Firebase query with queryOrderedByKey().queryLimitedToLast(10) does not return one of the last 10 items - ios

I am trying to load the last 10 products that have been added to the all_products table in firebase.
I run the following query with version 3.2.0 of the firebase SDK:
let fbRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("products_all").queryOrderedByKey().queryLimitedToLast(10).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
for item in snapshot.children {
let keyString = (item as! FIRDataSnapshot).key
However, the items that get returned are not the last 10 items in this table. I have about 1017 products in this table and the first item that gets returned in this query is item 973, while it should be item 1008.
My firebase looks like this (I used childByAutoId to add the products):
"products_all" : {
"-KFOiZDrbR4eq4fXSdMZ" : {
"affiliate_url" : "",
"description" : "product description",
"image_url" : "",
"images" : [ "", "" ],
"merchant" : "",
"price_usd" : "100.00",
"title" : "product title"
"-KFtOmT_Hq-48chbHh7I" : {
"affiliate_url" : "",
"description" : "another product description",
"image_url" : "",
"images" : [ "" ],
"merchant" : "",
"original_currency" : "GBP",
"original_price" : "255",
"price_usd" : "364.65",
"product_category" : "Bracelet",
"external_product_id" : "Anothermerchant-123",
"title" : "another product title"
"-KFtOmTlcb5-PTQ6kTv8" : {
"affiliate_url" : "",
"description" : "last product description",
"image_url" : "",
"images" : [ "" ],
"merchant" : "",
"original_currency" : "GBP",
"original_price" : "179",
"price_usd" : "268.5",
"product_category" : "Bracelet",
"scraped_product_id" : "anothermerchant-493",
"title" : "last product title"
EDIT: Also, the last element in the batch of 10 is number 992 - so the 10 items are neither in the last 10, nor are their all 'neighbours'.
First keys that were included:
Subsequent keys that were skipped:
Then some keys were included and others again excluded, the 'coverage' is patchy.


Does POST /reviews-v1 using Crucible REST API allow us to add reviewers?

Is there a way to add reviewers when creating a code review through the REST API? I tried adding "reviewers" with an array of usernames but that didn't work. Got an error
Unrecognized field "reviewers" (Class, not marked as ignorable
The request body example on their api docs is below:
"reviewData" : {
"projectKey" : "CR-FOO",
"name" : "Example review.",
"description" : "Description or statement of objectives for this example review.",
"author" : {
"userName" : "auth",
"displayName" : "Jane Authy",
"moderator" : {
"userName" : "scott",
"displayName" : "Scott the Moderator",
"creator" : {
"userName" : "joe",
"displayName" : "Joe Krustofski",
"permaId" : {
"id" : "CR-FOO-21"
"summary" : "some review summary.",
"state" : "Review",
"type" : "REVIEW",
"allowReviewersToJoin" : true,
"metricsVersion" : 4,
"createDate" : "2022-06-20T09:37:11.621+0000",
"dueDate" : "2022-06-23T09:37:11.621+0000",
"reminderDate" : "2022-06-21T09:37:11.621+0000",
"linkedIssues" : [ "DEF-456", "ABC-123", "GHI-789" ],
"jiraIssueKey" : "ABC-123"
"patch" : "Index: emptytests/notempty/a.txt\n===================================================================\ndiff -u -N -r1.31 -r1.32\n--- emptytests/notempty/a.txt\t22 Sep 2004 00:38:15 -0000\t1.31\n+++ emptytests/notempty/a.txt\t5 Dec 2004 01:04:25 -0000\t1.32\n## -4,4 +4,5 ##\n hello there :D\n CRU-123\n\n-!\n\\ No newline at end of file\n+!\n+foobie\n\\ No newline at end of file\nIndex: test/a.txt\n===================================================================\ndiff -u -N -r1.31 -r1.32\n--- test/a.txt\t22 Sep 2004 00:38:15 -0000\t1.31\n+++ test/a.txt\t5 Dec 2004 01:04:25 -0000\t1.32\n## -4,4 +4,5 ##\n hello there :D\n CRU-123\n\n-!\n\\ No newline at end of file\n+!\n+foobie\n\\ No newline at end of file",
"anchor" : {
"anchorPath" : "/",
"anchorRepository" : "REPO",
"stripCount" : 2
"changesets" : {
"changesetData" : [ {
"id" : "63452"
} ],
"repository" : "REPO"

firebase database filtering is not working. Need some assistance

I have a simple test database that I cant get to filter. I indexed the category in the rules:
".indexOn": ["category"]
My filter for the quiz app:
and my database:
"-MKoucSP33zm4jC43AnY" : {
"title" : {
"answers" : [ {
"score" : 30,
"text" : "Pineapple"
}, {
"score" : 5,
"text" : "Ham"
}, {
"score" : 20,
"text" : "Yogurt"
}, {
"score" : 10,
"text" : "Crab"
} ],
"category" : "Basics",
"questionId" : "101",
"questionImage" : "",
"questionLink" : "",
"questionText" : "What topping do you like the best on pizza?"
The category property is nested under the title node, so the property you need to order/filter on is title/category:
You'll also need to update your index definition for that path, so:
"questions": { ".indexOn": "title/category" }
Working example:"title/category"&equalTo="Basics"

Getting nested children from Firebase Database

I am attempting to populate a table view with values from my Firebase database. I was able to use queryOrdered on the root of my database to get the children I required, as seen here:
func oneTimeInit() {
databaseRef?.queryOrdered(byChild: "Seasons").observe(.value, with:
{ snapshot in
for item in snapshot.children {
self.seasons.append(Season( snapshot: item as! DataSnapshot))
But now I am trying to get the children of the next node in my database. I tried to do this by calling queryOrdered on the child of the root but I'm not getting any data. Here is my code:
func oneTimeInit() {
databaseRef?.child("Seasons").queryOrdered(byChild:, with:
{ snapshot in
for item in snapshot.children {
print("ITEM VALUE: \(item)")
self.races.append(Race(snapshot: item as! DataSnapshot))
The Database contains, at its highest level, Cross Country Seasons, which each contain Cross Country Races, which each contain results. Im able to populate the Seasons table but not the Races table, and so on.
Heres the Json structure of my database:
"Seasons" : {
"XC 2018" : {
"NCAA DI West Regional" : {
"Men" : {
"Results" : {
"Aaron BRUMBAUGH" : {
"finishTime" : "31:59.0",
"lapTimes" : [ "5:05.1", "10:43.3", "11:07.1", "5:03.5" ],
"name" : "Aaron BRUMBAUGH",
"position" : "118",
"splitTimes" : [ "5:05.1", "15:48.4", "26:55.5", "31:59.0" ],
"team" : "Santa Clara",
"year" : "SR"
"Addison DEHAVEN" : {
"finishTime" : "29:47.8",
"lapTimes" : [ "4:58.2", "10:14.0", "10:04.1", "4:31.5" ],
"name" : "Addison DEHAVEN",
"position" : "7",
"splitTimes" : [ "4:58.2", "15:12.2", "25:16.3", "29:47.8" ],
"team" : "Boise State",
"year" : "SR"
"Ahmed MUHUMED" : {
"finishTime" : "30:08.1",
"lapTimes" : [ "4:58.6", "10:14.6", "10:08.5", "4:46.4" ],
"name" : "Ahmed MUHUMED",
"position" : "29",
"splitTimes" : [ "4:58.6", "15:13.2", "25:21.7", "30:08.1" ],
"team" : "Boise State",
"year" : "SO"
As of now there is only one "Season" (XC 2018) with one "Race" (NCAA D1 West Regional). I'm trying to get a reference to all of the "Races" under the "Season" XC 2018.
The variable would contain the value "XC 2018". With my second one time init I am trying to look at the children of "XC 2018".

Ignoring Firebase child

How could I query this data in this way:
I would like to ignore the CurrentSubAdministrativeArea child and iterate every each sub child and find the right userKey
Actually I'm using this code, that isnt working:
/*HERE I would like to ignore the childs*/
.queryOrdered(byChild: "userKey").queryEqual(toValue: uid).observeSingleEvent(of:.value, with: { (snapshot) in
"Ads" : {
"CurrentSubAdministrativeArea" : {
"Mantova" : {
"-L7ymBmmbHkNfhBRte9F" : {
"cost" : 200,
"date" : 1527256922000,
"info" : "Test",
"maxLimit" : 100,
"minLimit" : 10,
"personBadType" : [ "abitudinaria", "antipatica" ],
"personGoodType" : [ "simpatica", "felice" ],
"subAdministrativeArea" : "Mantova",
"title" : "Mantova Test",
"url" : "",
"userKey" : "OsJRc98sqxPx70iqxFtoqerMzHH2",
"via" : "viale dei test"
"Milano" : {
"-L6qywMC6nxi0fJNMHba" : {
"cost" : 454,
"date" : 1528298580000,
"info" : "Di pollo",
"maxLimit" : 100,
"minLimit" : 10,
"personBadType" : [ "abitudinaria", "antipatica" ],
"personGoodType" : [ "simpatica", "felice" ],
"subAdministrativeArea" : "Milano",
"title" : "Pollo 2",
"url" : "",
"userKey" : "OsJRc98sqxPx70iqxFtoqerMzHH2",
"via" : "viale test"
You could denormalize your data in such a way your query is easy to build and execute.
Together with the data structure you already have you would have another node (ie. another data structure) like
"AdsByUsers" : {
"OsJRc98sqxPx70iqxFtoqerMzHH2": {
"abcde88qxPx70iqxFtoqerMzKh5": {
With NoSQL database you should not hesitate to duplicate data in such a way your queries are easy and fast to execute.

Adding Implementation Notes and Description to Swagger UI

I am attempting to add Implementation Notes and Description to my Swagger UI. However, neither show up on the UI when implemented as below:
"swagger" : "2.0",
"info" : {
"description" : "The definition of the Rest API to service plugin over https on port 9443.",
"version" : "1.0",
"title" : "Plugin Rest API",
"contact" : {
"name" : "John Doe",
"email" : ""
"basePath" : "/service",
"tags" : [ {
"name" : "service"
} ],
"schemes" : [ "https" ],
"paths" : {
"/entry" : {
"get" : {
"notes" : "This is a note",
"method" : "get",
"tags" : [ "service" ],
"summary" : "Get an entry by first name and last name",
"description" : "This is a description",
"operationId" : "getEntry",
"produces" : [ "application/xml", "application/json" ],
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "first",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "The first name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "last",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "The last name",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Matching entry, or entries, if any, were returned",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Service"
I am not sure what I am doing wrong in my code. I've tested it on various sample swagger.json files and I cannot seem to get it to work.
notes is not a swagger field. See the documentation
Your description field is written twice, so the first one has been overridden.
you can add implementation notes using notes tag in #ApiOperation annotation as shown below,
#ApiOperation(notes = "Your Implementation Notes will show here[![enter image description here][1]][1]", value = "Add Customer Payment Details and Generate Payment Link through Batch.", nickname = "insertPaymentBatch", tags =
"Insert Payment" )
