iOS Sidebar UIPanGestureRecognizer - Sliding Centre View Between coordinates - ios

I've been trying to work this one out based on a tutorial I've been following from Ray Wenderlich's tutorials.
I only want my nav bar to have a left sided slide menu (I don't need the right sided menu that is in the example)
When I am using the gestures to swipe I can't find a good way to stop the view from going any further to the right than the position I want it set to when the menu is open (100pts from the right). When I swipe it back into position I don't want the view to swipe any further than 0 (I don't want it's x value to be negative).
With the current Facebook iOS App (55.0 - 12 May 2016) there is a side menu for chat. That's the exact functionality I am after (but on the left side instead of right).


can i know what is the ui element use in the joox application?

enter image description here
Can anyone tell me that what is the ui element use at the right top of the application? The user is able to swipe left and right to swipe between the view controller and the green bar at the bottom of the icon will animate.
Actually it's not only one element. In my app,I used three buttons and one cursor view to do this.

iOS 7 Pullable view

I'm looking into implementing a subview in a view controller that will sit as a bottom bar of the screen until the user holds down and pulls it up to the top of the window to cover the whole screen.
What Google Maps does in Android/iOS with clicking on a pin and pulling the bottom bar up to see details is exactly what I want to implement.
Here's what I'm talking about. I'm not sure what the best way is to implement this.
I can either have an animation that is hardcoded when the bar is clicked causing the view to expands up and cover 3/4 of the screen and anchors there and 1/4 of the screen will be a map and once the map is clicked will drop the view back down. Or have the user drag and pull up the view and pull it back dock to anchor.
You should have look at demo code from following github link which have implemented pullable behaviour similar to the Notification Center in iOS:

UIButtons initially non-functional when positioned on the right-hand side of a view

I am working on an app in which I have multiple UIButtons and UITextFields on the top and right hand side of a UIView. The UIViewController is embedded in a tab bar controller, and I'm using iOS 7.
When the view first appears, the UIButtons and UITextFields on the right are unresponsive -- they are enabled (according to .isEnabled), but the buttons don't flash, and the keyboard doesn't appear when I tap on the UITextField. If I switch to another tab and then back, they work.
The controls at the top work as expected.
However, if I drag the right hand side controls more towards the center of the app, they work first time. There's like a 100 pixel "dead zone" that only goes away when I switch tabs.
Update: If I bypass the tab bar controller completely, and make the view controller associated with the above the initial view controller, then the controls work as they should.
What is going on??

Use iOS 7 swipe from left border in Navigation without Top Bar

I am currently working on an app that has two or more views and I want to swipe around between them. Right now I'm using a Navigation Controller.
Unfortunately if I use push to swipe to another view the transition is always from right to left. It used to be a problem that the swipe from left to right transition was not available.
With iOS 7 the transition from left to right (back) is working out of the box but the swipe gesture only works if you have the "Top Bar" activated.
Is there a way to keep the animation for my left to right swipe without displaying the top bar with the back button?
Just figured it out my self. You can simply enable the Top Bar and check "Hidden". Now the swipe back works with the right animation and there is still no Bar.

iOS custom gesture + sidebar

I'd like to implement a sidebar that is revealed/hidden with a custom gesture.
Sidebar - A small window that appears either on the left or right. It shouldn't be huge, but big enough to encompass a few buttons and maybe some text.
Custom Gesture - I want a swipe to reveal/hide the sidebar very similar to what is done with the notification center in iOS 5. With the notification center, you place your finger at the top and swipe down. I'd like a similar gesture. So if the user has his/her finger to the left of the screen and swipes his/her finger onto the screen, then reveal the sidebar on the left. To hide it, just do the reverse gesture. Ditto for showing the sidebar on the right.
