Extract Instagram follower in a Google spreadsheet via function - xml-parsing

I have a Google spreadsheet in which automatically the amount of instagram follower will be extracted and added for every day. Unfortunately, Instagram changed their Code and my function doesn't work anymore. Can you Help?
My Sheet is separated in a time stamp and the amount of followers for each day.
"select Col3"

You can actually achieve it by using importdata and regexreplace:
=REGEXREPLACE(CONCATENATE(IMPORTDATA(B1)),"(^.*followed_by: {""count"": )(\d+)(}.*)","$2")


Match lookup value with importHTML tables in Google Sheet

Asked this same question before and got the answer and it works fine too. This is how I want the answer in the formula I give.
Please read : Match lookup value with importHTML and combine tables in Soogle Sheet
#rockinfreakshow Thank You so much for this answer. Sir please answer me according to my formula.
I want the answer in the same way, but I match the lookup value from another url link with them in the same way as the answer comes from the formula I show and I want the answer.
I have this formula. And I get the answer well. Which you will get with the result in the link of google sheet below.
1st URL : https://www.screener.in/screens/881782/rk-all-stocks/?limit=25&page=1
baseUrl, pageStart, pageEnd,
importhtml(baseUrl & pageStart, "table"),
sequence(pageEnd - pageStart, 1, pageStart + 1),
result, pageNumber,
importhtml(baseUrl & pageNumber, "table"),
iferror(sequence(1, 11) / 0)
"where Col1 is not null", 1
"https://www.screener.in/screens/881782/rk-all-stocks/?limit=25&page=", 1, 57
Result Screenshot
2. And there is another table in which I want to match the lookup value of the first table and all the values of that table. Which I have tried. Within this google sheet and you can also try this google sheet.
2nd URL with match 1st URL Record : https://www.screener.in/screens/881791/rk-holding/?page=1
=BYROW(B2:B,LAMBDA(bx,IF(bx="",,IFNA(QUERY(IMPORTHTML("https://www.screener.in/screens/881791/rk-holding/?page=1", "table",1),"Select Col12, Col13 Where Col2='"&bx&"'",0)))))
If I use this formula I get only 25 data.
Result Screenshot
If I use this formula I get only 1 page of data. As this url link has more than 165 pages.
i expected result
I only get as much data as in the first formula. Next to them i.e next to ROCE you need column number 12 and 13 from another URL link. Lookup values match and look for the data next to them. Lookup value column number will be 2. Which I have tried in this google sheet and you can also try.
try this in google sheet : OPEN GOOGLE SHEET
Updated the solution in your sheet here

Format raw text (from Google Forms response) into rows and columns in Google Sheets and append sheet

I have a Google Forms where I'm capturing data in the following format.
Name:Karslten [0023]
You managed to complete:
TotalLoss: 981
Name:Jaeger [0119]
You managed to complete:
TotalLoss: 1253
Name:Fostyne [0003]
You managed to complete:
TotalLoss: 758
I would like to know if it will be possible to use Google Sheets formula to use the data and format it into rows and columns in a specific way. One form entry can contain data for multiple persons.
The format I want to achieve should look like this and all new entries must be appended to the new result sheet.
Screenshot for the format I want from Google Sheets
Here is a link to a dummy editable Google Sheets with the same data. I hope some knowledgeable people can help me achieve this. Thanking you in advance.
'Form Responses 1'!B2:B&CHAR(10)&SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE('Form Responses 1'!C2:C,
"Name:", "×Name:"), "×"), "(.+:)", ))), CHAR(10))), "where Col2 is not null", ))

Google Sheets - How to Extract dates list in new column from start date and end date

i need to extract dates (for each day) between 2 dates (start & end) in new column in google sheet.
The data is:
The result should be like this:
i now that it can be done with EXCEL + POWER QUERY
with google sheets i did not find anything
i will be glad if someone will help with that.
Depending on your locale settings, try:
=arrayformula({A1:C1,"DAY";split(query(flatten(array_constrain(if(split(rept(10,C2:C-B2:B+1),0)=1,A2:A&char(9999)&B2:B&char(9999)&C2:C&char(9999)&B2:B+transpose(row(A:A))-1&char(9999),),counta(B2:B),max(C2:C-B2:B)+1)),"where Col1 is not null",0),char(9999))})

Creating a google sheet with lookup values based on another google sheet

I own a Google Sheet 'Transactions' containing transaction data without explicitly specifying actual transaction amount and using payment code instead. This is because I have shared this Google sheet with multiple people. This looks like as follows:-
Now I have another private (not shared with anybody) Google sheet 'Lookup' which contains mapping of payment code and actual currency amount as:-
Now what I desire is a third Google sheet which only I will have access to -- this should have the actual Amount column , basically it should perform lookup based on PaymentCode and fetch the actual value as shown in the following screenshot:-
I am new to Google Sheets so if there is any other built-in out-of-the-box feature for this kind of scenario, pls let me know.
lets call your sheets:
in your 3rd sheet run these formulae anywhere and allow access:
=IMPORTRANGE("private_url_or_id", "private!A1")
=IMPORTRANGE("shared_url_or_id", "shared!A1")
now when access is allowed and sheets are connected use this in A1 of your third sheet:
IMPORTRANGE("shared_url_or_ID", "shared!A2:C"), IFNA(VLOOKUP(
IMPORTRANGE("shared_url_or_ID", "shared!B2:B"),
IMPORTRANGE("private_url_or_ID", "private!A:B"), 2, 0))},
"select Col1,Col4,Col3", 0))

Use QUERY to select values from Sheet based on current time in Google Sheets

I am looking to use a Google Sheet that displays the current delivery times based on the times during the day. I am accessing the current time with now() and then need to pull the data in from another sheet with QUERY if the current time is between the time slots. Here is the QUERY I am working with that isn't working at the moment:
=query(TimeSlots!B:B, "select B where A contains '"&A2&"'")
See if this works
=ArrayFormula(vlookup(timevalue(A2), {iferror(value(regexextract(TimeSlots!A2:A, "(.+)\s-"))),TimeSlots!B2:C}, {2, 3}, 1))
