While Debugging in VS, can I change the HTTP Header server tag? - asp.net-mvc

I have an MVC project that I've written and tested in VS 2013. When I test and debug the application from Visual Studio, my application has rendered correctly. However, when I published my application to it's hosting server, the page isn't rendering and styling correctly from the server.
Upon inspecting the page source and headers, the only difference that I found is that in Visual Studio, IIS Express is passing the HTTP header property:
Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
However, on the server that I published to, the server outputs:
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
I am not sure if this is the cause of my root problem but I need to be able to locally duplicate this scenario so that I can take the results to my sysadmin who manages the server.
Is there a way that I can fudge this HTTP header property?
For clarification, this is an MVC5 application, targeting .Net 4.5.2 and the server that I am publishing to is running Windows Server 2012.


Published site to Windows 2012 Getting An error occurred while processing your request

I created an ASP.NET MVC (ASP>NET Wen Application.net Framework)site using Visual Studio 2019. All worked fine on my Windows 10 using IIS Express.
I then published it to a Windows 2012 Server-IIS. It seems the _Layout page is OK but every page (all have a sql connection - sql on a different server) I get the message Error.
This issue seems to be fixed in debugging by changing the Document Type to 10?
Am I missing some settings in IIS? What other information would be useful in troubleshooting this?

Access site from public ip

When I debug my asp.net mvc3 web application on http://localhost:11118/ using microsoft visual studio and it works perfectly.
But when I try to view it on http://MYPUBLICIPADRESS:11118/ I get a HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. message. I portforwarded port 1118 correctly. I have no problems doing the same using apache.
How can I get this to work?
The Visual Studio internal server only accepts connection coming from localhost. You should use IIS Express (and manually change the config file) to let it accept connection using other hostnames, including the computer name.
You can read more about setting the server of your preferences on MSDN

Unable to run Silverlight application from Visual Studio 2010

I'm in the process of setting up a new machine as a development environment and I'm having issues getting an existing code base that hosts a Silverlight application to work. The code runs fine on all other machines that my team uses.
Here is the error:
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web server settings
I have had a Google around for some answers on this and I realize there is a duplicate question on StackOverflow already, but it does not provide enough information and the answers have not worked for me.
I am attempting to run the solution through Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, using IIS Express 7.5 integration (as opposed to the Cassini web server). This approach works perfectly fine on all other machines, except for this one.
I have found that if I specify to use full IIS integration (instead of Express) and select the SilverlightTestPage.aspx as the start up page, then the application runs (although not perfectly). Also, if I publish the application and host it on IIS, it again works fine. However, when running through Cassini or IIS Express 7.5 integration, or when trying to get it to run through the Default.aspx or correct start up page it does not work.
Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I've already checked that the MIME type in IIS is correct (not sure if I can do this in IIS Express as well?) and that the XAP files are building into the correct directory.
Check MIME types in IIS Express configuration file %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config and make sure that you have MIME types set correctly and restart IIS Express.
Please check the aspx file whether it has the "minRuntimeVersion" correctly for the Silverlight plug in.
<param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="4.0.50826.0"/>
also check the following link for hosting the Silverlight application .
Configuring IIS for silverlight

Why do my ETag headers work under IIS but not under the VS2010 web server?

In my ASP.NET MVC 2 app, I have the following lines:
Using Fiddler to trace the HTTP streams, I can see:
ETag: 634473035667000000
in the Response Headers when running under IIS7, but when I'm running under the Visual Studio 2010 web server, this header just... disappears. Whether I set it via Response.Cache.SetETag() or via Response.AppendHeader("ETag", etag), it just never gets returned.
Is this a "feature" of the IIS web server? Is there some config setting I've missed? It's going to make testing cache invalidation a bit fiddly if I have to attach to the IIS process to be able to debug anything...
EDIT: It also appears that despite calling Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public), VS/Cassini always returns resources with HTTP Cache-Control set to "private"... does that help?
The ETag will be suppressed if you use HttpCacheability.Private.
You can find more information on Why does HttpCacheability.Private suppress ETags?
If you change it to HttpCacheability.ServerAndPrivate it should work
Simple - it's Cassini.
Cassini isn't meant to be a production server, but is there to facilitate debugging (which is why it overrides caching too - after all if you recompile and rerun would you want your new code not touched because a page is cached?)
If you want your debugging to work as it would in IIS then IISExpress is where you should be going... there's no attach problem there as it will spin up a real instance of IIS, but in your own user context.

Routing problem with particular controller name using ASP.NET MVC 1 in IIS 7

I have joined a team developing an ASP.NET MVC version 1 application. I run this app on my local machine using IIS version 7.5. My operating system is Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition. I use Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for development.
One of the controllers in this app is called ReportsController. The route table entries for this controller use 'Reports' as the controller name part. The problem I have is that, using IIS 7.5 on my local machine, I simply cannot access any of the Reports action methods. If I try to access, say, '/Reports/Index' from Chrome or Firefox, I get a 401 Unauthorized response (as seen using Fiddler) and the browser displays its username/password entry dialog.
Please note the following:
All other non-Report pages in the application work correctly.
If I add a breakpoint to Application_BeginRequest, it is not hit when requesting a Reports page.
If I change the Reports routing entries in the route table registration code so that I have to access paths like '/Reportss/Index' (note the extra 's') then these Reports pages work correctly.
I have tried deleting then recreating my Web application in IIS.
The Reports pages work fine if I run the application using the Visual Studio 2008 development server (Cassini).
There is no directory called Reports in the application directory.
The Reports pages work correctly on our UAT environment, also under IIS 7.5.
I have reviewed my IIS setting several times, including comparing them with those on UAT, and I can't see a problem.
While I can use Cassini to access the Reports pages, I would really like to understand what is causing this issue.
If you have Reporting Services installed on your machine. try to create a new web site and use it. If you have SSRS installed on your machine it uses /reports for hosting reports.
I have had problems using the directory name 'Reports' at the root of a .net 2.0 website on IIS 7.5. It generates a 503 Error, indicating that there is an error at the system level before IIS tries to serve the page. I am not sure if reporting services is installed on my server. I just changed the directory name, all links and everything worked.
I have the exact same issue in my MVC Application with reporting services installed on the same server where code was deployed. I have changed the Reporting Manager URL in "SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration" which was hostName/Reports and assigned a new name i.e. SSRSReports so the virtual directory is now hostName/SSRSReports.
Now my application as well as SSRS Reports are working as expected.
