Where is the http api for eventstore 3.6? - eventstoredb

Is there a link to the http endpoints for eventstore 3.6?
I was looking through the documentation provided on the site, bu I can't seem to find it.

Not sure what you mean by http endpoints, but the API does not change that much from version to version as everything is the same as before there, looking at http://docs.geteventstore.com/http-api/3.6.0/


Where can I find the correct HTTP endpoints for testing Google Ads API calls in Oauth2 Playground?

There are only a few RPC methods that include the HTTP reference endpoint in the reference documentation.
I got the Google Ads Service's Mutate method to work with
However, trying to call the Keyword Plan Idea service fails, reporting there is no such URL on the server:
I have tried it with and without the customers/{customer-id}, and with GET, POST, and even PUT. No luck.
Does anyone know the correct endpoint?
For generateKeywordIdeas, the URL endpoint is
This information is listed here: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/ads/googleads/v6/services/keyword_plan_idea_service.proto
Specifically, this code from that file:
rpc GenerateKeywordIdeas(GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest) returns (GenerateKeywordIdeaResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v6/customers/{customer_id=*}:generateKeywordIdeas"
body: "*"
You can find the endpoints for all other Google Ads services in this way, by going here: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/tree/master/google/ads/googleads/v6/services
However, this doesn't tell you the request payload format. For that, I suggest looking into their API clients, like this: https://github.com/googleads/google-ads-php/blob/master/examples/Planning/GenerateKeywordIdeas.php. You can run some of those examples and inspect the network to see how the request is structured.

What was the latest version of google-oauth2 updated?

We are using the following url for Google OAuth2 v3 now.
But, I confirmed version-up in the latest document(https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer).
What was changed?
If possible, we want to update it.
This is the third time i think i have seen them change them in the last five years. Exactly why they change them they never inform us. I would suspect that the new endpoints are OpenIDConnect compliant.
The old ones should continue to work for a while i have not heard anything about them shutting them down.
You can also check the Discovery document

Programatically get New Access Token for oAuth 2.0 in Postman

In Postman, I am able to successfully request a new token using the GUI. I'm wondering how to do this programatically. Or at least see the HTTP request that Postman is making. I've tried viewing it by monitoring the network traffic in Chrome, and with Wireshark, but without success. Thank you
well, OAuth2 is quite a big subject and you are not really providing a lot of details.
Postman is just a client, it creates requests based on the data you gave it so you don't need to monitor anything, you should know how you set it up and then simply mirror that in whatever language you want. Look at headers and post data specifically.
All I can do is point you to an extensive article I wrote on OAuth2, it shows a complete implementation, how to use Postman to create the correct requests and then how to write code which makes it all work.
If you don't use dot net, you can still understand all the concepts and it should be trivial to do the same thing using a different language.

Why am I receiving a 500 status when trying to connect with ASANA api?

I am using this example: https://github.com/ajimix/asana-api-php-class/blob/master/examples/oauth.php to learn how to use the asana's oauth. I already registered my app on the asana's developers webpage. But, when I get the asana's response with my 'redirect_url'?code=0%XXXXXXX, localhost gives me a 500 status. I don't know why, does anyone know how I can solve it?
I tried using the other examples in there: https://github.com/ajimix/asana-api-php-class/blob/master/examples/, but I wasn't able to make them run either, I always get a 500 status. I think that the problem must be in my server, but I don't how solve it. Maybe changing something on the .htaccess file, but I don't really know what to put in there.
If you're looking to use the Asana API from PHP may I recommend the official first-party client: https://github.com/Asana/php-asana
It also contains examples of how to use with OAuth and is officially supported by us at Asana :-)

iOS Gmail API: Timeout interval and RPC vs RESTful implementation

The Gmail iOS API under the hood appears to be creating 'POST' requested with a payload that specifies an action. So for example if I want to get a single message by ID, I would expect (at least since the documentation on the API specifies it) that I would create a GET request with the correct URL schema. Instead the Gmail iOS implementation does not and utilizes more of an RPC approach. Unfortunately this means all POST requests have a default timeout of 240 seconds and cannot be changed, apparently an iOS bug/weird implementation. I can create a timer and cancel the request but why not make the implementation RESTful?
Yes, this is a quark with the Google iOS client libraries in general--they do not follow the standard REST semantics of the APIs like all the other client libraries use. I imagine due to some limitation in iOS. In any case, https://code.google.com/p/google-api-objectivec-client/ would be the best place to read more about it, discuss and file bugs. (Not specific to the gmail-api.)
The library was written to create JSON-RPC requests because those have always supported a batch request model. A mechanism for batch REST requests was added much later to Google's JSON API servers.
The timeout issue on POSTs was resolved in iOS 6, according to discussions online like this.
The project site does have links to the library's discussion group and issue tracker.
