Implementing Xamarin iOS Speech to Text - ios

I am trying to figure out a way to do speech recognition/speech to text on Xamarin iOS. I have been doing a lot of research and so far it seems like this is a feature only available for Android Xamarin Development.
Does anyone have an idea of how to appraoch this? Any links to resources or projects that have implemented this would be much appreciated!

You can try open ears or dragon speech. There is no built in speech recognition for Xamarin.iOS that I am aware of.
Has anyone created a MonoTouch binding for the Nuance Dragon Mobile Speech SDK for iOS?
Since iOS 10 you can now access the speech recognition apis documented below
Android has for a long time had their APIs available for speech documented below


How is Yuneec SDK?

Has anyone used Yuneec’s SDK or know anything about it? Building SDK for drones creates a lot of possibilities. But want to see if anyone here has experience with Yuneec before.
Yes! Yuneec has SDK for both iOS and Android. I am currently looking into the Yuneec Android SDK to design a custom app and so far its been great! The SDK exposes a lot of features and looks like they are going to be adding a lot of exciting features soon. SDK provides APIs to control the Yuneec drones and can be customized to your needs. You can definitely check out more here

Is speech to text functionality and voice analysis possible in ios 8 and above

I need to integrate this functionality on the application I am currently working on.
Though I came to know about OpenEars but do we have support for iOS 8 and 9.
Please do suggest any other latest and reliable apis for voice recording and analysis.
Yes. OpenEars support the new iOS8 and iOS9. OpenEars just need AudioToolbox and AVFoundation framework to be added.
There are other API's
Speech to text is supported natively with the class AVSpeechSynthesizer, available since iOS7. AVSpeechSynthesizer is a "free" TTS system integrated iOS: unless you really need specialized voices, e.g. child voices, this is your best option for speech synthesis.
The only "non online" speech recognition SDKs which I am aware of is CMUSphinx written in C and which supports very few speaker languages. You will probably need to adapt it yourself for iOS.
There are several other APIs, available as paid services. Your mileage with API based assistive speech services will vary.

Voice Recognition in IBM Worklight for iOS

I'm currently writing a hybrid mobile app for iOS and Android using IBM Worklight. I want to add a voice recognition feature to the app but have struggled to find a cordova plugin implementation that works accurately. Currently I have tried the following...
Web Speech API using a JavaScript interface. This hasn't worked because it is not supported in iOS yet.
iSpeech. Using a cordova plugin, I have this working but the iSpeech recognition is so bad it's unusable.
If anyone has any suggestions of plugins to try or free recognition services that would work well that would be great. Better still if anyone has successfully implemented voice recognition in Cordova or Worklight on iOS I'd love to know how you achieved it.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks to those who commented on my question. I have found a work around to my problem that may be useful to some of you. I adjusted my code to use html text inputs, when a user taps the text input to bring up the iOS keyboard they can use the built in voice recognition to add text to the input. See below:
<input type="text" id="searchBox" placeholder="Ask Watson" />
I know this is not a perfect solution but it solved my problem in the specific app I am working on.

iOS - Speech to text, dictation

I have to develop an app which allows user to speech text, but there are some APIs in the iOS SDK which allow that? Or even third part libs? I have only one problem : the app is in italian language, so a third part lib has to support italian language.
As of iOS 10 (which isn't released at the time of writing), there is a new speech recognition API. It supports over 50 languages and dialects.
If you are looking for a solution, I'd strongly recommend this over a third party library... Apple will keep it up to date, support it, and improve it. You have none of those guarantees with a third party library.
Any UITextField or UITextArea can be dictated using the built-in dictation feature (in devices that support it of course).
An API is not available and you cannot use Siri directly for that.
As of this post there is no way of doing this using native iOS SDK. However, you have the IBM Bluemix Speech-to-Text service available to you for free:

Built-in AEC or WebRTC AEC on iOS?

I'm new to iOS(from android). I have already successfully do the AEC process on android with WebRTC standalone AECM module.
Now I have to do the same thing on iOS but with little progress. the mainly problem is which solution should I choose to do the AEC on iOS:
using iOS built-in AEC.
using WebRTC standalone AECM module again.
for the first solution, I've learnt that iOS has built-in AEC in Voice Processing I/O unit. but I heard that the performance of VPU is not good enough. does it?
for the second one, on android, i can use AudioRecord and AudioTrack's API and some buffer techniche to calculate the "delay" described in WebRTC "audio_processing.h", but I have no info. about what API should I use to calc the same delay on iOS.
I'm keep searching on google and iOS docs right now. but also eager for any advise here. especially some one who did the AEC on iOS already.
thanks a lot.
