SQLPlus one-line questions - sqlplus

I inherited some sqlplus code that no longer is valid in our Workload Automation tool. It needs to either be converted to a script and called, or a one-line command. I absolutely understand how to do the first (fairly basic). But if I wanted to convert to one line, is my thinking correct?
sqlplus -s myID/pwd <<EOF
define start_date=$start_date;
define end_date=$end_date;
define max_depth=$max_depth;
define min_units=$min_units;
to convert to one line, is it as simple as:
sqlplus -s myID/pwd < define start_date=$start_date; define end_date=$end_date; define max_depth=$max_depth; define min_units=$min_units; #/app/myapp/sql/forecast
Thanks in advance

Assuming your one line is still be running from a shell script, which the call to sqlplus suggests, you can use a pipe rather than a redirect to pass the commands to SQL*Plus:
printf "define start_date=$start_date\ndefine end_date=$end_date\ndefine max_depth=$max_depth\ndefine min_units=$min_units\n#/app/myapp/sql/forecast" | sqlplus -s myID/pwd
Or perhaps slightly more readably, which you may disagree about:
printf "define start_date=%s\ndefine end_date=%d\ndefine max_depth=%d\ndefine min_units=%d\n#%s" $start_date $end_date $max_depth $min_units /app/myapp/sql/forecast | sqlplus -s myID/pwd
You need line breaks rather than semicolons to separate the define client commands from each other and the #.


Grep with RegEx Inside a Docker Container?

Dipping my toes into Bash coding for the first time (not the most experienced person with Linux either) and I'm trying to read the version from the version.php inside a container at:
To do so, I run:
docker exec -it 1c8c05daba19 grep -eo "(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?" /config/www/nextcloud/version.php
This uses a semantic versioning RegEx pattern (I know, a bit overkill, but it works for now) to read and extract the version from the line:
$OC_VersionString = '20.0.1';
However, when I run the command it tells me No such file or directory, (I've confirmed it does exist at that path inside the container) and then proceeds to spit out the entire contents of the file it just said doesn't exist?
grep: (0|[1-9]\d*).(0|[1-9]\d*).(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-])(?:.(?:0|[1-9]\d|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]))))?(?:+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?: No such file or directory
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php:$OC_Version = array(20,0,1,1);
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php:$OC_VersionString = '20.0.1';
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php:$OC_Edition = '';
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php:$OC_VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom = array (
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php: 'nextcloud' =>
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php: 'owncloud' =>
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php:$vendor = 'nextcloud';
Anyone able to spot the problem?
Update 1:
For the sake of clarity, I'm trying to run this from a bash script. I just want to fetch the version number from that file, to use it in other areas of the script.
Update 2:
Responding to the comments, I tried to login to the container first, and then run the grep, and still get the same result. Then I cat that file and it shows it's contents no problem.
Many containers don't have the GNU versions of Unix tools and their various extensions. It's popular to base containers on Alpine Linux, which in turn uses a very lightweight single-binary tool called BusyBox to provide the base tools. Those tend to have the set of options required in the POSIX specs, and no more.
POSIX grep(1) in particular doesn't have an -o option. So the command you're running is
grep \
-eo \ # specify "o" as the regexp to match
"(regexps are write-only)" \ # a filename
/config/www/nextcloud/version.php # a second filename
Notice that the grep output in the interactive shell only contains lines with the letter "o", but not for example the line just containing array.
POSIX grep doesn't have an equivalent for GNU grep's -o option
Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of matching lines, with each such part on a separate output line. Output lines use the same delimiters as input....
but it's easy to do that with sed(1) instead. Ask it to match some stuff, the regexp in question, and some stuff, and replace it with the matched group.
sed -e 's/.*\(any regexp here\).*/\1/' input-file
(POSIX sed only accepts basic regular expressions, so you'll have to escape more of the parentheses.)
Well, for any potential future readers, I had no luck getting grep to do it, I'm sure it was my fault somehow and not grep's, but thanks to the help in this post I was able to use awk instead of grep, like so:
docker exec -it 1c8c05daba19 awk '/^\$OC_VersionString/ && match($0,/\047[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\047/){print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)}' /config/www/nextcloud/version.php
That ended up doing exactly what I needed:
It logs into a docker container.
Scans and returns just the version number from the line I am looking for at: /config/www/nextcloud/version.php inside the container.
Exits stage left from the container with just the info I needed.
I can get right back to eating my Hot Cheetos.

TCL exec echo does not work with enviornment varaibles

Let us say that I have environment variable PO, with value 1.If I use the LINUX echo command I get:
>echo $PO
However, if I use TCL and exec, I do not get interpolation:
>exec echo "\$PO"
Now, if I do something more elaborate, by using regsub to replace every ${varname} with [ lindex array get env varname ] 0 ], and use substr, it works:
>subst [ regsub -all {\$\{(\S+?)\}} "\${PO}/1" "\[ lindex \[ array get env \\1 \] 1 \]" ]
I have some corner cases, sure. But why is the exec not giving back what the shell would do?
why is the exec not giving back what the shell would do?
Because exec is not a shell.
When you do echo $PO from a shell, echo is not responsible for resolving the value. It is the shell that converts $PO to the value 1 before calling echo. echo never sees $PO when calling it from the shell.
If you are trying to emulate what the shell does, then you need to do the same work as the shell (or, invoke an actual shell to do the work for you).
Tcl is a lot more careful about where it does interpolation than Unix shells normally are. It keeps environment variables out of the way so that you don't trip over them by accident, and does far less processing when it invokes a subprocess. This is totally by design!
As much as possible (with a few exceptions) Tcl passes the arguments to exec through to the subprocesses it creates. It also has standard mechanisms for quoting strings so that you can control exactly what substitutions happen before the arguments are actually passed to exec. This means that when you do:
exec echo "\$PO"
Tcl is going to do its normal substitution rules and get these exact arguments to the command dispatch: exec, echo, and $PO. This then calls into the exec command, which launches the echo program with one argument, $PO, which does exactly that. (Shells usually substitute the value first.) If you'd instead done:
exec echo {$PO}
you would have got the same effect. Or even if you'd done:
exec {*}{echo $PO}
You still end up feeding the exact same characters into exec as its arguments. If you want to run the shell on it, you should explicitly ask for it:
exec /bin/sh -c {echo $PO}
The bit in the braces there is a full (small) shell script, and will be evaluated as such. And you could do this even:
exec /bin/sh -c {exec echo '$PO'}
It's a bit of a useless thing to do but it works.
You can also do whatever substitutions you want from your own code. My current favourite from Tcl 8.7 (in development) is this:
exec echo [regsub -all -command {\$(\w+)} "\$PO" {apply {- name} {
global env
return $env($name)
OK, total overkill for this but since you can use any old complex RE and script to do the substitutions, it's a major power tool. (You can do similar things with string map, regsub and subst in older Tcl, but that's quite a bit harder to do.) The sky and your imagination are the only limits.

grep match with string1 OR string2

I want to grep 2 patterns in a file on Solaris UNIX.
That is grep 'pattern1 OR pattern2' filename.
The following command does NOT work:
grep 'pattern1\|pattern2' filename
What is wrong with this command?
NOTE: I am on Solaris
What operating system are you on?
It will work with on systems with GNU grep, but on BSD, Solaris, etc., \| is not supported.
Try egrep or grep -E, e.g.
egrep 'pattern1|pattern2'
If you want POSIX functionality (i.e. Linux-like behavior) you can put the POSIX 2-compatible binaries at the beginning of your path:
$ echo $PATH
There is also /usr/xpg6 which is POSIX 1 compatible.
/usr/bin: SVID/XPG3
/usr/xpg4/bin: POSIX.2/POSIX.2a/SUS/SUSv2/XPG4
/usr/xpg6/bin: POSIX.1-2001/SUSv3
That command works fine for me. Please add additional information such as your platform and the exact regular expression and file contents you're using (minimized to the smallest example that still reproduces the issue). (I would add a comment to your post but don't have enough reputation.)
That should be correct. Make sure that you do or don't add the appropriate spaces i.e. "pattern1\|pattern2" vs "pattern1\| pattern2".
Are you sure you aren't just having problems with cases or something? try the -i switch.
That depends entirely on what pattern1 and pattern2 are. If they're just words, it should work, otherwise you'll need:
grep '\(pattern1\)\|\(pattern2\)'
An arcane method using fgrep (ie: fixed strings) that works on Solaris 10...
Provide a pattern-list, with each pattern separated by a NEWLINE, yet quoted so as to be interpreted by the shell as one word:-
fgrep 'pattern1
pattern2' filename
This method also works for grep, fgrep and egrep in /usr/xpg4/bin, although the pipe-delimited ERE in any egrep is sometimes the least fussy.
You can insert arbitrary newlines in a string if your shell allows history-editing, eg: in bash issue C-v C-j in either emacs mode or vi-command mode.
egrep -e "string1|string2" works for me in SunOS 5.9 (Solaris)

Analysing a shell script

This would be part of a reverse-engineering project.
To determine and document what a shell script (ksh, bash, sh) does, it is comfortable, if you have information about what other programs/scripts it calls.
How could one automate this task? Do you know any program or framework that can parse a shell script? This way for instance, I could recognize external command calls -- a step to the right direction.
For bash/sh/ksh, I think you can easily modify their source to log what has been executed. That would be a solution.
How about:
Get a list of distinct words in that script
Search $PATH to find a hit for each
bash -v script.sh ?
Bash's xtrace is your friend.
You can invoke it with:
set -x at the top of your script,
by calling your script with bash -x (or even bash --debugger -x),
or recursively by doing (set -x; export SHELLOPTS; your-script; )
If you can't actually run the script, try loading it into a text editor that supports syntax highlighting for Bash. It will color-code all of the text and should help indicate what is a reserved word, variable, external command, etc.

How to use wildcard * with graphicspath in LaTeX?

How can you have the wildcard character, for example in the following code?
You can't use wildcards with \graphicspath. You'll have to be explicit:
I found the LaTeX Wikibook a few months ago. It's a good reference for getting started.
It is true that wildcards can't be used within the \graphicspath command. However, you can use a workaround based on a bash script if you are running a Unix based OS.
In your example, you can create a script named myGraphicspath.sh:
echo -n \\graphicspath{{./}
for i in $PATH; do
echo -n \{$i/\}
echo \}
Put that script in the same folder as your .tex.
Now, you can call that script from Latex. Where you would have placed the \graphicspath command, now you type:
\immediate\write18{./myGraphicspath.sh > myGraphicspath.tex}
