Accessing an app with homebutton from lockscreen - ios

I'm fairly new to developing iphone apps and wondering if it is possible to code an app so that user can access the app with homebutton from lockscreen.
For example multiple-taps or long press etc.
Is it possible? and if it is, how am I supposed to code it?

No, this isn't possible. There is no public API to access the home button.


How to access iphone's lockscreen and homescreen image in xCode?

I want to set the background of my app the same image as it is in the user's iphone lockscreen image, and also I would like to know how to access to homescreen image as well.
Thank you!
Short answer: you can't. Unless there's a public API, things outside your app are blocked.
I don't know of an API to access either of those things.

Can I redirect to launcher screen from iOs App?

I am a newbee in iOS app development, and trying to create a small app using Xcode. One of my views has button to close the app. When a user taps this button, then I have to redirect the user to the "launch screen".
But don't know how. Can anybody guide me?
First of all there is no way you can 'close' an app programmatically. The alternative solution is to force crash the app using the exit function.
you can use the code below:
Apple strongly discourages you to programmatically quit an iOS application. The standard way to move back to (redirect to) the Launcher screen (which by the way is Home screen for iOS) is when the user presses the Home button.
Calling exit(0), will not invoke the UIApplicationDelegate methods such as applicationWillTerminate: etc., and thus should not be used in general.
Reference of the Same can be found in Apple's Technical Q&A QA1561

Detect Home button long press event in background

How can I detect Home button long press like 4 second or more event in my app which is already running in background? Is it possible to so because app is already running in background and if user long press home button of the device for 4 second or more can i detect the event in my background running app and if possible than will Apple approve this for app store?
No that is not possible. As you should know, a long press on the home button brings up Siri. Your app would interfere with that. Also, I don't believe Apple allows access to the home button event like that.
Lastly; while your app is in the background, it goes into a suspend state after a short while and no events run. The only thing the app can do is receive push notifications - unless you have been given special access to audio / gps functions from Apple themselves.
Short answer : Not possible. not at least with public method and want your app to be on Appstore.
For the Research purpose, you might want to try use private method and do your R&D with it. it might be possible.

iOS7/iphone 5s home button tap API

So with this new fingerprint thing you only need to tap the home button and hold your finger for a few moments to unlock your phone. I was wondering if there's an API that lets us make use of the "Tap" functionality.
i.e. Let's say in my app, when the user taps the home button, my app does xyz.
Also, would it be possible for my app to read these taps when the screen is locked?
NOTE: By tap I do not mean pressing the button, just a tap, like when we unlock the iPhone 5s with the fingerprint scan.
I'm completely new to iOS development. So referencing libraries with links etc and basic tutorials might make things a bit clearer for me.
Nope. This API does not exist. File a feature request at I can't imagine that this will get implemented though, given the possibility of abuse.
No there is no public API for the Touch ID sensor... yet. And there may never be one.

Restrict iPad to only one application

I am developing an iPad application & I want to keep use only my application in iPad. User is not able to make any changes with Home button too.
I have tried same thing with "Guided Access". But, it will stop push notification also.
I have tried it with iPhone configuration Utility. But, I am not able to find any
restriction for Home button.
So, anyone have any idea how can I implement it?
You can't disable the Home button from the sandbox.You have to use the physical accessories to stop the Home button action, after opening your application.
