MVC Area using multiple solution -

I am using below link to devide Area into multiple application.
Where, we create Area folder in one project and we provide the actual implementation in another project, which itself is created in the same path where Area folder lies in first application.
Our requirement is to create Areas in altogether different solution instead of a different project
I tried the same but it does not seems to be working.
Is it possible to create Areas in separate solution and call the views of that area from main MVC web application which has the Area folder?
Has anyone came across such situation?


MVC project structuring

I have been looking for an solution for structuring my MVC5 project, but have not found anything yet.
What i look for is. I have an Main Website, which off-course has it's own Views, Scripts and Controllers, but what is special is that i like to have sub Website projects which add an menu point in the main page, but the sub website also contains it's own Views, scripts and Controllers( I have tried to draw a picture of what i'm talking about ).
The point of this is to have an structured in a easy way. But also to reuse the same views in a framework way.
You should be able to define an area in another project, found an article that explains in detail how it is done in MVC3, it should not be very different in later versions since areas and routing haven't changed a lot.
Update: you do not actually need to set up the project in the Areas folder, but you need to copy all content like views and scripts/css into there before being able to use it in the main application.
If you want these sites to actually be separate websites but only look similar, then that is what you'd need to set up. You'd probably want to decide on a single-sign-on scheme for that.

Organizing Areas in ASP.Net MVC 5

Get ready for yet another elementary question from me...I think I have a grasp on the Area concept in a MVC site, but I would like to organize them even further, could I either move them to an external project (with controllers, views, scripts, styles) or create sub-folders within the Area folder?
Reason I'm asking is that I have tried to create a folder under Areas and called it Common, then created an area inside that folder and called it MyTest. When I attempt to browse to, it fails.
You should try to go the usual way and use areas as a subfolder of the Areas ASP.NET root folder. The only reason why your URL would fail is that your AreaRegistration file is not properly registering your route. You can check out Glimpse as a way to debug routes or simply look at the files and try to figure it out your self. Keep in mind that ASP.NET automatically look for classes that inherit from AreaRegistration and use them to register routes that are specific to your area. If your routes seem to be configured properly, make sure your controllers are in namespaces that are visible to the route.
If you want to isolate the areas (with the controllers models and views) into separate projets, you should look into creating your own VirtualPathProvider, because that's the only way for your views to be located. However, they would have to be Embedded Resource and couldn't be debuuged. Your area, if located in a separate DLL, would be automatically registered and your controllers would be automatically found as long as the DLL is in the main application Bin folder.

ASP.NET MVC 3 Structure - Go to view in another project

I've got the following project setup
Project A (main)
View ( mvc 3 project)
Project N
View ( mvc 3 project)
How can I call from Project A the View in Project N and from N back to A. Essentially what I'm trying to do is package each Project N to have its own individual MVC as it comes from different sources and plug it in to the main project and then just have it navigate to the correct view.
Can this be done? Or is there a better way to do this?
You could write a custom virtual path provider. Here's a nice blog post which shows an example of such a virtual path provider allowing you to embed Razor views into assemblies as resources and reusing them in multiple applications.
Unfortunately without a custom virtual path provider, you cannot cross reference views between multiple ASP.NET MVC applications. This simply is not allowed by the default provider which looks for views only inside the current application.
I do sugest another approach if possible. if I understood correctly, those projects are somehow ike plugins but they are not standalone applications.Also they now about each others so they are coupled. It's, let's say tricky, but I would use only 1 mvc project (the web ui). All the UI bits which belong to other projects I'd make them helpers (pretty much widgets). This means, that each project contains only the helpers which will be used to construct a view.
I think it's a bit of an architectural problem if you only want to keep the views in each project just for the sake of hosting them in a different assembly. Going the widgets' way it might seem mkore work, but I think you gain the most control and the separation level you want. The only thing is you don't have full Views defined, but why you would want to have full Views (partials, layouts) in separate places if they will be used in one place only?!
Now, if each project is indeed a plugin, independent of other plugins, then going with compiled views is the best way. But if Project B knows about the view of Project N, then I think the above solution is more suitable. That or the whole app is too over engineered. Separation is good when it doesn't create a whole new jungle to navigate it.

Is it possible to create an Area within an Area?

Assuming I have to insert another MVC Project A with Area(s) into another MVC Project B. Which means I have to create an Area in MVC project B and insert the files with Area from MVC Project A
AFAIK nested areas are not supported. If you need that you might consider splitting your application into 2 separate applications. And inside the Admin application use areas.

How to seperate MVC project to several smaller MVC projects

I have an MVC 3 app that has some core functionality (most important is autorisation) but mainly serves as a portal to different areas or modules. I want to organize thit to different modules that with minor changes also can be deployed as their own website.
The project consists of a Forum, Blog engine, Messaging between users + 4-5 upcoming modules.
I looked at ScottGu's blog about MVC 2 and found something that seemed perfect:
Depending og what the customer need I want to only give them the exact modules they can use. It is also easier from a maintainence view to be able to work and update referencd assemblies in each project and just do a full update for the customers that have that spesific module on their server.
But in MVC 3 there is no apparent way to use Areas this way, do you know how?
I will try to add MVCContrib Portable areas to my existing solution and convert my areas ower and will post back the results. If it works I will mark it as the accepted solution.
MVCContrib has portable areas.
This is possible in MVC3:
Right click on the shell project and "Add Area...". Type in the area name. This will create an Areas folder with your area in it. (This is not 100% needed but you do need the "Areas" folder and you can steal the XXXXAreaRegistration class for your application.)
Create a new MVC3 empty project in your solution to match your area. Move the XXXXAreaRegistration.cs file from the shell mvc project to the new project and adjust the namespace as applicable. (Or you can manually create an area registration class, it's a pretty simple class. Just use the Add area template generated one as an example.)
Edit the routes in the AreaRegistration folder as needed.
Delete the folder under the areas folder that the template wizard added.
Modify the web.config of the new project and take out the connection strings and the authentication, membership, profile, rolemanger sections. You will not need to deploy this web.config but the razor intellisense doesn't work without it during dev time.
Delete the global.asax file from the area's project or you will get extra default routes.
Create a virtual directory in the "Areas" folder of the shell project with the name of your area as the alias and point it to your "area" project. You will need to use IIS or IIS Express for this. I use IIS. For IIS Express you can use the appcmd.exe in the IIS Express folder or you can edit the applciationhost.config file.
