Create Horizontal ScrollView - ios

I want to know how to create a horizontal scroll view in Swift. I also want to know how to add buttons to the scroll view. An excellent example of what I'm essentially asking for is in the game "Cut the Rope."
In the picture you're presented with a picture (which you can click on) of a "fabric box." There are other different types of boxes that, with scrolling, you can access them. How would I do something similar to this?


iOS Swift: Expandable/Collapsable View that contains a Horizontally Scrolling List

Im am relatively new to Swift/iOS and i have a quite complex task to Accomplish, and i want to know the best way for doing that.
I need to have a Custom View. This View displays some content, e.g. a news-article. If the user taps on the View, it expands and shows a more detailed version of the news article. Also, the user cann scroll horizontally (in the expanded or collapsed state) to get to the next article.
A Visual explanation
I searched for each problem individually. For scrolling, i found that i can use a scrollview with paging enabled, so that each swipe will lead to the next article. But im not sure if that is the best solution for my problem.
For expanding/Collapsing a view, i only have the idea to programmatically set the size of the view to fill the screen, so that auto layout would no longer display everything that is located beneath our custom view. Would that be possible? And is there any better solution?

Main Menu Button Grid iOS

There are plenty of good grid-of-button controls out there (such as GMGridView) and tutorials around UICollectionView (here).
However, they all seem to focus on imitating the look and feel of the Springboard of Photos app.
I'm looking for something that is more like the main menu you might see in a game. Where if I had one button, I want it to fill my view and be centered. Two buttons I would expect to share the space. Five buttons would have either a button on top (or below) a box of four buttons centered.
Is this sort of dynamic sizing of buttons to fill its parent container and centered of controls into columns easily accomplished with UICollectionView or would it be better to head down the path of something custom where I have a fixed layout support for, say, 1 - 5 button configurations.

Best way to have "float over" controls for a UICollectionViewController?

I have a UICollectionViewController setup. It shows something kind of like a gantt chart, with selectable bars, scrolling, etc. I want to have a "trash/delete" button that always floats in the bottom right of the screen, regardless of scroll. It will delete the current selection (if there's one) in the UICollectionView.
I see two basic approaches:
Use the Supplementary Views facility of my UICollectionView. What I dread about this, is that I'll have to muck with its layout in my layout (I'm using my own subclass of UICollectionViewLayout) to keep it positioned in the bottom right corner, regardless of scroll.
Just add a UIButton to the canvas and set it up there. Maybe this isn't even a real approach, because this is what I wanted to do. While my button may manipulate items found in the UICollectionView, it's not really a real member of the collection view. But I found when I tried to drag a UIButton onto my Controller in the storyboard, it wouldn't stick. It doesn't seem to want to add it. Do I have to change to use a UISingleViewController, and then have a top level view that I can add both my button and collection view into? And then repeat all of the handy delegate/property setup that I get for free from UICollectionViewController?
drag a button on to the view
in storyboard/xib.
Then, in the hierarchy column on the left, ensure it is at the bottom. That means it will be in front of everything else.
So, if necessary move it so it is in front of (ie, below in hierarchy) the collection view.
Note that there is absolutely no problem, at all, with putting one control "in front of" the other (i.e., so that it "blocks" you from seeing all or part of the other one).
If you had a problem doing this, you've made a trivial mistake. For example you may have dragged the new button "into" the collection view, rather than as a "sibling of" the collection view. Hope it helps.

Animate View properties by moving other sibling views

I am trying to create an iOS UI where I have a set of subviews arranged as a grid on the UI and on clicking any of them I would like to expand this subview to a larger size. I am able to do the animation to expand this subview but I would also like this functionality such that other subviews nearby are pushed away.
On dimissing, this expanded view it should contract to the original size and bring back the other views to its original location.
I am thinking of a variety of ways to implement this but there are many use cases, and hence I would like some pointers in the right direction?
Does iOS itself provide a functionality by which expanding a sibling view contracts/moves the neighboring one? If not, what other ways are there to implement this?

Fluid full screen view transitions on iOS

I have a simple app that has a set of coloured views, one red, one green and one blue.
I am trying to make it so that when a swipe gesture is made the current view will switch to the next one in the list in a fluid manner, it looks like moving a long piece of paper with different colours on it.
Is there a way to do this (CoreAnimation)?
You could first look into UIScrollView. It seems to me that what you are trying to accomplish is the same you have, say, in Mobile Safari on an iPhone, when you show all your current pages and can go from one to the next by scrolling. This tutorial is particularly close to what you describe.
If you are looking into more advanced kind of transformations, than Core Animation would be the option.
Actually, nothing prevents using both approaches, UIScrollView to handle the swipe, Core Animation to add more animation to the pack...
You could use a UIScrollView to accomplish this. Add all of your colored views as subviews to the scroll view. Make sure your contentSize is setup appropriately and optionally setup paging to make the scrolling always snap to a certain border. See the scroll view programming guide for more info Scroll View Programming Guide
