Open file dialog in Dynamics CRM using Subgrid button - documents

I've a custom entity in on-premise environment of Dynamics CRM 2016, namely Documents. Also, I've placed a sub-grid that on accounts form to add documents. Now, I want to open the file dialog using the system button of that subgrid.
Any idea is highly appreciated.


Can't user Custom Work Item Form in TFS 2018 Web portal

I'm creating new User Story (WIT), I have installes tool: Process Editor under VS2018, connected to the project and exported WIT ( User Story ) then i have made some changes. While using previe window under VS2019 i see that changes has been made:
But while using Web portal i can't see my changes, there is only default Agile User Story view:
I have found information what could be the problem ( Enable the new form found on M$):
I've checked all permissions and groups I'm in, inclding Administrator groups, for projects, whole collection ext. On the M$ web site is information that i should click "Enable the new work item form" to be able to use customization i did. But i don't have this option :( :
Can you please tell me what Am I doing wrong ? What have I missed ?
TFS2018 installed on premise.
Please take a look at this ticket: TFS work items opened inside Visual Study no longer open in the web browser, they always open in the Visual Studio editor
According to the response from MSFT:
We have re-design the default landing page for work items in Visual
Studio 2019 which only works with server >= 2019. If server is <
2019, work items will be open in Visual Studio only.
Since you are using TFS 2018 with VS2019, you may have to open work item in web portal from browser directly right now.
But work item in Visual Studio IDE is still using the old Layout forms. Work item in Web Portal is using the new layout. That's why you have seen different behavior.
The using of the new work item form is already updated in your server. On VS you see the old style but on web you have the new style. On the Process editor download page you can find the following:
Process Template: Open and edit a process template (you can only edit
the old-style work item forms, those that don’t reflect the new web
To update the new form check this page: New web form layout-WebLayout and Control elements

How do I show TFS work item in a dialog in an extension?

I'm using TFS 2018.
I created an extension that has a grid with tests for a release. Currently it will open the work item in a new page. I want the title to have a link that will open the work item in a dialog. The backlog page and some dashboard widgets have this functionality.
Do I use a dialog control or does the grid just need the correct structure and classes?

Is it possible to customize TFS to provide user friendly forms for registering bugs?

I need to let users register bugs similar to how it is done in Bug tracking systems.
I'd like to create user friendly form with a layout which will guide user. Standard Create New Workitem interface is too overloaded for users.
Today we manually look through inbox and register bugs in TFS ourselves. This is really a pain. Users often do not mark the message in subject as a bug. You need to read it to understand user has a problem. Sometimes you need to ask them about the criticality level and what the deadlines for fixing it are.
It is easy to miss important message and this process distracts from main activity.
(Based on you having Visual Studio and having already connected to TFS in there)
In Visual Studio, via the menu, choose Tools > Process Editor > Work Item Types > Open WIT from server
EDIT: You will need to install the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools Extension in Visual Studio to gain access to that menu option above
You will then be presented with a popup box. At this point you will need to navigate to the Project Collection you wish to make changes in. Once selected you will then be presented with a list of forms you can edit. e.g. Task, Bug, Code Review etc.
If you select Task you will then be taken to a form where you will have 3 tabs. Fields, Layout and workflow. From here you have a certain level of customisation available.
I found a couple of articles (below) around customising templates. One is for TFS 2015, the other is for TFS 2013. (TFS 2015) (TFS 2013)
NOTE: Menu option Open WIT from server will make changes directly on the server. There are other option where you can make changes locally, then import those changes in. The above is just a way to get you to the screen to customise the forms so that you can take a look around.

TFS web access attachements drag and drop

I know it is possible to drag and drop files or for example mails from Outlook to Attachement tab in VS (if VS was started as Administrator Outlook should also run under this account).
But I was not able to find out if this is also possible with web Access...I tried but it was not successfull. I could drag and drop an email to a text box (text is added) but not to attachment this not possible?! We are running TFS 2015 as on premise.
This doesn't appear to be implemented yet in Visual Studio Online, so I can't think it would be in any of the on premises versions of TFS.
I've just tried in Edge and you get an overlay on the image showing it's not allowed:
You could suggest this on the Visual Studio User Voice or ask Aaron Bjork who's the Program Manager for Work Item tracking.

Paste screenshot into TFS 2010 Web access for bugs

Is there anyway to automatically paste screenshots into TFS 2010 Web access for bugs? I don't want to have to save the screenshots into files and then add them as an attachment. This takes a while to do this. I just want to quickly add them to the bug.
I don't think you can.
See this similar (possibly not identical) question on MSDN forums:
In response to:
Now, when adding the task into TFS 2010 , I can use the cupboard to “copy/Paste” from OneNote to TFS. But then the image is stored as a link to my local machine and not stored in TFS server.
The answer was (repeatedly stated):
As I said in my previous reply, we should to add the images as attachment into Work Items. Open Work Item in VS, click Attachments tab, then click Add to browse your images, the images will store in TFS Server.
Or, DIY and write an application
TFS exposes an API that you could use to create your own tool, rather than using their web access. See this question for how to implement that particular piece (adding attachments):
Upload a file using TFS Client APIs
In Visual Studio 2010 you can go to the Attachments Tab and paste your screenshot using CTRL-V.
An attachment called 'screenshot.png' will automatically be created.
