Based on the user credential load the module in ios? - ios

I have created one school based application in that 3 different modules are there.teacher module, parent module and student module.
Now the problem is like memory of the application is more bec i have integrated 3 modules in single app it self.
Is it possible while launching the app we are asking the "who iam?", after selecting the user then we can download only that module.Remaining thing we can keep it in suspend mode.I don't think so this will work.My client wants the app size less.
if anyone knows please help me.

You can use On-Demand Resources Guide
App Thinning is new feature available from XCode 7. You can refer this for more detail
Using this your app will have only those resources which are required for initial time late you can get resources base on your module using on-demand resources.
This will helpful to optimize your app size.


Creating my own sdk to be used with other iOS apps

I have released an app in app-store. It shows the visual IVR navigation sequence of different customer care and connects the call to appropriate option. The first screen is collectionView where it shows all the customer cares. On selecting any customer care it opens visual Ivr navigation sequence for that customer care. Now I want to build it as a SDK which can be integrated with other iOS apps.
For e.g.:
Suppose ICICI bank wants to integrate it with their app.So I want to build it in a way such that they can easily integrate it in their app as a SDK. Also instead of showing all the customer care, it will just show the visual ivr navigation sequence of ICICI bank only.
Any help will be appreciated.
I suggest you create a libraries .a more than an SDK as the MVC structure used by the bank app may be complex and hence a isolated control and interfaces to use the features will be more helpful.
Lets say in your above example you can expose features like
1) Configuring the amount of services for call centers
2) CRUD Feature for the services exposed.
3) Delegates and Protocol methods for callbacks and datasource handling.
4) Execution reports and analytics, etc...many more things you can expose and keep library growing.
Hope that answers your question.

Anonymous contact form iOS app

I currently work at a school and have an idea to create an app that allows students to contact a grown up (for example, the principle) anonymously through an app. The app would quite simply consist of a contact form. I am trying to find out the best, and easiest way to achieve this without setting up servers with a separate API. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to achieve it? Is there any way to set up an e-mail form with a pre set recipient and a built in sender-account? Please guide me in the right direction.
You would need to implement an SMTP client. You can use open source code like skpsmtpmessage
It's likely that their example app could be your solution.
Your biggest problem will be the deployment. You definitely need to pay an $99/y developer account and add all the students device ID's to your account (with a maximum of 100 devices/y) or register all of them as beta tester (I don't know the limitations).
Probably this isn't doable so easily, as it seems you don't have iOS developing experience so far. Maybe you can find something on the app store that works with self hosted databases. But you definitely need to host some kind of webApp/API.
You may want to give Appygram a try to handle the back-end if you are able to set up the contact form itself. While it's a separate hosted API, at least you don't have to build/manage it.
Appygram is a free web service that would allow you to configure all the details such as which adults could be contacted, their point(s) of contact (i.e. email address), and it would process and send all the submissions for you. All your app needs to do is send a form post request.
A nice thing about having this information outside of the iOS app itself is that you can change the contact details on the fly without requiring an update to the iOS app itself. Whether you use Appygram (which, since I contribute to it, I am slightly biased toward!) or something similar, I would say that since this is for students, I would recommend a solution that would allow you to update your configuration without requiring app updates.
Finally, I'd second what Julian said. The challenge here could be with deployment. One possible alternative would be to make this a mobile-friendly web page accessible only via student login or on the school network (or both). Would probably be easier development-wise and wouldn't require installs nor the hurdles that Julian described with device registration, etc. And, Appygram would still work with this setup as well.
Good luck!

Is it possible for dynamic branding of the application

I have the application that will connect to different servers. Each server is like different client and I want my app to look different (as far as I can) depending on which server it is connected to. I thought that I can have a ZIP that on handshake will be returned from destination server and use details from it e.g. Images, settings etc.
Is it possible, if so what is the limit?
I'm thinking about the images for logo etc. and some color lists that I can then use with fallback to defaults.
You can make all resources (images, string files, NIBs, storyboard...) be downloaded from the client server.
Also, there are several project developed exactly for dynamic design using CSS-like mechanisms:
There are some project to run Javascript as well. This may allow you customise some business logic.
So, yes. It's possible, but you'll find some limitation, like the root view controller, the app delegate, etc.. You'll have to be creative.
I've never done something similar, so I can help any further then this.
It's possible for almost all elements of the application except:
Application name
Application icons
Application splash
Those 3 items are bundled into application and can't be changed in runtime.
Rest of the items have so called appearance selectors that can be used to implement dynamic branding.
It is definitely possible, as I have worked on an App like this myself. We did it basically the same way you described. On startup the user selects a server to connect to and we download a zip file that contains all the assets for that client. After the download, the UI is loaded with the custom images. You can customize any UI element the system lets you, which is pretty much everything, except for minor details like the system StatusBar. You're gonna need some helper classes that make your life easier and support methods like, for example, [UIButton themedButtonWithImage:].
Well, it's possible — in one extreme, you could have an app which consists entirely of a UIWebView (plus some mechanism for selecting which server the app is talking to) that gets almost all it's content from the server.
There are performance considerations if you do (internet connection reliability, cost, and speed), and Apple may object to certain things being done on any app distributed through the app store, but assuming you follow their guidelines or distribute outside the store, the only limits that I know of are the app icon, the startup screen, and the app identifier, which have to be included in the bundle.

iOS phonegap app built mainly on AJAX calls

I am thinking about architecture of my new iOS app. I don't know how much of the parts of the app build as native parts of the app and how much dynamically loaded via AJAX calls.
For example admin area. I can create all the admin area as native part and load only data via AJAX. But If I want to add another form field later I will have to publish update of the application. I can avoid this by loading all the admin area via AJAX calls (not only data but also HTML structure). It would be very flexible. But it would increase amount of transferred data and I don't know if this is acceptable for Apple.
Is this structure of highly AJAX called app okey for Apple?
I think you don't need worry because my app has same structure than you, it loads some data via AJAX and I had no problems on App Store.
You actually can build an app like so, but this would result in a higher download for your users later on.
I agree that building an app in that way might be a solution to stop going past Apple for every update.
Kind regards,

iOS multi module application

Is it possible to create a business application (not public, like other public application in the app store) which will have a multiple dynamic modules, i don't want to keep this modules inside the app, instead i want to download it through network based on user role, save it on file system and load it dynamically, and for next time load it from file system. Is it possible also to use a In app purchase to take some fee for this module?
The iOS security model is designed to prevent you from executing code that was downloaded off the internet. Windows/Mac/Linux have had huge security problems because of their ability to execute any code presented to them, and iOS is designed from the ground up to prevent it.
Jail breaking completely disables all that security, and if you have an Enterprise developer account you'll be able to punch a few very small holes in it...
But generally, no — what you're trying to do is not possible unless the modules are written in javascript and executed by the built in WebKit engine.
You'll just need to compile it into the app. If you've got an enterprise account, then you can check for a new version on every launch and force the user to install the latest version before they can use it (create an xml file describing the new version and with a URL to the actual ipa file, tell the system to open the URL to the xml file, the user will be asked to confirm the app install, and then it will install itself).
With regard to in-app purchases, I don't think so. You'll just have to set a price low enough nobody will hesitate to buy it twice.
