New customer registration not working in prestashop 1.6 - prestashop-1.6

I have recently installed prestashop
In my website, customers are not able to register.
No errors are thrown, but after registration, it is simply redirected to login page.
There is no notification in the backend as well.
Please help.
I am using PHP 7 on Ubuntu

Your link for your registration form is false.
In fact your link point to and must point to
So the controller for registration is not called.
Solution : edit the file in your shop
And replace the form link to {$link->getPageLink('authentication', true)}


OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError user_cancelled_login | The user cancelled LinkedIn login

So I am developing a Rails application with LinkedIn authentication. The application works fine in all the cases except the case when user cancels the login.
I have already visited all the solutions on this site could possibly help, but no luck.
I have designed a very basic login structure and I couldn't understand where to write the code to handle the exception and to redirect the failure to a particular path.
The process I have used to make my login page was: Adding gem, Adding a route to 'auth/linkedin/callback', Adding that controller, Adding omniauth.rb file with provider, client id, key, scope and fields parameters.
Adding from_omniauth method in user model.
And finally the link in view page. Here I have no idea what to manipulate to handle the params error. Thanks

Using Existing CAS to authenticate users on another website

First time posting, but been a long time reader. I'm tasked to use my university's CAS to authenticate users on a ruby on rails app. I have my welcome page that has a link to the signon screen that then is forwarded to a dashboard with a ticket in the url. I'm a bit confused on how to take that ticket and authenticate the ticket in order to get the info of the user that has logged in. Please help. THanks in advance.
Your application must take the ticket returned by the user's browser and make a direct call back to CAS and "turn in" the ticket to retrieve the actual user information.
You basically have three protocols/endpoints that can be used: /cas/validate, /cas/serviceValidate, and /cas/samlValidate. See for details.
But instead of writing your own solution, check out Ruby on Rails CAS Clients for a couple of options.

Accesstoken not available after reopening website

I have a MVC 3 website with the Facebook C# SDK.
Now i'm redoing the facebook integration in a clean MVC 4 application with the new version 6 of the sdk. So I used the gettings started help page on the sdk website.
I've followed the tutorial and changed only one part of the tutorial. The thing that I changed was that I call an Controller Action because the ashx was fired but wasn't allowed to set the accesstoken in the Session object. The Session was null.
Now when I start the website for the first time (used Chrome because IE won't work by default. The tutorial explains why.), I see the login button.
When I press the login button, I get the authorize page of facebook that asks that my app wants to connect to my facebook account. When I submit, the MVC action in the controller gets fired and the given accesstoken is stored in the session.
After that I can access my own information.
When I close Visual Studio (IIS express is closed with it) and restart the website, the login button is changed to my account with picture that says that I use the app that is connected. After that I navigate back to the page with my own information and get a nullreferenceexception on the session that gets the accesstoken. Why is that? Why is the user logged in but the action that stores the accesstoken isn't fired the second time that I open the website (new session).
Shouldn't I set the app secret somewhere? I have set the AppId in the javascript following the tutorial.
Per Facebook your user is logged into your app, but since you restarted your Cassini web server, your "session" is gone/lost/deleted.
Check your session to ensure you have a valid token, in session, if not redirect the user to your login code.

WorldPay integration

I am currently working a system whereby my users can pay for items that they have added to an order.
The payment will be using Worldpay.
I have a Worldpay account, but I am a little confused as to what steps I need to do next.
I am using symfony and I have an order, with products associated to it. I have then created a 'Pay Now' link, which links to a executePayment action.
What I'd really like, is for this to then take me to the hosted payment pages on Worldpay, pay for the order and then takes me back to my site to an order success page.
Has anyone implemented WorldPay using symfony before?
So It seems, that I can have a form on the page where the Pay Now button is, but change it to a <input type="submit" /> and then post the details to
Is there some kind of callback functioanlity, to redirect me to a confirmation/failure page if the transaction was completed?
WorldPay works like this...
1) You have a form on your website that collects your customer details. You then POST this data to
2) The customer will add their payment details in to WorldPay
3) Next, (depending on if the payment was successful or not) the user will be either directed to your resultY.html or resultC.html page that you can upload to your file management section within the WorldPay admin.
Alternatively you can supply a URL to a callback file on your server that is pinged when the customer clicks pay. This allows you to get information about the transaction and add it to your database.
With the callback page on your server, you can output a confirmation of payment, but you then have to include a link to physically get the user to come back to your site. I think automatically redirecting from this page is against Worldpay's T&Cs.
Hope this helps.
I user RBSWorldPay with Symfony - its very simple to setup - yes there is a callback function that you setup within the Settings of your RBSWorldPay account - you can also test by adding a test field - again check the RBS Documentation for testing.

How to get the rubycas-server login form to display?

I have installed rubycas-server on my server. I have a ruby app that supports CAS on I would like to have the rubycas-server login page at
I have followed the instructions at and configured my config.yml file.
I have started the rubycas-server but I don't see a login form at There isn't anything on I have setup the uri_path to I thought that it would display the login form when I start the rubycas-server but it doesn't. I guess I am still missing something. What am I suppose to put on in order for the login page to display? Is there suppose to be another ruby app?
Sorry, I am new to this.
Remember that the CAS is a single sign-on app and the CAS login page is meant to be central to all of your applications. So a typical usage would be that you have your CAS server running on one machine, and the login will be at Then you have a bunch of applications that want to authenticate, at,, etc. If you try to browse to a CAS-protected page in one of those applications, you'll be redirected to, where you'll sign in, and then CAS will redirect you back to the page you wanted on, say,
Out of the box, you should see the login by going to the domain that rubycas-client is installed on and going to /cas.
Basically, it sounds like you're expecting the login page to be part of your application, and with CAS, it's not.
