Consuming a custom event in F# - f#

Event handling in F# is really causing headache for me. The error I'm facing is
This expression was expected to have type
obj -> unit
but here has type
I'm publish the event as follows
type ...
let dataChanged = new Control.Event<obj>()
member this.DataChanged = dataChanged.Publish
member private this.NotifyDataChanged(sender : obj) =
And I'm trying to catch it like this
type ...
let dataChangedHandler = new System.EventHandler<obj>(fun sender -> this.DataItems_DataChanged(sender))
do this.DataItems.DataChanged.Add(dataChangedHandler)
member private this.DataItems_DataChanged(sender : obj) =
As said, the code doesn't compile. I've tried different variations but just can't get it working. Any help would be appreciated.

The compiler clearly tells you: dataChangedHandler is expected to be of type obj -> unit, which is just a function.
Just don't wrap it in EventHandler, it'll work:
let dataChangedHandler = fun (sender: obj) -> this.DataItems_DataChanged(sender)


F# extensions used in a context where a function is not expected

Hi I have an extension method in f# that checks is TcpClinet is connected and it is rather simple code:
type TcpExtension() =
static member inline IsConnectionEstablished(client: TcpClient) : bool =
let ipProperties : IPGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties()
let tcpConnection : Option<TcpConnectionInformation> = ipProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections() |> Seq.tryFind(fun connection -> connection.LocalEndPoint.Equals(client.Client.LocalEndPoint) && connection.RemoteEndPoint.Equals(client.Client.RemoteEndPoint))
match tcpConnection with
| Some connection -> true
| None -> false
Now I am trying to use it by simple:
let private WaitForData (client : TcpClient) =
let isConnectionAlive : bool = client.IsConnectionEstablished
But I am getting message that looks like:
This function takes too many arguments, or is used in a context where a function is not expected
When I checked Microsoft documentation this is how they show it should be handled, what am I missing here?
The error message is a bit misleading, you're actually missing an argument
To invoke the function you need to pass in unit like if you were invoking it from C#
let isConnectionAlive : bool = client.IsConnectionEstablished()

F# and MEF: Exporting Functions

So, I was trying to get this simple test working in an F# console app:
open System.Reflection
open System.ComponentModel.Composition
open System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting
[<Export(typeof<int -> string>)>]
let toString(i: int) = i.ToString()
let main argv =
use catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly())
use container = new CompositionContainer(catalog)
let myFunction = container.GetExportedValue<int -> string>()
let result = myFunction(5)
I expected MEF to get the function properly resolved, but it doesn't.
Instead, I get this:
An unhandled exception of type
occurred in System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll
Additional information:
Cannot cast the underlying exported value of type 'Program.toString (ContractName="Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc(System.Int32,System.String)")' to type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc``2[System.Int32,System.String]'.
What am I missing here?
What is the difference between FSharpFunc(System.Int32, System.String) and FSharpFunc``2[System.Int32, System.String]?
What is the correct way to import/export F# functions via MEF?
The compiler turns top-level F# functions into methods, so your example will be compiled as:
public string toString(int i) { return i.ToString(); }
This is probably causing the error. You can force the compiler to produce a property getter of FSharpFunc type by calling some operation that returns a function - even a simple identity function will don:
let makeFunc f = f
[<Export(typeof<int -> string>)>]
let toString = makeFunc <| fun (i:int) ->
I have not tested this, but I think it could work. That said, it is probably safer to go with a simple single-method interface in this case.

Why can I pass two parameter to Event class

When I look the definition of event class in f#
type Event<'T> =
new Event : unit -> Event<'T>
member this.Trigger : 'T -> unit
member this.Publish : IEvent<'T>
I can pass only one type on event class like
let nameChanged = new Event<unit>()
But I saw some sample too, that pass two variables like
let propertyChanged = Event<PropertyChangedEventHandler, PropertyChangedEventArgs>()
How could be that be possible?
And when I implement an interface like
module SapHandler
open SAP.Middleware.Connector
type Connector() =
let configurationChanged = Event<RfcDestinationManager.ConfigurationChangeHandler, RfcConfigurationEventArgs>()
interface IDestinationConfiguration with
member self.ChangeEventsSupported() =
member self.ConfigurationChanged = configurationChanged.Publish
The compiler complain:
The type 'RfcDestinationManager.ConfigurationChangeHandler' has a non-standard delegate type
The definition of delegate type is:
It's possible because there's another class too:
type Event<'Delegate,'Args (requires delegate)> =
new Event : unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args>
member this.Trigger : obj * 'Args -> unit
member this.Publish : IEvent<'Delegate,'Args>
You're getting that error because your delegate for the event is probably missing the first object sender argument which is standard in .net. You can use Control.DelegateEvent<'Delegate> to get around this
let propertyChanged = DelegateEvent<RfcDestinationManager.ConfigurationChangeHandler>()

Does F# handle inheritance differently compared to C# when type parameters are covariant?

I hit something new to me with the following piece of code when following the equivalent in C# here. The compiler gives multiple errors basically telling the IConnectableObservable created in source.Publish() does not match IObservable even though it derives from it (according to the MSDN article linked).
Is there something in F# that is different with regard to C# concerning inheritance in this case or can someone provider pointers as to what is going on? Have I just made a typo I can't see? What comes to the heading regarding covariance, it's just a wild guess as I'm at least temporarily out of ideas. And so, maybe writing somewhere may help me and others...
One example of the many error messages:
No overloads match for method 'Create'. The available overloads are shown below (or in the Error List window).
No overloads match for method 'Switch'. The available overloads are shown below (or in the Error List window).
Error Possible overload: '(extension) IObservable.Switch<'TSource>() :
IObservable<'TSource>'. Type constraint mismatch. The type
IObservable<IConnectableObservable<'b>> is not compatible with type
IObservable<IObservable<'a>> The type 'IObservable<'a>' does not match the type 'IConnectableObservable<'b>'.
open System.Reactive.Concurrency
open System.Reactive.Disposables
open System.Reactive.Subjects
open System.Reactive.Linq
type Observable with
static member inline Suspendable(source: IObservable<_>, suspend: IObservable<bool>, isSuspendedInitially: bool): IObservable<_> =
Observable.Create<_>(fun observer ->
let shared = source.Publish()
let pausable =
.Select(fun p -> if p then shared else Observable.Empty<_>())
new CompositeDisposable(pausable.Subscribe(observer), shared.Connect()))
The corresponding C# code
public static class RxExtensions
public static IObservable<T> Suspendable<T>(this IObservable<T> stream, IObservable<bool> suspend, bool isSuspendedInitially)
return Observable.Create<T>(o =>
var shared = stream.Publish();
var pausable = suspend
.Select(p => p ? shared : Observable.Empty<T>())
return new CompositeDisposable(pausable.Subscribe(o), shared.Connect());
This was a bit tricky, but you need to add two upcasts: shared to IObservable<_>, and the result of the lambda function to IDisposable. These would be implicit in C#, but need to be explicit in F#:
type Observable with
static member inline Suspendable (source: IObservable<_>,
suspend: IObservable<bool>,
isSuspendedInitially: bool): IObservable<'a> =
Observable.Create<_>(fun observer ->
let shared = source.Publish()
let pausable =
.Select(fun p -> if p then shared :> IObservable<_>
else Observable.Empty<_>())
new CompositeDisposable(pausable.Subscribe(observer),
shared.Connect()) :> IDisposable)

F# generics for inner functions

I have the below code:
type IQuery =
abstract List<'T> : unit -> IList<'T>
let create (str)=
let getList () : IList<'T> = upcast List<'T>()
{ new IQuery with
member this.List<'T>() = getList<'T>()
And for the last line it gives me a warning stating that:
The method or function 'getList' should not be given explicit type argument(s) because it does not declare its type parameters explicitly
However if I remove <'T> from getList call then I get a compilation error as :
The member 'List<'T> : unit -> IList<'a>' does not have the correct type to override the corresponding abstract method. The required signature is 'List<'T> : unit -> IList<'T>'.
What can I do ?
You can declare getList with an explicit type parameter:
let getList<'T> () : IList<'T> = upcast List<'T>()
You then get an error:
Explicit type parameters may only be used on module or member bindings
If you then move the let binding to the top-level at the same scope as the type, it all works:
type IQuery =
abstract List<'T> : unit -> IList<'T>
let getList<'T> () : IList<'T> = upcast List<'T>()
let create (str) =
{ new IQuery with
member this.List<'T>() = getList<'T>()
If your real code has getList using values only in scope in create, like str, you'll need to add them as explicit parameters to getList.
