I am using pod 'AFNetworking', '2.6.0'.
But every time I am getting this error:
Recently I updated my mac gems. After updating gems I am getting this error.
Can you please any one help?
#import "AFNetworking.h"
instead of
#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h>
And, of course, do not forget to check the header paths inside your project properties and check if cocoapods correctly installed 'AFNetworking' project. Try to find AFNetworking.h file inside 'pods' directory.
Type, what is writen inside 'header search path'
2. What is placed inside /path/to/app/Pods/Headers/Public/ ?
If you have updated your gems, check version of cocoapods if is version 1.0.0, probably you need to change your Podfile.
platform :ios, 'IOS_VERSION_HERE'
target 'YOUR_TARGET_HERE' do
pod 'AFNetworking', '2.6.0'
pod ...
pod ..
After that in terminal go to you project folder where is the Podfile located and write command:
pod update
After that if you see some warnings try to fix them. The warnings will guide you what to do if is necessary.
Then try to clean your project and Build it again.
When you use Pod's you must open YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.xcworkspace instead of YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.xcodeproj
Hope this help.
After updating pod's to (pod 'AFNetworking', '3.0') I was facing same issue.
#import "AFNetworking.h"
#import AFNetworking;
solved my problem!
Next steps always help me to fix the issue:
Select Pods file in your project.
Open the Build settings for Pods project
Set Build Active Architecture Only to false. Build and Run the project again.
The issue was that I couldn't build and got the error message 'AFCompatibilityMacros.h' file not found
Simply running pod deintegrate and then pod install fixed it. I found the solution in this discussion.
I can't seem to understand what is going on with my project and cocoapods, Xcode cannot find the frameworks except Firebase which is why I am confused. I'm getting the error Project ' file not found. Xcode also gives me the error, In file included from <built-in>:342: I have tried to clean and build, emptying Xcode's cache and reinstalling Xcode. Can anyone please explain this thanks.
Here's my podfile:
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Soar_iPad' do
# Comment this line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for Soar_iPad
pod 'Firebase'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'ExpandingMenu', '~> 0.1'
pod 'SwiftyJSON'
I figured out what was wrong and why Xcode could not find the pod files. It was because my directory had double quotation marks in it, for example I had /username/Desktop/Project "MyApp"/Project and Xcode could not find my pod files. But for some reason I found that using single quotes worked so for example /username/Desktop/Project 'MyApp'/Project. It's weird but glad a solution was found. Thanks to everyone that helped!
Delete workspace (.xcworkspace)
Delete Podfile.lock and Pods/ directory
Make sure your project builds
Upgrade cocoapods gem install cocoapods (optional)
Close project and run pod install
Can you try this:
pod deintegrate
pod install
If it doesn't work, create a new project and add the same Podfile (just change the target name). Run pod install.
If it compiles fine, then your project must have been misconfigured somehow. You may want to migrate your project into that newly created one. (copy all files and add project references)
If it does not compile, I think there is something wrong with your system.
Please try those steps and let me know if it works.
It seems that you cocoapods is the latest version.
Try to install cocoapods that lower than 1.0.
config the podfile and run pod install.
I configured RealmSwift 1.0.0 Latest Using Docs into the Xcode project. After installation i created a class file and getting module error - like: No such module 'RealmSwift' in class file.
After adding the Realm Plugin, i created a class and get the module error below.
Please help me to solve this error.
A very important sanity check: if you run into this and you're using Cocoapods, please make sure you open the .xcworkspace and not the .xcodeproj file!
Follow below steps, it may be useful for you.
Go To: Product > Schemes > New Scheme...
Select: RealmSwift and click OK
Build the RealmSwift target (cmd + b)
It looks like you've added the path to RealmSwift.framework to your framework search paths. The Realm Swift installation instructions say to add the parent path of RealmSwift.framework (i.e., the containing directory) to your framework search paths.
I had the same problem like you.
I resolved it by add the following code into pod file.
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'
Follow below instructions:
Clean from Xcode (Shift+Cmd+K)
Delete the Derived Data directory (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData)
Build the project (Cmd+B)
After "pod install" or "pod update" fix it
try this:
sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate cocoapods-clean
pod deintegrate
pod cache clean --all
rm Podfile
pod "deinitialize" to fix that issues.
I've struggled with this problem as well for 2 hours; I tried several things, like cleaning, uninstalling and reinstalling the Realm pod, changing the Podfile, and so on.
Nothing worked until I restarted the computer.
I use Xcode 8.3.3 and Xcode 9.2 Beta, Swift 3, High Sierra MacOS.
After "pod install" restart Xcode
You can add Run script file for your project.
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Realm Database/Pods-Realm Database-frameworks.sh"
For me there first was an error like 'could not build Objective-C module 'RealmSwift'' which I could fix by deleting the Derived Data Folder, Pods Folder, Podfile.lock and the .xcworkspace and after that there was the error saying 'No such module 'RealmSwift'' which only disappeared when I first tried to build the project. Now everything works fine for me!
In my case i tried other suggested solutions and it didn't work for me but this replacement fixed problem and the error have gone
Try use
pod 'RealmSwift'
pod 'Realm', '~> 10.1'
Let me tell you how I get that error and how I solved it.
I am using Carthage in my project, but I am new team member, so I did git clone the project. But I opened the project before run cathage upload command. Although I ran the cathage command, I got that error.
I could fix it doing the next:
Go to the project file.
In build phaces -> run script -> Input file.
Add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/Realm.framework and
I do not know why it is not always automatically linked.
In my case, setting project format to current Xcode version in pod target helped:
I recently had to delete a xcode project from my computer and re-clone it down. After cloning it, I ran a pod install and then went to build the project. However, I kept hitting a error in my .pch file that claimed a file (a pod file) was not found.
I looked into the following SO posts:
iOS - Build fails with CocoaPods cannot find header files
Unit Test build failing when importing MagicalRecord
From there I gathered that I needed to add to Header Search Paths the $(inherited) flag. I've done that, I've cleaned the project, and then re-built it, and still am having the following error..
As of version 2.3.0 (released on 1 June 2015) the file CoreData+MagicalRecord.h seems to have been renamed to MagicalRecord.h only.
If you installed MagicalRecord using CocoaPods and ran pod install or pod update again you might have gotten this new version and will end up with the same error message: CoreData+MagicalRecord.h file not found
So you should change the import of the header in your pch file then. This is what I have now:
Try to add this line on top of your podfile:
link_with ['ProjectName', 'ProjectNameTests']
before this line
platform :ios, '8.0'
Install pod, and at your project Build Setting->Other Linker Flags, add $(inherited).
import "MagicalRecord/MagicalRecord.h"
Try to run command (1) in terminal, then add import in step (2)
In your project directory,run pod update
You should now be able to add
#import <MagicalRecord/CoreData+MagicalRecord.h>
to any of your target's source files and begin using MagicalRecord!
I think with 2 steps you can be solved this problem.
I'm doing the Ray Wenderlich tutorial called SimpleWeather.
The podfile is in the same folder as the project.
Here's my code from the podfile:
platform :ios, '7.0'
xcodeproj 'SimpleWeather'
pod 'Mantle'
pod 'LBBlurredImage'
pod 'TSMessages'
pod 'ReactiveCocoa'
The error message is this: [!] Unable to find the Xcode project /Users/myName/Developer/SimpleWeather.xcodeproj for the target Pods.
The name of the project is SimpleWeather.
I'm pretty sure you are not in the right directory. Are you sure your .xcodeproj is in the Developer folder? There might be a subfolder you need to navigate to.
The right way to enable CocoaPods in your Project is:
Open Terminal and execute: $ sudo gem install cocoapods
Navigate to your Project folder (I assume in your case it's cd /Users/myName/Developer/SimpleWeather/SimpleWeather.xcodeproj).
Setup Cocoapod pod setup
Create the Podfile touch Podfile
Open the Podfile open -e Podfile and insert your code for Podfile
Finally install the Podfile pod install
If you follow this instructions everything should work. When opening your project make sure to open the .xworkspacefile.
For more information, see this.
This error also occurs when you have multiple .xcodeproj in your Xcode project.
You don't need more than one .xcodeproj in general cases. Remove unnecessary .xcodeproj, and Cocoapods should get the correct path automatically afterwards.
Reiterating our original conversation:
Accordingly to Podfile Syntax Reference the Podfile looks right.
Make sure you are running $pod install from your project directory:
Hey your path for the project might be wrong. Go to the project and right click on SimpleWeather.xcodeproj and select Get Info as show in the image below(The right side window is for Get Info here). Copy this path from the details window and paste it into the Podfile. After that append /SimpleWeather.xcodeproj to that pasted path. This might solve the problem(Note: It is a snap shot for my project). In your case the solution might be replacing the path with this /Users/myName/Developer/SimpleWeather/SimpleWeather.xcodeproj
To solve this issue, just follow below steps and your issue will get resolved :
Step 1 : Open Terminal and navigate to your project folder
Step 2 : touch podfile
Step 3 : open -e Podfile
Step 4 : Write below line in your text edit and close it
workspace '/Users/systemName/Developer/yourprojectname/yourprojectname.xcworkspace'
Step 5 : Pod install
And after successful process, you will not get this error again.
Maybe you have two project .xcodeproj, remove one.
Remove Podfile.lock, folder Pods. On Terminal cd /Users/myName/Developer/SimpleWeather and pod install
For people who are on Mac and also using code editors, the duplicate file that is causing this issue is ._projectname.xcodeproj because it has the same extension as the regular .xcodeproj files.
I had the same problem.
Then with many attempts of trials and errors I finally got the working solution:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'SimpleWeather'
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 3.4'
This works when you are in your project directory (I assume you should navigate using terminal to /Users/myName/Developer/SimpleWeather/)
You installed your Xcode..in application use this command to execute
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app
so okay i had tried every possible thing ...i had only one .xcodeproj file
but sill i couldnt install so finally i had tried with the following
1. open terminal cd to your project folder one with .xcodeproj
2. type pod init
3. type touch Podfile
4. type pod install
Magic happens and your pod files gets installed
Check your Podfile for the following lines
config = use_native_modules!
use_react_native!(:path => config["reactNativePath"])
target '<project_name>' do
Hopefully this answer can be useful in times of many people using SPM. My case was the following: I had a binary framework package that had to be converted to the cocoapod, together with it's dependency tree. In the git repository where the package lived, the .gitignore file contained this line: /*.xcodeproj. This meant that even though everything worked fine locally, whenever the CI tried to run pod install it failed.
I'm trying to use Restkit via CocoaPods for my first time, on a brand new project, but I encounter some issues building the project once Restkit is introduced:
I have followed these exact steps:
Created a brand new Xcode project, default options.
Created a podfile with the following contents :
platform :ios, '6.1'
pod 'RestKit/Testing', '~> 0.20.0pre'
pod 'RestKit/Search', '~> 0.20.0pre'
Run pod install then opened the workspace
Updated the prefix file as instructed here.
I'm running these versions, all valid according to the Restkit documentation:
Git git version
CocoaPods 0.16.2
Xcode 4.6
Can anyone suggest what I may have done wrong, or what I can do to solve this? Thanks
You have to include the base of Restkit as well. Add
pod 'RestKit', '~> 0.20.0pre'
To your Podfile.
Found a solution described here.
It involves searching the project for #import and replacing it with #import . The project compiles!
//#import <RestKit/RestKit.h>
#import <RestKit/CoreData.h>
In this case the offending file was RKOperationStateMachine