How to include config transform files in web application filesystem publish output -

I've been pulling my hair out on this for a while now. I'm trying to implement a continuous integration and deployment pipeline using TeamCity and Octopus Deploy. I am 99% there, except for one problem. I am using the standard msbuild runner of teamcity, configured to use the version 12 of msbuild.
I need to include the web.config transforms in the published output so they can be packaged into a nuget package for octopus deploy. I do not want the transforms to be applied by msbuild.
I am not using Octopack to create packages. I'm using the built-in teamcity nuget packager. So I'm publishing the website to a filesystem folder and then creating the package from the files in this folder. However, no matter what I do I cannot get msbuild to include the web.config transform files in the publish (I am using Octopus Deploy to perform the transforms, so I don't want msbuild to perform them).
I have verified that all the transform files (Web.Release.config, etc..) are marked as "Content". I have NOT marked them to copy always, because doing this copies them to the bin folder, not the root folder where they belong.
I have removed the /p:Configuration= property from the msbuild command line as I've read that is required for transforms to be applied. my parameters to msbuild look like this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=Deployment
There is nothing in the publish profile that seems to relate to transforms. The publish profile contains the filesystem location to publish to.
Any suggestions here?
Note: I've given up and found a different solution, but I'm leaving this open in case anyone has any input.

You could create a custom .nuspec file and reference the files that you want to include from there.
My suggestion would be to have the .nuspec file in the same directory as the web.config / web.release.config files, and make the paths relative from there.
So if you publish to a directory called /output you could use rules like this
<file src="*.config" target="\" />
<file src="publish\*.*" target="\" />
So nuget pack nuspecPath would become the way to pack the project
NuSpec Reference
Hope this helps


TFS NuGet Installer build step not working

I'm trying to configure an automated build of a project that has a NuGet package reference, but I'm not having any luck. (FYI I'm still pretty wet behind the ears with all of this, so please provide simple steps and/or configurations.)
Note: this isn't a duplicate of other similar questions, as I'm using a central package repository. Other similar questions make no mention of this important detail, so they should be assumed to not be relevant.
The build runs fine without the reference. I added Newtonsoft.Json and bound to it by including this simple construct:
Dim eHandling As Newtonsoft.Json.ConstructorHandling
eHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ConstructorHandling.Default
I checked it in and the build started, but NuGet hadn't first copied the assembly to my application's bin folder. It did, however, copy it to here:
Restoring NuGet package Newtonsoft.Json.9.0.1.
Adding package 'Newtonsoft.Json.9.0.1' to folder 'C:\Agent\_work\1\s\packages'
Naturally the build failed, as it couldn't find the dependency.
It's worth noting that I'm using a central package repository on my dev machine:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="D:\Dev\Packages" />
I'd like to emulate this behavior on the server as well, e.g. C:\Packages\*\*.nupkg.
I tried using the standard %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config file, but the build ignores it. I tried the advice in this answer (using repositoryPath instead of packageSources as shown there), but that causes the server to hang until I restart the VSO Agent service. Thinking it might be a permissions issue, I reconfigured the agent to run under the user account associated with the %AppData% location of NuGet.config. Still no luck. No build.
How can I get NuGet to download and populate the central package repository on the server and then copy the appropriate dependencies to the application bin folder prior to running the build step?
Update: Apparently something's working, as I now have a C:\Packages\Newtonsoft.Json.9.0.1 folder on the server. However, the assembly still isn't being copied to the application bin folder prior to build. Same result. Failed build.
OK, I'm getting closer. I created a D: drive on the server and set the local repositoryPath value to D:\Dev\Packages, the same as it is on my dev machine. The build is still failing, but a quick look at the project XML reveals this:
<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
How to deal with that relative path? That should fix it, yes?
OK, that worked. I edited the project and changed HintPath to
I now have a successful build.
But this is going to get real tedious real fast. Surely I'm not going to have to do this for every single NuGet reference in every single project, past present and future... am I?
OK, got it.
As long as the repositoryPath folder on the server is the same number of levels deep as on our dev machine—in relation to the folder in which the Build Agent puts the project file—we can put it anywhere we want and retain the relative HintPath value in the project file.
For example, in my case I ended up setting the server location to C:\Agent\Build\Packages, to match the hierarchical location of the local Git repos on my dev machine:
Works great.
Just to clarify, the action of copying the assembly from the package folder to the application bin folder isn't a NuGet action. It's an MsBuild action (i.e. the CopyLocal setting in the project's assembly reference properties).
The reason it was failing was that MsBuild couldn't find the assembly to copy, according to its relative reference as specified in the project file.
So technically my question title is incorrect. The NuGet Installer step has been working fine all along.

MSBuild not copying files with PublishProfile

I have a Visual Studio 2013 solution with the full Orchard source code. When I use "Publish..." on the "Orchard.Web" project in Visual Studio, it correctly publishes the site to the File System destination I've configured into the .PubXml file that I used.
However, if I build this site using Jenkins, the files do not get copied to the destination. I've created a separate PubXml file that is used by Jenkins.
In my Jenkins job, I have two Build steps of interest. The first uses the src\Orchard.sln file with a command line argument of /p:Configuration=Release. This runs correctly, and builds the entire solution.
The second Build step, immediately after, uses the Build File of src\Orchard.Web\Orchard.Web.csproj and these command line arguments:
With this, the build and deploy seems to work - but doesn't. Here are some lines from the build output:
Copying all files to temporary location below for package/publish:
Auto ConnectionString Transformed obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\Shapes\Scripts\Web.config into obj\Release\CSAutoParameterize\transformed\Shapes\Scripts\Web.config.
(... about 200 more "Auto ConnectionString..." lines...)
Finished: SUCCESS
No where does it actually copy the files to the destination defined in the PUBXML file.
In contrast, in Visual Studio, the output looks similar, but transforms only 4 config files and includes lots of "Publishing folder x" lines:
Transformed Modules\SH.GoogleAnalytics\web.config using ....
Copying all files to temporary location below for package/publish:
Publishing folder /...
Publishing folder bin...
(I have installed the latest Windows Azure SDK for .NET on the Jenkins server.)
I have the same trouble,that work for me:
do not use /p:VisualStudioVersion=xxx
This is kind of old, but I actually just set up Orchard to be able to get built via command line and MSBuild. Here is what I did:
/p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0;PublishProfile="example-profile";DeployProjA=true;FrameworkPathOverride="C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v4.5";Configuration=Release;PublishProfileRootFolder=c:\Workspace\src\Orchard.Web\Properties\PublishProfiles;Password=ExamplePass
Since you are using Orchard you want to make sure that only the Orchard.Web project gets published so do not use DeployOnBuild=true. This will attempt to deploy every web project in the solution, which is a lot for Orchard. Instead follow the guidelines here to see how to deploy only the web project:

Xml file transforms using One-click publish, but not Web Deploy

I have two different ways to deploy my web app - one via IIS Web Deploy, hooked up via MSBuild arguments in a custom build template, and using the One-click publish built into Visual Studio. I have also installed the Slow Cheetah transforms, and can successfully transform Web.config files.
However, I'm stuck on the Nlog.config files. If I use One-click publish, the webapp deploys fine with the updated config file. However, using the actual build process, nothing gets transformed. The source Nlog.config file is copied to the drop locations, the deployment package, and the output folder on the remote server.
The .csproj file has Nlog set up the same way as web.config, i.e.
<Content Include="NLog.config">
<Content Include="Web.config">
<Content Include="NLog.Debug.config">
The SlowCheetah preview function lets me know that my transform files are well-formed, as well. Not sure what I could be missing.
Well, I really biffed that one. After much poking, I found that I needed to include the following -
<Import Project="TransformsFiles.targets" />
right above the final Project tag, as Sayed mentions here. This will actually transform the files, but they still won't deploy successfully. I'll have to add in some post-build events or something to take care of that. Not the best solution, but it's working, at least.
UPDATE: Just for comprehension, to deploy the files, I had to edit the .csproj file to include a new target and dump them manually to the remote server, but only after the transformation had completed. Take a look at your log file to see what's going on, then just pick up the transformed file and move it to the remote server. That part of the code looks like this -
<Target Name="PostTransformNLogConfig" AfterTargets="TransformAllFiles">
<Copy Condition="Exists('d:\Builds\Binaries\NLog.config' )"
DestinationFiles="\\remoteserver\NLog.config" />

Overriding the PostBuildEvent in TFSBuild.proj

I'm using currently VS 2010 and TFS 2008. In one of our solutions we have a .csproj file with the following:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<TransformXml Source="..\..\..\ProjectX\ProjectXWebSite\ProjectXWebSite\Web.config" Transform="..\..\..\ProjectX\ProjectXWebSite\ProjectXWebSite\Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="..\..\..\ProjectX\ProjectXWebSite\ProjectXWebSite\Web.$(Configuration).config.transformed" />
<PostBuildEvent>xcopy "C:\Source\Projects\ProjectX\ProjectXWebSite\ProjectXWebSite\Web.$(Configuration).config.transformed" "C:\Source\Projects\ProjectX\ProjectXWebSite\ProjectXWebSite\Web.config" /R /Y</PostBuildEvent>
This works fine when building locally, but TFS is failing when it reaches <PostBuildEvent>, because this path is not available on the build machine. How can I get TFS to either skip the entire "BeforeBuild" or just set the <PostBuildEvent> to an empty string, so that the build will work successfully when built locally in VS2010 and via TFS 2008? I've tried within TFSBuild.proj to set <Target Name="BeforeBuild" />, but this doesn't work.
I'd recommend against using absolute pathnames in your projects - relative paths will make them relocatable and headaches like this will disappear.
i.e. In the post-build xcopy, just change C:\Source\Projects\ProjectX to ..\..\..\ProjectX
(You can't rely on always being able to put your code on C: - I've had to move my code from C: to D: or E: due to lack of disk space or installation of a new drive on several occasions, and using relative paths has made this process very easy. It's also very handy at times to be able to have multiple copies (different versions or branches) of your source code on your PC at once and still be able to build them all)

Is it possible to access files stored in TFS’s source control from the TFSBuild.proj file before the “Get” build task?

I’m using a few custom MSBuild tasks that are checked into source control. I would like to import these tasks into my TFSBuild.proj file that TFS uses to build the project. Right now I have created a 2nd project file that includes all of the uses of these custom tasks. I do this because I can run this project file after the workspace has been created and the files have been downloaded.
Is there a way to reference the files on the server from the build project so that I don’t have to do this 2 step process?
I wish the following would work.
<Import Project="$/My/Server/Path/Custom.tasks.targets" />
This question is related to another question. In my case the tasks are checked into source control so that the build machines don't have another required install. Placing the tasks locally doesn't work very well in this case.
If you put the tasks and the .targets file(s) in the same version control folder as your TFSBuild.proj file (or in a sub-directory beneath it), TFS Build will download all of that content to your build agent prior to kicking off your build script.
