How to play audio with narration in iOS - ios

I need to play audio file with text narrating the sound being played in my application. Is there any library for the proper sync of audio file with text or its subtitles. Any help will be much appreciated.


Playing audio from a .mov file with Swift

Basically, my app allows the user to select a video from photo library, and I want to be able to play back the audio exclusively. However, AVAudioPlayer doesn't seem to accept .mov file paths, is there any way to work around this??

How to sync custom audio with video in iOS?

I am trying to make a video player with custom audio effects. To perform an effect I've written an audio unit. To play video stream I use AVPlayer with muted sound. The problem is that audio and video are out of sync. And it gets awful when I pause and resume the playback.
Could you please suggest any ideas about how to sync the two things? Maybe use something else instead of AVPlayer?
Thanks in advance.
I shall answer my own question.
There is a thing called MTAudioProcessingTap. It allows for doing audio manipulation stuff just like an audio unit but inside AVPlayer.
There's a link for more details:

AVPlayerViewController video's audio background playing and support for multiple formats

I have to do a Video streaming app (using a remote url) in swift. But there is no any exact video format. Sometimes it can be m3u8 sometimes mp4 etc.. but my video player should support for what ever the format comes from the back end.
Also when the app is in background, the audio should play and when the app comes foreground video should play without any time delay between the vide and the audio.
I want to know whether is it possible to achieve my objectives using AVPlayerViewController or else what is the best player that I can use to achieve my targets. Please help me.
AVPlayerViewController supports m3u8 and mp4 both format. For playing video's audio you need some extra configuration. You can check from here...
How do I get my AVPlayer to play while app is in background?
Is it possible to play video using Avplayer in Background?
So according to me AVPlayerViewController is best option for your requirement.

Is there a way to select the audio output when playing HTML5 sound on ios

I'm playing some sound using HTML5 audio API on iOS.
Unfortunately sound seems to play through the top speaker, not the main one.
Is there a way to select an output for my sound?

Record audio over a live video

I have a video file and I want to suppress the audio of the video file while playing and record my own audio through my iPad application. Can anyone suggest me the ways to achieve it?
