Why is this a ReadOnly record? - ruby-on-rails

So I am building an associated object through a main object like so:
item.associated_items.build({name: "Machine", color: "Grey"})
and then in another method calling item.save. However I am getting an ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord error. I read in the docs that
Records loaded through joins with piggy-back attributes will be marked as read only since they cannot be saved.
so I think that is what is happening here. But
I dont't know why that is happening. I have called save on an object with a new associated record before and had no problems.
What do the docs mean when they say "piggy-back attributes"?
Is there a way to make the save happen by doing something like item.associated_items.readonly(false).build(attributes). I tried that and it didnt work, but I'm hoping there is another way.
edit: I just tried
new_associated_item = AssociatedItem.new({attributes})
item.associated_items << new_associated_item
and the later method calls
and the read only exception still happens.
edit2: MurifoX asked me about how Item is being loaded. The above code is happening in a couple of service objects. The process is
owner = Owner.includes(:medallions).references(:medallions).find_by_id(params[:id])
creator = NoticeCreator.new(owner)
def initialize #effectively
medallion_notice_creators = []
owner.medallions.some_medallion_scope.each do |medallion|
medallion_notice_creator = MedallionNoticeCreator.new(medallion)
medallion_notice_creators << medallion_notice_creator
later after looping through the medallion notice creators
def prepare
medallion_notice_creators.each do |medallion_notice_creator|
Apologies if the code seems convoluted. There is a bunch of stuff going on and I'm trying to condense the code and anonymize it.

Objects created with joins or includes, which is your case, are marked read-only because you are making a giant query with joins and stuff and preloading nested objects within your main one. (ActiveRecord can become confused with so many attributes and don't know how to build the main object, so it marks readonly on it.)
As you have noticed, this won't happen if you create you object with a simple find, as the only attributes received from the query are from the object itself.
I don't know why you are eager loading all of this associations, maybe it is from some rule in your code, but you should try to create a simple owner object using Owner.find(params[:id]), and lazy loading the associations when needed, so this way you can build nested associations on the simple object and save them.


Rails + MongoDB not returning all documents in collection

I need all the documents in one of my collections to create association in between my parent model to child. The problem is I only have the string of my ObjectId. So I am finding the object by string and then set via parent.child = foundObject. So, to achieve this I created a private method as below, to not to create DB request each time I need that child object.
def childs
#childs ||= Child.all
But this is not working as expected. When I run ModelName.all it returns below result; not all the docs in collection.
selector: {}
options: {}
class: ModelName
embedded: false>
And this causes my loop to create another DB request each time I try to associate child to parent. I prevent this by using below method.
def childs
#childs ||= Child.all.select { |v| v.id.present? }
I believe there should be a way of collecting all documents in MongoDB, I know the idea of Mongoid::Criteria and what it actually does. But in some case, I need all the objects to be stored in one variable. Do not want to create unwanted DB queries each time I need one specific document in a model.
I could not find a way to solve this specific problem and I think it's kind of impossible since MongoDB is not a relational DB It's quite hard to collect information at the same time with querying. What I used is "MongoDB views" and this solved a lot. Here is the docs. There you can read and find yourself an approach to figure out your own problem.

Rails - Returning all records for who a method returns true

I have a method:
class Role
def currently_active
klass = roleable_type.constantize
actor = Person.find(role_actor_id)
parent = klass.find(roleable_id)
return true if parent.current_membership?
I would like to return all instances of Role for who this method is true, however can't iterate through them with all.each as this takes around 20 seconds. I'm trying to use where statements, however they rely on an attribute of the model rather than a method:
Role.where(currently_active: true)
This obviously throws an error as there is no attribute called currently_active. How can I perform this query the most efficient way possible, and if possible using Active Records rather than arrays?
Thanks in advance
It seems impossible, in your case you have to do iterations. I think the best solution is to add a Boolean column in your table, so you can filter by query and this will be much faster.
After seeing your method after edit, it seems that it's not slow because of the loop, it is slow because Person.find and klass.find , you are doing alot of queries and database read here. (You better use associations and do some kind of eager loading, it will be much faster)
Another work-around is you can use ActiveModelSerializers , in the serializer you can get the attributes on the object based on condition. and after that you can work your logic to neglect the objects that have some kind of flag or attribute.
See here the documentation of active model serializer
Conditional attributes in Active Model Serializers
Wherever possible you better delegate your methods to SQL through activerecord when you're seeking better efficiency and speed and avoid iterating through objects in ruby to apply the method. I understand this is an old question but still many might get the wrong idea.
There is not enough information on current_membership? methods on associations but here's an example based on some guess-work from me:
roleables = roleable_type.pluralize
roleable_type_sym = roleable_type.to_sym
Role.joins(roleables_sym).where(" ? BETWEEN #{roleables}.membership_start_date AND #{roleables}.membership_end_date", DateTime.current).or(Role.joins(:person).where(" ? BETWEEN persons.membership_start_date AND persons.membership_end_date", DateTime.current))
so you might have to re-implement the method you have written in the model in SQL to improve efficiency and speed.
Try the select method: https://www.rubyguides.com/2019/04/ruby-select-method/
Role.all.select { |r| r.currently_active? }
The above can be shortened to Role.select(&:currently_active?)

Grails: Do addTo* and removeFrom* require a call to save?

In the docs some examples have a call to save whereas some others do not. I'm assuming that addTo* needs the call to save whereas removeFrom* doesn't. Am I mistaken?
Neither needs a call to save() in most contexts. What you're seeing in the "some examples" link is a save to the main domain object Author, which gets persisted first, and then the other properties will make it in the database with a proper id to link back to. For example, these two snippets are equivalent as far as persistence is concerned:
def a = new Author(name: "Stephen King")
def a = new Author(name: "Stephen King").save()
Sometimes, a save(flush:true) operation is needed if you're after an id for further dependent operations, otherwise it is not necessary.
To test, open two browsers, on one do your app clicking, on the other watch your .../dbconsole - persistence is prompt without the need for explicit saving.

Can't access one model's instance variables from another model) (self.ruby)

I have two models, Draft and Pick. Draft creates an array of available Players in an instance variable named 'available_players'. This is done using the 'before_save' callback. The callback runs the instance method 'start' which in turn runs 'set_active_players'. I've tested all of this in my Draft_spec and I have no problems loading players and having them returned in the available_players array. All my draft specs pass.
The problem is that when I try to access the 'available_players' instance variable from Pick.rb, it returns nil. If I call 'draft.start' (the instance method that should run before Draft.rb saves), I can suddenly access the 'available_players' array... it's like the Draft object is not creating the available_players array even though I have the before_save method in place.
Here is the code that fails inside of Pick.rb:
def available_players_returns_nil
Here is the code that works inside of Pick.rb:
def available_players_working
I don't want to have to call start every time I call the method because available_players should not need to reload ALL Players. Please help me access available_players!
Links: failing Pick specs, Pick.rb
I should add that #draft_object is found using
#draft_object = Draft.find(self.draft_id)
For a start, this is wrong:
#draft_object = Draft.find(self.draft_id)
You have an association set up, so use it. You can simply use draft within your Pick object to access the Draft it belongs to. No need to assign it to an instance variable called #draft_object.
Same story with player.
Incidentally, your set_available_players method in Draft is just looping through all of the players and adding them to an instance variable. Why are you doing this? Why don't you simply grab the players directly if you need them in Pick? Like this:
#players = Player.all
Also ... I'm somewhat concerned that pretty much all of your tests are commented out. I hope that's not by design?

RoR - how can I refer to 'old' self object when self's context changes inside a method

My rails app has Podcast and Track models. Podcasts have many Tracks, Tracks belong to Podcasts.
Here's the boring background info:
We upload our audio files to mixcloud. For each show they host, they provide a json representation in addition the standard html version. Our app gets and parses this json feed and uses the returned data to set attributes on the Podcast object being created.
We can also use the feed to get the names of all Tracks belonging to this Podcast, and then create those Tracks in our database while we are creating the Podcast.
The code more or less works, but it fails to set :podcast_id on any of the new tracks:
before_validation :create_tracks
def create_tracks
# get json feed for podcast which is hosted hosted on mixcloud.com
json = a_method_that_gets_and_parses_json(self.json_url)
json.sections.each do |section|
if section.section_type=="track"
# track.name IS being set, but podcast_id is NOT being set, it is always null
Track.create(:name=>section.track.name, :podcast_id=>self.id)
I realise that the problem is being caused by the fact that the context of self changes when we use it inside the Track.create method. It no longer refers the Podcast as it does when we return self.json_url outside the .each loop.
So if I can't use self here, how can I pass the id of the current podcast to the Track.create method? I've tried setting variables outside and inside the method but nothing seems to work here. For the record, the tracks are being created, their names are being set correctly, just the podcast_id that I can't seem to set.
The context of self is not going to be changing here. It will still be the same Podcast object that you have.
The problem is that you are calling this method before_validation which happens before the object is saved and therefore before the object is given an id. You probably want to call this after_create rather than before_validation, as that's when the object's ID will have been assigned.
