Is Camunda BPM compatible with WildFly 10? - business-process-management

I would like to know whether Camunda compatible with WildFly 10? Isaw WildFly 8 in Camunda downloads. Will these modules work with WildFly 10 as well?

Camunda added official support for Wildfly 10 with Camunda 7.5.0 which was released yesterday. You can download the prepackaged Wildfly 10 distro from the website. Or have a look at the 7.5 installation guide.

Yes Camunda is compatible with wildfly 10 and the modules should work fine. Are you facing any specific error, what have you tried? The detailed installation guide can be found here.


docker dotnet 2.1 and 2.2 images for windows server 2016

I am trying to find images for DOTNETCORE runtime and ASPNETCORE RUNTIME 2.1 and 2.2.
These are the links down below for dotnet Core 2.1 and 2.2 images in docker hub
I could not find any tags supporting windows server 2016. I am currently on OS version 10.0.14393.0.
Should I consider upgrading my OS ?
I am answering my own question. In a nutshell it is no longer supported
.NET Core 2.x and 3.0 images are supported and available for all supported versions of Nano Server starting with version 1709. This means that the 2.x and 3.0 manifest tags can be used on Windows 10, version 1709+, and Windows Server, version 1709+. You can also use non-manifest tags for those versions, too.
You can still use the unsupported nano server 2016 for windows server 2016 using this
docker pull

upgrading Docker EE for Windows Server 2016

Docker EE installation followed here:
for the script install. The uri seems to be broken. looking at it seems you dont have any of the new docker ee releases there (specifically 1809 that I’m looking to upgrade to) our network policies on our docker machines dont allow us to use PSGallery so I can’t follow the Install-Module approach…
Is there anything I can do to update to the latest docker ee?
You can get the direct download urls from this json file.
At the time of writing, the 1809 package zip is here and seems to be the same version that the OneGet provider installs.
The link is actually included under section "Update Docker Engine - Enterprise" on the Docker docs page, but the offline installation should ideally include a method for discovering the url.

My thingsboard service does not start or can't find one after installing the rpm package in amazon ami

My thingsboard service does not start or can't find one after installing the rpm package in amazon ami. There is no .sh file in find only a jar and yaml file.
The Thingsboard RPM package you are using is verified on CentOS 7. The issue is that Amazon Linux AMI is not compatible with CentOS 7. See this AWS forum thread for more details.
Maybe we will support AWS Linux in future releases, but for now, I suggest to use officially supported Linux versions.
You can get started with Thingsboard using our free live demo server or by using pre-defined AMIs that are available for all regions.

Wildfly as an automatic service windows

I found the possibility to create a windows service with a Wildfly 9.0.1 Final. But my question is more how can I create an automatic service out of this?
I like to have this on installation time, instead of doing this manually. My expertise on this is not that good, and don't find anything on my search results.
So, there I fix my problem of 2 days figuring out how it works.
By bad for all the persons looking for the same answer.
JBoss Wildfly the procrun from Apache.
So in the script of Wildfly I added the --Startup=auto and then the service was installed as an automatic service

Jenkins running on WAS 8.5.5 with JDK 1.7

We have Jenkins installed and running on a WebSphere Application Server. We recently upgraded the server to version 8.5.5 and switched the profile to use JDK version 1.7. Doing this Jenkins Crashes the WebSphere Application Server and we cannot tell why. Any hints or suggestions on things to look at? Switching the server back to JDK 1.6 seems to work just fine, can Jenkins not run on JDK 1.7 or is it something else?
I'll assume that by crash the websphere application server you mean either a fatal error at startup or a java process crash. Those can have many causes.
Just to give some ideas, it may be related to the fact that you had somewhat customized your JDK install and forgot to re-apply those customization to your new JDK. Or that switching SDK requires you to switch command line options, or that you indeed hit an incompatible class in the stack, or that your process crash because of bad luck, etc.
So please find more information in the logs, either the corresponding stack traces in your WAS server logs or the javacores crash files.
Please also report your jenkins version.
As for JDK 7 compatibility, latest jenkins itself should be compatible, yet some plugins are not
You may also want to read this: Maybe you have the same issue.
If you indeed find out an incompatibility, please report an issue in jenkins issue tracker and consider updating the Jenkins Websphere wiki.
