Run older iOS version XCode - ios

There are several related posts here, but solutions provided is not available for now.
I discovered a bug, that is only occur on iOS 7 version. Unfortunately, i don't have device running on that version. I need to add a simulator that run on older version. Is there any way to achieve that? I did not find a solution (only download old XCode, but i hope there is a better way).

Unfortunately, there's no other solution than downloading older versions of Xcode.
I needed this a few months ago, and tried a lot of different things, but I didn't found a solution.
Only downloading old Xcode version...


How to know which version of cocoapods suits my xcode

Sorry to bother with basic question.
would like to know which version of any cocoapods, suits particular xcode version. If I know the exact podfile version for my xcode directly can be used without any interruption
I would suggest to save everybody and yourself a lot of trouble and use a fairly recent verion of both xcode and cocoapods.

XCode - Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1

Lately I've started to take up a course for learning swift to devolp iOS OS X and Watch OS apps. I'm taking this course on udacity. The first step is to download a project and put it in a folder on your desktop. I had to open the app and then run it, which should've worked. But not for me somehow. I hit run and the following error showed up (this is the complete error log):
Some poeple suggested that I should update my XCode but I already have. I currently have XCode 7.3! I'm quite new to this platform, that's also why I'm doing this course, so I don't really know what I have to do. Can someone please tell me what's going on here?
This is the result of a corrupted swift class. If you encounter a class looking similar to the following code:
Ôæ≠fiÔæ≠fiqcaJÔæ≠fihJ0ç硡ˇ2ç硡ˇ$5y$ġˇˇ% 7.ġˇˇÔæ≠fiÔæ≠fiP‚—ġˇˇfl‚ġˇˇ ˗ġˇˇ∞B‚ġˇˇÄ+€
Try to re-create the class or re-download it. This solved my problem and to me, it would look like the only solution possible for a corrupted class.
Delete derived data.
Windows->Projects->select your project and delete derived data
This worked for me for couple of projects which i downloaded from internet.
I do everything restarts Xcode, rebuild Project, adding toolChains lock unlock them,
so there are two possibilities
first, maybe you install the beta version of Xcode
or try this, this work for me->
I tried to run a project in Xcode12/Swift4, while the project was written on Xcode8/Swift3
so I install Xcode version 11.7 and run this work for me.
if you not done with 11.7 then install another version of Xcode and try the appreciated version
May this help you

XCode 6.2 UIKit.h Foundation.h not found

I have recently updated version to xCode6.2 and previous one I was using xCode6.2 beta.
It works fine with all previous versions and xCode6.2 beta as well.
When I am update it's version, I have removed xCode beta completely and install new one. But it is getting this issue, and I have added UIKit, Foundation to libraries. No luck yet.
The thing what I have tried and suspicious additionally;
Check framework search path at build settings(nothing mentioning that)
Other LD Flags in build settings.
This is suspicious, because it's have keys -frameworks Foundation, -frameworks UIKit
Have not enough understandings about other LD flags this values, so tried to remove them, but nothing new.
When I open other project with new version of xCode, they are all working fine but just that project.
Can anybody help this?
It's probably better to simply uninstall xcode completely with appCleaner or such. And reinstall it.
I suspect it will work and you will save time otherwise spent searching for a solution.
After struggling a few hrs, I found the solution.
The error was because of the some path specified in OTHER_LD_FLAGS and OTHER_C_FLAGS have not changed.
It was like this but it should be iPhoneOS8.2.sdk according to the changes of xCode version

Can Xcode 4.6.x and Xcode 5 share project directories?

After installing Xcode 5 I immediately noticed it bringing up the windows/projects from a previous Xcode 4.6 session. Of course this is expected behavior if I am upgrading, but since this is only a preview/beta release it made me a bit nervous....
Is it reasonably safe to let Xcode 5 and Xcode 4.6.2 point to the same project directories (maybe not while running simultaneously?
Yes, it is perfectly fine and I have been using mainly XCode5 but switching to 4.x every once in a while. The only thing to be careful of is when opening some files, it may ask if you want to convert them to XCode 5 format. If you do, you will not be able to open that file in XCode 4.X anymore (or so the warning says, I've never clicked yes).
JSdodgers's answer is perfectly valid.
Upgrading XIBs is a big pain.
Note that you won't be able to use every new XIB feature in Xcode 5 if you don't use the Xcode 5 format.
The best solution is to have a separate branch (git or svn) for your iOS 7 code.

Project is buggy after upgrading Xcode

I have an old app I maintaining. The app was first compiled on XCode 4.2. If I take the exact same project that works find and compile it on XCode 4.6 I'll get weird bugs such as ViewControllers not refreshing, Back doesn't work as it should etc'. If I'll take the same project and recompile it on xcode 4.2 on my other machine everything will work fine. Before I'm digging into the code, can someone give me an idea why something like this may happen? My main suspect is the Base SDK of each Xcode. Does that make sense?
I couldn't tell you if there will be a difference between 4.2 and 4.6, but historically the iOS frameworks on the device (and, to a lesser degree, the simulator) do adapt slightly depending on what version of the SDK an application was compiled against. You can't rule it out.
A classic (though now ancient) example is backgrounding. Apps built against older SDKs were quit when the Home button was pushed, rather than getting the newer behaviour. More recent (but subtle) examples have included several changes to table views and changes to device rotation.
You should not attempt to build with an older SDK using a newer compiler. Apple doesn't support that kind of configuration. You should always use the latest SDK. And you wouldn't want to pretend these problems don't exist, anyway: The bugs are real, they were just hidden before.
It's unlikely that you won't be able to fix those bugs in such a way that the older versions of iOS continue to function (though you may discover it opens a can of worms that you decide isn't worth fixing for older OSes).
