is there need of static library to create framework? - ios

Is this necessary to create static library for creation of framework or we can create it without help of static library what is diffrence betwwen them.

You have two options for creating framework, one is static library (code is linked at compile time) and iOS8 onwards dynamic framework(code is linked at runtime). Refer to following answers for knowing the difference between them :
Library? Static? Dynamic? Or Framework? Project inside another project


IOS : 3rd party dynamic framework inside a static library

Is it possible to embed a dynamic framework inside a static library in such way that when using the .a lib in other projects, there is no need to use link framework/embed binaires.
So using the framework inside the static library just by using the header name.
If so, how is it done?

Can a cocoa touch static library contain another static library?

I want to create a static library which contain another static library, how to do?
If you mean embedding dependent library then answer is NO. You can read a little more or so. I'd recommend to make a Framework instead of static library.
If you just want to make "fat" library which contains different versions of same library for different platforms then answer is YES (Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+).

Create ios static library with with more classes

I want to develop iOS static library and distribute to other developers.
I have started some R&D and found only one way to create static library with only one class which is having header file and implementation file.
I would like to create static library with more individual classes. Now we are creating static libraries with only header files and implementation files.
Is it possible to add XIB files also to that? Can anyone guide me to solve this requirement?
As you are saying, you have created static library, then you just need to add more files. Suppose you can want to make some file to make public to developers then you need to make it public scope.
This may help you...

How to create static library from an existing framework in iOS?

I have been provided with a framework by a third party vendor for an iPhone hardware accessory. So I have a folder like Device.framework. Inside that folder is a binary file and a set of .h files. There are instructions for how to add this to an iOS project and use the classes contained within. However, I'm actually using MonoTouch and want to use a static library.
Is there a way to create a static library that makes all the classes from the framework available in the static library? So in my MonoTouch project I would link in the static library and have access to that framework.
A *.framework is simply a package containing: the static library, headers, associated meta data. Copy and paste the .framework and extract the static *.a file and related header files.
Then it's simply a matter of using the MonoTouch btouch tool to bind the static library for use in your MonoTouch project. There is a great example of how to bind a native library to MonoTouch on Github. With guidance on targeting simulator + device and using the LinkWith attribute to embed the static library in a single *.dll:
Also, make sure to check out the btouch Reference documentation here:
Rename that binary file to Device.a. You can do that as the framework you mention is not done by Apple, hence it has to be a static library and not a dynamic one.
Make sure your project links that library (Device.a).
Include the headers in your project and reference them where appropriate.

Create static library in Xcode 4

I can't figure out how to create a cocoa touch static library in Xcode 4.
I've created static library in Xcode 3 and it worked fine. I used this tutorial. Thanks for the help.
First step I create cocoa touch static library
Next we can see our static library in product directory. But now this uncompiled library.
Next step I add some objective-c class. This class is will perform various actions, for example show NSLog messages.
Then I made sure there is this class exist in compile source
After that I build my target
Now I use this static library in other projects, but when I use it I get a error when linking files with my static library.
Open Xcode > Create New Project > iOS > Framework & Library > Cocoa Touch Static Library
I struggled with this myself and, on another SO thread, found this:
To create an static library you can try to figure out with example example here:
