asp-net 1.0, Docker and Kubernetes - docker

I am currently trying to port a service across to asp-net 1.0 and get it up and running in a local Kubernetes cluster, or even a single node (Kubernetes Master and 1 minion). I have successfully managed the first part and had my service running in kestrel using Docker within a Boot2Docker VM and also Centos7. I am now trying to get my container up and running in Kubernetes. I have been trawling Google for a guide in doing this and everywhere I turn this seems a rather convoluted task. Has anyone else achieved this and have any useful guides/links?

You are on the right path, just a few additional steps:
Package your app into a docker image, use the aspnet base image and add your code (
Push your image up to a docker repo
Deploy that image to your cluster
The basic rule of thumb is just get your app dockerized then you can run it in k8s.


Deploying Container on GCP

I am trying to deploy this app. . This container is a collection of various images. It uses docker-compose to create the container. It is my understanding that this cannot be run as an image from a GCP Artifact Repo as a docker Image. This needs a VM perhaps?
My question is if there is a way to deploy this container as an Image in a serverless fashion in GCP or any other cloud platform. Any pointers/help is much appreciated.
You can either use Cloud Run (the most Serverless way) or on a VM.
On Cloud Run you can deploy a single image as a Service (Cloud Run Terminology), if you have more than one image you can deploy multiple Services and make them talk to each other
Or on VM, that would be as if you are deploying on your personal laptop

How to handle "docker-in-docker" problem when using Jenkins inside K8S

New to Kubernetes, a little complex question needs help.
Using Jenkins in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)
Want to use jenkins-docker plugin to provide the specific test environment for each type of tests
Don't want to mixin docker binary in the Jenkins image (because it is large)
Don't want docker-in-docker
More specifically, I don't want the Jenkins Pod be a new Docker Server
What I want
Each test environment can create a new pod in GKE Cluster, rather than creating containers inside the Jenkins Pod
I have just read some articles, but half of them are telling about "how to use K8S to scale up the Jenkins (using jenkins-slave + jenkins-kubernates plugin)", another half are telling about how to "use docker plugin in a dockerized jenkins container on a bare metal machine (you can use /var/run/docker.sock to communicate between the host and the docker container)", but I cannot find **how to use docker plugin (to provide a specific environment) in a dockerized jenkins container inside K8S

Kubernetes on Docker for Windows -> AKS/EKS

With the Kubernetes orchestrator now available in the stable version of Docker Desktop for Win/Mac, I've been playing around with running an existing compose stack on Kubernetes locally.
This works fine, e.g., docker stack deploy -c .\docker-compose.yml myapp.
Now I want to go to the next step of running this same application in a production environment using the likes of Amazon EKS or Azure AKS. These services expect proper Kubernetes YAML files.
My question(s) is what's the best way to get these files, or more specifically:
Presumably, docker stack is performing some conversion from Compose YAML to Kubernetes YAML 'under the hood'. Is there documentation/source code links as to what is going on here and can that converted YAML be exported?
Or should I just be using Kompose?
It seems that running the above docker stack deploy command against a remote context (e.g., AKS/EKS) is not possible and that one must do a kubectl deploy. Can anyone confirm?
docker stack deploy with a Compose file to Kube only works on Docker's Kubernetes distributions - Docker Desktop and Docker Enterprise.
With the recent federation announcement you'll be able to manage AKS and EKS with Docker Enterprise, but using them direct means you'll have to use Kubernetes manifest files and kubectl.

How to deploy docker container to Cloud Foundry?

My application is comprised of two separate docker containers. One being a Grails based web application and second being a RESTful Python Flask application. Both docker containers are sitting on my local computer. They are not hosted on docker hub. They are proprietary and I don't want to host them publicly.
I would like to try Cloud Foundry to deploy these docker containers and see how it works. However, from the documentation I get a sense that Cloud Foundry doesn't support deploying docker containers sitting on a local machine.
Is there a way to deploy docker containers sitting on a local computer to CloudFoundry? If not, what is a way to securely host the containers somewhere from CF can fetch them?
Is CloudFoundry capable of running a docker container that is a Python Flask application?
One option you have is to not use Docker images, and just push your code directly, one of the nice features of CF. PCF comes with a python buildpack which should automatically detect your Flask app.
Another option would be run your own trusted docker registry, push your images there, and then when you push your app, tell it to grab the images from your registry. If you google "cloud foundry docker registry" you get the following useful results you should check out:

Google Cloud Container: Create a docker container from a Dockerfile

Is it possible to create a docker container in a Google Container Engine cluster, using a dockerfile, which builds an image on-the-fly and deploy in cluster,
rather than creating an image first and uploading it to a Google Container Registry, and then using it from there?
I feel like that is cumbersome, and there should be a way to create containers in cluster directly using a dockerfile.
It is not possible to do this in Google Container Engine. Google Container Engine is designed to help orchestrate container deployment and does not itself provide a source -> deployment workflow.
You may want to look at Google App Engine or Openshift 3 (which is built on Kubernetes) as a more fully featured platform-as-a-service offering.
You can also build this type of tooling on top of a Google Container Engine cluster yourself as all of the building blocks are available.
One service to take a look at when constructing a workflow is Google Container Builder, which can simplify the process of building a container from source and pushing it to Google Container Registry.
It is currently a fairly low level service, but offers some advantages for environments where it may be impractical to run docker build locally.
