Can I tell if a given URL is a Facebook Instant Article? - facebook-instant-articles

Given a URL, can I tell if it's a Facebook Instant Article without posting it on Facebook?

Yes, you can make a request to the Graph API and request the field instant_article of the object.
For example a request for a NYT article would return the following result:
"instant_article": {
"id": "1060796090661757"
"id": ""
The request for this would be:


Authentication fails on google home (oauth2)

I'm trying to connect to google home using OAuth2.0 mechanism. However, hitting with an issue where I'm not able to retrieve success message.
The failing request is -
with the response payload as redirectState. I know about redirect but what is redirectState? I tried to search a bit over this one, but failed.
Any help would be appreciated.
Note:I have followed all the necessary steps mentioned in doc, I can receive authorisation code, but not able to make token request to desired endpoint.
The docs are and
In configuration settings we have Linking type as Oauth -> Authorization Code.
In dialog flow in Integration -> Integration Settings we have checked in for 'Sign in required' for Default Welcome Intent and have the firebase function as
app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', (conv) => {
conv.ask(new SignIn());
according to document and I am currently using API version V2.
After the auth code is received as mentioned it does not call token url, we receive this screen :
Bad response from IdP in Auth Code Exchange & what is redirect_state
The when inspected fails at as mentioned by #rajesh with status code 400, but when this request is made through postman it return the response. Here is the body and response for the request.
Body :
"credential" : {
"redirectState": "XXX"
"scopes": [],
"gdiState": "APP_AUTH",
"serviceId": "tapclicks-integration-adac2_dev"
"serviceInfo": {
"authUrl": "https://-domain-/authorization",
"name": "tapclicks dashboard",
"logoUrl": "",
"clientId": "zdqexVMaVvxIMQ7Frjwa",
"tokenUrl": "https://-domian-/token_url",
"privacyPolicyUrl": "",
"tosUrl": "",
"id": "tapclicks-integration-adac2_dev"
"completionInfo": {
"appauthInfo": {
"appauthRedirectUrl": "https://-domain-/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=zdqexVMaVvxIMQ7Frjwa&redirect_uri=",
"appauthRedirectState": "abcxxx"
"oauthAuthorizationUrl": "https://-domain-/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=zdqexVMaVvxIMQ7Frjwa&redirect_uri="
"gdiState": "APP_AUTH",
"header": {}
Can you please tell if i might be making any configuration mistake or any other info you need.
Authorization Url :
Token Url :

microsoft-graph message ID

I call my mailbox using REST calls to MSGraph:
As expected I receive a Json with my mails.
To play with a specific mail (move, delete,forward, ...) I saw that the API should be called like
POST me/messages/{id}/forward
I can't target the message if I provide the value of the id field that I get from the JSon. Where to find the correct {id} that I should use?
my result is like the example at see id: field when calling GET my mails.
The id from JSON is OK. what you missing is you have not set the post conent for move/forward.
If you use the forward API, you should set the post content like below:
"Comment": "FYI",
"ToRecipients": [
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": ""
This is the worked forward url for me(you can implement the move/delete like this too):
For information please see:

Using createLink to share with specific users

I am trying to create a link to share a document with createLink from Microsoft Graph for specific users without using an invite but it is creating a link with Anyone with the link can edit this document permission.
I'm calling this endpoint:
POST /me/drive/items/{itemId}/createLink
With this request body:
"type": "edit",
"scope": "anonymous"
Am I missing something?
You can't use createLink for sharing with a specific person, you need to use the invite endpoint for that.
The call you're making is responding exactly how you've asked it to and generating a link (createLink) that anyone (anonymous) can access.
If you don't want to send a physical invitation, you can tell OneDrive this by setting the sendInvitation property to false:
POST /me/drive/items/{item-id}/invite
Content-type: application/json
"requireSignIn": true,
"sendInvitation": false,
"roles": [ "write", "read"],
"recipients": [
"email": ""
Please refer this link
You can share the file with specific user by adding user's in
parameter. You can set sendInvitation parameter like "sendInvitation":false to avoid sending the invitation mail.

Facebook API post not available

With certain facebook posts, that are seemingly completely public (for example) I am unable to pull their information from the graph API no matter what combination of permissions / application / access_token I give it.
Even worse, I just get a generic error:
"error": {
"message": "Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at",
"type": "GraphMethodException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "GU3r05xB4VK"
It seems that for whatever reason facebook has decided that I shouldn't be able to view this post (likely because of privacy settings) but I can very obviously view the actual post on facebook, even as a logged out user.
Any thoughts as to how to get this to work via the API?
Within Facebook API, a public post that can be retrieved, refers to a post published by a Facebook page not a Facebook user profile.
In order to view this post, you will need user_posts and user_friends for the owner of that video and the querying user.
So for querying userA to get a public video from userB (who is a friend of userA), the permissions for both are
"data": [
"permission": "user_friends",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "user_posts",
"status": "granted"
"permission": "public_profile",
"status": "granted"

Get Recommendation from LinkedIn API returns empty map [:] as response

I have created a web application from which I am trying to get recommendations of a user from his/her LinkedIn Profile using URL
String url=",recommendation-type,recommendation-text,recommender))?format=json"
When I am using this URL in the
Api Explorer it works fine. And gives output:-
{ "recommendationsReceived": {
"_total": 2,
"values": [
"id": 558598601,
"recommendationText": "xxx is among the best team players I ever worked with. He has handled client effectively with smooth operations. I had always seen him as person with solution mindset and always look for solution rather than thinking about the problem. ",
"recommendationType": {
"code": "colleague"
"recommender": {
"firstName": "XXX",
"id": "YYYY",
"lastName": "XXX"
"id": ZZZZ,
"recommendationText": "XXX is one of the most dedicated person at work.I always him with a flexible attitude and ready to adapt himself in all situation.I have seen him work all night to catch up all the deadlines and deliver on time ."
"recommendationType": {
"code": "colleague"
"recommender": {
"firstName": "XXX",
"id": "YYYY",
"lastName": "XXXX"
] } }
The problem comes, when I am using this URL in my Developer app.It doesn't give any error just simple return an empty map [:] as output in response
Irrespective of these recommendation fields, I successfully get the user basic profile data such as email, id, image,firstName,lastName.Means my code is working for other fields well but not for these recommendation fields*
To find the solution, I did some internet surfing and find a link of Linked API docs
Linked API Docs
As per Docs following selection of profile fields are only available
to applications that have applied and been approved for the Apply with
LinkedIn program:
Recommendation Fields
I already created a LinkedIn Developer account to get key & Secret
So how do I apply and get approval for Apply with LinkedIn Recommendation Fields.
I already have seen the LinkedIn support but can't find the way to ask question to the Linked Developer help support
Please suggest me the right way.
After a long internet surfing,I have found something fruitful that, I have to fill up a form to get these fields.Here is the form
along with its procedural details
You can use just recommendations-received keyword. Try the following link. I am getting all recommendations details with this link.
