How to Model a relationship that adds a feature to a node? - neo4j

This is a follow-up to this earlier question
How to model two nodes related through a third node in neo4j?
If the capabilities of a product are enhanced by a connects_to relationship with another product, how should that fact be captured?
Example: given
(shelf:Shelf {maxload:20}), if (node:L-bracket)-[connects-to]->(shelf), then shelf's maxload increases by 10. Now, if someone queries for a Shelf that supports maxload=30, I should be able to retrieve this combination of L-Bracket+Shelf as an option, in addition to the shelves that support maxload without L-bracket. This is one use-case.
The other is when the connects_to relationship adds an entirely new property to the Shelf node. The option I'm thinking of is adding a property to the relationship called 'provides feature' and then query those as well when returning nodes, to see if a product is been enhanced by any of its connections.

Part 1 :
I should be able to retrieve this combination of L-Bracket+Shelf as
an option, in addition to the shelves that support maxload without
This use case is handled with OPTIONAL MATCH :
MATCH (shelf:Shelf {maxload:30})
OPTIONAL MATCH (shelf)<-[:CONNECTS_TO]-(bracket:L-Bracket)
RETURN shelf, collect(bracket) as brackets
This would return you a list of shelfs and a collection of brackets for each of them - empty collection if they don't have any brackets.
Part 2 :
the other is when the connects_to relationship adds an entirely new
property to the Shelf node. The option i'm thinking of is adding a
property to the relationship called 'provides feature' and then query
those as well when returning nodes, to see if a product is been
enhanced by any of its connections
You can simply use a PROVIDES_FEATURE relationship type, no need for a property on it. You can request for them in the same way as for part 1.

To be a bit more general, suppose everything that can be connected to a shelf (not just an L-Bracket) was represented by an Accessory node that has type and extraLoad properties, like this:
(:Accessory {type: 'L-Bracket', extraLoad: 10})
This would allow accessories of different types and with differing extra load capacities.
With this model, you could find all Shelf/Accessory combinations that can hold a load of at least 30 this way:
MATCH (shelf:Shelf)
OPTIONAL MATCH (shelf)<-[:CONNECTS_TO]-(x:Accessory)
WITH shelf, COLLECT(x) AS accessories, SUM(x.extraLoad) AS extra
WHERE shelf.maxLoad + extra >= 30
RETURN shelf, accessories;


Neo4j ordered tree

We are working with a hierarchy tree structure where a parent has zero or more children, and a child has either one or zero parents. When we query for a list of direct children for a given parent the query returns the children in random order. We need the children to return in the order we define when we create or update the children.
I have added a relationship between children -[:Sibling]-> so the 'top' sibling has only an incoming :Sibling relationship, and the 'bottom' sibling has only an outgoing relationship.
Given this, is there a Cypher query to return the children in sibling order?
I have a query that returns each child, and its sibling, but now I have to write some code to return the list in the correct order.
An alternative approach might be to add a sort number to each child node. This would need to be updated for all the children if one of them changes order. This approach seems slightly foreign to the graph database concept.
If this problem has been encountered before, is there a standard algorithm for solving it programatically?
sample data as requested by Bruno
(child2)-[:ChildOf]->(parent1) (child2)-[:Sibling]->(child1)
(child3)-[:ChildOf]->(parent1) (child3)-[:Sibling]->(child2)
is there a cypher query to return child1, child2, child3 in that order?
if not, then the ordering can be done programatically
using properties instead of relationships
(child1)-[:ChildOf]->(parent1) (child1:{order:1})
(child2)-[:ChildOf]->(parent1) (child2:{order:2})
(child3)-[:ChildOf]->(parent1) (child3:{order:3})
`match (c)-[:ChildOf]->(parent1) return c ordered by c:order`
I do not expect that there is a cypher query that can update the order of children.
I have now arrived at the following query which returns children in the right order
`match (firstChild)-[:FirstChildOf]->(parent) match (sibling)-[:Sibling*]->(firstChild) return firstChild,sibling`
This query depends on adding a -[:FirstChildOf]->(parent) relationship.
If I don't hear otherwise I'll set this to the answer.
Shall I assume there is no cypher query for inserting a node into an ordered list?
When you create your graph model you should concentrate on the questions you want to answered with your data model.
If you want to get child of a parent ordered by a "create or update" property then you should store it since the relationship in general does not represent an order.
It is not foreign to the graph database concept, since the graph databases use properties. It is not always easy task to decide
to store something as a relationship or a property. It is all about the proper modelling.
If you have the concept of '[:NEXT_SIBLING]' or similar, then it will be a pain in the back, when you have to remove a node. So I should use it when this state is constant. For example in a timetree, where the days are after each other and it does not change.
In general, if the creation order should be used, I should use timestamps like this:
create (n:Node {created:timestamp()});
Then you can use the timestamp to order.
match (p:Parent)-[:HAS_CHILDREN]->(n:Child) where'xy' return n order by n.created;
And you can use timestamps for relationships too.
Similar question is here:
Modeling an ordered tree with neo4j
Here are some tips I use for dealing with ordered lists of nodes in Neo4J.
Reverse the relation direction to (child1)<-[:HasChild]-(parent1). (mostly just logical reinforcement of the next items, since a "parent has list of children")
Add the property index to HasChild. This will let you do WITH child, hasChild.index as sid ORDER BY sid ASC for sibling order. (This is how I maintain arbitrary order information on lists of children) This is on the relationship because it assumes that a node can be part of more than one ordered list.
You can use SIZE(shortestpath((root)-[*]->(child1)) as depth to then order them by depth from a root.
Since this is for arbitrary order, you must update all the indexes to update the order (You can do something like WITH COLLECT(child) as children, FILTER(c IN COLLECT(child) WHERE c.index >=3) as subset FOREACH (c IN subset| SET c.index+=1) for a basic insert, otherwise you will have to just rewrite them all to arbitrarily change the order.
If you don't actually care about the order, just that it is consistent, you can use WITH child, ID(child) as sid ORDER BY sid ASC. This essentially is "Order by node age"
One other option is to use a meta relationship. So :HasChild would act as a list of nodes, and then something like :NextMember would tell you what the next item from this one is. This is more flexible, but in my opinion harder to work with (You need to case for doesn't have next, to get the right order you have to do a 'trace' on the nodes, doesn't work if you want to add this node to another ordered list later, ect.)
Of course, if the order isn't arbitrary (based on name or age or something), than it is much better to just sort on the non-arbitrary logic.
The query for returning the children in the right order is
match (firstChild)-[:FirstChildOf]->(parent) match (sibling)-[:Sibling*]->(firstChild) return firstChild,sibling

Adding relationship to existing nodes with Cypher doesn't work

I am working on Panama dataset using Neo4J graph database 1.1.5 web version. I identified Ion Sturza, former Prime Minister of Moldova on the database and want to make a map of his related network. I used following code to query using Cypher (creating a variable 'IonSturza'):
MATCH (IonSturza {name: "Ion Sturza"}) RETURN IonSturza
I identified that the entity 'CONSTANTIN LUTSENKO' linked differently to entities like 'Quade..' and 'Kinbo...' with a name in small letters as in this picture. I hence want to map a relationship 'SAME_COMPANY_AS' between the capslock and the uncapped version. I tried the following code based on this answer by #StefanArmbruster:
MATCH (a:Officer {name :"Constantin Lutsenko"}),(b:Officer{name :
where (a:Officer{name :"Constantin Lutsenko"})-[:SHAREHOLDER_OF]->
Instead of indexing, I used the 'where' statement to specify the uncapped version which is linked only to the entity bearing id '284429'.
My code however shows the cartesian product error message:
This query builds a cartesian product between disconnected patterns.If a part of a query contains multiple disconnected patterns, this will build a cartesian product between all those parts. This may produce a large amount of data and slow down query processing. While occasionally intended, it may often be possible to reformulate the query that avoids the use of this cross product, perhaps by adding a relationship between the different parts or by using OPTIONAL MATCH (identifier is: (b))<<
Also when I execute, there are no changes, no rows!! What am I missing here? Can someone please help me with inserting this relationship between the nodes. Thanks in advance!
The cartesian product warning will appear whenever you're matching on two or more disconnected patterns. In this case, however, it's fine, because you're looking up both of them by what is likely a unique name, s your result should be one node each.
If each separate part of that pattern returned multiple nodes, then you would have (rows of a) x (rows of b), a cartesian product between the two result sets.
So in this particular case, don't mind the warning.
As for why you're not seeing changes, note that you're reusing variables for different parts of the graph: you're using variable b for both the uppercase version of the officer, and for the :Entity in your WHERE. There is no node that matches to both.
Instead, use different variables for each, and include the :Entity in your match. Also, once you match to nodes and bind them to variables, you can reuse the variable names later in your query without having to repeat its labels or properties.
Try this:
MATCH (a:Officer {name :"Constantin Lutsenko"})-[:SHAREHOLDER_OF]->
(:Entity{id:'284429'}),(b:Officer{name : "CONSTANTIN LUTSENKO"})
Though I'm not quite sure of what you're trying to an :Officer a company? That relationship type doesn't quite seem right.
I tried the answer by #InverseFalcon and thanks to it, by modifying the property identifier from 'id' to 'name' and using the property for both 'a' and 'b', 4 relationships were created by the following code:
MATCH (a:Officer {name :"Constantin Lutsenko"})-[:SHAREHOLDER_OF]->
(:Entity{name:'KINBOROUGH PORTFOLIO LTD.'}),(b:Officer{name : "CONSTANTIN
LUTSENKO"})-[:SHAREHOLDER_OF]->(:Entity{name:'Chandler Group Holdings Ltd'})
Thank you so much #InverseFalcon!

Filtering based on relationships properties

Given the following graph:
I'd like to design a cypher query, which will return the following nodes for 'first user':
node 7 ("dep 2")
The conditions, are such that, in order for a node to be returned, user has to have all of it's dependencies. A user owns a node, when there is a relationship of HAS between the user and the node.
That is simple enough. The following query should do the trick:
MATCH (a:Dep)-[:REQUIRES]->(req:Dep)
WITH collect(req) AS requirements, a
MATCH (ub:Dep)<-[:HAS]-(:User)
WITH collect(ub) AS userDeps, requirements, a
WHERE ALL (req IN requirements WHERE req IN userDeps)
The problem start, when I want to introduce another condition, which is the value of user's relationship of HAS (data property) has to be either equal or greater than a particular dependency's data.
To put that into the example: "dep 2" fulfills both of the conditions, whereas "dep 1" does not, bcause it has a REQUIRES relationship to "dep 4" with data = 6, and user's HAS relationship to that node is equal to 5. The other dependency for "dep 1" is however fulfilled (as the levels are euqal).
Could anyone help?
In other words, I want to iterate though every node Dep, check all of the REQUIRES relationships for each and every one of them and then return all the nodes that have resolved all the requirements for a particular user. Resolved means that a user has a HAS relationship with every requirement and that >=
Just for future reference.
If you have a task that seems to be too complex to handle by one (or indeed combined) cypher queries you can extend Neo4J functionality.
You can write your own module and deploy it with Neo4J. One of the ways to do it is to use GraphAware Runtime.

Neo4j labels, relationship types, and cypher matching performance

Say I have a massive graph of users and other types of nodes. Each type has a label, some may have multiple labels. Since I am defining users and their access to nodes, there is one relationship type between users and nodes: CAN_ACCESS. Between other objects, there are different relationship types, but for the purpose of access control, everything involves a CAN_ACCESS relationship when we start from a user.
I never perform a match without using labels, so my intention and hope is that any performance downsides to having one heavily-used relationship type from my User nodes should be negated by matching a label. Obviously, this match could get messy:
MATCH (n:`User`)-[r1:`CAN_ACCESS`]->(n2)
But I'd never do that. I'd do this:
MATCH (n:`User`)-[r1:`CAN_ACCESS`]->(n2:`LabelX`)
My question, then is whether the use of labels on the destination side of the match is effectively equivalent to having a dedicated relationship type between a User and any given label. In other words, does this:
MATCH (n:`User`)-[r1:`CAN_ACCESS`]->(n2:`LabelX`)
Give me the same performance as this:
MATCH (n:`User`)-[r1:`CAN_ACCESS_LABEL_X`]->(n2)
If CAN_ACCESS_LABEL_X ALWAYS goes (n:`User`)-->(n:`LabelX`)?
As pointed out by Michael Hunger's comment, Mark Needham's blog post here demonstrates that performance is best when you use a dedicated relationship type instead of relying on labels.

Neo4j node property type

I'm playing around with neo4j, and I was wondering, is it common to have a type property on nodes that specify what type of Node it is? I've tried searching for this practice, and I've seen some people use name for a purpose like this, but I was wondering if it was considered a good practice or if indexes would be the more practical method?
An example would be a "User" node, which would have type: user, this way if the index was bad, I would be able to do an all-node scan and look for types of user.
Labels have been added to neo4j 2.0. They fix this problem.
You can create nodes with labels:
CREATE (me:American {name: "Emil"}) RETURN me;
You can match on labels:
MATCH (n:American)
WHERE = 'Emil'
You can set any number of labels on a node:
SET n :Swedish:Bossman
You can delete any number of labels on a node:
MATCH (n { name: 'Emil' })
REMOVE n:Swedish
True, it does depend on your use case.
If you add a type property and then wish to find all users, then you're in potential trouble as you've got to examine that property on every node to get to the users. In that case, the index would probably do better- but not in cases where you need to query for all users with conditions and relations not available in the index (unless of course, your index is the source of the "start").
If you have graphs like mine, where a relation type implies two different node types like A-(knows)-(B) and A or B can be a User or a Customer, then it doesn't work.
So your use case is really important- it's easy to model graphs generically, but important to "tune" it as per your usage pattern.
IMHO you shouldn't have to put a type property on the node. Instead, a common way to reference all nodes of a specific "type" is to connect all user nodes to a node called "Users" maybe. That way starting at the Users node, you can very easily find all user nodes. The "Users" node itself can be indexed so you can find it easily, or it can be connected to the reference node.
I think it's really up to you. Some people like indexed type attributes, but I find that they're mostly useful when you have other indexed attributes to narrow down the number of index hits (search for all users over age 21, for example).
That said, as #Luanne points out, most of us try to solve the problem in-graph first. Another way to do that (and the more natural way, in my opinion) is to use the relationship type to infer a practical node type, i.e. "A - (knows) -> B", so A must be a user or some other thing that can "know", and B must be another user, a topic, or some other object that can "be known".
For client APIs, modeling the element type as a property makes it easy to instantiate the right domain object in your client-side code so I always include a type property on each node/vertex.
The "type" var name is commonly used for this, but in some languages like Python, "type" is a reserved word so I use "element_type" in Bulbs ( ).
This is not needed for edges/relationships because they already contain a type (the label) -- note that Neo4j also uses the keyword "type" instead of label for relationships.
I'd say it's common practice. As an example, this is exactly how Spring Data Neo4j knows of which entity type a certain node is. Each node has "type" property that contains the qualified class name of the entity. These properties are automatically indexed in the "types" index, thus nodes can be looked up really fast. You could implement your use case exactly like this.
Labels have recently been added to Neo4j 2.0 ( ). They are still under development at the moment, but they address this exact problem.
