Canvas zoomIn/zoomOut: how to avoid loss of image quality? - image-processing

I have this code that I used for scaling images. To zoomIn and zoomOut is use the code scalePicture(1.10, drawingContext); and scalePicture(0.90, drawingContext);. I perform that operations on a off screen canvas and then copy the image back to the original screen.
I make use of the offscreen processing since the browser optimizes the image operations by using double buffering. I am still having the issue that when I zoomIn by around 400% and then zoomOut back to the original size, there is a significant loss of image quality.
I am not depending on the original image because the user can perform many operations such as clip, crop, rotate, annotate and I need to stack all the operations on the original image.
Can anyone throw some advice/suggestions around any means to preserve the quality of the image while not sacrificing the performance and quality.
scalePicture : function(scalePercent, operatingCanvasContext) {
var w = operatingCanvasContext.canvas.width,
h = operatingCanvasContext.canvas.height,
sw = w * scalePercent,
sh = h * scalePercent,
operatingCanvas = operatingCanvasContext.canvas;
var canvasPic = new Image();;
canvasPic.src = operatingCanvas.toDataURL();
operatingCanvasContext.clearRect (0,0, operatingCanvas.width, operatingCanvas.height);
operatingCanvasContext.translate(operatingCanvas.width/2, operatingCanvas.height/2);
canvasPic.onload = function () {
operatingCanvasContext.drawImage(canvasPic, -sw/2 , -sh/2 , sw, sh);
operatingCanvasContext.translate(-operatingCanvas.width/2, -operatingCanvas.height/2);

Canvas is draw and forget. There is no way to preserve original quality without referencing the original source.
I would suggest to reconstruct the recorded stack but using a transformation matrix for the changes in scale, rotation etc. Then apply the accumulated matrix on the original image. This will preserve the optimal quality as well as provide some gain in performance (as you only draw the last and current state).
Similar for clipping, calculate and merge the clipping regions using the same matrix and apply clip before drawing in the original image in the final step. And similar with text etc.
It's a bit too broad to show an example that does all these steps, but here is an example showing how to use accumulated matrix transforms on the original image preserving optimal quality. You can see that you can zoom in and out, rotate and the image will in each instance render at optimal quality.
Example of Concept
var ctx = c.getContext("2d"), img = new Image; // these lines just for demo init.
img.onload = demo;
ctx.fillText("Loading image...", 20, 20);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
img.src = "";
function demo() {
zin.onclick = zoomIn; // accumulates transform, but render
zout.onclick = zoomOut; // based on original image using.
zrot.onclick = rotate; // current transformation matrix
function render() {ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0)} // render original image
function zoomIn() {
ctx.translate(c.width * 0.5, c.height * 0.5); // pivot = center
ctx.scale(1.05, 1.05);
ctx.translate(-c.width * 0.5, -c.height * 0.5);
function zoomOut() {
ctx.translate(c.width * 0.5, c.height * 0.5);
ctx.scale(1/1.05, 1/1.05);
ctx.translate(-c.width * 0.5, -c.height * 0.5);
function rotate() {
ctx.translate(c.width * 0.5, c.height * 0.5);
ctx.translate(-c.width * 0.5, -c.height * 0.5);
<button id=zin>Zoom in</button>
<button id=zout>Zoom out</button>
<button id=zrot>Rotate</button><br>
<canvas id=c width=640 height=378></canvas>


JetPack Compose accompanist Pager lerp not found

I'm learning accompanist pager and I want to set effect on the pager.
I want to use the lerp method like the document
Modifier.graphicsLayer {
// Calculate the absolute offset for the current page from the
// scroll position. We use the absolute value which allows us
// to mirror any effects for both directions
val pageOffset =
// We animate the scaleX + scaleY, between 85% and 100%
start = 0.85f,
stop = 1f,
fraction = 1f - pageOffset.coerceIn(0f, 1f)).also { scale ->
scaleX = scale
scaleY = scale
// We animate the alpha, between 50% and 100%
alpha = lerp(
start = 0.5f,
stop = 1f,
fraction = 1f - pageOffset.coerceIn(0f, 1f)
but I can't find the right import for the lerp method for animating the scale like documentation.
any suggestions are welcome
I faced this issue. The issue solved after add this dependency:
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-util:$compose_version"

Draw permanently on PGraphics (Processing)

I would like to create a brush for drawing on a PGraphics element with Processing. I would like past brush strokes to be visible. However, since the PGraphics element is loaded every frame, previous brush strokes disappear immediatly.
My idea was then to create PGraphics pg in setup(), make a copy of it in void(), alter the original graphic pg and update the copy at every frame. This produces a NullPointerException, most likely because pg is defined locally in setup().
This is what I have got so far:
PGraphics pg;
PFont font;
void setup (){
font = createFont("Pano Bold Kopie.otf", 600);
size(800, 800, P2D);
pg = createGraphics(800, 800, P2D);
pg.translate(width/2, height/2-140);
pg.textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
pg.text("a", 0 , 0);
void draw () {
copy(pg, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height);
int c;
for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
My last idea, which I have not attempted to implement yet, is to append pixels which have been touched by the mouse to a list and to draw from this list each frame. But this seems quite complicated to me as it might result into super long arrays needing to be processed on top of the original image. So, I hope there is another way around!
EDIT: My goal is to create a smudge brush, hence a brush which kind of copies areas from one part of the image to other parts.
There's no need to manually copy pixels like that. The PGraphics class extends PImage, which means you can simply render it with image(pg,0,0); for example.
The other thing you could do is an old trick to fade the background: instead of clearing pixels completely you can render a sketch size slightly opaque rectangle with no stroke.
Here's a quick proof of concept based on your code:
PFont font;
PGraphics pg;
void setup (){
//font = createFont("Pano Bold Kopie.otf", 600);
font = createFont("Verdana",600);
size(800, 800, P2D);
// clear main background once
// prep fading background
// black fill with 10/255 transparnecy
pg = createGraphics(800, 800, P2D);
// leave the PGraphics instance transparent
pg.translate(width/2, height/2-140);
pg.textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
pg.text("a", 0 , 0);
void draw () {
// test with mouse pressed
// slowly fade/clear the background by drawing a slightly opaque rectangle
// don't clear the background, render the PGraphics layer directly
image(pg, mouseX - pg.width / 2, mouseY - pg.height / 2);
If you hold the mouse pressed you can see the fade effect.
(changing transparency to 10 to a higher value with make the fade quicker)
Update To create a smudge brush you can still sample pixels and then manipulate the read colours to some degree. There are many ways to implement a smudge effect based on what you want to achieve visually.
Here's a very rough proof of concept:
PFont font;
PGraphics pg;
int pressX;
int pressY;
void setup (){
//font = createFont("Pano Bold Kopie.otf", 600);
font = createFont("Verdana",600);
size(800, 800, P2D);
// clear main background once
// prep fading background
// black fill with 10/255 transparnecy
pg = createGraphics(800, 800, JAVA2D);
// leave the PGraphics instance transparent
pg.translate(width/2, height/2-140);
pg.textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
pg.text("a", 0 , 0);
void draw () {
void mousePressed(){
pressX = mouseX;
pressY = mouseY;
void mouseDragged(){
// sample the colour where mouse was pressed
color sample = pg.get(pressX,pressY);
// calculate the distance from where the "smudge" started to where it is
float distance = dist(pressX,pressY,mouseX,mouseY);
// map this distance to transparency so the further the distance the less smudge (e.g. short distance, high alpha, large distnace, small alpha)
float alpha = map(distance,0,30,255,0);
// map distance to "brush size"
float size = map(distance,0,30,30,0);
// extract r,g,b values
float r = red(sample);
float g = green(sample);
float b = blue(sample);
// set new r,g,b,a values
As the comments mention, one idea is to sample colour on press then use the sample colour and fade it as your drag away from the source area. This shows simply reading a single pixel. You may want to experiment with sampling/reading more pixels (e.g. a rectangle or ellipse).
Additionally, the code above isn't optimised.
A few things could be sped up a bit, like reading pixels, extracting colours, calculating distance, etc.
For example:
void mouseDragged(){
// sample the colour where mouse was pressed
color sample = pg.pixels[pressX + (pressY * pg.width)];
// calculate the distance from where the "smudge" started to where it is (can use manual distance squared if this is too slow)
float distance = dist(pressX,pressY,mouseX,mouseY);
// map this distance to transparency so the further the distance the less smudge (e.g. short distance, high alpha, large distnace, small alpha)
float alpha = map(distance,0,30,255,0);
// map distance to "brush size"
float size = map(distance,0,30,30,0);
// extract r,g,b values
int r = (sample >> 16) & 0xFF; // Like red(), but faster
int g = (sample >> 8) & 0xFF;
int b = sample & 0xFF;
// set new r,g,b,a values
The idea is to start simple with clear, readable code and only at the end, if needed look into optimisations.

Drawing SharpDX effects on bitmap is too slow, what am I doing wrong?

SO basically, I need performance. Currently in my job we use GDI+ graphics to draw bitmap. Gdi+ graphics contains a method called DrawImage(Bitmap,Points[]). That array contains 3 points and the rendered image result with a skew effect.
Here is an image of what is a skew effect :
Skew effect
At work, we need to render between 5000 and 6000 different images each single frame which takes ~ 80ms.
Now I thought of using SharpDX since it provides GPU accelerations. I use direct2D since all I need is in 2 dimensions. However, the only way I saw to reproduce a skew effect is the use the SharpDX.effects.Skew and calculate matrix to draw the initial bitmap with a skew effect ( I will provide the code below). The rendered image is exactly the same as GDI+ and it is what I want. The only problem is it takes 600-700ms to render the 5000-6000images.
Here is the code of my SharpDX :
To initiate device :
private void InitializeSharpDX()
swapchaindesc = new SwapChainDescription()
BufferCount = 2,
ModeDescription = new ModeDescription(this.Width, this.Height, new Rational(60, 1), Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm),
IsWindowed = true,
OutputHandle = this.Handle,
SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard,
Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput,
Flags = SwapChainFlags.None
SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreateWithSwapChain(DriverType.Hardware, DeviceCreationFlags.BgraSupport | DeviceCreationFlags.Debug, swapchaindesc, out device, out swapchain);
SharpDX.DXGI.Device dxgiDevice = device.QueryInterface<SharpDX.DXGI.Device>();
surface = swapchain.GetBackBuffer<Surface>(0);
factory = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory1(FactoryType.SingleThreaded, DebugLevel.Information);
d2device = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Device(factory, dxgiDevice);
d2deviceContext = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.DeviceContext(d2device, SharpDX.Direct2D1.DeviceContextOptions.EnableMultithreadedOptimizations);
bmpproperties = new BitmapProperties(new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Premultiplied),
96, 96);
d2deviceContext.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.Aliased;
bmp = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap(d2deviceContext, surface, bmpproperties);
d2deviceContext.Target = bmp;
And here is my code I use to recalculate every image positions each frame (each time I do a mouse zoom in or out, I asked for a redraw). You can see in the code two loop of 5945 images where I asked to draw the image. No effects takes 60ms and with effects, it takes up to 700ms as I mentionned before :
private void DrawSkew()
//draw skew effect to 5945 images using SharpDX (370ms)
for (int i = 0; i < 5945; i++)
AffineTransform2D effect = new AffineTransform2D(d2deviceContext);
PointF[] points = new PointF[3];
points[0] = new PointF(50, 50);
points[1] = new PointF(400, 40);
points[2] = new PointF(40, 400);
effect.SetInput(0, actualBmp, true);
float xAngle = (float)Math.Atan(((points[1].Y - points[0].Y) / (points[1].X - points[0].X)));
float yAngle = (float)Math.Atan(((points[2].X - points[0].X) / (points[2].Y - points[0].Y)));
Matrix3x2 Matrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
Matrix3x2.Skew(xAngle, yAngle, out Matrix);
Matrix.M11 = Matrix.M11 * (((points[1].X - points[0].X) + (points[2].X - points[0].X)) / actualBmp.Size.Width);
Matrix.M22 = Matrix.M22 * (((points[1].Y - points[0].Y) + (points[2].Y - points[0].Y)) / actualBmp.Size.Height);
effect.TransformMatrix = Matrix;
d2deviceContext.DrawImage(effect, new SharpDX.Vector2(points[0].X, points[0].Y));
//draw no effects, only actual bitmap 5945 times using SharpDX (60ms)
for (int i = 0; i < 5945; i++)
d2deviceContext.DrawBitmap(actualBmp, 1.0f, BitmapInterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor);
swapchain.Present(1, PresentFlags.None);
After benching a lot, I realized the line that make it really slow is :
d2deviceContext.DrawImage(effect, new SharpDX.Vector2(points[0].X, points[0].Y));
My guess is my code or my setup does not use GPU acceleration of SharpDX like it should and this is why the code is really slow. I would expect at least better performance from SharpDX than GDI+ for this kind of stuff.

Direct3D9 fullscreen app - deformed renderering

I have been hardly coding on a Direct3D9 based game. Everything went excellent util I hit a big problem. I created a class that wraps the process of loading a mesh from a .x file. I successfully loaded a cube with only one face visible. In theory, that face should look like a square but it is actually rendered as a rectangle. I am quite sure that there is something wrong with the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure. Down bellow are only the most important lines of my application's initialization.
First part to be created is the focus window:
HWND hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0UL, L"NewFrontiers3DWindowClass", Title.c_str(), WS_POPUP | WS_EX_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 1280, 1024, nullptr, (HMENU)false, hInstance, nullptr);
Then I fill out the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure.
SecureZeroMemory(&D3DMM, sizeof(D3DDISPLAYMODE));
if(FAILED(hr = Direct3D9->GetAdapterDisplayMode(Adapter, &D3DMM)))
// Error is processed here
PresP.BackBufferWidth = D3DMM.Width;
PresP.BackBufferHeight = D3DMM.Height;
PresP.BackBufferFormat = BackBufferFormat;
PresP.BackBufferCount = 1U;
PresP.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
PresP.MultiSampleQuality = 0UL;
PresP.hDeviceWindow = hWnd;
PresP.Windowed = false;
PresP.EnableAutoDepthStencil = EnableAutoDepthStencil;
PresP.AutoDepthStencilFormat = AutoDepthStencilFormat;
PresP.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = D3DMM.RefreshRate;
PresP.PresentationInterval = PresentationInterval;
Then the Direct3D9 device is created, followed by the SetRenderState functions.
Next, the viewport is assigned.
D3DVIEWPORT9 D3D9Viewport;
SecureZeroMemory(&D3D9Viewport, sizeof(D3DVIEWPORT9));
D3D9Viewport.X = 0UL;
D3D9Viewport.Y = 0UL;
D3D9Viewport.Width = (DWORD)D3DMM.Width;
D3D9Viewport.Height = (DWORD)D3DMM.Height;
D3D9Viewport.MinZ = 0.0f;
D3D9Viewport.MaxZ = 1.0f;
// Error is processed here
After this initialization, I globally declare some parameters that will be used later.
D3DXVECTOR3 EyePt(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f), Up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), LookAt(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
D3DXMATRIX View, Proj, World;
The update function looks like this:
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&View, &EyePt, &LookAt, &Up);
Direct3D9Device->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &View);
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&Proj, D3DX_PI/4, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1000.f);
Direct3D9Device->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &Proj);
D3DXMatrixTranslation(&World, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Direct3D9Device->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &World);
The device is not a null pointer.
I recently realized that there is no difference between declaring and setting up a view port and not doing so.
If there is anybody who can point me to the right answer, please help me solve this annoying problem.
If you don't set any transformation matrices, so the identity transformation is applied to your mesh, then face of the cube will be stretched to the same shape of the viewport. If your viewport isn't square (eg. it's the same size as the screen) then your cube's face also won't be square.
You can use a square viewport to workaround this problem, but that will limit your rendering to just that square on the screen. If you want to render to the entire screen you'll need to set a suitable projection matrix. You can calculate a normal perspective perspective matrix using D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH. If you want an orthogonal perspective, where everything is the same size regardless of the distance from the camera, then use D3DXMatrixOrthoLH to calculate the perspective matrix. Note that if you use your viewport's width and height with the later function it will shrink your cube. A unit size cube will be rendered as a single pixel on the screen. You can either use a world or view transform to scale it up again, or use something like width/height and 1 as your width and height parameters to D3DXMatrixOrthoLH.
If you go with D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH then you want something like this:
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&Proj, D3DX_PI/4, (double) D3DMM.Width / D3DMM.Height,
1.0f, 1000.f);
I think your problem not in D3DPP parameters but in your projective matrix. If you use D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH, check aspect ratio to be 1280 / 1024 = 1.3333f

character image thinning

im doing an ocr application . im confusing that how to do skew an image like this :
Second ,i have a character image with many font size. the problem is : how to thin them to the same size like this
For your first point: find the angle by which the text is rotated, and rotate your image by that angle. In your sample you can do this by finding the angles of the lines between the large black patches on the edges and the white areas. Look into edge detection and hough transform to help you find the lines, and then help you find their angle. OpenCV has a good implementation of both algorithms.
For your second point: that is the morphological operation binary skeleton in action.
you can use the following code for detecting and correcting skew but i need your help if you get any thinning algorithms...asume the input image is on the picture box....
//Check if there exists an image on the picture box
if (pictureBox1.Image == null)
MessageBox.Show("Please load an image first.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);
BitmapData imageData = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);
//document image skew detection starts here
DocumentSkewChecker skewChecker = new DocumentSkewChecker();
// get documents skew angle
double angle = skewChecker.GetSkewAngle(imageData);
// create rotation filter and rotate image applying the filter
RotateBilinear rotationFilter = new RotateBilinear(-angle);
rotationFilter.FillColor = Color.White;
//if the angle is more 90 or 180, consider it as a normal image or if it is not, perform a skew correction
if (-angle == 90 || -angle == 180)
pictureBox1.Image = image;
pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
//Bitmap rotatedImage = rotationFilter.Apply();
//draw a bitmap based on the skew angle...
Bitmap returnBitmap = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(returnBitmap);
g.TranslateTransform((float)image.Width / 2, (float)image.Height / 2);
g.TranslateTransform(-(float)image.Width / 2, -(float)image.Height / 2);
g.DrawImage(image, new Point(0, 0));
pictureBox1.Image = returnBitmap;
pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
catch (Exception ex)
