Appcelerator - Getting geolocation information and turning into a URL - ios

I'm still very new to appcelerator but I'm trying to do a small experiment with geolocation. I have some code similar to below, which returns the long and lat to the console. What I would like to is get the long and lat and append them to a URL, e.g
I've tried creating a simple alert to show me the current location in the but all it says is Alert: [object GeolocationModule].
Could somebody point me in the right direction so I can learn some more? Thank you
if (Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
Titanium.Geolocation.purpose = 'Get Current Location';
Titanium.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(e) {
if (e.error) {
Ti.API.error('Error: ' + e.error);
} else {;
} else {
alert('Please enable location services');

This is how you need to follow the API documentation:
You can have a look at the LocationResults page:!/api/LocationResults which leads you to LocationCoordinates:!/api/LocationCoordinates
There you can see, that you can use e.coords.latitude or longitude to get the values. Or have a look at the console output. It should show you a JSON output with the key-value pairs.
Once you have the values you can create a HTTP request (demo:!/guide/HTTPClient_and_the_Request_Lifecycle) and open your page:
var url = ""+e.coords.longitude+"/"+e.coords.latitude;
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload: function(e) {
// this function is called when data is returned from the server and available for use
// this.responseText holds the raw text return of the message (used for text/JSON)
// this.responseXML holds any returned XML (including SOAP)
// this.responseData holds any returned binary data
onerror: function(e) {
// this function is called when an error occurs, including a timeout
timeout:5000 /* in milliseconds */
});"GET", url);
xhr.send(); // request is actually sent with this statement
or if you plan to use more request have a look at RESTe ( which is an awesome library that makes it easy to create API requests


First name and last name to Twitter handle

I have a list of people (first and last name) who I want to follow, but I don't want to Google or search them via Twitter separately. What is the best way to get the Twitter handles? Some GitHub repos or tutorials are also fine.
Twitter offers a "User Search" API request.
If you want to search for a user named "Ada Lovelace" you will need to send an OAuth'd request to
You will get back a list of results. There may be many people who share the same first and last name.
As for how to do it, that rather depends on the programming language you want to use.
If you just want a clickable link, use
So firstly this question is off-topic but I will try write an answer for you. You could use the twitter api for this but that might be a little overkill if you just want to do this for you.
I made you an API
I made an API just for you using KimonoLabs. You can use this and just make a script that loops through your list and requests this api every time, then return a list of the results. Here is the API endpoint:
The &q= is the paramater for the person's name. To seperate the first and last name use %20, like so: Robert%20Keus
The documentation for this api is here:
Let me know if you need any help,
Latest answer # 2016
First Solution: I wrote following node.js script. You need access_token and id of pulicly published google doc spreadsheet. For testing purpose I have provided sample spreadsheet's link and its id in following code.
var Twit = require('twit'),
async = require('async');
var T = new Twit({
consumer_key: 'xxxxxxxx',
consumer_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
access_token_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
timeout_ms: 60*1000 // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.
var GoogleSpreadsheet = require("google-spreadsheet"),
_ = require('underscore');
var sheetId = req.params.sheet || "1n7DxgJTTHZ9w3xwiHokUhXMLkBwpP5c9ZLFmsYFDCic",
sheet = new GoogleSpreadsheet(sheetId);
function (cb) {
sheet.getRows(1, {}, function (err, rows) {
if (err) { res.send(err); return;};
var names = [];
_.each(rows, function (row) {
names.push(row.first + " " + row.last);
cb(null, names);
function (names, callback1) {, function(name, cb){
T.get('users/search', { q: name, page: 1 }, function (err, data, response) {
cb(null, {screen_name: data[0].screen_name, name:data[0].name});
cb(null, {screen_name: "no_data_retrieved", name: name});
}, function (err, results) {
callback1(null, results);
function (users, callback) {
console.log(users); //**YOU GET ALL DESIRED DATA HERE**
], function (err, result) {
//handle in memory data
Second Solution: Clone node-cheat twitter-screen-names, run npm install and shoot node server, Now get all twitter usernames as json in browser.
Happy Helping!

Titanium isn't posting values to ColdFusion

This is my Titanium code:
var loginReq = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload: function(e){
// just displays the response
var webview = Titanium.UI.createWebView({html:this.responseText});
var params = {
email: email.value,
passowrd: password.value
loginReq.send(params); // this is sending nothing according to a CF variable dump
The ColdFusion page just dumps all the variables, and it shows up on the iPhone emulator. But it's giving me an empty struct for the variables, which means no variables are actually getting sent in.
How do I fix my Titanium code to actually post data?
If you want to send post data to a script you will have to to set the header accordingly:
If you are sending JSON data to an API, you might need to stringify your parameters to send them:
According to the docs this is done automatically (see comments). In some of my network clients I had to do that explicitly, though...
Moreover, you might also want to implement the onerror callback, so in case your call fails for any reason you will know why:
var loginReq = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload: function(e){
// just displays the response
var webview = Titanium.UI.createWebView({html:this.responseText});
onerror: function(e) {
Ti.API.debug('Status: ' + this.status);
Ti.API.debug('Response: ' + this.responseText);

How to wait for all ajax queries to finish (and use combined result)

var display_message="";
$('input:checked').each(function(index) {
var profile_id=$(this).val();
type: 'post',
url: 'myUrl',
data: data,
success: function(data) {
display_message = display_message + data +", ";
jAlert("Your birthdate already exits in "+display_message.substring(0, display_message.length - 2)+".", "Bdate");
return false;
in this code, i use two alert-box for display display_message variable value.
when i run successfully this code, in 1st alert-box i get blank value and second alert-box i get value which i needed, then it will go in if condition.
if i doesn't use alert box then it will always take null value in display_message variable and never enters into the if condition. so what i need to change to run this code without alert box?
You are making an asynchronous call via AJAX, but your code is executing synchronously. So it is returning before the AJAX call completes. The first alert box just gives the function time to catch up. You need to handle all this code in your success callback.
var display_message="";
$('input:checked').each(function(index) {
var profile_id=$(this).val();
type: 'post',
url: 'myUrl',
data: data,
success: function(data) {
display_message = display_message + data +", ";
jAlert("Your birthdate already exits in "+display_message.substring(0, display_message.length - 2)+".", "Bdate");
return false;
You want all your ajax queries to finish and return results, right?
Then this is a synchronization problem.
I would suggest this approach (code is simplified for clarity).
var inputs_processed = -1;
var inputs_to_process = -1;
function queryData() {
inputs_to_process = $('input:checked').length;
$('input:checked').each(function() {
$.ajax({success: function(data) {
inputs_processed += 1;
// build up that message
function displayResult() {
if (inputs_processed == inputs_to_process) {
// display result
} else {
// not all queries finished yet. Wait.
setTimeout(displayResult, 500);
Basically, you know how many requests should be made and you don't display result until that number of requests returns.
Why your data is "data"? I cant see any variable called data is declared here. You should pass in the value you want to use as the parameter into the data options.
Edit: This is why u getting the null value. data is not initialize into anything. Only after the success function, your "data" will have the value since you declare the return value with the same name

two way communication between extension and content javascript files

i am trying to accomplish a two way communication request response in my firefox sidebar extension, i have a file named event.js this resides on the content side, i have another file called sidebar.js file which is residing in the xul. I am able to communicate from event.js to sidebar.js file using the dispatchEvent method. my event in turn raises a XMLHttpRequest in sidebar.js file which hits the server and sends back the response. Now, here i am unable to pass the response to the event.js file. I want the response to be accessed in the event.js file. Till now i have achieved only one way communication. Please help me in getting the two way communication.
Code is as follows:
// event.js file
// This event occurs on blur of the text box where i need to save the text into the server
function saveEvent() {
var element = document.getElementById("fetchData");
element.setAttribute("urlPath", "http://localhost:8080/event?Id=12");
element.setAttribute("jsonObj", convertToList);
element.setAttribute("methodType", "POST");
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("saveEvent", true, true);
//Fetching the response over here by adding the listener
document.addEventListener("dispatchedResponse", function (e) { MyExtension.responseListener(e); }, false, true);
var MyExtension = {
responseListener: function (evt) {
function receivedResponse(event) {
alert('response: ' + event);
// sidebar.js file
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
var saveAjaxRequest = function (urlPath, jsonObj, methodType, evtTarget) {
var url = urlPath;
var request = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
request.onload = function (aEvent) {
window.alert("Response Text: " +;
saveResponse =;
//here i am again trying to dispatch the response i got from the server back to the origin, but unable to pass it...
evtTarget.setAttribute("responseObject", saveResponse);
var evt = document.createEvent("dispatchedRes"); // Error line "Operation is not supported" code: "9"
evt.initEvent("dispatchedResponse", true, false);
request.onerror = function (aEvent) {
window.alert("Error Status: " +;
//window.alert(methodType + " " + url);, url, true);
this.onLoad = function () {
document.addEventListener("saveEvent", function (e) { MyExtension.saveListener(e); }, false, true);
var MyExtension =
saveListener: function (evt) {
saveAjaxRequest("urlPath"),"jsonObj"),"methodType"), evt.originalTarget);
Why are you moving your fetchData element into the sidebar document? You should leave it where it is, otherwise your content code won't be able to receive the event. Also, use the content document to create the event. Finally, document.createEvent() parameter for custom events should be "Events". So the code after your //here i am again trying comment should look like:
evtTarget.setAttribute("responseObject", saveResponse);
var evt = evtTarget.ownerDocument.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("dispatchedResponse", true, false);
Please note however that your code as you show it here is a huge security vulnerability - it allows any website to make any HTTP requests and get the result back, so it essentially disables same-origin policy. At the very least you need to check that the website talking to you is allowed to do it (e.g. it belongs to your server). But even then it stays a security risk because server response could be altered (e.g. by an attacker on a public WLAN) or your server could be hacked - and you would be giving an attacker access to sensitive data (for example he could trigger a request to and if the victim happens to be logged in he will be able to read all email data). So please make this less generic, only allow requests to some websites.

ASP.NET MVC ajax chat

I built an ajax chat in one of my mvc website. everything is working fine. I am using polling. At certain interval i am using $.post to get the messages from the db. But there is a problem. The message retrieved using $.post keeps on repeating. here is my javascript code and controller method.
var t;
function GetMessages() {
var LastMsgRec = $("#hdnLastMsgRec").val();
var RoomId = $("#hdnRoomId").val();
//Get all the messages associated with this roomId
$.post("/Chat/GetMessages", { roomId: RoomId, lastRecMsg: LastMsgRec }, function(Data) {
if (Data.Messages.length != 0) {
if (Data.newUser.length != 0)
$("#messagesCont").attr({ scrollTop: $("#messagesCont").attr("scrollHeight") - $('#messagesCont').height() });
$("#userListCont").attr({ scrollTop: $("#userListCont").attr("scrollHeight") - $('#userListCont').height() });
else {
}, "json");
t = setTimeout("GetMessages()", 3000);
and here is my controller method to get the data:
public JsonResult GetMessages(int roomId,DateTime lastRecMsg)
StringBuilder messagesSb = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder newUserSb = new StringBuilder();
List<Message> msgs = (dc.Messages).Where(m => m.RoomID == roomId && m.TimeStamp > lastRecMsg).ToList();
if (msgs.Count == 0)
return Json(new { Messages = "", LastMsgRec = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() });
foreach (Message item in msgs)
if (item.Text == "Just logged in!")
return Json(new {Messages = messagesSb.ToString(),LastMsgRec = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(),newUser = newUserSb.ToString().Length == 0 ?"":newUserSb.ToString()});
Everything is working absloutely perfect. But i some messages getting repeated. The first time page loads i am retrieving the data and call GetMessages() function. I am loading the value of field hdnLastMsgRec the first time page loads and after the value for this field are set by the javascript.
I think the message keeps on repeating because of asynchronous calls. I don't know, may be you guys can help me solve this.
or you can suggest better way to implement this.
Kaivalya is correct about the caching, but I'd also suggest that your design could and should be altered just a tad.
I made a very similar app recently, and what I found was that my design was greatly enhanced by letting the controllers work with the fairly standard PRG pattern (post-redirect-get). Why enhanced? well, because POST methods are built to add stuff to an app, GET methods are supposed to be used to get information without side effects. Your polling should be just getting new messages w/o side effects.
So rather than your $.post call expecting data and handling the callback, what I'd recommend is having your controller expose a method for creating new chat messages via POST and then another method that get the last X chat messages, or the messages since a certain timestamp or whatever.
The javascript callback from the post action, then can update some variables (e.g. the last message id, timestamp of the last message, or even the whole URL of the next message based on the info contained in a redirect, whatever).
The $.post would fire only in response to user input (e..g type in a box, hit 'send') Then, you have (separately) a $.get call from jquery that's set up to poll like you said, and all it does is fetch the latest chat messages and it's callback updates the chat UI with them.
I got my answer here: ASP.NET AJAX CHAT
The names below i am referring to are from above link.
i think the actual problem was with the timestamp thing and asynchronous behaviour of $.post. after calling "GetMessages()" method, even if the previous request to retrive chat message was not complete anathor call to same method used to fire due to setting timeout for "GetMessages()" method outside the $.post method. In my question you can see that timeout for "GetMessages()" method is set outside the $.post method. Now i set the timeout for "GetMessages()" method inside the $.post method. so that next call to "GetMessages()" only occur after 3 seconds of completion of current $.post method. I have posted the code below.
var t;
function GetMessages() {
var LastMsgRec = $("#hdnLastMsgRec").val();
var RoomId = $("#hdnRoomId").val();
//Get all the messages associated with this roomId
$.post("/Chat/GetMessages", { roomId: RoomId, lastRecMsg: LastMsgRec }, function(Data) {
if (Data.LastMsgRec.length != 0)
if (Data.Messages.length != 0) {
if (Data.newUser.length != 0)
$("#messagesCont").attr({ scrollTop: $("#messagesCont").attr("scrollHeight") - $('#messagesCont').height() });
$("#userListCont").attr({ scrollTop: $("#userListCont").attr("scrollHeight") - $('#userListCont').height() });
else {
t = setTimeout("GetMessages()", 3000);
}, "json");
I addition to that i also changed few things. As suggested by ignatandrei i placed $("#hdnLastMsgRec").val(Data.LastMsgRec); immediately after function(Data) {.
and also
as said by MikeSW i changed the data retrieval process. Previously i was extracting data on the basis of timespan(retrieve all the data associated with
this room id that has greater timespan than last data retrieved message timespan) but now i keep track of the messageid. Now i retrieve only those data that
has message id greater than last retrieved message id.
and guess what no repeataion and perfectly working chat application so far on my intranet.
I still got to see it's performance when deployed on internet.
i think it solved my problem.
i will still test the system and let u guys know if there is any problem.
By default $.post() caches the results
You can either call $.ajaxSetup ({ cache: false}); before JS GetMessages function call to ensure caching is disabled or change the $.post to $.ajax and set cache attribute to false. In the end $.post() is a short cut to this:
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: data,
success: success
dataType: dataType
