NativeScript ActionBar Opacity - ios

I try to change the opacity of the actionbar. For test i try to change the color over native method but this won't work.
I don't understand why, other native functions like UIAlert works fine.
I have no error or anything else only that the actionbar looks like this:
My target is completely transparent because the background has a gradient.
This is my page loaded function:
let page = <Page>args.object;
page.bindingContext = appViewModel;
if (page.ios) {
var controller = frameModule.topmost().ios.controller;
var navigationBar = controller.navigationBar;
navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.blueColor();
thanks for help
my ts code:
var frameModule = require("ui/frame");
import {topmost} from "ui/frame";
import {Page} from "ui/page";
import {Observable, EventData} from "data/observable";
import {View} from "ui/core/view";
let appViewModel = new Observable({selectedPage: "dashboard"});
export abstract class BasePage {
//implement this function in the inheriting pages to set their specific binding context
abstract mainContentLoaded(args:EventData);
let page = <Page>args.object;
page.bindingContext = appViewModel;
if (page.ios) {
frameModule.topmost().ios.navBarVisibility = "always";
page.ios.title = "Test Application";
var controller = frameModule.topmost().ios.controller;
var navBar = controller.navigationBar;
navBar.barTintColor = UIColor.redColor();
navBar.navigationBarHidden = false;
navBar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent;
let page = <Page>topmost().currentPage;
let drawer = <any>page.getViewById("sidebar");
let pageName = args.view.text.toLowerCase();
appViewModel.set("selectedPage", pageName);
topmost().navigate("modules/" + pageName + "/" + pageName);
my xml:
<navigation-button icon="res://ic_menu" tap="toggleDrawer" ios:visibility="collapsed" />
<action-item icon="res://ic_menu" ios.position="left" tap="toggleDrawer" />
<drawer:rad-side-drawer id="sidebar">
<widgets:drawer-content />

The following solution worked out for me (iOS 9.3 with NativeScript 2.0.1)
if (page.ios) {
frameModule.topmost().ios.navBarVisibility = "always";
page.ios.title = "Test Application";
var controller = frameModule.topmost().ios.controller;
var navBar = controller.navigationBar;
navBar.barTintColor = UIColor.redColor();
navBar.navigationBarHidden = false;
navBar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent;


UITextViewL link on xamarin.ios

I have a custom UITextView and need something like this:
By the way, This is my Initialize code on custom class:
void Initialize()
Font = UIFont.FromName("Lacuna Regular", 14f);
Editable = false;
DataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorType.Link;
Text = "Google";
but I don't know how to write the Url where I need to go (in this case,
Thanks in advance!
Via UIDataDetectorType.Links:
uiview.DataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorType.Link;
uiview.Text = #"";
Via NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes with NSAttributedString:
var urlString = #"Google";
var documentAttributes = new NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes { DocumentType = NSDocumentType.HTML };
NSError error = null;
var attributedString = new NSAttributedString(NSData.FromString(urlString, NSStringEncoding.UTF8), documentAttributes, ref error);
// Should really check the NSError before applying
uiview.AttributedText = attributedString;

Nativescript - How do I properly use placeholder property from ui/image-cache to make it work?

I'm trying to create a list view with a set of remote images and while they are loading to display a placeholder image.
var imageSource = require("image-source");
var imageCache = require("ui/image-cache");
var cache = new imageCache.Cache();
var defaultImageSource = imageSource.fromResource("img-loading”);
cache.placeholder = defaultImageSource;
cache.maxRequests = 5;
Tried with fromFile as well instead of fromResource.
Any toughts?
I'm not sure how are you using the ImageCache but you cannot directly set an ImageCache object as source of an Image. In order to achieve what you want you must use something like this (taken from
<Page xmlns=""
<ListView items="{{ images }}">
<Image src="{{ imageSrc }}" stretch="aspectFill" height="100"/>
import observableArray = require("data/observable-array");
import observable = require("data/observable");
import imageItem = require("./image-item");
import pages = require("ui/page");
export function navigatingTo(args: pages.NavigatedData)
var page = <pages.Page>args.object;
var model = new observable.Observable();
var images = new observableArray.ObservableArray<imageItem.ImageItem>();
images.push(new imageItem.ImageItem(""));
images.push(new imageItem.ImageItem(""));
// ...
images.push(new imageItem.ImageItem(""));
model.set("images", images);
page.bindingContext = model;
import observable = require("data/observable");
import imageCache = require("ui/image-cache");
import imageSource = require("image-source");
var cache = new imageCache.Cache();
cache.maxRequests = 10;
cache.placeholder = imageSource.fromResource("img-loading")
export class ImageItem extends observable.Observable
private _imageSrc: string
get imageSrc(): imageSource.ImageSource
var image = cache.get(this._imageSrc);
if (image)
return image;
key: this._imageSrc
, url: this._imageSrc
, completed:
(image) =>
object: this
, eventName: observable.Observable.propertyChangeEvent
, propertyName: "imageSrc"
, value: image
return cache.placeholder;
constructor(imageSrc : string)
this._imageSrc = imageSrc;

Change colors in devexpress charts

I am drawing a pie chart using Devexpress in my MVC project.
While doing it by default my chart generated with three colors, as below
but my client is not satisfied, with the colors of it and wanted me to change them which match with our application background, so please help me, how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
Here is my code.
settings.Name = "chart";
settings.Width = 600;
settings.Height = 250;
settings.BorderOptions.Visible = false;
Series series1 = new Series("Type", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Pie3D);
series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative;
series1.ArgumentDataMember = "ClassName";
series1.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;
series1.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "PercentageValues" });
series1.LegendPointOptions.PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues;
series1.LegendPointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Percent;
series1.LegendPointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Precision = 0;
series1.Label.ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.Default;
series1.Label.Visible = false;
Please refer the following code. I have successfully implemented the same for giving custom color for rangebar. I guess it will work for your case also
settings.CustomDrawSeriesPoint = (s, ev) =>
BarDrawOptions drawOptions = ev.SeriesDrawOptions as BarDrawOptions;
if (drawOptions == null)
Color colorInTarget = Color.Blue;
double x = ev.SeriesPoint.Values[0];
double y = ev.SeriesPoint.Values[1];
if (x == 0)
{ //Do starting
colorInTarget = Color.FromArgb(159,125, 189);
//Red - price Increase
// Green price Decrease
if (y > previousYValue)
colorInTarget = Color.Red; ;
colorInTarget = Color.Green;
previousYValue = y;
drawOptions.Color = colorInTarget;
drawOptions.FillStyle.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;
drawOptions.Border.Color = Color.Transparent;
you can set the theme and palette properties of the chart control. follow the links below to devexpress documentation. although the examples refers to winform application they are still avaliable in mvc controls.
// Define the chart's appearance and palette.
barChart.AppearanceName = "Dark";
barChart.PaletteName = "Opulent";
private List<StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary> GetStudentSummaryResults()
var StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["StudentID"]);
var StudentDetailsP = CtxSM.SMISGet_StudentAttendanceDetailsByStudentId(StudentId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.LoginUserId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.AcademicYearID, SessionDataManager.SessionData.BusinessUnitId, ref outError).ToList();
var Presents = StudentDetailsP.Select(p => new { p.Months, p.Presents});
var CountsP = StudentDetailsP.Count();
List<StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary> MT = new List<StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary>();
foreach (var ab in Presents)
MT.Add(new StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary { PresentSummaryX = ab.Months, PresentSummaryY = Convert.ToInt32(ab.Presents) });
var StudentDetailsA = CtxSM.SMISGet_StudentAttendanceDetailsByStudentId(StudentId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.LoginUserId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.AcademicYearID, SessionDataManager.SessionData.BusinessUnitId, ref outError).ToList();
var Absents = StudentDetailsP.Select(p => new { p.Months, p.Absents });
var CountsA = StudentDetailsA.Count();
foreach (var ab in Absents)
MT.Add(new StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary { AbsentSummaryX = ab.Months, AbsentSummaryY = Convert.ToInt32(ab.Absents) });
var StudentDetailsL = CtxSM.SMISGet_StudentAttendanceDetailsByStudentId(StudentId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.LoginUserId, SessionDataManager.SessionData.AcademicYearID, SessionDataManager.SessionData.BusinessUnitId, ref outError).ToList();
var CountL = StudentDetailsL.Count();
var Leaves = StudentDetailsP.Select(p => new { p.Months, p.Leaves });
foreach (var ab in Leaves)
MT.Add(new StudentClass.ChartsPointsSummary { LeaveSummaryX = ab.Months, LeaveSummaryY = Convert.ToInt32(ab.Leaves) });
return MT;
#Html.DevExpress().Chart(settings =>
settings.Name = "SummaryDetailsById";
settings.Width = 1032;
settings.Height = 250;
Series chartSeries = new Series("Presents", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Bar);
chartSeries.ArgumentDataMember = "PresentSummaryX";
chartSeries.ValueDataMembers[0] = "PresentSummaryY";
Series chartSeries2 = new Series("Absents", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Bar);
chartSeries2.ArgumentDataMember = "AbsentSummaryX";
chartSeries2.ValueDataMembers[0] = "AbsentSummaryY";
Series chartSeries3 = new Series("Leaves", DevExpress.XtraCharts.ViewType.Bar);
chartSeries3.ArgumentDataMember = "LeaveSummaryX";
chartSeries3.ValueDataMembers[0] = "LeaveSummaryY";
settings.CrosshairEnabled = DefaultBoolean.Default;
settings.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
settings.BorderOptions.Visibility = DefaultBoolean.True;
settings.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle()
Text = "Student Attendance Summary"
XYDiagram diagram = ((XYDiagram)settings.Diagram);
diagram.AxisX.Label.Angle = -30;
diagram.AxisY.Interlaced = true;

Setting the z-index of loader class

I'm working in Flash AS3, AIR 3.2 for iOS SDK. I'm loading in an image, then applying a shape and textfield over this. But it seems that z-index goes weird with the loader class. At the moment, when this is run, the text and shape is applied first, and the image then gets applied on top of these even though the methods are in a different order. How do I set the shape and text to be above an image that's loaded in from the loader class?
The methods in the main method:
These are the methods:
public function displayImage():void {
var imageurl:String = "image.jpg";
myLoader = new Loader();
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imageurl);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoaderProgress);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);
public function onLoaderProgress(e:ProgressEvent) {
trace(e.bytesLoaded, e.bytesTotal); // this is where progress will be monitored
public function onLoaderComplete(e:Event) {
image = new Bitmap(;
var imageWidth:Number = image.width;
var imageHeight:Number = image.height;
var resizeWidthVar:Number;
var resizeHeightVar:Number;
trace("Image width: " + image.width);
trace("Image height: " + image.height);
if(imageWidth >= imageHeight) {
resizeHeightVar = imageHeight/displayRes;
trace("resizeHeightVar = " + resizeHeightVar);
imageWidth = imageWidth/resizeHeightVar;
imageHeight = imageHeight/resizeHeightVar;
else {
resizeWidthVar = imageWidth/displayRes;
trace("resizeWidthVar = " + resizeWidthVar);
imageWidth = imageWidth/resizeWidthVar;
imageHeight = imageHeight/resizeWidthVar;
image.width = imageWidth;
image.height = imageHeight;
trace("Image width: " + image.width);
trace("Image height: " + image.height);
image.x = xScreenPos;
image.y = yScreenPos;
addChild(image); // the image is now loaded, so let's add it to the display tree!
public function overlayBox():void {
var overlaySquare:Sprite = new Sprite();
addChild(overlaySquare);, 0.7);, 0, displayRes, displayRes);;
overlaySquare.x = xScreenPos;
overlaySquare.y = yScreenPos;
public function textAnimation():void {
//set text format
textFormat.font = "Helvetica Neue Light";
textFormat.size = 12;
textFormat.bold = false;
textFormat.color = 0x000000;
// pass text format
textOne.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
textOne.text = "Blah blah blah blah";
textOne.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
textOne.x = xScreenPos;
textOne.y = yScreenPos;
//add to stage
One of the solutions is to replace addChild(image); with the addChildAt(image, 0); another one is to add loader addChild(loader); and don't add image in the complete handler.

How to add a copy/paste context menu to browser element in XULRunner?

I would like to allow the user of my XULRunner based app to be able to do copy/paste via a context menu.
Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V are already working fine
Here it is without flash. The getInputSelection function is from here: Is there an Internet Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd?.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<window id="mywin" title="my app"
width="800" height="600" persist="screenX screenY width height sizemode"
<menupopup id="clipmenu">
<menuitem label="Copy" oncommand="copy()"/>
<menuitem label="Paste" oncommand="paste();"/>
function copy()
var tabBrowser = document.getElementById("browserId");
var selectedTagName = tabBrowser.contentWindow.document.activeElement.tagName;
var windowObj;
if(selectedTagName == "IFRAME")
windowObj = tabBrowser.contentWindow.frames[];
windowObj = document.getElementById("browserId").contentWindow;
var selectedText = windowObj.getSelection();
if(!selectedText || selectedText == "")
var focused = windowObj.document.activeElement;
if(focused && focused.value)
selectedText = getSelectionFromInput(focused);
//alert(selectedText + "---");
const clipHelper = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper);
function getSelectionFromInput(focused)
var focusedValue = focused.value;
var sel = getInputSelection(focused);
var selectedText = "";
if(focusedValue.length == (sel.end))
selectedText = focusedValue.substring(sel.start);
selectedText = focusedValue.substring(sel.start, (sel.end));
return selectedText;
function paste()
var clip = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
var trans = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
clip.getData(trans, clip.kGlobalClipboard);
var str = new Object();
var len = new Object();
str = str.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
str =, len.value / 2);
var focused = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
var focusedValue = focused.value;
var sel = getInputSelection(focused);
focused.value = focusedValue.substring(0,sel.start) + str + focusedValue.substring(sel.end);
function getInputSelection(el) {
var start = 0, end = 0, normalizedValue, range,
textInputRange, len, endRange;
if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number" && typeof el.selectionEnd == "number") {
start = el.selectionStart;
end = el.selectionEnd;
} else {
range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range && range.parentElement() == el) {
len = el.value.length;
normalizedValue = el.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
// Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input
textInputRange = el.createTextRange();
// Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end
// of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want
// in those cases
endRange = el.createTextRange();
if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) {
start = end = len;
} else {
start = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len);
start += normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1;
if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) {
end = len;
} else {
end = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len);
end += normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - 1;
return {
start: start,
end: end
Updated to support iframes.
Create menu using the code below.
<menupopup id="clipmenu">
<menuitem label="Copy" oncommand="copy();"/>
<menuitem label="paste" oncommand="paste();"/>
<browser type="content" src="chrome://myapp/content/theme1/index.html" flex="1" context="clipmenu"/>
Connect it to whatever you want, here am making it the context menu of the browser element by giving the id of menu in the context attribute of the browser element.
Then for each menu you can give the command to execute in oncommand event. We have given the function copy and paste.
Then write the code to copy text from whatever element you want or if you want to copy the selected data only.
See the below link for copying command.
One more example for "Copy" context menu in XULRunner under SWT Browser (code was implemented for Eclipse v3.5.1, XULRunner v1.8.1.3):
Browser browser = new Browser(parent, style | SWT.MOZILLA);
Menu menu = new Menu(browser);
MenuItem item = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.NONE);
item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
nsIWebBrowser webBrowser = (nsIWebBrowser) browser.getWebBrowser();
nsIInterfaceRequestor req = (nsIInterfaceRequestor) webBrowser.queryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor.NS_IINTERFACEREQUESTOR_IID);
nsIDocShell docShell = (nsIDocShell) req.getInterface(nsIDocShell.NS_IDOCSHELL_IID);
nsIClipboardCommands cmds = (nsIClipboardCommands) docShell.queryInterface(nsIClipboardCommands.NS_ICLIPBOARDCOMMANDS_IID);
public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
