move a UIView according to the progressView's Progress - ios

well am trying to make this UI :
the above UI contains a ProgressView on UITableViewCell and the vertical line is a UIView (if i should use something else then a UIView for this vertical line then please do provide your suggestions ) well am stuck in moving this vertical line ? how can i place this line at the point where the bar is filled as shown in the image , if anybody knows then please let me it'll be so helpful for me
the pseudocode for what i need will be like
verticleLine.xAxisPostion = progressBar.progress.xAxis

Trying to think out of the box here: maybe you could use a UISlider instead with userInteractionEnabled set to false? With UISlider you can specify not only the track color, but also the thumb image (being a tiny plain grey vertical bar in your case).
To expand a little bit: you set the minimumTrackTintColor to green, the maximumTrackTintColor to red (or stretchable images for minimum/maximumTrackImage), minimumValue to 0, maximumValue to 1. Instead of progress you can now use value — and it should give you roughly the same behaviour with the thumb (grey bar) following the value.

the above UI contains a ProgressView
Don't use a UIProgressView. Just create your own self-drawing view that looks exactly the way you want it to. The view that you've designed — green to the left of the progress point, red to the right of the progress point, and a vertical line right at the progress point — is trivial to draw, and trivial to redraw when progress happens (i.e. when the value changes).


Custom UISlider with pips ios

Wondering if the above can be created using UISlider? If not, what other ways can this be accomplished?
You can set components of a UISlider, such as the currentThumbImage ( see: "Appearance of Sliders"1).
However, it is almost certainly easier to just re-implement a slider for this much customization. Simply use background UIImageView with the scale image, and then add a separate UIView (or UIImageView) for the arrow. Finally, attach a UIPanGestureRecognizer to the arrow view to allow a user translate the view vertically.
You can change a lot in the appearance of a UISlider like setting the thumb to a red arrow. You can also replace the background image with the inches ruler and with different rulers for the different device types and display sizes.
The one thing that I don't see is that you turn the slider to work vertically. I know them only working left to right.
If I'm right, your only chance is to have a ruler as background image and a view that contains the arrow and a label with the actual value. That whole view can be pawned and tapped using Gesture Listener.

UIButton with background image and title using auto layout

I currently face a problem when using UIButton. I have the background image designed by others like this:
background image
and I need to place the title for the button right after the white vertical bar in the background image. I tried to set left edge for the content but since I used auto layout, the frame will be different with different screen size(3.5", 4.7"...).
Is there a way to put text in the position related to background I want with auto layout.
I personally would split the left side of the background image from the right side. This way you can have two UIButtons next to each other with horizontal space constraint of 0. The right side of the button will have to be placed inside a UIImageView so you can set the image as a property of the view rather that the button's background. You don't have to do this of course, but I prefer this solution as it is easier to manage across different screen sizes.
Here is a visual representation of what I explained above:
Separated Views for Single UIButton
You will then need to route the touch events of both buttons to run the same method or function, just so that both the right side and the left are clickable.
Note: I'm not sure exactly what you had in mind for the highlighting of the button, but this will have to be tested and adapted to get the desired effect.

iOS segmented control with a little triangle on top

How can I draw a little triangle above the selected item in a UISegmentedControl? Does anyone know an open-source than extends it?
(if not - pointers of how to do it)
Design should look like (this is in the bottom of the screen)
I don't believe there's a native way to do that. You can either find a library that allows for it, but you can do it yourself fairly easily, which I recommend.
I can think of a few out of the box ways to approach it, here at the two I think worth mentioning off the bat:
1) Use UISegmentedControl with images. Make the segmented controller have a height that includes the triangle, and have an image for selected and normal states that shows what you want. The Normal states would have a rectangle of transparency on top, as wide as the entire image and as tall as the triangle. The selected image would include the triangle. Both images should end up the same width and height.
2) Subclass UISegmentedControl and do some custom drawing in drawRect:. You could draw the triangle outside (above) the bounds of the segmented controller, make sure to set the segmented controller's clipToBounds property to NO, as well as its layer's masksToBounds property.
If you'd like more help, or some other suggestions, just ask.

iOS Storyboard Layout - Constraint Query

I've been playing around with the Universal design in Xcode and actually quite like it.
While playing I can't seem to work out how to get equal spacing between certain items.
In the above image I would like to have the 3 x red bars equally spaced inside the light blue view.
The best I can do is set the middle red bar to be in the centre of the light blue view and then fix the distance between the other red bars.
Is there any other way to space them out?
For example when you have a UIToolbar you can just place all of the items in the toolbar and then use flexible spaces to equally distribute the items.
Hope this makes sense.
You could do something along the lines of: place the first bar in the center, and then have two clear UIViews filling the space on top and below the middle bar. And then the top and bottom bars could be centered on those clear UIViews (vertically centered in container).
You could also do something very similar to what you need to do with Toolbars. i.e. place 5 clear views between and outside of the three bars that you care about, and then set them to be equal height. This will force the three bars to be spaced evenly.
I think you should define a method, in which you check the light blue view height, and update the three red views' constraints, then call self.view's setNeedLayout and layoutIfNeeded.
then call the method in your controller's viewDidLayoutSubViews, and it should be call through the
performSelector: withObject: afterDelay: method, the delay can be 0.
hope this helps.

Fade UIImageView as it approaches the edges of a UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView over an image at the bottom of my app that acts as a dock with icons that can be scrolled through horizontally. Instead of the harsh edges of the UIScrollView, I would like the icons to fade out for a more aesthetically pleasing look. Being new to iOS development, I don't know if either of these would be valid options:
Create a faded image to use as an overlay on the scrollview so the
icons only appear through the visible portion.
Actually change the
alpha of the images based on their distance from the center (or from
each edge).
I suspect the first idea would be the most simple, but I'd like to throw this out there for any other ideas.
Note: I did see this tutorial, however that technique assumes that the background is a solid color. If I were to do it programatically, I would probably need to fade the individual images.
You can definitely implement something along the lines of #2. It'd be something similar to what the tutorial describes. The alpha transition however won't be as smooth as using the gradient layer mentioned in the tutorial or using an image since the entire icon would have the same alpha. How much discernible the difference is depends on the size of your icons. Smaller icons, very few will be able to tell the difference. Larger icons the difference would be quite clear.
You'd have to implement the
(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
method in your scroll view's delegate class. This method will get called every time the scroll view changes the location of its content. In this method you can call its subviews and adjust their alphas as required. To optimize it a bit instead of calling the alpha adjustments on all the elements you can just update the subviews which are still partially/completely visible.
EDIT: to figure out which views to adjust you'll use the contentOffset property of the scrollView that gets passed as a parameter in the above method.
