iPad only app rejected because it does not work on iPhone - ios

Apple rejected my App designed for iPad only (with device set to iPad only and targeted device family to 2 only in Xcode) because of the following reason : 2.10 - iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
I'm a little puzzled here. Are there other parameters that should be set to specify that it is an iPad only app that should not even be tested on iPhone devices ?

Reply them with the specification of your app & tell them that this app is ONLY for iPad & not for iPhone. Ask them to review it again & confirm that you have NOT used anything related to iPhone while submitting your app on App Store.
Though there is a requirement for iPhone apps that they should be executable in iPad without any modification, but vice versa is not applicable.
If you have any other app under your account which is also iPad only & is live, then you can give reference of that app in your reply.
You can reply to their message on Resolution Centre with your justification & resubmit your app again for review after verifying that it does not have anything related to iPhone. Your app will be accepted after that. Try this I have faced similar kind of issues many times.

Make sure in Target of App, iPad is set as Device under Deployment Info.


Restrict app to just iPhone while publishing

I had uploaded an app on iTunes. But it got rejected stating a couple of reasons:
Performance: App Completeness
Performance: Accurate Metadata
And from what I understood the issue was with the app not showing up as intended on the 12.9 inch iPad. But I had made my app for the iPhone itself and not for the iPad. And since iTunes was not allowing to submit the app without attaching a screenshot of the app in the 12.9 inch iPad also, I was forced to attach one.
How can I restrict my app to support just iPhone...?
For some reason, my answer kept getting posted as a comment so I'm just going to add this stuff here. Looks like you need to go XCode Target -> General -> Deployment Info -> Devices and set it as iPhone instead of universal.
Submitting an iphone-only app to app store?

App gets rejected by Apple multiple times

I submitted my app multiple times to the App Store and got the same error twice.
Thank you for your resubmission. We continue to find the following: 2.1 Details During review, your app crashed on an iPad running iOS.
My App is iPhone based so for that I have selected Target-->General-->Device-->iPhone.
Also iPhone Target/Project-->BuildSettings-->TargetIphoneFamily-->1
So why are they testing my app on iPad since it is configured for iPhone only?
Actually apple provided the guidelines for iphone apps to be approved.
Section 2.10 says: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without
modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution.
check this link
Its because the application which you develop can be downloaded on iPad from App Store. On iPad it runs with 3.5" device screen size.
So if you have any specific feature like calling then you can display message to user like, "This device doesn't support this feature" else the features which are available on iPad should work without any issue.

Using UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

My app was recently rejected because it did not run on devices earlier than iPhone 5. In the app description I had highlighted this, and when the app is installed on an earlier device, a pop-up appears when the app is opened which indicates that the app doesn't work on their device. From the advice given by the review team, I need to use UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities to limit my app to iPhone 5 and higher, but I am unsure as to what device capabilities only appear in the iPhone 5 and later (e.g. how to distinguish between iPhone 4s and 5 in terms of device capabilities).
Check out this link it may help you..
but mostly it is not possible.
The application can be downloaded from AppStore for iPhone 5 only

Is it possible to exclude 3.5 inch screen devices when submitting an iOS app?

When submitting an iOS app to iTunes connect, is it possible to exclude 3.5" devices? I do not want to support this screen size, just 4" and above.
I checked the iTunes Connect App Properties documentation and the App's Metadata documentation and unfortunately there doesn't look like there is an easy way to restrict your app from not being downloadable onto a iPhone 4S and older device.
But one thing you could try doing is setting your app to build for armv7s & armv8 (see this related question for more elaboration), or if that doesn't work, you could try throwing a "you need a modern iPhone in order to run this app" if it's launched on a smaller screen. This might be okay if your app is free, but you certainly will have an interesting time getting it onto the store if it's a paid app.

Apple binary rejected

I recently post an app to be reviewed by Apple, but i have been rejected for a second time with this message :
"Binary Rejected
2.10: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
We found that your app did not meet the requirements for running on iPad, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
Your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad."
I don't understand, I found on the internet that I must put only "Iphone" in the summary of my app, and not "universal", but it was already set on Iphone only.
What should I do ?
Thanks a lot
You'll first have to figure our why the app does not work on the iPad. Try to run the app in the simulator (for iPad), or even better try to download it on the iPad itself.
Check your info.plist file and see what's there.
Your application is not compatible to iPad
As per Apple guidelines, every iPhone application must be compatible for iPad too, running with 2x.
Run your application in xcode on iPad simulator or even better test on your iPad device.
Hope this info helps you..
