I want to download artifacts using ivy:resolve, but using a pattern that uses the [conf] attribute. So I have defined the following in
<caches defaultCacheDir="${env.IvyLib}\cache" artifactPattern="[conf]\[artifact].[ext]" checkUpToDate="false" />
Notice the pattern artifactPattern="[conf]\[artifact].[ext]", so I want to resolve the dependencies and place them in a folder as per their configuration. I have defined the following configuration in
<conf name="ConfGroup1" description="First group of dependencies"/>
<conf name="ConfGroup2" description="Second group of dependencies"/>
<dependency org="derby-db" name="derby-db" rev="" conf="ConfGroup1->default">
<artifact name="derby-db" type="zip" ext="zip" />
<dependency org="derby-db" name="derby-db" rev="" conf="ConfGroup2->default">
<artifact name="derby-db" type="zip" ext="zip" />
Now the dependencies get resolved fine, but only 1 folder gets created for configuration: default. No folder is being created for ConfGroup1 & ConfGroup2 configurations. How can I be able to create multiple folders as per my defined configurations during resolve?
P.S., I know this can be achieved using ivy:retrieve, but I do not want to use it, because it will involve copying artifacts from ivy cache to another place after ivy:resolve, and I have multi-gigabyte worth of artifacts. Copying them separately will create additional overhead during the build, which I cannot afford due to the project requirements.
The ivy retrieve task has a symlinks option, that can be used to conserve space.
├── build.xml
├── ivysettings.xml
├── ivy.xml
└── target
├── ivy-reports
│ ├── ivy-report.css
│ ├── myorg-mymod-ConfGroup1.html
│ └── myorg-mymod-ConfGroup2.html
└── lib
├── ConfGroup1
│ └── db-derby- -> /home/mark/.ivy2/cache/db-derby/db-derby/zips/db-derby-
└── ConfGroup2
└── db-derby- -> /home/mark/.ivy2/cache/db-derby/db-derby/zips/db-derby-
<project name="demo" default="resolve" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<property name="build.dir" location="target"/>
<target name="resolve">
<ivy:report todir='${build.dir}/ivy-reports' graph='false' xml='false'/>
<ivy:retrieve pattern='${build.dir}/lib/[conf]/[module]-[revision].[ext]' symlink="true"/>
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="myorg" module="mymod"/>
<conf name="ConfGroup1" description="First group of dependencies"/>
<conf name="ConfGroup2" description="Second group of dependencies"/>
<dependency org="db-derby" name="db-derby" rev="" conf="ConfGroup1->default">
<artifact name="db-derby" type="zip" ext="zip" />
<dependency org="db-derby" name="db-derby" rev="" conf="ConfGroup2->default">
<artifact name="db-derby" type="zip" ext="zip" />
<settings defaultResolver="central"/>
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true" />
<url name="db-derby">
<artifact pattern="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/www.apache.org/dist//db/derby/[module]-[revision]/[module]-[revision]-bin.[ext]"/>
<module organisation="db-derby" resolver="db-derby" />
Building with Ant Ivy, I'm trying to separate my jars into one configuration for 3rd party jars and another configuration for the jars I build and publish. ProjectA uses 3rd party jars and builds a jar that ProjectB depends on, but when I use Ant Ivy confs I can't get ProjectB to retrieve the ProjectA jar.
When I execute the ant script for ProjectB, it builds ProjectA fine. The ProjectA build publishes a jar to the local repository. ProjectB retrieves the necessary jars from the public repository with no problem, but when it tries to retrieve the ProjectA jar, it says UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCY: testproject#ProjectA;2.0.0: configuration not found in testproject#ProjectA;2.0.0: 'localjars'. It was required from testproject#ProjectB;2.0.0 localjars
If I remove all references to the 2nd configuration, localjars, and just use default for everything, it works fine. I really need to sort my jars into the different confs though.
I've successfully used a revision value passed from the ant script in place of "2.0.0" below and referenced with ${revision}, but the conf error is the same.
ProjectA ivy.xml (with a subset of dependencies for brevity):
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="testproject" module="ProjectA" revision="2.0.0" status="release" publication="20160524124555"/>
<conf name="default" transitive="false" visibility="public"/>
<conf name="localjars" extends="default" visibility="public"/>
<artifact name="projectA-jar-2.0.0" type="jar" conf="localjars" ext="jar"/>
<dependency org="commons-beanutils" name="commons-beanutils" rev="1.7.0" conf="default->master"/>
<dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" rev="3.1" conf="default->master"/>
ProjectA build.xml publish target:
<target name="publish" depends="package"
description="--> compile test and publish this project in the local ivy repository">
<ivy:publish artifactspattern="${DEPLOY_DIR_LIB}/[artifact].[ext]"
resolver="local" pubrevision="2.0.0" status="release"
srcivypattern="${ivy.dep.file}" forcedeliver="true" overwrite="true" conf="localjars,default"/>
<echo message="project ${ant.project.name} released with version 2.0.0" />
ProjectB ivy.xml:
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="testproject" module="ProjectB" revision="2.0.0" status="release" publication="20160524103113"/>
<conf name="default"/>
<conf name="localjars" extends="default"/>
<artifact name="projectB-2.0.0" conf="localjars" type="jar" ext="jar"/>
<dependency org="testproject" name="ProjectA" rev="${revision}" transitive="true" conf="localjars->localjars; default->default"/>
ProjectB Ant resolve target:
<target name="resolve" description="--> retrieve dependencies with ivy">
<ivy:retrieve pattern="${DEPLOY_DIR_LIB}/[artifact]-2.0.0.[ext]" revision="2.0.0" conf="localjars" />
Any idea what's wrong? Thanks!
Not entirely certain why your configuration is not working. One thing I'd advise is not to disable transitive dependencies. You'll note I have a different approach in creating the "default" configuration in the working example below.
Each project has its own local build and ivy file. Collaboration is via jars published to the "local" repository.
├── build.xml
├── ProjectA
│ ├── build.xml
│ ├── ivy.xml
│ └── src
│ └── Hello.txt
└── ProjectB
├── build.xml
├── ivy.xml
└── src
└── Hello.txt
Master build file that builds all modules in the correct order, using the buildlist task.
Additionally I normally include an extra target for installing ivy.
<project name="main" default="publish" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<available classname="org.apache.ivy.Main" property="ivy.installed"/>
<target name="install-ivy" unless="ivy.installed">
<mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>
<get dest="${user.home}/.ant/lib/ivy.jar" src="http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.4.0/ivy-2.4.0.jar"/>
<fail message="Ivy has been installed. Run the build again"/>
<target name="publish" depends="install-ivy">
<ivy:buildlist reference="build-path">
<fileset dir="." includes="*/build.xml"/>
<subant target="publish" buildpathref="build-path"/>
<target name="clean">
<subant target="clean">
<fileset dir="." includes="*/build.xml"/>
<target name="clean-all" depends="clean">
The "master" configuration contains only artifacts. This naming convention mirrors the scopes used by Maven.
Note also how the "default" configuration extends both "master" and "runtime". This enables clients to pull down everything they will need.
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="com.myspotontheweb" module="ProjectA"/>
<conf name="default" description="Master artifact and runtime dependencies" extends="master,runtime"/>
<conf name="master" description="Artifact published by this module"/>
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Additional run-time dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" description="Required for test only" extends="runtime"/>
<artifact name="ProjectA" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="master"/>
<!-- compile dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.7.5" conf="compile->default"/>
<!-- runtime dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" rev="1.7.5" conf="runtime->default"/>
<!-- test dependencies -->
<dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.11" conf="test->default"/>
Note how ProjectA is the only dependency and it maps the remote "default" configuration to the local "compile" configuration.
Another subtle issue is the use of the "latest.integration" dynamic revision. This means we don't need to hardcode the revision of ProjectA.
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="com.myspotontheweb" module="ProjectB"/>
<conf name="default" description="Master artifact and runtime dependencies" extends="master,runtime"/>
<conf name="master" description="Artifact published by this module"/>
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Additional run-time dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" description="Required for test only" extends="runtime"/>
<artifact name="ProjectB" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="master"/>
<dependency org="com.myspotontheweb" name="ProjectA" rev="latest.integration" conf="compile->default"/>
The revision to be published is set as a property, which can be overridden if necessary.
Note also how ivy configurations can be used to control classpaths within the build, using the cachepath task
<project name="ProjectA" default="build" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
<property name="pub.version" value="1.0"/>
<property name="pub.resolver" value="local"/>
<target name="resolve">
<ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile"/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="test.path" conf="test"/>
<target name="build" depends="resolve">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
<jar destfile="${build.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar" basedir="src"/>
<target name="publish" depends="build">
<ivy:publish pubrevision="${pub.version}" resolver="${pub.resolver}" overwrite="true">
<artifacts pattern="${build.dir}/[artifact].[ext]"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
Identical to the other project just having a different name attribute.
<project name="ProjectB" default="build" ....
I'm trying to set up an Ant + Ivy build for a personal project. Everything was making sense, and working nicely, until I got to LWJGL. Everything from LWJGL is resolved, except the natives.
The Readme.md on their website makes it seem that it is possible to get these through Ivy:
LWJGL 3 can be used with Maven/Gradle/Ivy, with the following
The files I want are definitely on the maven central repository, so there must be a way of getting them through Ivy. I have set up my ivy.xml file like so:
<ivy-module version="1.0" xmlns:extra="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra">
<info organisation="foo" module="bar"/>
<artifact name="baz" type="jar"/>
<dependency org="org.lwjgl" name="lwjgl" rev="3.0.0a"/>
<dependency org="org.lwjgl" name="lwjgl-platform" rev="3.0.0a" extra:classifier="natives-linux"/>
<dependency org="org.lwjgl" name="lwjgl-platform" rev="3.0.0a" extra:classifier="natives-osx"/>
<dependency org="org.lwjgl" name="lwjgl-platform" rev="3.0.0a" extra:classifier="natives-windows"/>
And my resolve task in ant:
<target name="resolve" description="Retrive dependencies with Ivy">
For some reason, this downloads all the artifacts from "org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.0.0a" (jar, javadoc, and sources), but does not download any of the natives from "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.0.0a". I spent a long time on Google, and finally managed to find the "extra:classifier" syntax in someone else's ivy.xml file on Github, but to no avail (I got my hopes up too early). There must be something I'm missing, so I hope someone on SO can help.
Extra artifacts in Maven modules must be explicitly retrieved in the ivy dependency declaration.
You'll also need to specify the pattern used in the retrieve task, because "classifier" is a Maven specific tag and optional.
├── build.xml
├── ivy.xml
└── target
└── lib
├── lwjgl-3.0.0a.jar
├── lwjgl-platform-3.0.0a-natives-linux.jar
├── lwjgl-platform-3.0.0a-natives-osx.jar
└── lwjgl-platform-3.0.0a-natives-windows.jar
<project name="demo" default="resolve" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<property name="build.dir" location="target"/>
<target name="resolve">
<ivy:retrieve pattern="${build.dir}/lib/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
<ivy-module version="1.0" xmlns:extra="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra">
<info organisation="foo" module="bar"/>
<dependency org="org.lwjgl" name="lwjgl" rev="3.0.0a" conf="default"/>
<dependency org="org.lwjgl" name="lwjgl-platform" rev="3.0.0a">
<artifact name="lwjgl-platform" type="jar" extra:classifier="natives-linux"/>
<artifact name="lwjgl-platform" type="jar" extra:classifier="natives-osx"/>
<artifact name="lwjgl-platform" type="jar" extra:classifier="natives-windows"/>
I have my version.xml in a project where I defined all the IVY configurations and dependencies. I use ANT script to download and retrieve artefacts and everything is OK so far.
What I am looking for is that in anyway I can find if certain configuration is present in version.xml and some dependency is confgured to use it from an ANT script, like check as I want to do some extra stuff if it is configured other wise simply skip. For example my version.xml looks like as follows;
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://repository.temenosgroup.com/xsl/version-doc.xsl"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra">
<info organisation="TEMENOS" branch="MAIN" module="StateEngine" />
<!-- "war->compile(*)" this means the 'war' configuration depends on the
'compile' configuration of the dependency and if the dependency is not
found in 'compile' then use the 'default' (same as '*') config (usually that is all dependencies) -->
<configurations defaultconfmapping="test->test(*);compile->compile(*);componentDep->componentDep(*)">
<conf name="test" description="Test Time dependencies"/>
<conf name="compile" description="Build Time dependencies"/>
<conf name="componentDep" description="To resolve component level dependencies" />
<artifact name="#SERVICE_NAME#" type="" ext="zip" />
<artifact name="#SERVICE_NAME#" type="" ext="zip" e:platform="#PLATFORM_WIN#" />
<artifact name="#SERVICE_NAME#" type="" ext="zip" e:platform="#PLATFORM_UNIX#" />
<!-- Define Component Level Dependencies Below -->
<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="MAIN" name="StateMachine" transitive="false" rev="latest-dev" conf="componentDep" >
<artifact name="StateMachineService" ext="zip" e:platform="#PLATFORM_WIN#" type="" conf="componentDep" />
<artifact name="StateMachineService" ext="zip" e:platform="#PLATFORM_UNIX#" type="" conf="componentDep" />
<artifact name="StateMachineService" ext="zip" type="" conf="componentDep" />
So, is there any target available within ANT like 'ivy:...' which can return 'true' or 'false' some how tell me that there is a dependency which is trying to use configuration called 'componentDep'? so that I can do my extra stuff..otherwise skip. I do not want to parse the file myself within ANT as this is not a very good idea.
Note: I am using ANT 1.8.2 and IVY 2.2.0
Hope I am making sense. Please let me know if you need more information.
Ivy normally resolves using a file called ivy.xml.....
I suspect that your version.xml file is designed to be substituted? Perhaps your build is generating the ivy file at run-time?
Reasons for suspicions
The names of the files published by ivy do not appear valid.... I doubt you're creatung 3 files called #SERVICE_NAME#.zip
<artifact name="#SERVICE_NAME#" type="" ext="zip" />
<artifact name="#SERVICE_NAME#" type="" ext="zip" e:platform="#PLATFORM_WIN#" />
<artifact name="#SERVICE_NAME#" type="" ext="zip" e:platform="#PLATFORM_UNIX#" />
Somewhere else in your build I think there's a filtered copy going on.....
Possible answer to your original question
I think you're looking for an ivy resolution report? This creates a HTML report of the files associated with each of your project's configurations. Used as follows:
<target name="init">
<ivy:report todir='${ivy.reports.dir}' graph='false' xml='false'/>
I have a special situation where I need to package up some jars, and I need BOTH versions of a jar. My ivy definitions looks like this:
<dependency org="blah" name="blahname" rev="1.0.0" conf="baseline->default" />
I would like the same dependency resolved twice, once with version 1.0.0 and another with say version 2.0.0. Is that possible? What's the easiest way to achieve this.
Use ivy configurations to create and manage custom groups of dependencies.
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="com.myspotontheweb" module="demo"/>
<conf name="group1" description="First group of dependencies"/>
<conf name="group2" description="Second group of dependencies"/>
<dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.6" conf="group1->default"/>
<dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.0" conf="group2->default"/>
<project name="demo" default="resolve" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<target name="resolve">
<ivy:retrieve pattern="lib/[conf]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
This example uses the retrieve task to populate the "lib" directory. See also the "cachepath" and "cachefileset" tasks.
Lib directory is populated with the desired jars.
$ tree
|-- build.xml
|-- ivy.xml
`-- lib
|-- group1
| `-- commons-lang-2.6.jar
`-- group2
`-- commons-lang-2.0.jar
I'm totally new in ivy, so don't blame for for rather elementary questions.
I'm working on project that depends on some libraries of jbossAS 4.0.3.
To tell exactly - there are jboss-4.0.3-scheduler, jboss-4.0.3-jboss-system, jboss-4.0.3-jboss, jboss-4.0.3-jbossall-client. So i have a logical question - how can I point ivy to find them on public repository? Or that's the wrong direction of leveraging ivy in this situation?
And another simple question - for example, in the past this project depended on castor-0.9.7, axis-1.3 and log4j - after ivy dependency resolution - I had a lot of other jars like activation-1.1.jar, axis-saaj-1.3.jar, mail-1.4.jar and so on. So it was only 3 jars in dependencies in the past - now I have 10. Do i really need them?
And what is the way to know for sure what do i need of this additional jars?? (after all the project was working with old config - 3 jars).
And what if I have some artifact(dependee project). Other project depends on it, but i don't want transitive dependencies to be resolved. That's only a question of interest ))
This is how i am pulling dependencies now (from local repo), and what i want - to pull them from public repo (if it is possible) :
<ivy-module version="2.2">
<info organisation="org.btl" module="BtlAppServer" revision="1.7"/>
<configurations defaultconfmapping="default">
<conf name="compile" visibility="private"/>
<conf name="test" extends="compile" visibility="private"/>
<conf name="master" />
<conf name="runtime" extends="compile" />
<conf name="default" extends="master,runtime"/>
<artifact conf="master"/>
<dependency org="jboss" name="jboss" rev="4.0.3" conf="*->default" />
<dependency org="jboss" name="jbossall-client" rev="4.0.3"
<dependency org="jboss" name="jboss-system" rev="4.0.3" conf="*->default"/>
<dependency org="jboss" name="scheduler-plugin" rev="4.0.3"
<dependency org="org.btl" name="BtlCommon" rev="latest.integration" />
setttings file for this stuff :
<settings defaultResolver="myChain"/>
<include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-public.xml"/>
<include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-shared.xml"/>
<include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-local.xml"/>
<include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-main-chain.xml"/>
<include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-default-chain.xml"/>
<chain name="myChain" returnFirst="true">
<resolver ref="local"/>
<!-- JBoss -->
<ibiblio name="jboss-nexus" m2compatible="true"
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true" />
<module organisation='org.btl' resolver='local' />
File ivy.xml for the second question :
<ivy-module version="2.2">
<info organisation="org.btl" module="BtlCommon" revision="1.7"/>
<configurations defaultconfmapping="default">
<conf name="compile" visibility="private"/>
<conf name="test" extends="compile" visibility="private"/>
<conf name="master" />
<conf name="runtime" extends="compile" />
<conf name="default" extends="master,runtime"/>
<!--get the artifact from our module name-->
<artifact conf="master"/>
<dependency org="axis" name="axis" rev="1.3" conf="*->default" />
<dependency org="castor" name="castor" rev="0.9.7" conf="*->default" />
<dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.15" conf="*->default" >
<exclude org="com.sun.jdmk"/>
<exclude org="com.sun.jmx"/>
<exclude org="javax.jms"/>
Don't know if that can help someway )
The extra jars are produced by transitive dependencies. These may not be needed to compile your project but needed at runtime.
If they are actually needed depends on the dependency itself and your usage of the library. Mail.jar(Java Mail API) for example is only needed if you need to send Mails.
I think it will be quite complicated to really make sure, that you won't need the extra libraries (in the future?). If you are sure now, that you program runs without them, you can just set the transitive attribute to the dependency. And they will not be downloaded.
<dependency org="axis" name="axis" rev="1.3" conf="*->default" transitive="false"/>
I found the Jboss dependencies in the java.net repository for revision="4.2.2.GA". Seems the best option. But I couldn't find the scheduler.
<ibiblio name="jboss-java.net" m2compatible="true"