I have a one-vs-all classifier set. This set consists of, let's say, 3 classifiers (LibSVM SVMs) each trained on data for a class and all other class data. The current setup for a sample is that the classifier of the 3 classes that gives the highest score is said to be the matching class.
This setup gives a FAR and FRR result. The issue is that the FAR and FRR results are not enough to construct an ROC curve, which I need. I am wondering what I can do to produce and ROC curve.
This can be done using "multiclass ROC curves" (see e.g. this answer for more details). Usually, you either look at each class individually, or even at each pair of classes individually. I'll provide a short R example of how the first one could look, which is less complicated and still gives a good feeling for how well individual classes could be recognized.
You first need to obtain some class probabilities (for reproducibility, this is what you already have):
# Computing some class probabilities for a 3 class problem using repeated cross validation
model <- train(x = iris[,1:2], y = iris[,5], method = 'svmLinear', trControl = trainControl(method = 'repeatedcv', number = 10, repeats = 10, classProbs = T, savePredictions = T))
# those are the class probabilities for each sample
> model$pred
pred obs setosa versicolor virginica rowIndex C Resample
11 virginica virginica 1.202911e-02 0.411723759 0.57624713 116 1 Fold01.Rep01
12 versicolor virginica 4.970032e-02 0.692146087 0.25815359 122 1 Fold01.Rep01
13 virginica virginica 5.258769e-03 0.310586094 0.68415514 125 1 Fold01.Rep01
14 virginica virginica 4.321882e-05 0.202372698 0.79758408 131 1 Fold01.Rep01
15 versicolor virginica 1.057353e-03 0.559993337 0.43894931 147 1 Fold01.Rep01
Now you can look at the ROC curve for each class individually. For each curve, the FRR indicates the rate how often samples of this class were predicted as samples of some other class, while the FAR indicates the rate how often a sample of some other class was predicted as a sample of this class:
plot(roc(predictor = model$pred$setosa, response = model$pred$obs=='setosa'), xlab = 'FAR', ylab = '1-FRR')
plot(roc(predictor = model$pred$versicolor, response = model$pred$obs=='versicolor'), add=T, col=2)
plot(roc(predictor = model$pred$virginica, response = model$pred$obs=='virginica'), add=T, col=3)
legend('bottomright', legend = c('setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'), col=1:3, lty=1)
As mentioned before, you could instead also look at the ROC curve for each pair of classes, but IMHO this transports much more information, hence it is more complicated/takes longer to grasp the contained information.
I am performing a classification task which is essentially doing algorithm configuration, i.e. trying to pick a configuration (or 'mode') which is likely to make the problem-solving algorithm finish in the quickest time.
I am learning to classify the "best" configuration based on features of problem instances. I see that scikit-learn enables you to create your own scoring function to use in tuning the models. However the score_func only takes the true label and the predicted label as input.
Is it possible to identify which row in the dataset a prediction came from (when passing to this custom scorer)? That way I could figure out the performance hit of a predicted ("wrong") config and score the model accordingly. Basically sometimes a "wrong" selection can still be very good and close to the best, but a naive classification has no way of knowing this when the classification labels are purely based on the best config.
Here's a contrived example to illustrate what I'm trying to do
import random as rnd
import pandas as pd
probs = [f'instance_{i}' for i in range(6)]
confs = ('analytic', 'bruteforce', 'hybrid')
times = [(p,c,60*rnd.random()) for p in probs for c in confs]
df_alltimes = pd.DataFrame(times, columns=('problem', 'config', 'time'))
bestrows = df_alltimes.groupby(['problem'])['time'].idxmin()
dataset = df_alltimes.loc[bestrows,['config']].\
feats = [[rnd.random() for p in range(len(probs))] for f in range(5) ]
for i in range(len(feats)):
dataset[f'feature_{i}'] = feats[i]
problem config time
0 instance_0 analytic 15.307044
1 instance_0 bruteforce 36.742846
2 instance_0 hybrid 35.053416
3 instance_1 analytic 57.781358
4 instance_1 bruteforce 31.723275
5 instance_1 hybrid 8.080238
6 instance_2 analytic 4.211297
7 instance_2 bruteforce 24.034830
8 instance_2 hybrid 39.073023
9 instance_3 analytic 36.325485
10 instance_3 bruteforce 14.717841
11 instance_3 hybrid 57.103908
12 instance_4 analytic 7.358539
13 instance_4 bruteforce 10.805536
14 instance_4 hybrid 2.605044
15 instance_5 analytic 0.489870
16 instance_5 bruteforce 42.888858
17 instance_5 hybrid 58.634073
best_config feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 feature_4
0 analytic 0.645388 0.641626 0.975619 0.680713 0.209235
5 hybrid 0.993443 0.221038 0.893763 0.408532 0.254791
6 analytic 0.263872 0.142887 0.264538 0.166985 0.800054
10 bruteforce 0.155023 0.601300 0.258767 0.614732 0.850529
14 hybrid 0.766183 0.993692 0.597047 0.401482 0.275133
15 analytic 0.386327 0.065699 0.349115 0.370136 0.357329
I am using sklearn with the dataset where the X would be the feature columns and the y would be the best_config column. In this example, the "bad" choices for instance_0 are both almost equally bad, but for instance_1, the two wrong choices are not equally bad. So I'd like my custom scorer to be able to reflect this somehow. Is that possible?
In the end I did find a way to get the information I was after in the original question. If you're passing a pandas.Series as your target labels, the index attribute is available, so you can look up whatever you want in the full dataset.
In the solution below, the first part is pretty much the same as the original minimal working example - i.e. generating a fake dataset.
In the second part, a custom scorer function is defined, which is then passed to the cross-validating hyperparameter tuner, RandomizedSearchCV. Please bear in mind the data is garbage, so the "results" are meaningless; this is just a demo of how to refer back to a fuller set of results so that you can evaluate the quality of predictions made during hyperparameter tuning based on more specialised information rather than just "match / fail" when doing a classification.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random as rnd
HP_ITER = 10
SEED = 1984
# invent timings for some problems run with different configurations
probs = [f'p_{i:03d}' for i in range(INSTANCES)]
confs = ('analytic', 'bruteforce', 'hybrid')
times = [(p,c,60*rnd.random()) for p in probs for c in confs]
df_times = pd.DataFrame(times, columns=('problem', 'config', 'time'))
# pick out the fastest config for each problem
bestrows = df_times.groupby(['problem'])['time'].idxmin()
dataset = df_times.loc[bestrows,['config','problem']]\
# invent some features for each problem
feats = [[rnd.random() for _ in probs] for f in range(FEATURES) ]
for i in range(len(feats)):
dataset[f'feature_{i}'] = feats[i]
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# split our data into training and test sets
df_trn = dataset.sample(frac=0.8, replace=False, random_state=SEED)
df_tst = dataset.loc[~dataset.index.isin(df_trn.index)]
def _vb_loss(xvals, yvals, validation=False):
"""A custom scorer for cross-validation which uses distance to Virtual Best"""
# use the .index attribute to access the relevant rows in the
# timing data frame
source = df_tst if validation else df_trn
data = source.loc[xvals.index].reindex(columns=['problem','target'])
data['truevals'] = xvals
data['predvals'] = yvals
# what's the best time available for each problem?
data = data.merge(
df_times, left_on=['problem','truevals'], right_on=['problem', 'config']
).rename(columns={'time' : 'best_time'}).drop(columns=['config'])
# what's the time for our predicted choices?
data = data.merge(
df_times, left_on=['problem','predvals'], right_on=['problem','config']
).rename(columns={'time' : 'pred_time'}).drop(columns=['config'])
# how far away were the predictions in total?
residual_seconds = np.sum( data['pred_time'] - data['best_time'] )
return residual_seconds
def fitAndPredict(use_custom_scorer=False):
"""Fit a model and make some predictions """
our_scorer = make_scorer(_vb_loss, greater_is_better=False)
hyperparameters = {'criterion' : ['gini', 'entropy'],
'n_estimators' : list(range(50,250)),
'max_depth' : list(range(2,32))
model = RandomizedSearchCV(
n_iter = HP_ITER,
scoring = our_scorer if use_custom_scorer else None,
verbose = 1,
random_state = SEED,
preds = model.predict(df_tst.drop(columns=['target','problem']))
return _vb_loss(df_tst['target'], preds, validation=True)
print("Timings for all configs:", df_times, "", sep="\n")
print("Labelled dataset:", dataset, "", sep="\n")
print("Test loss with default CV scorer :", fitAndPredict(False))
print("Test loss with custom CV scorer :", fitAndPredict(True))
Here's the output:
** Timings for all configs **
problem config time
0 p_000 analytic 21.811701
1 p_000 bruteforce 29.652341
2 p_000 hybrid 20.376605
3 p_001 analytic 12.989269
4 p_001 bruteforce 51.759137
.. ... ... ...
595 p_198 bruteforce 10.874092
596 p_198 hybrid 14.723661
597 p_199 analytic 24.984775
598 p_199 bruteforce 4.899111
599 p_199 hybrid 36.188729
[600 rows x 3 columns]
** Labelled dataset **
target problem feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 feature_4
0 hybrid p_000 0.864952 0.487293 0.946654 0.863503 0.310866
1 analytic p_001 0.514093 0.007643 0.948784 0.582419 0.258159
2 bruteforce p_002 0.319059 0.872320 0.321495 0.807644 0.158471
3 analytic p_003 0.421063 0.955742 0.114808 0.980013 0.900057
4 hybrid p_004 0.325935 0.125824 0.697967 0.037196 0.923626
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
195 hybrid p_195 0.179126 0.578338 0.391535 0.632501 0.442677
196 bruteforce p_196 0.827637 0.641567 0.710201 0.833341 0.215357
197 hybrid p_197 0.116661 0.480170 0.253893 0.623913 0.465419
198 bruteforce p_198 0.670555 0.037084 0.954332 0.408546 0.935973
199 bruteforce p_199 0.371541 0.463060 0.549176 0.581093 0.391114
[200 rows x 7 columns]
Fitting 5 folds for each of 10 candidates, totalling 50 fits
[Parallel(n_jobs=None)]: Done 50 out of 50 | elapsed: 8.8s finished
Test loss with default CV scorer : 542.5191014477357
Fitting 5 folds for each of 10 candidates, totalling 50 fits
[Parallel(n_jobs=None)]: Done 50 out of 50 | elapsed: 9.1s finished
Test loss with custom CV scorer : 522.3236277796698
How do I interpret following results? What is the best possible algorithm to train based on autogluon summary?
*** Summary of fit() ***
Estimated performance of each model:
model score_val fit_time pred_time_val stack_level
19 weighted_ensemble_k0_l2 -0.035874 1.848907 0.002517 2
18 weighted_ensemble_k0_l1 -0.040987 1.837416 0.002259 1
16 CatboostClassifier_STACKER_l1 -0.042901 1559.653612 0.083949 1
11 ExtraTreesClassifierGini_STACKER_l1 -0.047882 7.307266 1.057873 1
0 RandomForestClassifierGini_STACKER_l0 -0.291987 9.871649 1.054538 0
The code to generate the above results:
import pandas as pd
from autogluon import TabularPrediction as task
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
digits = load_digits()
savedir = "otto_models/" # where to save trained models
train_data = pd.DataFrame(digits.data)
train_target = pd.DataFrame(digits.target)
train_data = pd.merge(train_data, train_target, left_index=True, right_index=True)
label_column = "0_y"
predictor = task.fit(
results = predictor.fit_summary() # display detailed summary of fit() process
Which algorithm seems to work in this case?
weighted_ensemble_k0_l2 is the best result in terms of validation score (score_val) because it has the highest value. You may wish to do predictor.leaderboard(test_data) to get the test scores for each of the models.
Note that the result shows a negative score because AutoGluon always considers higher to be better. If a particular metric such as logloss prefers lower values to be better, AutoGluon flips the sign of the metric. I would guess a val_score of 0 would be a perfect score in your case.
Here's my code:
# Load libraries
import numpy as np
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
# Create text
text_data = np.array(['Tim is smart!',
'Joy is the best',
'Lisa is dumb',
'Fred is lazy',
'Lisa is lazy'])
# Create target vector
y = np.array([1,1,0,0,0])
# Create bag of words
count = CountVectorizer()
bag_of_words = count.fit_transform(text_data) #
# Create feature matrix
X = bag_of_words.toarray()
mnb = MultinomialNB(alpha = 1, fit_prior = True, class_prior = None)
# output:['best', 'dumb', 'fred', 'is', 'joy', 'lazy', 'lisa', 'smart', 'the', 'tim']
# output
[[-2.94443898 -2.2512918 -2.2512918 -1.55814462 -2.94443898 -1.84582669
-1.84582669 -2.94443898 -2.94443898 -2.94443898]
[-2.14006616 -2.83321334 -2.83321334 -1.73460106 -2.14006616 -2.83321334
-2.83321334 -2.14006616 -2.14006616 -2.14006616]]
My question is:
Let's say for word: "best": the probability for class 1 : -2.14006616.
What is the formula to calculate to get this score.
I am using LOG (P(best|y=class=1)) -> Log(1/2) -> can't get the -2.14006616
From the documentation we can infer that feature_log_prob_ corresponds to the empirical log probability of features given a class. Let's take an example feature "best" for the purpose of this illustration, the log probability of this feature for class 1 is -2.14006616 (as you pointed out), now if we were to convert it into actual probability score it will be np.exp(1)**-2.14006616 = 0.11764. Let's take one more step back to see how and why the probability of "best" in class 1 is 0.11764. As per the documentation of Multinomial Naive Bayes, we see that these probabilities are computed using the formula below:
Where, the numerator roughly corresponds to the number of times feature "best" appears in the class 1 (which is of our interest in this example) in the training set, and the denominator corresponds to the total count of all features for class 1. Also, we add a small smoothing value, alpha to prevent from the probabilities going to zero and n corresponds to the total number of features i.e. size of vocabulary. Computing these numbers for the example we have,
N_yi = 1 # "best" appears only once in class `1`
N_y = 7 # There are total 7 features (count of all words) in class `1`
alpha = 1 # default value as per sklearn
n = 10 # size of vocabulary
Required_probability = (1+1)/(7+1*10) = 0.11764
You can do the math in a similar fashion for any given feature and class.
I am having a data set of 144 student feedback with 72 positive and 72 negative feedback respectively. The data set has two attributes namely data and target which contain the sentence and the sentiment(positive or negative) respectively.
Consider the following code:
import pandas as pd
feedback_data = pd.read_csv('output.csv')
data target
0 facilitates good student teacher communication. positive
1 lectures are very lengthy. negative
2 the teacher is very good at interaction. positive
3 good at clearing the concepts. positive
4 good at clearing the concepts. positive
5 good at teaching. positive
6 does not shows test copies. negative
7 good subjective knowledge. positive
8 good communication skills. positive
9 good teaching methods. positive
10 posseses very good and thorough knowledge of t... positive
11 posseses superb ability to provide a lots of i... positive
12 good conceptual skills and knowledge for subject. positive
13 no commuication outside class. negative
14 rude behaviour. negative
15 very negetive attitude towards students. negative
16 good communication skills, lacks time punctual... positive
17 explains in a better way by giving practical e... positive
18 hardly comes on time. negative
19 good communication skills. positive
20 to make students comfortable with the subject,... negative
21 associated to original world. positive
22 lacks time punctuality. negative
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(binary = True)
X = feedback_data['data'].apply(lambda X : cv.transform([X])).values
X_test = cv.transform(feedback_data_test)
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
target = [1 if i<72 else 0 for i in range(144)]
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, target, train_size = 0.50)
clf = svm.SVC(kernel = 'linear', gamma = 0.001, C = 0.05)
#The below line gives the error
clf.fit(X , target)
I do not know what is wrong. Please help
The error comes from the way X as been done. You cannot use directly X in the Fit method. You need first to transform it a little bit more (i could not have told you that for the other problem as i did not have the info)
right now you have the following:
array([<1x23 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 5 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>,
<1x23 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 3 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>], dtype=object)
Which is enough to do a split.
We are just going to transform it you can understand and so will the fit method:
X = list([list(x.toarray()[0]) for x in X])
What we do is convert the sparse matrix to a numpy array, take the first element (it has only one element) and then convert it to a list to make sure it has the right dimension.
Now why are we doing this:
X is something like that
<1x23 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 5 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
so we transform it to see what it realy is:
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0]], dtype=int64)
and then as you see there is a slight issue with the dimension so we take the first element.
going back to a list does nothing, it's just for you to understand well what you see. (you can dump it for speed)
your code is now this:
cv = CountVectorizer(binary = True)
X = df['data'].apply(lambda X : cv.transform([X])).values
X = list([list(x.toarray()[0]) for x in X])
clf = svm.SVC(kernel = 'linear', gamma = 0.001, C = 0.05)
clf.fit(X, target)
I'm new to WEKA and advanced statistics, starting from scratch to understand the WEKA measures. I've done all the #rushdi-shams examples, which are great resources.
On Wikipedia the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall examples explains with an simple example about a video software recognition of 7 dogs detection in a group of 9 real dogs and some cats.
I perfectly understand the example, and the recall calculation.
So my first step, let see in Weka how to reproduce with this data.
How do I create such a .ARFF file?
With this file I have a wrong Confusion Matrix, and the wrong Accuracy By Class
Recall is not 1, it should be 4/9 (0.4444)
#relation 'dogs and cat detection'
#attribute 'realanimal' {dog,cat}
#attribute 'detected' {dog,cat}
#attribute 'class' {correct,wrong}
Output Weka (without filters)
=== Run information ===
Relation: dogs and cat detection
Instances: 14
Attributes: 3
Test mode:10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
ZeroR predicts class value: correct
Time taken to build model: 0 seconds
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 4 57.1429 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 3 42.8571 %
Kappa statistic 0
Mean absolute error 0.5
Root mean squared error 0.5044
Relative absolute error 100 %
Root relative squared error 100 %
Total Number of Instances 7
Ignored Class Unknown Instances 7
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class
1 1 0.571 1 0.727 0.65 correct
0 0 0 0 0 0.136 wrong
Weighted Avg. 0.571 0.571 0.327 0.571 0.416 0.43
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
4 0 | a = correct
3 0 | b = wrong
There must be something wrong with the False Negative dogs,
or is my ARFF approach totally wrong and do I need another kind of attributes?
Lets start with the basic definition of Precision and Recall.
Precision = TP/(TP+FP)
Recall = TP/(TP+FN)
Where TP is True Positive, FP is False Positive, and FN is False Negative.
In the above dog.arff file, Weka took into account only the first 7 tuples, it ignored the remaining 7. It can be seen from the above output that it has classified all the 7 tuples as correct(4 correct tuples + 3 wrong tuples).
Lets calculate the precision for correct and wrong class.
First for the correct class:
Prec = 4/(4+3) = 0.571428571
Recall = 4/(4+0) = 1.
For wrong class:
Prec = 0/(0+0)= 0
recall =0/(0+3) = 0