React Native Ad network wrappers - ios

Are there any ad network wrappers besides Google's Admob for React Native? Like Chartboost, Flurry or...well anything else in fact. I haven't found anything else in my searches so does that mean we can only use Admob?

Appodeal provides a react native integration now. You can choose react native framework when registering your app on appodeal
Appodeal now discontinues the support of their react-native wrapper
See here

I’ve been looking around on this topic too. And here is my take so far. Probably late for the original post. But it might be helpful for people who find this via search in the future (like me).
AdMob: Supported and verified
I managed to make this work. In terms of dependency, AdMob needs FireBase. But FireBase does not support React Native out of box. I used React-Native-Firebase to make it work.
FB Ads: Supported
I haven’t verified it myself. But it seems to be well documented. (And React Native being related to Facebook, I’d be surprised if it weren’t supported.)
Flurry: NOT supported
Flurry Analytics supports React Native but Flurry Ads do not. Below is message from their support team when I asked them about this.
"Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. We offer a React Native wrapper, however it does not currently support ads, only analytics. You can read more about it here: "
MoPub: Not really
I’ve found two React Native wrappers. One is old and no longer updated. (The authors seem to be actively monitoring the discussions and replying to queries. But they are no longer providing tech support.) And the other is very new and doesn’t seem to have enough documentation or evidence that it actually works.

as far as i know appodeal supports react native. + it provides access to facebook, avocarrot, inmobi, smaato, mopub and startapp alongside with openx and flurry for native ads.


IOS 14 Admob ads implementation App Tracking Transparency

I'm using Unity and Google Mobile Ads 8.7.0 to implement ads in my game. I've read Google Prepare for IOS here But confused where and how to implement the required source codes.
The file states that we should place -void requestIDFA in our XCODE project. Few videos on YouTube has placed the code in their AppDelagate.h script.
But Admobs SDK 8.7.0 dosent include an AppDelagate.h file. Where should I place the -void (requestIDFA) script from Google. Will anywhere suffice or must there be a specific place you implement it.
You're probably the one who asked me on my YouTube video, and I answered you.
However the simplest solution is to use the Unity package iOS 14 Advertising Support, you find it in the package manager.

Allow user to change App Icon in React Native

Apple specifies that users can change their icon to give a more personalised experience. See docs here:
My question is regarding using this functionality in React Native. Building an app in React Native is it possible to access this setAlternateIconName method and provide the user with alternate app icons? Does React Native provide a nice way to interact with this IOS method?
I am currently trying to build this out. This package seems designed to do what we both are looking for, but I haven't tried on anything that I have actually deployed yet.
use can use this module react-native-alternate-icons, it allows to access to setAlternateIconName method

Firebase analytics with Google Tag Manager in react native iOS application

I'm using the React Native firebase library for firebase analytics. I wanted to use Google Tag Manager also in my project for iOS application. Is there a way to integrate it into my project while I'm using react-native-firebase?
This link: gives me an explanation, but it will not work because react-native-firebase uses v5 of firebase library and Google Tag Manager uses v4 of the same library. I've also tried some third party libraries such as React Native analytics bridge, but no success, because it has poor documentation.
Since you have already configured Firebase in your React Native project, implementing GTM is not a big issue. I am using this package in my application. It works perfectly, just follow the link along with the extra steps for iOS.
Note :
Just install react-native-gtm using npm, do not link it.
And yes, there is no proper documentation related to Google Tag
Manager in React Native, most of the articles focus on Native
implementation alone.

Is GSDAppIndexing SDK required anymore?

It seems like for iOS 9+, Implementing Universal links (associated-domains, apple-app-site-associations) is enough for Google App indexing. The GSDAppIndexing pod (2.0.3) is not required anymore. Is that correct?
I ask because on the japanese product forum, a googler said that the SDK should be removed from the app.
Similarly, the firebase app-indexing setup page for iOS doesn't mention the SDK anymore and simply says to implement universal links.
Just need a confirmation.
Thank you for your question. GSDAppIndexing pod isn't required anymore. Implementing Universal Links is sufficient for Firebase App Indexing.

Facebook iOS SDK & backwards compatibility

I'm trying to wrap my head around this and figure out what would be the best approach:
I want to take advantage of all the new features that iOS 6.0 introduced in terms of interacting with facebook - this includes the built-in social framework that allows fast facebook SSO and native post dialogs. This is done fairly easily using the new Facebook iOS SDK v3.1.1.
The problem is that I also want my applications to be available for any non-iOS 6.0 adopters. This made me face a very ugly situation in which I need to create an elaborate social wrapper that would have to be compiled differently (with different FB SDKs) and to run separate code in order to support earlier iOS versions. Because a lot of the Facebook SDK already includes fallbacks and handles a lot of old, deprecated calls to the feed and dialog APIs, I figured that there must be a better way, while taking this in account, to create such a social wrapper.
I guess what I'm asking for here is any clue as to where to proceed from here. If anyone has ever tackled this issue (even in earlier versions of the SDK) I would be glad to know.
Thanks in advance
Weak linking is definitely the way to go here.
The 3.1.1 SDK can handle running on either iOS 5 or iOS 6, all you need to do is weak link the relevant frameworks in your build settings, and change the deployment traget to 5.0 (leaving the base sdk as 6.0).
Of course, you still need to handle the case when the native post dialog isn't available (You can use FBNAtiveDialogs' canPresentShareDialogWithSession: method) and use the SDK dialog instead.
