Why import .m file? - ios

I have a source file, well actually it is a Google API library.
It has this code on GTLCommon_Sources.m:
#if defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file needs to be compiled with ARC disabled."
#import "Objects/GTLBatchQuery.m"
#import "Objects/GTLBatchResult.m"
#import "Objects/GTLDateTime.m"
#import "Objects/GTLErrorObject.m"
#import "Objects/GTLObject.m"
#import "Objects/GTLQuery.m"
#import "Objects/GTLRuntimeCommon.m"
#import "Objects/GTLService.m"
#import "Objects/GTLUploadParameters.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLBase64.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLFramework.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLJSONParser.m"
#import "Utilities/GTLUtilities.m"
However, try to build it, results on duplicate symbols on GTLCommon_Sources and GTLJSONParser. I tried change the source file to #import "Utilities/GTLJSONParser.h" instead of #import "Utilities/GTLJSONParser.m" and the duplicate symbols error goes away.
Can anyone advise why this library imports a .m file? While AFAIK, we always import .h file.

It's just a convenient way to build all the source files without having all of them included in your project. See the documentation.
Rather than link to the GTL framework, you can compile the GTL library
sources directly into your own project. To do this, find the library's
GTLCommon_Sources.m and GTLCommon_Networking.m files, and drag the
files into your project's window.
Then add the library's source folders to the Header Search Paths entry
of your project's build settings: Source, Source/Objects,
Source/Utilities, Deps/gtm-session-fetcher/Source,
Deps/gtm-oauth2/Source, Deps/gtm-oauth2/Source/Touch (or
For that to work, do not add any other of the other sources (GTLBatchQuery.m, etc.) to your project.


Swift framework - Use Swift class reference in Objective-C class

I am creating Swift framework in which I have to use Objective-C class. So I went through this link. This is the public header of my framework :
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
//! Project version number for Test.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double TestVersionNumber;
//! Project version string for Test.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char TestVersionString[];
// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <Test/PublicHeader.h>
#import <arpa/inet.h>
#import <ifaddrs.h>
#import <netdb.h>
#import <sys/socket.h>
#import <MyTest/MPAppDelegateProxy.h>
Now in class MPAppDelegateProxy, I have to use a Swift class which I have created. This is :
#import "MPAppDelegateProxy.h"
#import "MyTest.h"
#implementation MPAppDelegateProxy
+ (void)proxyAppDelegate {
[MPGlobal MPLog:#"App delegate not set, unable to perform automatic setup." file:#"MPAppDelegateProxy.m" function:#"proxyAppDelegate" line:32];
// rest of code
MPGlobal is one of my Swift class. But I am getting :
Use of undeclared identifier 'MPGlobal'
Note : I have added #objC before MPGlobal.
You need to import <Target>-Swift.h file.
This is known as Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name.
You can find it in your Target's build settings.
This file is auto generated by compiler and it needs to be imported in Objective-C files.
change the SWIFT_OBJC_INTERFACE_HEADER_NAME build setting and making it the same across different targets. To do so change the instruction that generates this property from $(SWIFT_MODULE_NAME)-Swift.h to $(PROJECT_NAME)-Swift.h as explained here
After doing this Clean Build Folder by pressing Alt and going into Product menu. Since name of header is shared among targets now it can be imported once in the .m ObjectiveC file and all targets can benefit from Swift classes.
If after building it still shows the error, ensure that the header can be reached from XCode by Cmd clicking on its name. It should open a file that contains code similar to this:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
- (nonnull instancetype)init OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
If need to ensure that those headers are being generated open a terminal and use this command
find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData -name "*Swift.h"
You should see one header for each target
Another issue that happened to me after those changes is that it started giving errors on ObjectiveC code that I didn't touch. The problem was due to the position of the import, as reported here:
Exactly where at the top of a .m file you #import the hidden bridging
header can make a difference. The usual sign of trouble is that you
get an “Unknown type name” compile error, where the unknown type is a
class declared in Objective-C. The solution is to #import the .h file
containing the declaration for the unknown type in your Objective-C
files as well, before you #import the hidden bridging header. Having
to do this can be an annoyance, especially if the Objective-C file in
question has no need to know about this class, but it resolves the
issue and allows compilation to proceed.
At the very end the code compiles and runs on device and simulator!
Original answer
Also you can try this,
You needed to import the -Swift.h for for both the framework and the app target
For Example :
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "XLPagerTabStrip-Swift.h"
#import "RealmSwift-Swift.h"
...... // Add all frameworks, subclasses, and dependance ios frameworks
#import "MyProject-Swift.h"
You can read this article How to import file header and check paths

How to fix the Xcode path error

In the AFNetworking's sample code, I use several folders to classify the source codes.
And the Xcode reports:
/Users/.../Framework/AFNetworking.h:19:9: 'AFNetworking/AFURLRequestSerialization.h' file not found
/Users/.../AFNetworking-master/Example/Classes/Networking Extensions/AFAppDotNetAPIClient.h:4:9: While building module 'AFNetworking' imported from /Users/dengjiangzhou/Documents/源码/2_AFNetworking/AFNetworking-master/Example/Classes/Networking Extensions/AFAppDotNetAPIClient.h:4:
/Users/.../AFNetworking-master/Example/:1:9: In file included from :1:
Here is the code:
In the AFNetworking.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
//! Project version number for AFNetworking.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double AFNetworkingVersionNumber;
//! Project version string for AFNetworking.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char AFNetworkingVersionString[];
// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <AFNetworking/PublicHeader.h>
#import <Availability.h>
#import <TargetConditionals.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFURLRequestSerialization.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFURLResponseSerialization.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFSecurityPolicy.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworkReachabilityManager.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFURLSessionManager.h>
#import <AFNetworking/AFHTTPSessionManager.h>
Error occurs in the last line.
And I didn't change any code. I just organized the files to check the functions of each module easily.
Maybe insert a file name in the search path of Xcode build settings, is quite OK.
I have not figured it out.
Many Thanks in advance.
You should remove AFNetworking/ from import line and use
#import ""
instead of
#import <>
Go to Build Phases -> Open Headers section -> Move files from Project to Public.
Try this:
Select AFURLRequestSerialization.m
Go to the right tab in the Xcode. Find Target Membership. Uncheck and check again all the boxes.
Product > Clean
Hold Alt and perform: Product > Clean Build Folder...
Build again.

Importing ObjC files into Swift

I want to import files from this library, I copied and pasted the following .h and .m files from the ObjC library into my Swift project:
AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m
ViewController.h ViewController.m
SPUserResizableView.h SPUserResizableView.m
Upon copying and pasting these files into my project, Xcode asked me to create a bridging header file, I then put the following lines into that bridging header file:
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "SPUserResizableView.h"
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
I tried to build my project, but build failed. I got many unknown type errors and such, which I assume is because the system is not recognizing the ObjC code. I also got this line of error:
failed to emit precompiled header '....../Project-Bridging-Header-swift_24D19ORYKRN0-clang_1KQCLSEAC5RDY.pch' for bridging header '......./Project-Bridging-Header.h'
How do I resolve these errors? What else do I need to do to use the Objective C library in my swift code?
Why you import AppDelegate.h and other
just use this class (SPUserResizableView.h SPUserResizableView.m)
and in Bridge file
^ #import "SPUserResizableView"
in your BridgingHeader just add
#import "SPUserResizableView.h"
dont copy other projects AppDelegate and ViewController. just copy SPUserResizeableView.h and .m file

Xmppframework could not build module libxml

On DDXMLNode.h
My project import XMPPFramework by cocoapods ,like:
pod 'XMPPFramework', '~> 3.6.6'
I find some way like:
1.header search paths add "$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2"
2.Other Linker Flags add "-lxml2"
3.Framework Search Path add "/usr/lib/libxml2.dylib"
All not working!
Instead of changing path of the files, you can do what I have done to resolve my error in Xcode 7.2 beta. First check if you have file libxml2.tbd framework and libresolve.tbd framework; if not then add it to you project and replace few things:
//#import dnssd;
#import <dns_sd.h>
//#import dnssdSimu;
#import <dns_sd.h>
Second thing you have to do is replace this one:
//#import libxml;
#import <libxml/tree.h>
//#import libxmlSimu;
#import <libxml/tree.h>
This resolved my problem.
Ok, I'll say get down to business. I use Cocoapods at the beginning, everything goes well and do not configure something, but because of the need to modify the source code to meet certain requirements, so manually add XMPPFramework, but encountered all sorts of issues.
The First : Modlue 'libxmlSimu' not found
In order to solve this problem, I did two things:
Download the file https://github.com/robbiehanson/KissXML/blob/master/libxml/module.modulemap
and import to your project. Like this:
Configure Build Settings - Header Search Paths, like this:
The Second : Module 'KissXml' not found
By replace #import KissXml; to #import "DDXML.h"

Chartboost and swift integration

Ok, this is the first time I am trying to integrate chartboost and swift, so I will start from the beginning, maybe I missed something. First I have imported chartboost framework into my project, and then manually created the .h file, which I named BridgingHeader.h I added the needed import statements so that file looks like that now:
#ifndef appname_BridgingHeader_h
#define appname_BridgingHeader_h
#import <Chartboost/Chartboost.h>
#import <Chartboost/CBNewsfeed.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#import <AdSupport/AdSupport.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
I tried to build, everything went fine, but I noticed that it does not actually import this file. Hence I went to my project build settings, located Swift Compiler - Code Generation and found Objective-C Bridging Header and named it as appname/BridgingHeader.h . Now I am sure it did find the file and tried to import chartboost files, because I got 56 errors, of which all are in the chartboost files. Erros are such as "function definition is not allowed here" or "expected a type". The last error says that it failed to import bridging header. Anyone knows or has any ideas how to make this work?
Ok, I my problem.
1) UIKit import should be done as follows:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#ifndef appname_BridgingHeader_h
#define appname_BridgingHeader_h
#import <Chartboost/Chartboost.h>
#import <Chartboost/CBNewsfeed.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#import <AdSupport/AdSupport.h>
2) for the path, I should just went to the bridging file, in the file inspector copy the full path and paste it in the Swift Compiler - Code Generation.
