multiple segues in uitableview - ios

I have a uitableview with 2 custom cells (messages, and notifications). I want to apply a segue to another viewcontroller when user press the message cell, but do nothing when he press the notification cell. how to do this with didselectrowatindexpath method? some answers here suggested using indexpath.row for checking which cell is clicked but I get these dynamic cells from json so I don't know where their position is in the tableview or how many are they.
using swift and xcode 7.3

If the cells are different types, you can just determine the class type in didselectrowatindexpath
Or you can add a different tag to the cells. You can do this in the storyboard or programatically when you create the cell.
Then in didselectrowatindexpath check what the tag is for the selected row and you will know what type of cell it is.


Swift UITextField inside TableViewCell

I am using a table view and have a UITextField inside it, but this text field don't detect the click on the cell. How I can fix this?
subclass the uitextfield, in prepareforreuse, set the delegate to nil, in the cellforrowatindexpath in the uitableview/datasource delegate, set the the textfield delegate to self, then implement the tableview methods there. to determine which textfield is clicked, index at point functions for tableview in the UITableView header, once you find that point, convert it to NSIndexPath. use that indexpath to find the array value where you store the textfield text values, update that value, then reload the row or the entire tableview and viola, you have your textfield population and working correctly,
lastly, show your code, this is very difficult to answer without showing your code

Unable to dequeue a cell with identifier while using a custom UITableIView

In my setup, I have 3 tableViews (nested) - tableView inside a tableView cell inside a tableVIew cell.
My goal is to find out touch events on the “mid-level” tableView. When a mid-level tableView is touched, I would like to extend its and its parent tableView height to predetermined values.
I created a custom UITableView with a second tag property (“secondTag”) and inside the tableView methods, I cast tableView to CustomTableView. So, inside tableView didSelectRowAt I'll had two indexes - IndexPath and secondTag. The first one was theIndexPath of the mid-level tableView and the second one was the custom UITableView tag that used for the indexing of the “parent” tableView.
But despite setting the cell identifier properly (inside the storyboard) I got the following error: "unable to dequeue a cell with identifier middleCell - must register a nib or a class for the identifier or connect a prototype cell in a storyboard".
One more note: inside tableView didSelectRowAt I used reloadData() on both the mid-level tableView cell and its parent tableView cell, since I needed both of them (sub/parent tableView cells) to change their height after a touch has occurred.
I think the double reloading may be the cause of my problems but I must reload both the parent and its nested “mid-level” tableView since I need both their heights to change after a touch was made.
*This question comes in to continue the following one: Need help adding new stored property to UITableView

UITableView inside custom UICollectionView

As the title says, i'm trying to put one UITableView inside a custom UICollectionViewCell, i made it so it's perfectly displayed, but now i need the touches inside the Cell that contains the Table to call the didSelectRowForIndexPath method.
I have a .xib for this custom UICollectionViewCell, inside it i have the UITableView, and i have it's delegate and datasource correctly set.
Now, if i run this, the CollectionView cells are loaded with their proper data (this is, each cell with a table containing the proper rows), but if i try to select one row from one table, the CollectionViewCell is selected instead of the TableViewCell (this is expected, but not what i need).
I'd like to know if is there a way for the TableView row to get selected, even if it's inside a CollectionView cell.
Thank you and sorry for my english.

change the position of textfield inside an expandable uitableview cell in iOS

Hi, I am new to iOS and i am trying to have two text fields inside a custom table view cell and the cells are dynamic, so I will be having two text fields in each cell and when a cell is selected the cell will expand
How can I reposition the text field when the cell expands? One text field should be on the top and the other one on the bottom inside the tableview cell.
How can i access the uitext field delegate inside uitable view delegate
textFieldShouldBeginEditing inside tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath
Thanks in advance
I would suggest having two different custom UITableViewCells - one for viewing and one for editing. When didSelectRowAtIndexPath is called, replace the selected cell with the second custom cell designed for editing. When the user is finished, replace it again with the original custom cell type.
For your second question about accessing subviews of the UITableViewCell, you have several options. I'm going to assume you're using storyboards.
If you created a custom class for your UITableViewCells, you can add the UITextView as a class property and connect it as a outlet from your storyboard to your class by making it an IBOutlet. That way you can access it via self.nameOfTextView.
If you don't want to create a custom class for your UITableViewCells, you can assign the subviews tags and access them via (UITextView *)[cell.contentView viewWithTag:1]. This second option can also be used if you aren't using storyboards.

How to distinguish between UITableView custom section click and section first row click?

UITableView returns the same callback "didSelectRowAtIndexPath" with the same NSIndexPath (0,0) both for section click and section first row click. I'm using custom view for section header view and I need to perform some action on these section rows. Tried checking cell class with [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath] but it's obviously returning the same row cell instead of section cell. Any suggestions?
UPDATE I could add my custom section view to first row instead of adding it as a section, however in that case, I would need to return different row height in "heightForRowAtIndexPath" and that would be not-performanc-wise decision.
UPDATE I'v designed my section view as a subclass of UITableViewCell, because I prefer to get native UITableView callbacks instead of workaround'ing with tap gestures or buttons.
Centurion, if you want to have section that you open/close easily, I suggest you to use the class APLSectionHeaderView.
You can find more information on APLSectionHeaderView.h and APLSectionHeaderView.m
Hope it will help you.
I've been using it, so if you have some question about it...
