Check if queue is empty using esql - middleware

I am writing a code to clear all the messages in the queue.
I am using a Compute and GET node for the purpose.
I want to loop through the messages while clearing each message and want the loop to stop when the queue is empty.
Please give me some suggestions for achieving this

The MQGet node has a no message output terminal, where the process routes in case there was no message on the queue.
So you could achieve your goal by connecting the Out terminal of the MQGet to the In terminal of your Compute node, and the No Message terminal of the MQGet to nothing or some other Compute if you want to do something more after getting all the messages.


erlang suppressing output from mnesia

I want to suppress the "informational" output from mnesia.
I.e. when I do
I get, on stdout:
New table foo
New table bar
I still want to keep all warnings and error on stdout. This is the only thing I want to redirect or disable.
Unfortunately there's no easy way to do this. Those messages are emitted unconditionally via io:format calls from within the mnesia source code, and the mnesia functions don't provide any options to control whether the messages are emitted or not.

What happen if i erased process dictionary of gen_server module?

I was playing with the process dictionary inside a gen_server module, i called get() function and i get something like this.
what happen if i erased the process dictionary, what would go wrong ?
i erased it and every thing worked fine, even
calling a function that generates an exception in the child_server the main_server still can get the exit signal.
$ancestors is used only in the initialization stage, to get the parent's PID, which is used to catch the EXIT message coming from the parent, so that the terminate stuff can get executed. Erasing this key when the server is up and running makes no difference.
$initial_call, on the other hand, is used in the crash report by proc_lib to dump the MFA info.
A quick grep in the OTP source tree can certainly help.
I think some debug functions may use process dictionary, for example erlang:process_info/2

Erlang tracing (collect data from processes only in my modules)

While tracing my modules using dbg, I encountered with the problem how to collect messages such as spawn, exit, register, unregister, link, unlink, getting_linked, getting_unlinked, which are allowed by erlang:trace, but only for those processes which were spawned from my modules directly?
As an examle I don't need to know which processes io module create, when i call io:format in some module function. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Short answer:
one way is to look at call messages followed by spawn messages.
Long answer:
I'm not an expert on dbg. The reason is that I've been using an (imho much better, safer and even handier) alternative: pan , from
The API is summarized in the html doc.
With pan:start you can trace specifying a callback module that receives all the trace messages. Then your callback module can process them, e.g. keep track of processes in ETS or a state data that is passed into every call.
The format of the trace messages is specified under pan:scan.
For examples of callback modules, you may look at src/cb_*.erl.
Now to your question:
With pan you can trace on process handling and calls in your favourit module like this:
pan:start({ip, CallbackModule}, Node, all, [procs,call], {Module}).
where Module is the name of your module (in this case: sptest)
Then the callback module (in this case: cb_write) can look at the spawn messages that follow a call message within the same process, e.g.:
32 - {call,{<6761.194.0>,{'fun',{shell,<node>}}},{sptest,run,[[97,97,97]]},{1332,247999,200771}}
33 - {spawn,{<6761.194.0>,{'fun',{shell,<node>}}},{{<6761.197.0>,{io,fwrite,2}},{io,fwrite,[[77,101,115,115,97,103,101,58,32,126,115,126,110],[[97,97,97]]]}},{1332,247999,200805}}
As pan is also using the same tracing back end as dbg, the trace messages (and the information) can be collected using the Erlang trace BIF-s as well, but pan is much more secure.

when you call io:format in common_test, where does it go?

io:format calls in common_test modules don't come to the user console, although error_log messages do. I can't figure out where io:format calls DO go, either. Running ack in my repo on relevant strings turns up nothing. Does anyone know where they go?
Define {logdir, "logs"}. in your spec and then the io:format goes to the log. It is done by setting the group_leader via erlang:group_leader/2 to capture the IO output from your tests.
The actual output is underneath the respective test case in the log output of that test case. logs/index.html is your starting point to peruse.
Finally, it is somewhat loosely documented in section 6.9.

Ant output to 2 different sources?

I'm running Ant with output fed to a log file:
ant -logfile file.txt target-name
I'd also like to print some simple progress information to the console though. The answer seems to be a BuildEvent listener that writes to the console every time a new target is hit, but the documentation explicitly states:
A listener must not access System.out and System.err directly since ouput on these streams is redirected by Ant's core to the build event system.
Did I miss something? Is there a way to do this?
Ant replaces the System.out & System.err streams to remap messages printed there through it's own logging system.
That said, you can still get access to the ACTUAL OS streams by using
Actually, the answer is Log4jListener.
There is a sample log4j configuration for logging into both console and file shown in the above link. You can then use an <echo> task with an appropriate level parameter to selectively decide what gets printed to console.
Thanks for the answers! I'm slow, but this is still something that I'd like to get right.
I've managed to get something working more or less like I want using carej's suggested approach with the stream and an Ant scriptdef like this:
<scriptdef name="progress-text" language="javascript" >
output = new
Now I'm just left wondering how wize is this approach? Is there inherit risk in using the underlying OS streams directly?
2 Points which might be useful to anyone else with a similar question:
This article has a very good description of the Ant I/O system:
java.lang.System does something very similar to set System.out and System.err in the first place.
All of this gave me a little more confidence in this approach.
