCancelled) onCancel();
Stream<T> onCancel<T>(Stream<T> source, void onCancel()) {
var sink = StreamController<T>();
sink.onListen = () {
var subscription = source.listen(sink.add, onError: sink.onError, onDone: sink.close);
..onPause = subscription.pause
..onResume = subscription.resume
..onCancel = () {
return sink.stream;

Monotouch : pause application unit dialog response

How can i pause application for prevention from running next method unit client does not selected dialog buttons?
For example i am showing location update dialog for accessing location service and i want to pause my application for dialog response
public CLLocation UpdateUserLocation()
CLLocation currentLocation = null;
CLLocationManager LocMgr = new CLLocationManager();
if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled)
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (6, 0))
LocMgr.LocationsUpdated += (object sender, CLLocationsUpdatedEventArgs e) =>
currentLocation = e.Locations [e.Locations.Length - 1];
LocMgr.UpdatedLocation += (object sender, CLLocationUpdatedEventArgs e) =>
currentLocation = e.NewLocation;
LocMgr.StartUpdatingLocation ();
LocMgr.Failed += (object sender, NSErrorEventArgs e) =>
Console.WriteLine (e.Error);
currentLocation = null;
Console.WriteLine ("Location services not enabled, please enable this in your Settings");
if (currentLocation != null)
LocationDetector.Instance.UpdateCurrentArea (new MyLatLng (currentLocation.Coordinate.Latitude, currentLocation.Coordinate.Longitude));
return currentLocation;
If I am understanding your question correctly.
When you display a dialog box, you are wanting to stop execution of the current method from further executing until the user selects a dialog box response.
Once they have selected a response, you would then like to continue execution of the code in the same function, effectively achieving your 'pause' that you are after.
To achieve this in iOS you can use a TaskCompletionSource.
In the example below it shows a dialog box first, asking the user if they want some coffee and then waits for the user to respond.
Once the user responds, it then continues execution, within the same function, and displays a further message box that is dependent on the selection that the user made.
UIButton objButton1 = new UIButton (UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
objButton1.SetTitle ("Click Me", UIControlState.Normal);
objButton1.TouchUpInside += (async (o2, e2) => {
int intCoffeeDispenserResponse = await ShowCoffeeDispenserDialogBox();
switch (intCoffeeDispenserResponse)
case 0:
UIAlertView objUIAlertView1 = new UIAlertView();
objUIAlertView1.Title = "Coffee Dispenser";
objUIAlertView1.Message = "I hope you enjoy the coffee.";
case 1:
UIAlertView objUIAlertView2 = new UIAlertView();
objUIAlertView2.Title = "Coffee Dispenser";
objUIAlertView2.Message = "OK - Please come back later when you do.";
View = objButton1;
private Task<int> ShowCoffeeDispenserDialogBox()
TaskCompletionSource<int> objTaskCompletionSource1 = new TaskCompletionSource<int> ();
UIAlertView objUIAlertView1 = new UIAlertView();
objUIAlertView1.Title = "Coffee Dispenser";
objUIAlertView1.Message = "Do you want some coffee?";
objUIAlertView1.Clicked += ((o2, e2) => {
return objTaskCompletionSource1.Task;

Deferring persistence as device is being used in BlackBerry when listening file change

I tried to listen file change event in BlackBerry base on FileExplorer example, but whenever I added or deleted file, it always showed "Deferring persistence as device is being used" and I can't catch anything .Here is my code:
public class FileChangeListenner implements FileSystemJournalListener{
private long _lastUSN; // = 0;
public void fileJournalChanged() {
long nextUSN = FileSystemJournal.getNextUSN();
String msg = null;
for (long lookUSN = nextUSN - 1; lookUSN >= _lastUSN && msg == null; --lookUSN)
FileSystemJournalEntry entry = FileSystemJournal.getEntry(lookUSN);
// We didn't find an entry
if (entry == null)
// Check if this entry was added or deleted
String path = entry.getPath();
if (path != null)
switch (entry.getEvent())
case FileSystemJournalEntry.FILE_ADDED:
msg = "File was added.";
case FileSystemJournalEntry.FILE_DELETED:
msg = "File was deleted.";
_lastUSN = nextUSN;
if ( msg != null )
Here is the caller:
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new FileChangeListenner();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Create file method worked fine:
private void createFile() {
try {
FileConnection fc = (FileConnection) Connector
// If no exception is thrown, then the URI is valid, but the file
// may or may not exist.
if (!fc.exists()) {
fc.create(); // create the file if it doesn't exist
OutputStream outStream = fc.openOutputStream();
outStream.write("test content".getBytes());
} catch (Exception e) {
and output:
0:00:44.475: Deferring persistence as device is being used.
0:00:46.475: AG,+CPT
0:00:46.477: AG,-CPT
0:00:54.476: VM:+GC(f)w=11
0:00:54.551: VM:-GCt=9,b=1,r=0,g=f,w=11,m=0
0:00:54.553: VM:QUOT t=1
0:00:54.554: VM:+CR
0:00:54.596: VM:-CR t=5
0:00:55.476: AM: Exit net_rim_bb_datatags(291)
0:00:55.478: Process net_rim_bb_datatags(291) cleanup started
0:00:55.479: VM:EVTOv=7680,w=20
0:00:55.480: Process net_rim_bb_datatags(291) cleanup done
0:00:55.481: 06/25 03:40:41.165 BBM FutureTask Execute: net.rim.device.apps.internal.qm.bbm.platform.BBMPlatformManagerImpl$3#d1e1ec79
0:00:55.487: 06/25 03:40:41.171 BBM FutureTask Finish : net.rim.device.apps.internal.qm.bbm.platform.BBMPlatformManagerImpl$3#d1e1ec79
I also tried to remove the thread or create or delete file in simulator 's sdcard directly but it doesn't help. Please tell me where is my problem. Thanks
You instantiate the FileChangeListenner, but you never register it, and also don't keep it as a variable anywhere. You probably need to add this call
FileChangeListenner listener = new FileChangeListenner();
You also might need to keep a reference (listener) around for as long as you want to receive events. But maybe not (the addFileSystemJournalListener() call might do that). But, you at least need that call to addFileSystemJournalListener(), or you'll never get fileJournalChanged() called back.
