Hide source code from build executable in electron-app - electron

I am trying to package and distribute my app which is written in electron. I noticed that when the binaries build is completed, the local resource/source code are also exposed in the final built folder.
In the resource/app folder, you would have all your source code revealed to anyone who can access.
I am wondering if there's anyway to hide these information, and just deliver the built binary.
I am using Electron 1.2 and electron-packager 7.0.4

Beyond mini-/uglifying your js code (can still be viewed) and creating an .asar package (can be extracted) there is not a whole lot you can do to prevent the visibility of your code.
See also this post on the electron-packager github page:
theres nothing built in to electron to do that, so we don't support
anything like that (since we only support what electron supports). you
would have to implement that in your own module and run it on your
code before using electron-packager -maxogden

If 7 years have passed but are still looking for an answer, they can use #electron/asar. When creating an application with electron packager, it creates a file with an .asar extension that will store your code if you type "--asar" on the terminal screen. For example;
electron-packager . {your exe file name} --overwrite --asar --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --icon={your icon file source} --prune=true --out=release-builds --version-string.CompanyName=CE --version-string.FileDescription=CE --version-string.ProductName="product name"


Electron executable not recognized by Nautilus

I'm not able to build an executable file of an Electron App with the following command:
electron-packager . electron-tutorial-app --overwrite --asar=true --platform=linux --arch=x64 --prune=true --out=release-builds
The build file, which is a shared library file (application/x-sharedlib), is not executing on Ubuntu 18. Instead, I'm getting the following error message when opening the file in Nautilus:
Could not display "electron-tutorial-app"
There is no application installed for "shared library" files. Do you
want to search for an application to open this file?
[No] [Yes]
Is there any way around to do this?
TL;DR: the produced files are actually executables of a new format. There's nothing wrong with them. Nautilus/file managers mistakenly don't recognize them as executables. There are solutions, such as creating a *.desktop file to launch the application.
This phenomenon occurs as a side-effect of a change in how Electron builds Linux binaries. The commit 9294facf changed the binary format from ELF to PIE. The change is quite small and only affects a single file (BUILD.gn). The change has landed in Electron starting with version 4.0.0.
File managers utilize the file command to decide what to do with a file (e.g. open an image viewer, a text editor or execute the file). file cannot distinguish between shared libraries and PIE executables and therefore misclassifies PIE files (see the corresponding bug report).
Run from terminal
Since the problem only exists for graphical file managers, you can simply run the executable from the terminal or from a script. This is somewhat involved for non-technical end users and not what the OP wants.
Wait for upstream fix
Wait for file to recognize PIE as executable files. In turn, this will likely lead to file managers such as Nautilus to launch the PIEs correctly. It's not clear if or when this will happen. If it happens, it will likely only be included in future distro releases.
Use a desktop file
Create a desktop file to launch the application. This is a common way desktop applications are launched anyway.
Create a file called myapp.desktop with the following contents.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Application
Then, mark the desktop file executable by issuing chmod +x myapp.desktop. Double clicking the file should launch the application as expected.
Further information
The corresponding discussion in the electron-packager project: https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager/issues/901. (Gist: This issue was not caused by electron-packager, look upstream)
The corresponding issue in the electron project is https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/15406. (Gist: they wanted to enable PIE on Linux. Not our bug, look upstream)
For Linux(Ubuntu):
Downgrade Electron package:
npm install electron#3.1.6 --save-dev
For global (If needed)
npm install -g electron#3.1.6
Execute electron-packager command - for linux:
electron-packager . electron-tutorial-app --overwrite --asar --platform=linux --arch=all --prune=true --out=release-builds
This will result in 4 Linux folders(arch=all). Select a working executable according to your OS.
This is an issue when electron-packager is used to package a Linux app with Electron version 4.0.x, whereas there was no problem with previous Electron versions, such as 3.1.x.
For some reason, in Electron 4.0.x, the produced app file is a shared library instead of an executable.
From a Terminal window, running the file command on the app file path gives:
ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0,
BuildID[sha1]=b9e8ba37118dad1bf605affef41026f813215bc6, stripped
while it used to be:
ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
Fortunately, it is still possible, albeit cumbersome, to run the app by launching it from a Terminal window, for instance by dragging the app file icon onto the terminal prompt, then typing Enter.

Packaging electron app using electron-packer - folders shown not existing

I am trying to package my electron app . Follwing the instruction Here. I added an object to my package.json like below
"osx-package": "node_modules/electron-packager/cli.js
./build/bin --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.34.0 --overwrite"
When i run
npm run osx-package
I received the messgage below
Packaging app for platform darwin x64 using electron v0.34.0 Wrote new
app to /...../binary-build-darwin-x64
Below is what i can see from by sublime text.
However, when i visit the folder, i can only see three files . Myapp(i.e execuatble ) , licence file and version file. I unhidden hidden files , still couldnt see my files as expected. However, the files were still shown in the directory in sublime . Clicking my app throws an error saying can't find an electron framework etc. Please what am i misssing ? How do i fix this ?
Did your try running it via the console with npm start?
After packaging the OSX app, the following files should be created:

React native, pass index.ios.js path to package manager

I'm writing a small POC for my learning benefit. MI want to prove that I can share business logic to a web app and it's react native counterpart. The repo mis below.
Essentially under src folder I have a web and native folders. In that folder I have all my actions/reducers/utils.
I installed react-native as a dependency and am using the following run command.
export BABEL_ENV=native && npm run clean && ./node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh --project-path './src/native/' --reset-cache
I have tried all that I can find online but can't seem to be able to set the folder where the index.ios.js is. I get an error by the package manager.
Cannot find entry file index.ios.js in any of the roots: ['']
How can I fix this issue?
Find this in another stackoverflow question.
Apparently you just need to use --root
Credit where its due
React cannot find entry file in any of the roots

Compiling Spark from Github

I am trying to compile Spark IDE for chrome apps from https://github.com/dart-lang/spark/tree/master/ide. Steps
Opened chrome://flags and enabled experimental api
Opened chrome://extensions and "Load unpacked extension" pointed to the local folder for the above code.
The app loads. On loading it is stuck with a loading animation forever
For running in Dartium you need to point to the app directory not the package directory.
You also need to run grind setup to copy the application to the app directory as the readme here says https://github.com/dart-lang/spark/tree/master/ide
I'm not sure this experimental settings are still necessary (probably not if you use a Dart development build which already includes Dartium 36)
For building to JavaScript you run pub build in the package directory and load the extension from build/web/app (normally it is done this way, not sure if this really works with Spark, haven't tried it myself yet)

How to build muPDF for android (Need help)

i've been working on this for a while now but i'm still stuck. This is what i've done...
Installed Eclipse
Installed SDK, NDK
Created a project from an existing source... which i browsed to muPDF/android
Then i installed Cygwin to build the project
I used ndk-build to build the project by cygwin
Then i got an error that says ".../Downloads/mupdf-0.8.165/android/jni/mupdf.c:11:19: error: mupdf.
h: No such file or directory"
I've been finding a way to fix this but it keeps on having other new problems after and after. so i would like to ask for your help... plz
Thanks in advance... Best regards, Sirisub
In the directory above there is a script called build.sh that runs the Android.mk and other makefiles; all the locations in those makefiles are set to be run from that location.
However, there are lots of other problems, not all of which I've resolved yet; quick hints, though, you need the third-party libs like jpeg and so on in a directory called "thirdparty" in the same source location as the rest of mupdf (so as siblings of the android subdirectory) and some of the libs need you to produce config headers to make everything work!
I'm currently trying to work out how to link it all ....
