Instanciate object in parent with parameters - dart

I'm trying to make a simple list editor in Dart, with Polymer, but I have some problems.
I will start by showing a screenshot of what it will look like.
design of the app
The left drawer is filled dynamically at run-time (a rest api is used to get the items).
The items are "MLayers" and clicking the button should add the corresponding "Layer" to the right part of the app.
The thing is I can't find a way to do this! I tried to launch a customEvent when the button is clicked but the method responsible of adding the new layer need the layer name (and I can't find a way to add parameters to customEvents...).
What do you recommand?
The structure of the app is:
_ Drawer
__ MLayer
__ Layer
I think the class responsible of adding Layers should be the Drawer (in fact it contain the drawer AND the content). The Layer constructor should use the name (or ID) of the MLayer to display corresponding properties (lets say the MLayer "Dense" has properties "name" and "size"; the Layer is in fact an instance, while the MLayer is the maquette).
Thanks for the read!
EDIT: as requested, here's the code

Ok, so I didn't find the right way to do it, so I simply broke encapsulation by adding a property "MLayerDrawer" to my "MLayer" object and calling its method...
I'm still open to suggestions because this clearly isn't the right way to do it, it just work but is really dirty.


Removing properties from Object Inspector

I bought the TMS Component pack and want to hide some component properties from displaying in the object inspector.
I am using UnlistPublishedProperty to hide them.
It works most of the time. But for some reason e.g. Anchors or StyleSettings are still displayed.
I am calling it like this:
UnlistPublishedProperty(TAdvEdit, 'StyleElements');
The weird thing is that it works on 90% of properties and i can't figure out why it will not hide the other properties from the object inspector.
I could edit the source and comment out the line where it gets published from TCustomEdit but i am wondering why the method with UnlistPublishedProperty isn't working.
The properties you are trying to remove are inherited from a higher ancestor class. If you wish to use UnlistPublishedProperty to remove these particular properties, you'll have to remove them from the ancestor. However, that would apply to all controls, not just the one you're working on.
In addition to Jerry's answer; there is a solution for deleting properties from sub-components. The third part of my answer here demonstrates how to filter out properties of a sub-component of a custom component by registering a component PropertyEditor and overriding GetProperties to filter specific property names.

vaadin 7 - move data between sub windows

I have the main UI class with a button that shows a subwindow when clicked. That subwindow has a textField and a button. When you press the subwindow's button, another sub window opens. You could call it the sub-sub window. This sub-sub window has a textfield and a button that will close this sub-sub window. I would like to update the textfield in the subwindow when i close this sub-sub window with the textfield value on the sub-sub window. is there a way to do this without creating everything on the main UI Class? I would like to create 2 classes for these sub windows and would like to pass the data back. I got it to work by putting everything on the main UI class but i thought there would be a better way.
Thomas Kim
You can either bind all your components which acces shared data to same model, using Vaadin Data Binding or you can use Events to propagate value changes from subwindows to whichever component may be concerned.
Consider using Model View Presenter pattern to structure you view layer. There is a nice article to explain basics of MVP and its implementation in Vaadin.
This approach will not only solve your problem, but also lead to better separated and maintable presentation layer.

Delphi - move control to the ancestor form

I have more than 50 forms which have the same button on them. All of them are derived from the same ancestor. Is there any automatically way to move that button(or any other control) to the common ancestor?
David Miro had the right answer, but I think he misunderstood what you want to do. You are not trying to move the position of the butttons.
If you have not edited the buttons on the child form(s), you can add a new button on the parent. It will appear automatically on each child form. It will be a new button, which must have a different name but there will be an inherited button on each form. Then you will want to edit each child form to remove the original button. You will have a button and it will be inherited. If the event handler is always the same, you can code that into the parent as well.
If you have edited the buttons on the child forms previously, you can do this. The only way I know is to edit the DFM file of the form. A button declared in the form is defined without any reference to a parent. An inherited button is defined with an INHERIT in front of it. You need to add the INHERIT word, which tells the form that the button is inherited. If that sounds complicated, just create 2 buttons and look at the difference. It's not really too complicated.
The difficulty is this: you can't inherit from something before you create it (the parent button). And, you may have some difficulty creating the parent because the children already have a component with that name. You can change the name if you have to. But this can be done. I think this is what you are looking for. Strange there's no easier way to do this, because improvements like this are often created in the child form first.
At design time no problem. If you move parent button position , automatically moves the children buttons. But if you moved the child button, then this no longer works.
A solution. Although tedious, is to edit the form dfm child file and remove the attributes you need to inherit from dfm parent file (button.left, button.right, etc. ..)
With this procedure get it working again

Delphi : Restore a pre-design tabsheet after user has closed it

I have a tPageControl on a form, and have made a nice 'welcome page' as a new ttabsheet at design time for the user to start off with. However, if the user closes this tab, I would like the option to bring it back, as it was in originally (much like the welcome page in the Delphi IDE). This seems like a simple problem...
When the tab closes, the original sheet is freed and set nil. I tried creating the sheet again by name (e.g. tabsheet1 := ttabsheet.create) and assigning it to the pagecontrol, but none of the original components from the sheet are there anymore...
I know designing the welcome page as a separate form, creating it when I need it and slapping it into a new tabsheet would work... but I was just wondering if there was a way to do it with the design time tabsheet.
Thanks all!
As Serg mentioned, you can just set the tabsheet's TabVisible property to false when you want to hide the page. The page control will switch to the next tab if it needs to, the tab will disappear, and the user won't be able to switch back to it until you change TabVisible back.
Re-creating the design-time tab sheet will be quite a challenge because all the information describing its layout is embedded in the DFM resource for your form. It's not like there a separate resource for each tab, so you'd need to read the resource, extract the portion relevant to the tab, and then get ReadComponent to build a new instance; nothing in Delphi is designed to make that very easy, so you should consider other options.
The easiest solution would probably be to design your welcome page on a frame; I've found frames to be a little more cooperative than full-fledged forms when it comes to re-parenting them.
Another option is to create the entire tab in code. GExperts has a tool to make that pretty easy. Select the tab sheet, and then choose DExperts's "components to code" command. That places some code on the clipboard, and you can paste it into a function in your program. The code will contain everything required to re-create the selected components in code instead of building them from the DFM resource. Then, you can use that function to not only re-create the tab after it's been closed, but to create the tab in the first place. That way, you can be assured that you're creating the same thing both times.
The reason your attempt at re-creating the tab didn't work is that the name of the variable used to hold a reference to the form doesn't really define anything. All you did was create a brand new TTabSheet. The fact that you stored a reference to it in the same variable that used to hold a reference to the old tab is irrelevant. (But please feel free to give that variable a more meaningful name; all "TabSheet1" says is that it's the first tab you put on your form, way back when you first started working on this project.)
Rob's right about what's going on, and about using frames to fix it. Bit if you want a simpler solution, you could try just making the tab invisible whan the user closes it, instead of freeing it.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. A couple notes :
I tried the GEExperts option (pretty nice, I havent used this one before!) : however, it did not preserve many design time settings (font size and color for example)...also there were components with glyphs that didnt get saved....
Changing the visibility of the tabsheet doesnt seem to work either; the pagecontrol doesn't seem to know what to display, even after calling .Refresh shows whatever is underneath your window.
Anyhow, I might investigate the frames option, but likely will just move the components to a new form and call it when needed...
Thanks again!

Jquery multiple modal dialogs by classname?

How can I create multiple modal dialogs by classname (basically the same dialogs but have a different code black attached).
One I launch a modal dialog I cannot reference the dialog anymore because jQuery will move it to the bottom of the document so something like..
Would not work anymore.
If I understand this question correctly, you have multiple dialogs that have the same class name and you want to be able to show them all at different times?
If this is the case then you can simply add a second class name to the class attribute which uniquely identifies the dialogs but maintains the first class giving you its look and feel.
class='dialog OpenFileDialog' and then maybe class='dialog SavePictureDialog''
So then in code you reference them by the second class name $(this).find('.OpenFileDialog').dialog('open');
Does this help?
