use of unresolved identifier error and csv error - ios

I've been stuck on this for the past couple days. I've made progress on other things in my project but this is holding me back, now i'm at the point where I need to somehow overcome this. Anyways, I've posted a question before about this but I guess I need to be way more specific.
My issue is I need to be able to search through this .CSV file using the barcode and return all the information regarding it. I've done this successfully in c++ but don't know why i'm having so much difficulties in swift.
This is a part of the file (has about 150 in total):
"No.27 Grapefruit Triple Scented Soy Candle, 7oz",EBWC-10027,72,6933083850573,4,14.8,29.1,20.4
"No.18 Green Tea Jasmine Triple Scented Soy Candle, 7oz",EBWC-10018,72,6933083850580,4,14.8,29.1,20.4
Here is what i've done:
static func searchCode(codeNumber: String) -> [(title:String, sku:String, price:String, barcodeNum:String, weight:String, box_height:String, box_width:String, box_length:String )]?
//let test = "6933083850771"
let characterNumber = codeNumber.characters.count
//var dataArray = [Data]()
let barcodeNumber = codeNumber
if let remoteURL = NSURL(string: downloadconstants.URLConstants.productfile ){
while let line: String = barcodeNumber{
// Load the CSV file and parse it
let delimiter = ","
var items:[(title:String, sku:String, price:String, barcodeNum:String, weight:String, box_height:String, box_width:String, box_length:String )]?
do {
let content = try String(codeNumber)
items = []
let lines:[String] = content.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet()) as [String]
for line in lines {
var values:[String] = []
if line != "" {
// For a line with double quotes
// we use NSScanner to perform the parsing
if line.rangeOfString("\"") != nil {
var textToScan:String = line
var value:NSString?
var textScanner:NSScanner = NSScanner(string: textToScan)
while textScanner.string != "" {
if (textScanner.string as NSString).substringToIndex(1) == "\"" {
textScanner.scanLocation += 1
textScanner.scanUpToString("\"", intoString: &value)
textScanner.scanLocation += 1
} else {
textScanner.scanUpToString(delimiter, intoString: &value)
// Store the value into the values array
values.append(value as! String)
// Retrieve the unscanned remainder of the string
if textScanner.scanLocation < textScanner.string.characters.count {
textToScan = (textScanner.string as NSString).substringFromIndex(textScanner.scanLocation + 1)
} else {
textToScan = ""
textScanner = NSScanner(string: textToScan)
// For a line without double quotes, we can simply separate the string
// by using the delimiter (e.g. comma)
} else {
values = line.componentsSeparatedByString(delimiter)
// Put the values into the tuple and add it to the items array
let item = (title: values[0], sku: values[1], price: values[2], barcodeNum: values[3], weight: values[4], box_height: values[5], box_width: values[6], box_length: values[7])
} catch {
//Error: Use of unresolved identifier "items"
return items
I'm getting an error on the return. I've read online a bit, but no luck. Also for what I need my function to do what should be changed to make it work?


how to encrypt/decrypt Secure QR - Code into readable format in Swift

I have successfully scan and read the stringValue from QR.But couldn't convert the stringValue to readable format.
I have tried to convert using the above procedure but couldn't succeed.
1) I have tried library to convert to BigInt and converted to binary value
let str = String(self.metadataStringValue, radix: 2)
2)Convert the Big Integer into byte array successfully
let byteArray = Array(BigUInt(str)!.serialize())
3) Used Apple's decompression algorithm (zlib)
4) Read the value of byte array from index 0 to till first delimiter value“255” and convert this byte array value into string with encoding “ISO-8859-1”.
var firstDelimiter = ArraySlice<UInt8>()
var firstDelimiterArray = [UInt8]()
var delimiterIndex:Int = 0
for index in 0..<byteArray.count {
if byteArray[index] == 255 {
firstDelimiter = byteArray[delimiterIndex...index]
delimiterIndex = index + 1
firstDelimiterArray = { $0 }
let data2 = Data(bytes: firstDelimiterArray, count: firstDelimiterArray.count)
print(data2 as NSData)
5)“ISO-8859-1” encoding
Couldn't convert to readbale format(I have used .isolatin1)
For swift 5,
I have decoded aadhar's secure QR Code and fetched name, DOB and gender
Install these pods
pod 'BigInt'
pod 'GzipSwift'
Import these pods
import BigInt
import Gzip
After scanning QR Code call the below function
func scannedData(code: String) {
//Convert to BigInt
let bInt = BigInt(code, radix: 10)
//Convert to bytes
let byteData = bInt?.serialize() ?? Data()
//Convert to byte array
var data = Array(bInt?.serialize() ?? Data())
// Decompress
let decompressedData: Data
if byteData.isGzipped {
decompressedData = try! byteData.gunzipped()
data = [UInt8](decompressedData)
} else {
decompressedData = byteData
var firstDelimiter = ArraySlice<UInt8>()
var firstDelimiterArray = [UInt8]()
var delimiterIndex:Int = 0
var set:Int = 0
for index in 0..<data.count {
if data[index] == 255 {
set = set + 1
firstDelimiter = data[delimiterIndex..<index]
delimiterIndex = index + 1
firstDelimiterArray = { $0 }
let sepData = Data(bytes: firstDelimiterArray, count: firstDelimiterArray.count)
// name
if set == 3 {
let name = convertString(data: sepData)
// DOB
if set == 4 {
let dob = convertString(data: sepData)
// Gender
if set == 5 {
let gender = convertString(data: sepData)
To encode the separated bytes use this function
private func convertString(data: Data) -> String {
return String(data: data, encoding: .windowsCP1250) ?? ""
Use this extension
extension BigInt {
public func serialize() -> Data {
var array = Array(BigUInt.init(self.magnitude).serialize())
if array.count > 0 {
if self.sign == {
if array[0] >= 128 {
array.insert(0, at: 0)
} else if self.sign == BigInt.Sign.minus {
if array[0] <= 127 {
array.insert(255, at: 0)
return Data.init(bytes: array)
public init(_ data: Data) {
var dataArray = Array(data)
var sign: BigInt.Sign =
if dataArray.count > 0 {
if dataArray[0] >= 128 {
sign = BigInt.Sign.minus
if dataArray.count > 1 {
if dataArray[0] == 255, dataArray.count > 1 {
dataArray.remove(at: 0)
} else {
dataArray[0] = UInt8(256 - Int(dataArray[0]))
let magnitude = BigUInt.init(Data.init(bytes: dataArray))
self .init(sign: sign, magnitude: magnitude)

How to display detected barcode information

I'm creating an iphone app using swift 2. I got the app to be able to read barcodes and display the barcode. Also I learned core data and using it to import a .csv file with a bunch of product information which includes the barcode. Now when a barcode is scanned, I want it to search through the file and display the information relating to it. Here are parts of my code, how will I go about doing this? To be honest, I have programmers block right now and had for the past two days. Any help or guidance will be appreciated.
Here is the CSV Parser:
func parseCSV (contentsOfURL: NSURL, encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> [(title:String, price:String, weight:String, box_length:String, box_width:String, box_height:String, sku:String, barcodeNum:String )]? {
// Load the CSV file and parse it
let delimiter = ","
var items:[(title:String, price:String, weight:String, box_length:String, box_width:String, box_height:String, sku:String, barcodeNum:String )]?
do {
let content = try String(contentsOfURL: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
items = []
let lines:[String] = content.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet()) as [String]
for line in lines {
var values:[String] = []
if line != "" {
// For a line with double quotes
// we use NSScanner to perform the parsing
if line.rangeOfString("\"") != nil {
var textToScan:String = line
var value:NSString?
var textScanner:NSScanner = NSScanner(string: textToScan)
while textScanner.string != "" {
if (textScanner.string as NSString).substringToIndex(1) == "\"" {
textScanner.scanLocation += 1
textScanner.scanUpToString("\"", intoString: &value)
textScanner.scanLocation += 1
} else {
textScanner.scanUpToString(delimiter, intoString: &value)
// Store the value into the values array
values.append(value as! String)
// Retrieve the unscanned remainder of the string
if textScanner.scanLocation < textScanner.string.characters.count {
textToScan = (textScanner.string as NSString).substringFromIndex(textScanner.scanLocation + 1)
} else {
textToScan = ""
textScanner = NSScanner(string: textToScan)
// For a line without double quotes, we can simply separate the string
// by using the delimiter (e.g. comma)
} else {
values = line.componentsSeparatedByString(delimiter)
// Put the values into the tuple and add it to the items array
//(title:String, price:String, weight:String, box_length:String, box_width:String, box_height:String, sku:String, barcodeNum:String )
let item = (title: values[0], sku: values[1], price: values[2], weight: values[3], box_length: values[4], box_width: values[5], box_height: values[6], barcodeNum: values[7])
} catch {
return items
When Barcode is detected:
func barcodeDetected(code: String) {
if(barcodeDelegate != nil){
// Let the user know we've found something.
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Found a Barcode!", message: code, preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Search", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Destructive, handler: { action in
// Remove the spaces.
let trimmedCode = code.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
// EAN or UPC?
// Check for added "0" at beginning of code.
let trimmedCodeString = "\(trimmedCode)"
var trimmedCodeNoZero: String
if trimmedCodeString.hasPrefix("0") && trimmedCodeString.characters.count > 1 {
trimmedCodeNoZero = String(trimmedCodeString.characters.dropFirst())
// Send the doctored UPC to DataService.searchAPI()
} else {
// Send the doctored EAN to DataService.searchAPI()
self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
Dataservice.swift file
import Foundation
class DataService {
static let dataService = DataService()
static func searchCode(codeNumber: String) {
I can post more of my project if it helps, but I feel like this is already too much information, anything will help at this point on how to tackle this.

Replace numeric of different length in a string with different text length

Problem: Numeric is of different length could be 1, 200, 1000, 39 99995 etc. And need to replace with a text eg. "Apple" which is of different lenth comapring to the numeric values.
let str: String = "hello i have 1313 object of 10 string class with 1 object, similar to 9999 errors"
Expected Result = "hello i have Apple object of Apple string class with Apple object, similar to Apple errors"
I have tried with below code:
var originalString: String = "hello i have 1313 object of 10 string class with 1 object, similar to 9999 errors"
let strippedString: NSMutableString = NSMutableString(capacity: originalString.characters.count)
var numArray: [String] = []
var locArray: [NSNumber] = []
var scanner: NSScanner = NSScanner(string:originalString)
let numbers: NSCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "0123456789")
while scanner.atEnd == false {
var buffer: NSString?
if scanner.scanCharactersFromSet(numbers, intoString: &buffer) {
strippedString.appendString(buffer! as String)
numArray.append(buffer! as String)
else {
scanner.scanLocation = (scanner.scanLocation + 1)
for (index, _) in numArray.enumerate() {
var loc : Int = Int(locArray[index] ) - (String(numArray[index]).characters.count)
let len = String(numArray[index]).characters.count
let dupStr = "Apple"
if(index != 0 && len != dupStr.characters.count)
loc = loc + (dupStr.characters.count - len) + 1
originalString.replaceRange(originalString.startIndex.advancedBy(loc)..<originalString.startIndex.advancedBy(loc + len), with: dupStr)
Swift 2
NSScanner is great, but if you want a simpler solution for this task, you could use componentsSeparatedByString, map, Int() and joinWithSeparator, like this:
let originalString = "hello i have 1313 object of 10 string class with 1 object, similar to 9999 errors"
let tokens = originalString.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
let newTokens = { (token) -> String in
if let _ = Int(token) {
return "Apple"
return token
let result = newTokens.joinWithSeparator(" ")
hello i have Apple object of Apple string class with Apple object, similar to Apple errors
There's also a short version for the mapping:
let newTokens = { Int($0) != nil ? "Apple" : $0 }
Swift 3
componentsSeparatedByString(_:) is now components(separatedBy:), and joinWithSeparator(_:) is now joined(separator:).
let tokens = originalString.components(separatedBy: " ")
let newTokens = { Int($0) != nil ? "Apple" : $0 }
let result = newTokens.joined(separator: " ")
var str: String = "hello i have 1313 object of 10 string class with 1 object, similar to 9999 errors"
var comp: [AnyObject] = [AnyObject](array: str.componentsSeparatedByString(" "))
for var i = 0; i < comp.count; i++ {
var numberRegex: NSRegularExpression = NSRegularExpression.regularExpressionWithPattern("^[0-9]", options: NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive, error: nil)
var regexMatch: Int = numberRegex.numberOfMatchesInString(comp[i], options: 0, range: NSMakeRange(0, (String(comp[i])).length))
if regexMatch != 0 {
comp[i] = "Apple"
var result: String = comp.componentsJoinedByString(" ")

Swift Anagram checker

I am attempting to build an anagram checker for swift. This is my code. In case you don't know an anagram checker checks if two strings have the same characters in them but, order does not matter.
func checkForAnagram(#firstString: String, #secondString: String) -> Bool {
var firstStringArray: [Character] = []
var secondStringArray: [Character] = []
/* if case matters delete the next four lines
and make sure your variables are not constants */
var first = firstString
var second = secondString
first = first.lowercaseString
second = second.lowercaseString
for charactersOne in first {
firstStringArray += [charactersOne]
for charactersTwo in second {
secondStringArray += [charactersTwo]
if firstStringArray.count != secondStringArray.count {
return false
} else {
for elements in firstStringArray {
if secondStringArray.contains(elements){
return true
} else {
return false
var a = "Hello"
var b = "oellh"
var c = "World"
checkForAnagram(firstString: a, secondString: b)
I am getting an error message of.
'[Character]' does not have a member 'contains'
The accepted answer is compact and elegant, but very inefficient if compared to other solutions.
I'll now propose and discuss the implementation of a few variants of anagram checker. To measure performance, I'll use the different variants to find the anagrams of a given word out of an array of 50,000+ words.
// Variant 1: Sorting of Character
// Measured time: 30.46 s
func anagramCheck1(a: String, b: String) -> Bool {
return a.characters.sorted() == b.characters.sorted()
This is essentially the solution of the accepted answer, written in Swift 3 syntax. It's very slow because Swift's String, unlike NSString, is based on Character, which handles Unicode characters properly.
A more efficient solution exploits the NSCountedSet class, which allows us to represent a string as a set of characters, each with its own count. Two strings are anagrams if they map to the same NSCountedSet.
Note: checking string lengths as a precondition makes the implementation always more efficient.
// Variant 2: NSCountedSet of Character
// Measured time: 4.81 s
func anagramCheck2(a: String, b: String) -> Bool {
guard a.characters.count == b.characters.count else { return false }
let aSet = NSCountedSet()
let bSet = NSCountedSet()
for c in a.characters {
for c in b.characters {
return aSet == bSet
Better but not excellent. Here, one of the "culprits" is the use of the native Swift Character type (from Swift's String). Moving back to good old Objective-C types (NSString and unichar) makes things more efficient.
// Variant 3: NSCountedSet of unichar
// Measured time: 1.31 s
func anagramCheck3(a: String, b: String) -> Bool {
let aString = a as NSString
let bString = b as NSString
let length = aString.length
guard length == bString.length else { return false }
let aSet = NSCountedSet()
let bSet = NSCountedSet()
for i in 0..<length {
aSet.add(aString.character(at: i))
bSet.add(bString.character(at: i))
return aSet == bSet
Using NSCountedSet is fine, but before we compare two NSCountedSet objects, we fully populate them. A useful alternative is to fully populate the NSCountedSet for only one of the two strings, and then, while we populate the NSCountedSet for the other string, we fail early if the other string contains a character that is not found in the NSCountedSet of the first string.
// Variant 4: NSCountedSet of unichar and early exit
// Measured time: 1.07 s
func anagramCheck4(a: String, b: String) -> Bool {
let aString = a as NSString
let bString = b as NSString
let length = aString.length
guard length == bString.length else { return false }
let aSet = NSCountedSet()
let bSet = NSCountedSet()
for i in 0..<length {
aSet.add(aString.character(at: i))
for i in 0..<length {
let c = bString.character(at: i)
if bSet.count(for: c) >= aSet.count(for: c) {
return false
return true
This is about the best timing we are going to get (with Swift). However, for completeness, let me discuss one more variant of this kind.
The next alternative exploits a Swift Dictionary of type [unichar: Int] to store the number of repetitions for each character instead of NSCountedSet. It's slightly slower than the previous two variants, but we can reuse it later to obtain a faster implementation.
// Variant 5: counting repetitions with [unichar:Int]
// Measured time: 1.36
func anagramCheck5(a: String, b: String) -> Bool {
let aString = a as NSString
let bString = b as NSString
let length = aString.length
guard length == bString.length else { return false }
var aDic = [unichar:Int]()
var bDic = [unichar:Int]()
for i in 0..<length {
let c = aString.character(at: i)
aDic[c] = (aDic[c] ?? 0) + 1
for i in 0..<length {
let c = bString.character(at: i)
let count = (bDic[c] ?? 0) + 1
if count > aDic[c] ?? 0 {
return false
bDic[c] = count
return true
Note that a vanilla Objective-C implementation using NSCountedSet, corresponding to Variant 3, is faster than all the previous versions by a rather large margin.
// Variant 6: Objective-C and NSCountedSet
// Measured time: 0.65 s
- (BOOL)anagramChecker:(NSString *)a with:(NSString *)b {
if (a.length != b.length) {
return NO;
NSCountedSet *aSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
NSCountedSet *bSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
[aSet addObject:#([a characterAtIndex:i])];
[bSet addObject:#([b characterAtIndex:i])];
return [aSet isEqual:bSet];
Another way we can improve upon the previous attempts is to observe that, if we need to find the anagram of a given word, we might as well consider that word as fixed, and thus we could build the corresponding structure (NSCountedSet, Dictionary, ...) for that word only once.
// Finding all the anagrams of word in words
// Variant 7: counting repetitions with [unichar:Int]
// Measured time: 0.58 s
func anagrams(word: String, from words: [String]) -> [String] {
let anagrammedWord = word as NSString
let length = anagrammedWord.length
var aDic = [unichar:Int]()
for i in 0..<length {
let c = anagrammedWord.character(at: i)
aDic[c] = (aDic[c] ?? 0) + 1
let foundWords = words.filter {
let string = $0 as NSString
guard length == string.length else { return false }
var bDic = [unichar:Int]()
for i in 0..<length {
let c = string.character(at: i)
let count = (bDic[c] ?? 0) + 1
if count > aDic[c] ?? 0 {
return false
bDic[c] = count
return true
return foundWords
Now, in the previous variant we have counted with a [unichar:Int] Dictionary. This proves slightly more efficient than using an NSCountedSet of unichar, either with early exit (0.60 s) or without (0.87 s).
You should try
func checkForAnagram(firstString firstString: String, secondString: String) -> Bool {
return firstString.lowercaseString.characters.sort() == secondString.lowercaseString.characters.sort()
func checkAnagrams(str1: String, str2: String) -> Bool {
guard str1.count == str2.count else { return false }
var dictionary = Dictionary<Character, Int>()
for index in 0..<str1.count {
let value1 = str1[str1.index(str1.startIndex, offsetBy: index)]
let value2 = str2[str2.index(str2.startIndex, offsetBy: index)]
dictionary[value1] = (dictionary[value1] ?? 0) + 1
dictionary[value2] = (dictionary[value2] ?? 0) - 1
return !dictionary.contains(where: {(_, value) in
return value != 0
Time complexity - O(n)
// Make sure name your variables correctly so you won't confuse
// Mutate the constants parameter, lowercase to handle capital letters and the sorted them to compare both. Finally check is there are equal return true or false.
func anagram(str1: String, srt2: String)->Bool{
let string1 = str1.lowercased().sorted()
let string2 = srt2.lowercased().sorted()
if string1 == string2 {
return true
return false
// This answer also would work
// Convert your parameters on Array, then sorted them and compare them
func ana(str1: String, str2: String)->Bool{
let a = Array(str1)
let b = Array(str2)
if a.sorted() == b.sorted() {
return true
return false
Don't forget whitespaces
func isAnagram(_ stringOne: String, stringTwo: String) -> Bool {
return stringOne.lowercased().sorted().filter { $0 != " "} stringTwo.lowercased().sorted().filter { $0 != " "}
Swift 4.1 Function will give you 3 questions answer for Anagram :-
1. Input Strings (a,b) are Anagram ? //Bool
2. If not an Anagram then number of count require to change Characters in strings(a,b) to make them anagram ? // Int
3. If not an Anagram then list of Characters needs to be change in strings(a,b) to make them anagram ? // [Character]
STEP 1:- Copy and Paste below function in to your required class:-
//MARK:- Anagram checker
func anagramChecker(a:String,b:String) -> (Bool,Int,[Character]) {
var aCharacters = Array(a)
var bCharacters = Array(b)
var count = 0
var isAnagram = true
var replacementRequiredWords:[Character] = [Character]()
if aCharacters.count == bCharacters.count {
let listA = aCharacters.filter { !bCharacters.contains($0) }
for i in 0 ..< listA.count {
if !replacementRequiredWords.contains(listA[i]) {
count = count + 1
isAnagram = false
let listB = bCharacters.filter { !aCharacters.contains($0) }
for i in 0 ..< listB.count {
if !replacementRequiredWords.contains(listB[i]) {
count = count + 1
isAnagram = false
//cant be an anagram
count = -1
return (isAnagram,count,replacementRequiredWords)
STEP 2 :- Make two Input Strings for test
// Input Strings
var a = "aeb"
var b = "abs"
STEP 3:- Print results :-
print("isAnagram : \(isAnagram(a: a, b: b).0)")
print("number of count require to change strings in anagram : \(isAnagram(a: a, b: b).1)")//-1 will come in case of cant be a Anagram
print("list of Characters needs to be change : \(isAnagram(a: a, b: b).2)")
Results of above exercise:-
isAnagram : false
number of count require to change strings in anagram : 2
list of Characters needs to be change : ["e", "s"]
Hope this 10 minutes exercise will give some support to my Swift
family for solving Anagram related problems easily. :)
We can use dictionary to construct a new data structure container. Then compare the value by key/character of the string.
func anagram(str1: String, str2 : String) -> Bool {
var dict1 = [Character: Int]()
var dict2 = [Character:Int]()
for i in str1 {
if let count = dict1[i] {
dict1[i] = count + 1
} else {
dict1[i] = 1
for j in str2 {
if let count = dict2[j] {
dict2[j] = count + 1
} else {
dict2[j] = 1
return dict1 == dict2 ? true : false
// input -> "anna", "aann"
// The count will look like:
// ["a": 2, "n": 2] & ["a": 2, "n": 2]
// then return true
Another easy that I just realise doing an Anagram function in Swift 5.X
func checkForAnagram(firstString firstString: String, secondString: String) -> Bool {
return !firstString.isEmpty && firstString.sorted() == secondString.sorted()
class Solution {
func isAnagram(_ s: String, _ t: String) -> Bool {
guard s.count == t.count else { return false }
let dictS = s.reduce(into: [Character: Int]()) { $0[$1, default: 0] += 1 }
let dictT = t.reduce(into: [Character: Int]()) { $0[$1, default: 0] += 1 }
for letter in s {
if let count = dictS[letter] {
guard count == dictT[letter] else { return false }
return true
Check two strings are anagram using inout method in Swift
func checkAnagramString(str1: inout String, str2: inout String)-> Bool{
var result:Bool = false
str1 = str1.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespace)
str2 = str2.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
if (str1.count != str2.count) {
return result
for c in str1 {
if str2.contains(c){
result = true
result = false
return result
return result
Call function to check strings are anagram or not
var str1 = "tommarvoloriddle"
var str2 = "iamlordvoldemort"
print(checkAnagramString(str1: &str1, str2: &str2)) //Output = true.
func isAnagram(word1: String, word2: String) -> Bool {
let set1 = Set(word1)
let set2 = Set(word2)
return set1 == set2
func isAnagram(word1: String,word2: String) -> Bool {
return word1.lowercased().sorted() == word2.lowercased().sorted()

Converting Hex String to NSData in Swift

I got the code to convert String to HEX-String in Objective-C:
- (NSString *) CreateDataWithHexString:(NSString*)inputString {
NSUInteger inLength = [inputString length];
unichar *inCharacters = alloca(sizeof(unichar) * inLength);
[inputString getCharacters:inCharacters range:NSMakeRange(0, inLength)];
UInt8 *outBytes = malloc(sizeof(UInt8) * ((inLength / 2) + 1));
NSInteger i, o = 0;
UInt8 outByte = 0;
for (i = 0; i < inLength; i++) {
UInt8 c = inCharacters[i];
SInt8 value = -1;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') value = (c - '0');
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') value = 10 + (c - 'A');
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') value = 10 + (c - 'a');
if (value >= 0) {
if (i % 2 == 1) {
outBytes[o++] = (outByte << 4) | value;
outByte = 0;
} else {
outByte = value;
} else {
if (o != 0) break;
NSData *a = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:outBytes length:o freeWhenDone:YES];
NSString* newStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[a bytes]];
return newStr;
I want the same in Swift. Can anybody translate this code in Swift, or is there any easy way to do this in Swift?
This is my hex string to Data routine:
extension String {
/// Create `Data` from hexadecimal string representation
/// This creates a `Data` object from hex string. Note, if the string has any spaces or non-hex characters (e.g. starts with '<' and with a '>'), those are ignored and only hex characters are processed.
/// - returns: Data represented by this hexadecimal string.
var hexadecimal: Data? {
var data = Data(capacity: count / 2)
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[0-9a-f]{1,2}", options: .caseInsensitive)
regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, range: NSRange(startIndex..., in: self)) { match, _, _ in
let byteString = (self as NSString).substring(with: match!.range)
let num = UInt8(byteString, radix: 16)!
guard data.count > 0 else { return nil }
return data
And for the sake of completeness, this is my Data to hex string routine:
extension Data {
/// Hexadecimal string representation of `Data` object.
var hexadecimal: String {
return map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }
Note, as shown in the above, I generally only convert between hexadecimal representations and NSData instances (because if the information could have been represented as a string you probably wouldn't have created a hexadecimal representation in the first place). But your original question wanted to convert between hexadecimal representations and String objects, and that might look like so:
extension String {
/// Create `String` representation of `Data` created from hexadecimal string representation
/// This takes a hexadecimal representation and creates a String object from that. Note, if the string has any spaces, those are removed. Also if the string started with a `<` or ended with a `>`, those are removed, too.
/// For example,
/// String(hexadecimal: "<666f6f>")
/// is
/// Optional("foo")
/// - returns: `String` represented by this hexadecimal string.
init?(hexadecimal string: String, encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) {
guard let data = string.hexadecimal() else {
return nil
self.init(data: data, encoding: encoding)
/// Create hexadecimal string representation of `String` object.
/// For example,
/// "foo".hexadecimalString()
/// is
/// Optional("666f6f")
/// - parameter encoding: The `String.Encoding` that indicates how the string should be converted to `Data` before performing the hexadecimal conversion.
/// - returns: `String` representation of this String object.
func hexadecimalString(encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> String? {
return data(using: encoding)?
You could then use the above like so:
let hexString = "68656c6c 6f2c2077 6f726c64"
print(String(hexadecimal: hexString))
let originalString = "hello, world"
For permutations of the above for earlier Swift versions, see the revision history of this question.
convert hex string to data and string:
func dataWithHexString(hex: String) -> NSData {
var hex = hex
let data = NSMutableData()
while(countElements(hex) > 0) {
var c: String = hex.substringToIndex(advance(hex.startIndex, 2))
hex = hex.substringFromIndex(advance(hex.startIndex, 2))
var ch: UInt32 = 0
NSScanner(string: c).scanHexInt(&ch)
data.appendBytes(&ch, length: 1)
return data
let data = dataWithHexString("68656c6c6f2c20776f726c64") // <68656c6c 6f2c2077 6f726c64>
if let string = NSString(data: data, encoding: 1) {
print(string) // hello, world
func dataWithHexString(hex: String) -> NSData {
var hex = hex
let data = NSMutableData()
while(hex.characters.count > 0) {
let c: String = hex.substringToIndex(hex.startIndex.advancedBy(2))
hex = hex.substringFromIndex(hex.startIndex.advancedBy(2))
var ch: UInt32 = 0
NSScanner(string: c).scanHexInt(&ch)
data.appendBytes(&ch, length: 1)
return data
let data = dataWithHexString("68656c6c6f2c20776f726c64") // <68656c6c 6f2c2077 6f726c64>
if let string = String(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
print(string) //"hello, world"
func dataWithHexString(hex: String) -> Data {
var hex = hex
var data = Data()
while(hex.characters.count > 0) {
let c: String = hex.substring(to: hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 2))
hex = hex.substring(from: hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 2))
var ch: UInt32 = 0
Scanner(string: c).scanHexInt32(&ch)
var char = UInt8(ch)
data.append(&char, count: 1)
return data
let data = dataWithHexString(hex: "68656c6c6f2c20776f726c64") // <68656c6c 6f2c2077 6f726c64>
let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) // "hello, world"
func dataWithHexString(hex: String) -> Data {
var hex = hex
var data = Data()
while(hex.count > 0) {
let subIndex = hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let c = String(hex[..<subIndex])
hex = String(hex[subIndex...])
var ch: UInt32 = 0
Scanner(string: c).scanHexInt32(&ch)
var char = UInt8(ch)
data.append(&char, count: 1)
return data
let data = dataWithHexString(hex: "68656c6c6f2c20776f726c64") // <68656c6c 6f2c2077 6f726c64>
let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) // "hello, world"
Swift 4 & Swift 5 implementation:
init?(hexString: String) {
let len = hexString.count / 2
var data = Data(capacity: len)
var i = hexString.startIndex
for _ in 0..<len {
let j = hexString.index(i, offsetBy: 2)
let bytes = hexString[i..<j]
if var num = UInt8(bytes, radix: 16) {
data.append(&num, count: 1)
} else {
return nil
i = j
self = data
let data = Data(hexString: "0a1b3c4d")
Swift 5
extension Data {
init?(hex: String) {
guard hex.count.isMultiple(of: 2) else {
return nil
let chars = { $0 }
let bytes = stride(from: 0, to: chars.count, by: 2)
.map { String(chars[$0]) + String(chars[$0 + 1]) }
.compactMap { UInt8($0, radix: 16) }
guard hex.count / bytes.count == 2 else { return nil }
Here is my Swift 5 way to do it:
does take care of "0x" prefixes
use subscript instead of allocated Array(), no C style [i+1] too
add .hexadecimal to encoding:) -> Data?
String Extension:
extension String {
enum ExtendedEncoding {
case hexadecimal
func data(using encoding:ExtendedEncoding) -> Data? {
let hexStr = self.dropFirst(self.hasPrefix("0x") ? 2 : 0)
guard hexStr.count % 2 == 0 else { return nil }
var newData = Data(capacity: hexStr.count/2)
var indexIsEven = true
for i in hexStr.indices {
if indexIsEven {
let byteRange = i...hexStr.index(after: i)
guard let byte = UInt8(hexStr[byteRange], radix: 16) else { return nil }
return newData
"5413".data(using: .hexadecimal)
"0x1234FF".data(using: .hexadecimal)
extension Data {
var bytes:[UInt8] { // fancy pretty call: myData.bytes -> [UInt8]
return [UInt8](self)
// Could make a more optimized one~
func hexa(prefixed isPrefixed:Bool = true) -> String {
return self.bytes.reduce(isPrefixed ? "0x" : "") { $0 + String(format: "%02X", $1) }
print("000204ff5400".data(using: .hexadecimal)?.hexa() ?? "failed") // OK
print("0x000204ff5400".data(using: .hexadecimal)?.hexa() ?? "failed") // OK
print("541".data(using: .hexadecimal)?.hexa() ?? "failed") // fails
print("5413".data(using: .hexadecimal)?.hexa() ?? "failed") // OK
Here's a simple solution I settled on:
extension NSData {
public convenience init(hexString: String) {
var index = hexString.startIndex
var bytes: [UInt8] = []
repeat {
bytes.append(hexString[index...index.advancedBy(1)].withCString {
return UInt8(strtoul($0, nil, 16))
index = index.advancedBy(2)
} while index.distanceTo(hexString.endIndex) != 0
self.init(bytes: &bytes, length: bytes.count)
let data = NSData(hexString: "b8dfb080bc33fb564249e34252bf143d88fc018f")
>>> <b8dfb080 bc33fb56 4249e342 52bf143d 88fc018f>
Update 6/29/2016
I updated the initializer to handle malformed data (i.e., invalid characters or odd number of characters).
public convenience init?(hexString: String, force: Bool) {
let characterSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "0123456789abcdefABCDEF")
for scalar in hexString.unicodeScalars {
if characterSet.characterIsMember(UInt16(scalar.value)) {
else if !force {
return nil
if hexString.characters.count % 2 == 1 {
if force {
hexString = "0" + hexString
else {
return nil
var index = hexString.startIndex
var bytes: [UInt8] = []
repeat {
bytes.append(hexString[index...index.advancedBy(1)].withCString {
return UInt8(strtoul($0, nil, 16))
index = index.advancedBy(2)
} while index.distanceTo(hexString.endIndex) != 0
self.init(bytes: &bytes, length: bytes.count)
Here is my take on converting hexadecimal string to Data using Swift 4:
extension Data {
private static let hexRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])*$", options: [])
init?(hexString: String) {
if Data.hexRegex.matches(in: hexString, range: NSMakeRange(0, hexString.count)).isEmpty {
return nil // does not look like a hexadecimal string
let chars = Array(hexString)
let bytes: [UInt8] =
stride(from: 0, to: chars.count, by: 2)
.map {UInt8(String([chars[$0], chars[$0+1]]), radix: 16)}
self = Data(bytes)
var hexString: String {
return map { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined()
(I threw in a small feature for converting back to hex string I found in this answer)
And here is how you would use it:
let data = Data(hexString: "cafecafe")
print(data?.hexString) // will print Optional("cafecafe")
One more solution that is simple to follow and leverages swifts built-in hex parsing
func convertHexToBytes(_ str: String) -> Data? {
let values = str.compactMap { $0.hexDigitValue } // map char to value of 0-15 or nil
if values.count == str.count && values.count % 2 == 0 {
var data = Data()
for x in stride(from: 0, to: values.count, by: 2) {
let byte = (values[x] << 4) + values[x+1] // concat high and low bits
return data
return nil
let good = "e01AFd"
let bad = "e0671"
let ugly = "GT40"
print("\(convertHexToBytes(good))") // Optional(3 bytes)
print("\(convertHexToBytes(bad))") // nil
print("\(convertHexToBytes(ugly))") // nil
The code worked for me in Swift 3.0.2.
extension String {
/// Expanded encoding
/// - bytesHexLiteral: Hex string of bytes
/// - base64: Base64 string
enum ExpandedEncoding {
/// Hex string of bytes
case bytesHexLiteral
/// Base64 string
case base64
/// Convert to `Data` with expanded encoding
/// - Parameter encoding: Expanded encoding
/// - Returns: data
func data(using encoding: ExpandedEncoding) -> Data? {
switch encoding {
case .bytesHexLiteral:
guard self.characters.count % 2 == 0 else { return nil }
var data = Data()
var byteLiteral = ""
for (index, character) in self.characters.enumerated() {
if index % 2 == 0 {
byteLiteral = String(character)
} else {
guard let byte = UInt8(byteLiteral, radix: 16) else { return nil }
return data
case .base64:
return Data(base64Encoded: self)
Swift 5
With support iOS 13 and iOS2...iOS12.
extension String {
var hex: Data? {
var value = self
var data = Data()
while value.count > 0 {
let subIndex = value.index(value.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let c = String(value[..<subIndex])
value = String(value[subIndex...])
var char: UInt8
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
guard let int = Scanner(string: c).scanInt32(representation: .hexadecimal) else { return nil }
char = UInt8(int)
} else {
var int: UInt32 = 0
Scanner(string: c).scanHexInt32(&int)
char = UInt8(int)
data.append(&char, count: 1)
return data
Swift 5
There is a compact implementation of initialize Data instance from hex string using a regular expression. It searches hex numbers inside a string and combine them to a result data so that it can support different formats of hex representations:
extension Data {
private static let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "([0-9a-fA-F]{2})", options: [])
/// Create instance from string with hex numbers.
init(from: String) {
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: from.utf16.count)
let bytes = Self.regex.matches(in: from, options: [], range: range)
.compactMap { Range($0.range(at: 1), in: from) }
.compactMap { UInt8(from[$0], radix: 16) }
/// Hex string representation of data.
var hex: String {
map { String($0, radix: 16) }.joined()
let data = Data(from: "0x11223344aabbccdd")
print(data.hex) // Prints "11223344aabbccdd"
let data2 = Data(from: "11223344aabbccdd")
print(data2.hex) // Prints "11223344aabbccdd"
let data3 = Data(from: "11223344 aabbccdd")
print(data3.hex) // Prints "11223344aabbccdd"
let data4 = Data(from: "11223344 AABBCCDD")
print(data4.hex) // Prints "11223344aabbccdd"
let data5 = Data(from: "Hex: 0x11223344AABBCCDD")
print(data5.hex) // Prints "11223344aabbccdd"
let data6 = Data(from: "word[0]=11223344 word[1]=AABBCCDD")
print(data6.hex) // Prints "11223344aabbccdd"
let data7 = Data(from: "No hex")
print(data7.hex) // Prints ""
Handles prefixes
Ignores invalid characters and incomplete bytes
Uses Swift built in hex character parsing
Doesn't use subscripts
extension Data {
init(hexString: String) {
self = hexString
.dropFirst(hexString.hasPrefix("0x") ? 2 : 0)
.compactMap { $ { UInt8($0) } }
.reduce(into: (data: Data(capacity: hexString.count / 2), byte: nil as UInt8?)) { partialResult, nibble in
if let p = partialResult.byte { + nibble)
partialResult.byte = nil
} else {
partialResult.byte = nibble << 4
Supposing your string is even size, you can use this to convert to hexadecimal and save it to Data:
Swift 5.2
func hex(from string: String) -> Data {
.init(stride(from: 0, to: string.count, by: 2).map {
string[string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: $0) ... string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: $0 + 1)]
}.map {
UInt8($0, radix: 16)!
